Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jsnuggles--welcome! Have fun with your Zumba! Where are you going on your mini-vaca?

    @karenleona--I'm sorry you are struggling. I know how making bad food and exercise choices can make you feel like you're spinning out of control. As someone else (des?) suggested, try to approach it with baby steps to get back on track. I know you can do it--you have been one of my greatest inspirations since I joined this thread!

    @tlh--I hope all of your tests/bloodwork come back with good results. As far as C25K, are the cramps leg cramps or are you getting a side stitch? I only ask b/c you would address the issues very differently. Let us know, and I'm sure the runners in this thread can give you some advice specific to the issue. :smile:

    @kris--I love your point that I can always run off the starbucks--that's kind of become my approach to eating in general. :laugh: Love your new motto as well. :flowerforyou:

    @holly, gerrit, and others who've commented on my attempt to quit smoking--thanks for the support!

    @holly--love your new profile pic! Is it from your b-day celebration?

    @mel--hope your grandson feels better soon!

    @sara--It's only been a little over a week, but I swear I already feel better when running. Yesterday, I ran a 5k in under 33 minutes--my fastest previous treadmill time was about 34:30.

    @jess--Welcome--just jump right into the conversation! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I think you should do the beer run--it sounds like fun!

    @kris--I think 40 lbs in 6 months is a pretty realistic goal, though it depends on how much you have left to lose. I think you should make it a goal and strive for it, but decide you will be happy with your progress even if you don't quite make it.

    Wed. Wish:
    My wish is that I'm not getting sick. Today at work I felt awful! Headache, nausea, and super tired even though I got more sleep than usual last night. I actually had to lie down and take a nap during my lunch period :noway: --I don't think I've ever done that before.

    I realized later in the day that it might be nicotine withdrawal. The one thing I don't like about the e-cigs is that it's really hard to tell when they are running out of nicotine. It could be all gone but you can still get the vapor, so it's really hard to know. I've been using the disposable ones that are supposed to last about as long as one pack, but I'm trying not to use it too much, so it's hard to tell if I'm not using it enough to get the "right" amount of nicotine, or if it's our of nicotine. I bought a new one on my way home, and I feel a little bit better, but still not 100%, so maybe I am just getting sick. :ohwell:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @Skinny - Good for you on quitting smoking. I'd say if you HAVE to pick one, stay with Starbuck's and get rid of the smokes. You can always run off the Starbucks Also, I've been watching Bates Motel as well.... Vera Farmiga (the woman who plays Norma), I went to high school with her. She was an amazingly sweet, friendly, and talented young lady back then as well. We were in the same graduating class.

    Yes, Vera is FABULOUS as Norma. She really pulls off the creepy-underneath-normal character. She also plays the guilt-inducing mother role well. I've commented to my DH about what a great actress she is!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Just a fly-by, been getting ready for my cert exam tomorrow - its long and I feel like its been hard to prepare for (maybe because I procrastinated). I'll be back full-swing after tomorrow!

    @Karen~It sounds like nicotine withdrawal, I hope it subsides soon. On another note, if it isn't I sure hope you aren't coming down with something. I know I have been off all week - for me I think its stress & anticipation regarding this exam and allergies. I know allergens have been really high around here this week.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow, I didn't realize you loved boxing so much. I remember when yu got your boxing kit, and I'm so happy its become such a big part of your exercise routine.
    I'm the world's BIGGEST wimp. I hate confrontation.. I'm totally passive aggressive but BOY is it fun to beat the stuffings out of that bag. It's great to let go of anger/stress/aggression.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @tlh - that massage sounds like a wonderful treat!
    @walkingqueen - hihi! and a belated happy birthday to you
    @MyMowMow - I know exactly what you mean. Once I got past the halfway point, it seems like everything went into slow motion...
    @Linder - OMG! that is OUTSTANDING news! So Proud of you!
    @Des - another gamer! whee!
    @Shrinkrapt - Oh, absolutely agree on SuperUsers! I've been in that spot for two implementations (other places), this is my first time being lead on an IT project... I think it's because I can translate IT to Nurse/doctor language (most of the time)
    @MissJess - Welcome!
    @Karenleona - **big hugs**

    Free HBO this weekend was evil... I want more Game of Thrones! I LOVE IT!!
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you to all who gave feedback on the running and shakes. It just so happens that the challenge pack for Insanity and shakeology together is on sale this month so we will see. I really want to give it my best shot.

    @Karen: Thanks for the support on c25k. I really enjoy the program.
    @tlh: It gets better, trust me! Coming from the girl who always dreaded running (too slow, made fun of, etc) it is such an empowering feeling to know that in time your body will adapt and progress and you can run. I hear this a lot, but if I can do it, you can too!

    Didn't run today because I left my water bottle at work, but did my kettlebell dvd and couldn't even finish. It's amazing how out of shape your body can get when doing a different kind of conditioning. Maybe Insanity will benefit me after all.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. I hope you are all having a fairly good day. Mine has been pretty good. I had a meeting at the gym today to start their 12 week program. They discuss your goals with you and help you learn how to use the machines and gradually introduce new ones until you can utilize the whole gym. They help set up workouts and are there to awnser any questions you might have. Its the next best thing to a personal trainer and there is no extra fee for it. I think my wish for Wednesday is that I continue to enjoy working out the way I have started to the last couple of weeks. I am actually looking forward to working out and get peeved when something comes up and I cant do it. Its like night and day from the way I used to feel.
    Skinny I hope you are feeling better tomorrow
    Kah I am sure you will do great on your exam
    Holly your new pic is totally cute
    Well have a great night everyone and I will see you tomorrow.:happy:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Holly- Love the picture and that is a great outfit you are wearing.
    Karen- Great job on getting the papers graded. Enjoy the rest of your week.
    KarenL- take small steps to get back on track. You have overcome many obstacles this year, I know you will find your way back.
    Shrink-the boot camp sounds challenging- I hope it works for you.

    Tonight was interesting, I saw a friend that I have not seen in about 2 years. We have both lost weight. She has lost about 105 lbs but I almost think it was to much. She just appeared to be to thin but she is in good health. She did mention that she wanted to put on about 5 lbs. The interesting part of our conversation came when we both discovered that we had to get rid of the negative people in our lives and focus on the positives. We both cut ourselves off from the organization we belonged to and started focusing on ourselves. It was good to catch up with her again. After speaking with her tonight, I realized that I am happy with the progress I have made so far and I like the change in my appearance.

    Wish- that my friend who lost her father this week, will find peace and will start living life again. She has dedicated her to taking care of her Dad for the past couple of years to the point where friends were put the back burner. Once she has come to terms with his passing, I hope that she will find the confidence to go out and be with people and discover who she really is.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I've got a 6 a.m. flight on Thursday to go back to Atlanta for a long weekend. My dear friends husband who is battling cancer (only 39) the community is sponsoring a 5K to help offset medical costs on Saturday. I hope that I can bring them a little smile during this very difficult time in their life. They are family to me and I can't wait to hug them all. I'll definitely have to walk the majority of it, but going to throw in some run spurts too. I hate cancer and all of the people it has affected.

    On a side note, the week has been very good. While I changed my numbers to show the gain, I did take a sneak this morning and I've lost 5 of the 10. I feel so much better this week. It's amazing how much better you feel eating good food and not junk. I'll probably not be able to check in, but just log my food. Have a great weekend ahead and I'll have to catch up next Monday!! Make good food choices and get some kind of movement!!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm not sure how to state my Wed. wish. Today was a mixed bag. We had a good time with family that is here, but DH had another TIA (mini-stroke). He was having a really hard time forming sentences and finding the words that he needed. I took him into the emergency room, but since his strokes are caused by collapsing veins and not clots or bleeding, there is really nothing they can do about it. The emergency room talked to a neurologist by telephone. He reviewed his symptoms and his list of meds and said that he felt everything was being done that could be done. It will just keep happening. His last, and worst stroke, was in Feb. of 2012. This was the second TIA and he has had 2 full-blown strokes. All of them hit his speech center on the left side of his brain. There was no paralysis today, and his speech seems to be clearing up. I guess what I wish is that I can be vigilant and know what to do when it happens again.
    Food wise I did well and we got in a good walk this evening. He did just fine. Its really strange.
    Best wishes to all who are struggling, and congratulations to those of you who are having such great success. You are an inspiration to me.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Just a drive-by tonight. Watched The Talented Mr. Ripley for the first time in years. Probably since it came out. It's still a pretty discomfiting film. Good workout tonight, but not great dinner choice. I still need to work on eating out without having crazy portions or calories. Which, I guess, will be my Wed Wish: I wish it was easier to have tasty but sensible food in restaurants!

    Now I need to get to bed G'night!
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Good moring everyone. Just wanted to say thanks to MOwMOw for making things easier for me. I am really going to try to make wise food choices today and even get a walk in. I guess I stilll need to realize I have to start with baby steps to start exercising again. I just can't go that far before my back starts to hurt. I know that will subside when I get in better shape. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday- My confession is personal this week. I let a very old friend back into my life after cutting ties for a year. The girl is driving me nuts she is so negative about everything and she is sucking me into her abyss....time to distance myself again.

    I guess this in a NSV not sure tho...after the scale not moving for month and the measurments not changing....this 250lb could wear 2 pairs of pants to the Twins home opener and still have room to spare with them buttoned. Not sure what is up with that but it felt good. I am actually a Tigers fan so it was fun to see my team play at the opener.

    @All who commented on my new pic- Thanks so much it was taken at my pre b-day celebration
    @Robin- Lion King sounds so fun! Glad you enjoyed it
    @Karen- Pic is from one of my b-day dinner the night before the big celebration. I hope you are not getting sick and it is just withdrawal. Best wishes
    @M0wM0w- I giggled reading how you like to beat the crap out of the boxing bag
    @Jtconst- I loved the gym to and would go no matter what sometimes even at midnight so I wouldn’t miss. I think it is great you get that extra help for free hope they give you some great information.
    @Laurie- Prayers for your friend. As I read the post getting rid of the negative people in our lives….wow that hit home for me not just recently but over the years since I started MFP. Last year was my biggest success here and most of that year I was not lonely but alone on my journey no one could stop me. It amazes me how a person can bring us down so much and so far.
    @Susan- What a great way to support your friend have fun.
    @Kaye- What a scary moment and you will find out how to be vigilant with this because you’re a strong person.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @GrandmaKaye - I think you did great catching the VERY early signs and getting him to the ER. I'm so sorry for both of you that he has to deal with this. I stroked last year (from high BP, not a clot) and it was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me. Have they figured out what causes his veins to suddenly collapse?
    Good moring everyone. Just wanted to say thanks to MOwMOw for making things easier for me. I am really going to try to make wise food choices today and even get a walk in. I guess I stilll need to realize I have to start with baby steps to start exercising again. I just can't go that far before my back starts to hurt. I know that will subside when I get in better shape. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Suzzee, have you considered PRElogging all your food. Making up a menu a few days in advance and prelogging all your meals and snacks? That way you know exactly what you're eating and when? That way also allows you to add in a little treat each evening that you can fit into your macros.

    If I don't prelog, my day is pretty much shot to H.E. double hockey sticks. It never fails.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Sorry I have been MIA. Time kind of gets away from me sometimes. I did keep up with the thread but got off track in terms of logging. Tuesday was my birthday and for my birthday target got my glasses in! SO I now have them and they make a big difference. Everything is so clear and vivid. I will post a pic of me in them soon.

    Thursday truth: I lack motivation. There are so many reasons I need to lose weight that should motivate me but i somehow still lack it.

    Mowmow & Des I used/sill do play WoW. My account got hacked and my laptop broke and I haven't fixed either so I occasionally play on my bfs account. I miss my account. Once I get a new laptop I am going to work on getting my account back up and running.

    Lin Great news!

    Laurie I love love love your new haircut and color! It looks great on you. I wish I could pull something like that off but it wouldn't work.

    Kaye That sounds so scary. Good to hear there was no paralysis and his speech is clearing up. Just research and talk to doctors and you will find out how to be vigilant.

    I hope everyone has a great day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,144 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. Time kind of gets away from me sometimes. I did keep up with the thread but got off track in terms of logging. Tuesday was my birthday and for my birthday target got my glasses in! SO I now have them and they make a big difference. Everything is so clear and vivid. I will post a pic of me in them soon.

    Helena - a belated happy birthday..............

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I'm glad you enjoyed your reunion with your old friend and found common ground. It is interesting you saw emotional growth as well as the weight loss in the two of you as you reflected on your journeys.

    Susan - You're a great friend to go to Atlanta to visit your friends and participate in the 5k to raise money for their cancer fight. Believe they will win! And good for you for dropping off some of the weight you had gained - that's progress for you!

    Kaye - I am so sorry to hear about your husbands TIA, and that it is a continuing problem. I know you ARE vigilant and do all that is possible for him when they occur. I'm sure you wish there were more things you could actively do when these things happen, but you are doing all that you can, be assured of that. He is a lucky man to have you by his side. I'm glad his speech is resolving and he was able to go for a walk with you.

    Queen - thanks for reminding me about negative people. I keep thinking about reconnecting with a girlfriend who hurt me badly - doh - and I know I'll just get hurt again if I do - time to lay off those thoughts!

    Helena - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! isn't it wonderful to see clearly with your new glasses??
    Hey, about that lack of motivation - I have that problem too. Its SOOO frustrating. Let me know if you come up with anything!

    Thurs - well, I'm always looking forward to Thursday because I get to watch the BIG BANG THEORY!
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hello friends! As usual I've been cyber stalking this thread and not posting like I wanted to. It's a work in progress. I am determined to change my involvement. I'm pretty far behind so i don't have much input, but for now:

    @kaye - I'm sorry to hear about your DH's strokes. He's lucky to have someone like you in his life to make sure everything is being done to help. I've watched my step father deal with multiple strokes/heart attacks due to heart disease and can truly appreciate how strong of a person you must be to stick by him and care for him in all the ways necessary after an "episode".

    @jconst - I can't wait for the days where I reach the same mentality as you about working out. I want to finally feel those moments where I'm bummed because I can't get my fitness on for the day. Usually it's the other way around....I'm bummed because I have to! :ohwell: I'm using you as an inspiration for motivation!!

    I'm still chugging along. The first week of April is almost over and I have yet to crave anything I couldn't work into my calories for the day so I haven't had to rely on my substitution method yet. I'm trying my hardest to stay on point this week, but I may be catching a stomach bug of some sort. I originally thought it was my IBS. Usually when it's my IBS I have to go heavy on carbs that involve white flour (whole wheat makes it much much worse) for 1 or 2 days and all is better. It's not working this time. I figured out it must be a bug when I woke up with a fever last night. I just hope it resolves itself soon. These rumbly tumblies are the worst!!

    Thurs Truth: I too have been doing the online dating gig. I've been talking to a guy for 3 weeks now and finally decided to give him my phone number. I realized after doing this that we never exchanged names! How I missed this BIG detail is beyond me. I've mentioned my name in past conversations so I'm pretty sure, if he paid attention, he has mine. However, now I'm too embarrassed to ask for his!! :blushing:

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Helena- Happy Birthday!! So happy that your glasses arrived.

    Kaye-Glad to hear that your husband is doing better after the TIA. That must have been very scary. I know that when my father gets sick, he goes down hill very quickly and it scares me every time.

    Robin- I hope you find your motivation again.

    Reality and a pattern is starting to develop in my life and I don't think I like it. It seems that when that TOM hits my desire to exercise at night-either I am to tired or I get to busy. I am really hoping that this week is a snag and it is not going to become a monthly thing. The busy part does not bother me since I am active doing things with other people, but the laziness/tiredness is my problem. Today, I was planning on going to the gym after I finished all my tasks today. Those task included (Funeral- emotionally draining for my friends dad, dentist appoint for a consult, Amish market, home, then condo hunting then back home) By the time I arrived home I was tired and falling asleep-but I felt better after eating dinner however it was cold and I just didn't feel like going to the gym after all. Tomorrow, I will be rock climbing so that became part of my excuse as I will need the energy. I am making myself a promise that next month during TOM I will go to the gym, even if I just walk the track. Now I have more energy but it is getting to late to go to the gym.

    Truth- I have not been faithful to the gym this week and I need to get back on track.

    Saturday- gym
    Sunday- Rest (Easter)
    Tuesday- REST
    WEdnesday- REST (GYM NOT DONE):cry:
    Thursday-REST (GYM NOT DONE) :sad:
    Friday- Rock Climbing Will BE DONE.:smile: