Why you should shop at thrift stores if you don't already



  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I love saving money, so I totally go Good Will and cling to clearance sales like a barnacle on a boat. Clothing is stupid expensive whist in transition, and I really can't justify spending money on clothing that I won't be able to wear in a couple of months.

    I buy all my nephew's clothing (he's currently six months) at a consignment shop called Once Upon A Child, or if it's on clearance. That little thundercloud grows too quickly for $30+ baby clothes.

    At the end of the day, if you're happy with what you've bought and the amount you paid for it than that's all that matters.

    Love, Love, LOVE!! Once Upon a Child. I find the best baby clothes there. They won't buy anything that I ever try to donate though because they are so picky in what they sell.
  • IslandRider
    IslandRider Posts: 244
    I'm always perplexed when people wrinkle their nose at wearing clothing that someone else's rear-end has inhabited yet will go in a restaraunt and drink and eat from utensils and dishes that have been slurped, spit on and *inside* of umpteen thousand people's mouth. :drinker: Yes, there are dishwashers and there are dish washers. Trust 'em implicitly with the super magic portal that is your mouth?
    Clothes are worn on top of the body unless you're some freak in the upcoming line up of TLC's "My strange addiction".

    Wash, wash, wash..hot water, bleach, baking soda, vinegar...kill the cooties. Save the wallet and slide Mama Earth a little slack.

    *hypocritcal p.s.
    Underwear and panties
    No, just no if you can avoid it. I bet even Mama Earth would agree. :flowerforyou:
    QFT :love:

    My latest was an Anne Taylor dressy sweater for $1. :heart: my local thrift store.
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I love thrift store shopping! Actually found my favorite winter jacket at one, brand new it would have been $450 (Bogner ski jackets), I got it for $20 and it looks brand new - not to mention I've had a couple people ask where I bought it. :bigsmile:
    I think in regard to weight loss it also makes sense, I went through a couple of pairs of pants (and hopefully I'll be down a couple more sizes too by this summer), and while they weren't overly expensive - I found similar pairs at Goodwill for a fraction of the cost.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    However, my spirits were immediately brightened when, upon walking into Goodwill later that afternoon, I discovered a whole RACK of plus-size pants! I guess I haven't been to a Goodwill in about a year, and the last time I went the plus size section was tiny, and looked like all the women who had been young in the 80s were finally cleaning out their closets.

    This has never happened to me.
  • Half of half is good too. They DO have brand name clothes that have been rejected by the local retailers because of a little or big flaw that's totally repairable. VERY reasonable. Savers, GW, and Salvation Army are my favorite places to buy clothes now. However, I won't try them on in the store, and I wash before I wear.
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    I love shopping at thrift stores. I found an awesome Brewer's hoodie for 6 dollars, and i've even found things with the price tag still on them. I also love finding jeans there. They are already broken in a super comfy. And i find a lot of books and nic nacs there too. Sure, i still buy new stuff, but if i can save a few dollars on something from Goodwill, who will know the difference besides my bank account?

    I had to respond when I saw the Brewers:) I grew up in Cudahy but I am much older than you. LOL My friend found an awesome vintage 1982 Brewers shirt at Value Village on Layton that countless people have offered to buy from her (one guy offered her $175!!) Crazy huh?? She was tempted but couldn't part with it.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    No, I'm not poor.

    I hear yah *high 5* LOL! My jeans alone cost £45 which is like $70

    I'm with you if you make money it must be for burning. I drive a car with the worst mileage possible too. I am not at my house but I have the sinks running full blast and all the lights are on just so I can run up my utilities. *high 5* There is simply no way I am going to by some cloths that I like for a lower price.

    LMFAO! Nice :laugh:

    I glad you understood it. Since it is the internet there was a moment when I feared that people would think I was actually supporting these douche bags. My faith in humanity has been rewarded.
  • aelfrice
    aelfrice Posts: 19 Member
    No, I'm not poor.

    Way to be an off-topic *kitten*. Right on, rich bro!
    Way to create a fake account just to say something confrontational. Right on, brave bro!

    I'm not fake. This site and app is part of my new daily routine.

    That guy was a jerk. The OP might have been sensitive about her financial situation and it upsets me to see people get trolled by entitled-sounding *kitten*.

    Dude, I know where you're coming from. I can appreciate any desire to police one's own space. This space is more yours than mine, but I am a real person. My name's Bryan Carney. I live in Cleveland, OH.

    Do you not see any irony in your post? I do. But that's totally cool with me. For all you knew, I was someone with a vendetta. Now you know better. Check out my food diary. I plan on hacking my diet with social networking. See, I already feel involved.

    Take care,
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member

    I worked at Salvation Army for a year. They have nothing against gays.

    When accused of discrimination in hiring, they said that they don't discriminate in the majority of their jobs.

    They refuse to offer same sex partner benefits. They threatened to leave NYC when an ordinance was passed requiring benefits. Bloomberg just chose not to prosecute them.

    They actively oppose marriage equality.

    Well, I should say that *MY* store has nothing against gays.

    I still love the organization. They do a lot of good for people. You can't make everyone happy on everything.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member

    I worked at Salvation Army for a year. They have nothing against gays.

    When accused of discrimination in hiring, they said that they don't discriminate in the majority of their jobs.

    They refuse to offer same sex partner benefits. They threatened to leave NYC when an ordinance was passed requiring benefits. Bloomberg just chose not to prosecute them.

    They actively oppose marriage equality.

    There is a difference between being against gays and opposing changing an institution that has existed longer than civilization. I have nothing against gays, no religious opposition, no bias, not even a little dislike, but I do not feel we need a rewrite. Protections exist under civil laws so the attempt to enforce marriage laws seems more like an attempt to infringe on other peoples religious rights just because they don't agree with you. :flowerforyou:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I think I might go to a thrift store today just for the hell of it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I worked at Salvation Army for a year. They have nothing against gays.

    When accused of discrimination in hiring, they said that they don't discriminate in the majority of their jobs.

    They refuse to offer same sex partner benefits. They threatened to leave NYC when an ordinance was passed requiring benefits. Bloomberg just chose not to prosecute them.

    They actively oppose marriage equality.

    Almost everyone refuses to offer same sex partner benefits. It's pretty rare for a company to offer it.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Maybe I don't need new clothes as often as you guys do... I am thankful to work in a job where I wear scrubs everyday, so I don't wear my regular clothes there. I absolutely hate shopping, and since I don't really go out other than in work clothes, in my life, clothes are no where NEAR an expense that's either frequent enough or high enough to need to wonder if someone used that shirt to "clean up" after, um, you know.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    my favorite is Savers. I find way more clothes that I like at way cheaper prices. Once they don't fit or I decide I no longer like it I donate it right back. I'm pretty cheap and can't bring myself to pay full price for clothes. I'm a sucker for a good deal!
  • MsLTJ71
    MsLTJ71 Posts: 26 Member
    I have an on-going pile of clothes that I donate to Goodwill. It feels great to be able to get rid of my size 20s to 30 clothes. I also shop there because I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothing that I want to only use maybe 8 months. My pants size was 22 and now I am in most 14s. There are some 14s I bought that I still cannot fit. Thrift shopping is great and you can get several items for less than $20 if you search and go on tag color discount days.
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Love the thrift stores. Why wouldn't anyone buy from them is beyond me. I'm all about saving money.
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    For the Salvation Army debaters: The Salvation Army is a church not a corporation.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member

    I worked at Salvation Army for a year. They have nothing against gays.

    When accused of discrimination in hiring, they said that they don't discriminate in the majority of their jobs.

    They refuse to offer same sex partner benefits. They threatened to leave NYC when an ordinance was passed requiring benefits. Bloomberg just chose not to prosecute them.

    They actively oppose marriage equality.

    Almost everyone refuses to offer same sex partner benefits. It's pretty rare for a company to offer it.

    I think it's still pretty rare for companies to offer benefits for any unmarried couple, same or opposite sex. When I did see that offered, I believe it was for either type of couple, so long as they could meet the requirements.
  • No, I'm not poor.

    Way to be an off-topic *kitten*. Right on, rich bro!
    Way to create a fake account just to say something confrontational. Right on, brave bro!

    I'm not fake. This site and app is part of my new daily routine.

    That guy was a jerk. The OP might have been sensitive about her financial situation and it upsets me to see people get trolled by entitled-sounding *kitten*.

    Dude, I know where you're coming from. I can appreciate any desire to police one's own space. This space is more yours than mine, but I am a real person. My name's Bryan Carney. I live in Cleveland, OH.

    Do you not see any irony in your post? I do. But that's totally cool with me. For all you knew, I was someone with a vendetta. Now you know better. Check out my food diary. I plan on hacking my diet with social networking. See, I already feel involved.

    Take care,

  • yes! I havent been a while but I'd always buy mens jeans that have a long zipper on them and cut them & fray them up to make cute mini skirts...cant beat 2 or 3 bucks!