7-Day Cleansing Diet & Miracle Soup Recipe



  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    I don't know if the results will last, but it definitely can't hurt you as you'll be ingesting healthy stuff.

    That's really really not true. I could ingest a 100 calorie salad every day and that would be ingesting healthy stuff, but I'd still starve to death.

    Also, undead thread is undead.

    it would probably take you longer than a week to starve unless you are already underweight and even then you'd probably have to be severely underweight to starve in that short of time.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't know if the results will last, but it definitely can't hurt you as you'll be ingesting healthy stuff.

    That's really really not true. I could ingest a 100 calorie salad every day and that would be ingesting healthy stuff, but I'd still starve to death.

    Also, undead thread is undead.

    it would probably take you longer than a week to starve unless you are already underweight and even then you'd probably have to be severely underweight to starve in that short of time.

    That's true, it would take a lot longer. But my point is that just because the food is healthy doesn't mean the plan is healthy.

    It's much healthier to eat healthy food in appropriate quantities.
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    bump for the soup recipe!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    As a nurse, I hate seeing these diets in use. The whole idea of cleansing is based on false assumptions. If you are eating right, including plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, there is nothing to "cleanse" because you are evacuating wastes in an appropriate manner. These diets encourage a state of near starvation and for some people they cause dehydration, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, the weight that is lost is mostly water weight and bowel contents, both of which will come back once you begin eating normally again. The only reason most doctors give approval for them is because most people won't stick to them for more than a couple of days, so there aren't many risks.
    The soup itself is fine. If you want to use the soup as a low calorie filler between meals or at the end of the day, great. If you want to go on a few days of vegan eating along with, that's fine too, just DO eat the beans and nuts that are required to keep some protein in your system so your body doesn't start breaking down muscle tissue, and some whole grains for the B vitamins and to make complete proteins from some of the vegetable sources.
    Please, just eat right and exercise. Don't try risky fad diets or diet supplements.


    My first thought of thread: :laugh: :noway:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The soup is really tasty. I added a pinch of chili powder to the BOWL for an added kick, as for the diet, I passed out on day 4. My doc said you CAN eat apple slices when feeling hungry. I haven't tried the diet since, but I'm going too.

    Why on earth would you try something that made you pass out previously? Unless you're eating an entire bag of apples, a few slices will not cure blacking out.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    The soup is really tasty. I added a pinch of chili powder to the BOWL for an added kick, as for the diet, I passed out on day 4. My doc said you CAN eat apple slices when feeling hungry. I haven't tried the diet since, but I'm going too.

    Why on earth would you try something that made you pass out previously? Unless you're eating an entire bag of apples, a few slices will not cure blacking out.

  • Azaelia11
    Azaelia11 Posts: 26
    the soup sounds tasteful and yummy! but i'd just eat the soup and not worry about the rest of the diet, haha
  • elle2x2
    elle2x2 Posts: 1 Member
    How much water should you be drinking with this or doesn't it matter
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    How much water should you be drinking with this or doesn't it matter

    Your usual amount, roughly 64 ounces a day.

    That said, this "diet" is really not a good idea. Subsisting on soup and only soup for days on end (especially the soup of the diet, which has very low nutritional value) is a set up for a week of starving yourself. There is no miracle, there is no magic.
  • andieesimon
    Hey everyone! I found the following 7-Day Cleansing Diet in my recipe box, and I've had it forever (about 35 years). It sounds a bit weird, but I followed this diet before, and it worked pretty well. Check with your doctor first, and then you can try it if you want. I might try it again, and see how it goes. I loved the T-J Miracle Soup! Yummy... You can just have the soup if you want, and don't worry about the rest of the diet. Take care, Laura :)

    SEVEN-DAY CLEANSING DIET--From the Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington for overweight heart patients:

    This 7-day diet plan can be used as often as you like, but I would suggest possibly only doing it once a month, at the most. As a matter of fact, if followed correctly, it will clean your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well-being you never thought possible. After only 7 days of this process, you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10 pounds, possibly as much as 17 pounds, and you will have an abundance of energy, as well. (I don't know if this much weight loss is really possible or if it would even be good for us to lose it this quickly; but, maybe it's because it's a "cleansing" diet. I think we do hold a lot of weight in our intestines... Yuck! I guess that's why we do cleansing diets, right???) Continue this plan for as long as you wish and feel the difference in both medical and physical disposition.

    T-J MIRACLE SOUP (You eat this soup as much as you want along with the other foods for each day.):
    6 large onions, 2 green peppers, 4 whole tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 head of cabbage, 1 large stalk of celery. Season with dry onion soup mix. Cut vegetables and cover with water in a large pot. Boil for 10 minutes, cover, lower heat and simmer until the vegetables are tender. T-J Miracle Soup can be eaten at any time when you feel hungry. East as much as you wish and as often as you like. This soup will not add calories, so eat all you want. The more you eat, the more you lose... Enjoy! Yum, yum...

    FIRST DAY--ALL THE FRUITS EXCEPT BANANAS: Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want except bananas. For all you melon lovers, this is the day for you. Two fruits which are lower in calories than most other fruits are watermelon and cantelope. Should you eat the melon, your chances of losing 3 pounds in the first day are great. You may also have T-J Miracle Soup today.

    SECOND DAY--ALL THE VEGETABLES: Eat until you are stuffed with all the fresh (raw, steamed, or cooked) vegetables of your choice. Try to eat green, leafy vegetables, and stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. These vegetables are good for you, but not now as you are trying to reduce your calorie intake. You may also have a large baked potato and T-J Miracle Soup today.

    THIRD DAY--FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Same as day one and day two including the T-J Miracle Soup, except for no potato.

    FOURTH DAY--BANANAS: Eat as many as 8 bananas and drink as much as 8 glasses of skim milk on this day, along with T-J Miracle Soup. Bananas and skim milk blended together in a blender is very good way to enjoy this day. Bananas are high in carbohydrates and will lessen any cravings for sweets.

    FIFTH DAY--BEEF AND VEGETABLES: You can have 10 to 20 ounces of beef and six tomatoes on your fifth day. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water in order to wash away any uric acid in your body. You may also have T-J Miracle Soup today.

    SIXTH DAY--BEEF AND VEGETABLES: Eat until your heart is content with beef, vegetables, and T-J Miracle Soup. No potato.

    SEVENTH DAY--BROWN RICE, FRUIT, AND VEGETABLES: Enjoy brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice, vegetables, T-J Soup.
  • daphie40
    daphie40 Posts: 3
    I am in the process of trying this 7 day cleanse. As a correction, the soup does add calories, it containes 145 calories per serving. As I entered the menu I am to follow, I found that the sugar intake was extremely high. With all that I have eatten trough out the day, I only consume 799 calories a day, which is very unhealthy. Don't get me wrong, the soup is delicious (especially if you are a great cook, such as myself.) and during the first day, I did loose 1 lb. I, however, do not recommend his diet unless you are under supervision of a physician. "Throwing" your body into starvation mode when it's not used to it can be overwhelming and hard to stick to( I cheated day one by eatting 3 slices of turkey lunch meat). It's hard to do and I find myself eatting every 20-30 minutes and drinking water to try and keep full. Not to mention the frequent trips to the bathroom. The soup diet is great, but I recommend each individual "tweak" the diet according to their own goals and needs. I need to loose weight in the worst way, but to loose 10-17 lb in 7 days is not the way to do it, unless you are an over weight heart patient preparing for surgery. To each his/her own. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey. May you all have much success!
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    They call this "The GM Diet", I tried it, and it's a complete fail in regards to getting the right amount of nutrition. In fact by day 3 I felt so unhealthy and exhausted. I basically dropped the idea and went back to eating healthy and cutting out the bad foods. Best choice yet!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    for only seven days it is really not that bad

    Reasonable calorie restriction and exercise is even better!
    Agreed Sara!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Isn't this just the cabbage soup diet?

    My old boss tried this, and I've never seen someone look so unhappy for an entire week.
  • daphie40
    daphie40 Posts: 3
    To be quite honest, some foods are good for cleansing. but if you REALLY want to cleanse, try taking a laxative once a month, or simply drinking prune juice weekly. Honostly, if all you are dropping is water weight(wich we as women suffer greatly from) doesn't drinking water more help?
  • daphie40
    daphie40 Posts: 3
    It takes approximately 10 days for a person to starve to death, the organs begin to shut down and you can go into cardiac arrest. The average person can go only 3 days without eatting and that's pushing the envelope.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    The soup is really tasty. I added a pinch of chili powder to the BOWL for an added kick, as for the diet, I passed out on day 4. My doc said you CAN eat apple slices when feeling hungry. I haven't tried the diet since, but I'm going too.

    :noway: :noway:
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 676 Member
  • miracle4me
    miracle4me Posts: 522 Member
    As a nurse, I hate seeing these diets in use. The whole idea of cleansing is based on false assumptions. If you are eating right, including plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, there is nothing to "cleanse" because you are evacuating wastes in an appropriate manner. These diets encourage a state of near starvation and for some people they cause dehydration, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, the weight that is lost is mostly water weight and bowel contents, both of which will come back once you begin eating normally again. The only reason most doctors give approval for them is because most people won't stick to them for more than a couple of days, so there aren't many risks.
    The soup itself is fine. If you want to use the soup as a low calorie filler between meals or at the end of the day, great. If you want to go on a few days of vegan eating along with, that's fine too, just DO eat the beans and nuts that are required to keep some protein in your system so your body doesn't start breaking down muscle tissue, and some whole grains for the B vitamins and to make complete proteins from some of the vegetable sources.
    Please, just eat right and exercise. Don't try risky fad diets or diet supplements.

    This is also called the Cabbage Soup Diet and I did it and it is very low calorie. I also became sick with the above symptoms. I only did it 3 days because I could not stand looking at the soup on the 4th day. I only ate the cabbage soup and did not put any protein in it. I agree with the Poster above and she is a nurse and her caution is wisdom.
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member