My Fiance doesn't "Fancy" me anymore!? :-(



  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    20 pounds is not a whole lot for someone that supposedly loves you to all of a sudden not fancy you any more. What's he going to do when you get pregnant and you have baby weight to deal with afterwards? It is his problem,and sounds like maybe there is something else going on besides you gaining a few pounds. How has been otherwise? Maybe he's getting cold feet? I know we don't know each other, but I've been around the block a time or two, and this is definitely a red flag.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I don't personally know you or him, but since you posted in a public forum wanting goes.

    This does not sound like a healthy relationship to me. He sounds like a bit of a bully. Where is the unconditional love and compassion for a partner who is very obviously going through a hard time? His workout routine is his. I understand him wanting you to be healthy, but if he doesn't "fancy" you because you've gained 20 lbs there are bigger underlying issues there.

    What happens 20 years into marriage when you both have aged, begun to wrinkle, and the stress of children, work, and/or life has you pulled apart? That's when your connection is REALLY going to matter. If he is THAT concerned with your vanity over your sanity, proceed with caution. A spouse is supposed to encourage and build you up, not tear you down.
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    I know I already commented on your post, but I just read this and think it's worth sharing. Pay particular attention to the last sentence.

    This should warm your soul on a cold day...TRUE LOVE ..(A Doctor's note) Must Read n share :)

    It was approximately 8.30 a.m. on a busy morning when an elderly gentleman in his eighties arrived to have stitches removed from his thumb. He stated that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9.00 a.m.

    I took his vital signs and had him take a seat. I knew it would take more than an hour before someone would to able to attend to him. I saw him check his watch anxi...ously for the time and decided to evaluate his wound since I was not busy with another patient.

    On examination, the wound was well healed. Hence, I talked to one of the doctors to get the supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound.

    We began to engage in a conversation while I was taking care of his wound. I asked him if he had another doctor's appointment later as he was in such a hurry. The gentleman told me no and said that he needed to go to the nursing home to have breakfast with his wife.

    I inquired about her health. He told me that she had been in the nursing home for a while as she was a victim of Alzheimer's disease. I probed further and asked if she would be upset if he was slightly late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was and she had not been able to recognize him since five years ago.
    I asked him in surprise, "And you still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?"
    He smiled as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she is."

    I had to hold back my tears as he left.
    I had goose bumps on my arm, and I thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life."

    True love is neither physical nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will be, and will not be.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Look I figure there are other issues at play here too. Talk to him and sort it out, this probably isn't just about your weight.
  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    There have been many responses and I don't know if you will see this one, but it will be short and sweet.
    1) Don't let anyone make you feel unattractive or worth less than the highest order. You are a beautiful woman regardless of size and deserve to be treated that way in a loving, caring relationship.
    2) I can see why he may be frustrated if he is a fitness or running fanatic how he would miss that time with you if you had come to do that together as well as be frustrated that you were not as healthy, as he would want that as to have you as long as possible.
    3) The comment is unacceptable. He can find a more tactful, loving way to express his disappointment. If he is upset at the lack of spending that running (bonding) time with you or that it is affecting your health because he loves you, I understand. If his complaint is based fully on your looks changing, this is not a loving relationship from his end and you should consider moving on.

    I say this because my wife was at a certain weight when we met, went up 40 with our daughter, lost 50 and gained back 30. She is now 20 lb heavier and 10 years older than when we met and I am more attracted to her now and lover her more than ever. Of course I think she is beautiful, but that is not the main reason for the love or attraction. It is because I love her as a person. Of course I love her to look nice which I think she has at any weight she has been at since we have been together. I also want her to be healthy so she lives as long as possible with me. I would never disparage her though, but would try to encourage her and voice my concern for her health. Again, it seems his main issue is with the weight and the looks, If that is the case - red flag. If it is deeper and he just voiced in a really bad choice of words, you can work to get past that. Just think about what you really want in a relationship before you stay and end up in a bad marriage that could be undone just for looks. Best of luck.
  • shemama1
    shemama1 Posts: 30 Member
    I could sense the tension, I knew he wasn't happy with my choices that night, and voices he has been "disappointed" with my lack of enthusiasm for exercise and diet for several months now.

    This is what has stuck with me. I had a fiance like that and he was a bully too. I was constantly scared of how he would react to my every move and did everything I could to try to change myself to please him. It made me so unhappy.

    Whether he fancies you or not I don't think it's the issue. It was about him having power over you and making you feel like *kitten*.

    This is just my opinion but you are young and beautiful and deserve to have someone who thinks the sun shines from you.

    This is some sage advice. It's not about how he feels, it's about how he makes you feel. I've been thin and fat with my husband of almost 18 years, and every day he calls me beautiful, hugs me and treats me no different at any weight. Would he like me to be thinner? I'm sure he would. I would like to be thinner too. But he does not ever make me feel less

    I wish you well, and hope that you find peace.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    My thought was at least he was honest though, some people may say he's a jerk or mean or whatever, but to me it is better to be truthful than to string someone along, and just make the pain worse later on. Whilst it may not feel nice now, imagine if he dropped that bombshell when you've just got married. just had a child etc...

    i kind of agree with this. my husband and i have had this conversation, as he has friends who now have very overweight partners and it makes for a very awkward 'do you really need that extra slice of pizza' conversation, but surely say something before the other person becomes physically unattractive?

    might be too personal a question but how often are you intimate? has that stopped recently?

    you need to talk about it, but i dont see why you would want to stay with someone who says they dont fancy you?

    There is a way to be honest without being a jerk.

    "Downward spiral" and "disappointed" are not words you should use. I hope he's a freaking Greek Adonis if he thinks he has authority to even say that crap to you.

    That's abuse and all the women on this thread who say he's just being honest blah blah blah are probably in mentally abusive relationships. You don't let anyone talk to you like that. He sounds catty and bitter. I'd cut him loose. Life happens and we can't all exercise 3 hours a day 6 times a week. Sorry. After a 12 hour a day the only thing I want to do is freaking relax. If I worked 12 hours and came home to just want to relax and my man said he was disappointed and made some snide *kitten* comment about downward spiral, I'd tell him that he can go be disappointed somewhere else and go find some exercise barbie who wants to live to please him. Psh.

    Some of us take fitness seriously and our relationships seriously. Others don't. The two don't mix. And a 12 hour day is light weight and laughable.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Oh no... Do not marry him!!! My husband tells me I'm beautiful whether I'm at my lightest or heaviest. He's not an idiot. He knows I'm overweight and flabby, but he also takes into consideration our life stresses. When I ask him about it he says that he does want me to be healthier, but he still loves me and wants to be physical with me. I say the same to him.

    It is one thing for your fiance to say something like that and then say he is wrong, but he is sticking to his guns. This guy seems very superficial to me. When you marry someone you agree to love them for better or worse (fat or thin). People naturally gain weight over the course of their lives. Is he just going to judge you and "not fancy you" every time you gain some weight? Don't have kids then..

    Honestly, don't you think you will always be wondering if you are thin enough for him?? If you don't lose the weight is he just going to check out emotionally or leave??

    There is a man out there that will love you through thick and thin (and I'm not just talking about your *kitten*), and if there isn't it's better to be alone than to have someone sleeping next to you and STILL being alone... Get what I mean??
  • sstephanrodriguez
    sstephanrodriguez Posts: 36 Member
    Thats very insensitive I would NEVER repeat NEVER say that to my fiance, she has also gained maybe 14lbs since we met 5 years ago but I don't love her any less or am I less attracted to her.

    Its kind of selfish, not understanding and superficial.Even if what he said was true maybe its more the manor in how unlovingly he chose to deliver it.

    I have learned the hard way about how I say things and thinking from another perspective and not as a male just as a person in general.

    Regardless of your relationship issues find your own strength in life and live in the present moment. 5 minutes of meditation in the morning lunch and at night can make a difference an de -stress you.


    And don't marry him. I'm sorry, but unless he would submit to some serious communication and counseling that would maybe open his eyes to see what real love and support is in a marriage, NO.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    If you still fancy him and want to still be in the relationship, I think it is time for a tough talk. Everyone has brought up a lot of great questions. I would get together a list (mental or paper) of questions you think are important.

    For me, it would be things like:

    1. When you told me you didn't fancy me anymore, were you trying to motivate me or is there a serious problem with our relationship?
    2. You know I'm not comfortable with my current weight but what if I was? If I was happy at this weight, could you love me as I am?
    3. As we age, our bodies will definitely change. I may be able to lose weight but I know eventually I'll have a saggy bum, grey hair, crow's feet, ect.... could you love me like that or is our love based on physical attraction?

    No matter what I weigh my husband tells me every morning (and usually multiple times a day) that I am beautiful. Even when I don't like how I look (probably about 80% of the time), he points out my good features. When I talk about how much weight I've gained or how far I have to go, he says he just wants me to be comfortable with myself but I'm perfect as I am. Each week when I lose weight, he requires a bikini demonstration and praises my body and hard work.

    I know I'm a lucky gal and I give as good as I get. But I can't imagine having a long-term relationship that was any different. I've had two babies (and want two more). I have stretch marks. I had surgery that left my belly button looking like a frowny face. And pretty much it is only going to get worse (ohhhh aging....)

    But I have no doubt that I married a man who will think I am beautiful, no matter what, for the rest of our life together.
  • nacolesworld
    nacolesworld Posts: 15 Member
    Ok, so I am not really going to give advice... I am going to give you a few questions to ask yourself

    1. How often does he build you up? (As in tell you how much he cares about you, good things about you, how beautiful you look)

    2. Why did you start working out? (Did he give hints that he though you should? Did he blatantly say you should? Was it your own decision?)

    3. How does he speak to you in front of other people? (Does he talk about your weight or fitness? Does he tell his friends how much he cares about you? Does he make little jokes about you?)

    4. How often does he do things that you enjoy doing? (Things that aren't necessarily his favorite things, but you really enjoy)

    5. How does he feel about the decisions that you make about school and work? (Does he support your decisions? or make you feel like you are inconveniencing him?)

    And last, I am going to leave you with a thought (and I know some people have mentioned this): How is he going to feel when you have kids? You will gain weight for the 9 months that you are pregnant and then afterwards, even if you do loose the weight in a reasonable time, you are still going to have stretch marks and a little looseness in the lower ab area. Also, your lady parts will be totally different, especially if you breast feed.

    Hopefully you are able to make a decision that will make you happy in the long run. You are a beautiful woman and deserve to be built up and happy!

    *hugs* Take care of yourself hun
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    I was creeping your pics on your page. Your fiancé is insane. He's probably gay as well.

    You're a smokin' hot blonde. I'd be all over you like Oprah on a cupcake.
  • janicelandrum
    You deserve better. As you've described it, you are not obese, just a little heavier than you might like and currently going through stress. I dated two guys who thought I needed to be slimmer. I've been married now, many years, to someone who loves me just as I am. And, ironically, I have lost some weight --because I wanted to, not to please my man who found me equally sexy either way. In my experience, you can't lose weight out of fear or to keep someone else happy. I'm so sorry you're going through this -- but my hunch is that he's not the one for you. What if you were in an accident and had something else happen to your body? He wouldn't "fancy" you? There's a reason that many marriage vows include "for better or for worse."
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Some of you dummies are not gettin it. She wasn't active and fit when she met him! She was the same size she is now. Whether it was through manipulation or not, she started getting active with him and now her life changed, she went back to her old habits. Why could he accept that when they first met but not now? Because he feels like she needs to live off of his ridiculous expectations. I also wonder what this boy looks like...
  • mtbaker64
    mtbaker64 Posts: 53 Member
    Wow.... brings back memories for me.... I've always struggled with my weight and my husband (ex now) was blessed with no weight issues. At first he made subtle comments about my weight, then even if I would lose weight he wouldn't compliment me on it. He said "Why? You'll just gain it back anyway" Long story short.... after 24 yrs I realized it was a controling issue for him and was causing a huge insecurity issue with me. Now I'm single and struggling to over come the insecurity of my body.

    Thinking back I wish I would have handled it differently. I could have confronted him and told him that the things he said was hurtful.

    Only you can decide what to do. You need to be happy. Take care of you!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I was creeping your pics on your page. Your fiancé is insane. He's probably gay as well.

    You're a smokin' hot blonde. I'd be all over you like Oprah on a cupcake.

    lmao...listen to this guy ^^^ he is right !!
  • SGSmallman
    SGSmallman Posts: 193 Member
    Not much I can say, sometimes men are just *kitten*.... It is hard to juggle stressful work and school, good luck and trust your heart.

    How is that in any way constructive? I'm sorry but don't put this on men!

    I have been in a similar relationship before where I was constantly being controlled and constantly knocked down confidence wise by her, I skipped meals and crashed dieted to lose weight but couldn't see it.

    The way he went about telling you was wrong maybe he's tried to drop hints and he has been to subtle and has just lost his composure unless he is normally expresses controlling behaviours.

    [bold]My honest opinion is don't seek a forum for advice on your personal life and relationships, people will always give opinions depending on their own experience it doesn't make the=m right or wrong but each situation is different and only you know him and if this is out of character?[/bold]

    I just wish you happiness in whatever decision you make
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    He sounds like an *kitten*. Drop him like a hot rock and find someone who appreciates you.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,453 Member
    Hmmm he's very insensitive in how he told you that. On the other hand he was honest and him giving you a heads up is better than you finding out after you've already married him that he's been getting it on the side etc.
    it's a tough one. Is he rude and insensitive to you otherwise? If you really want a future with him you'll always be second guessing whether you're living up to his expectations.
    I'm sorry you're dealing with this.
    I noticed in your post that you said the gain was due to age? Hmm you're only 29 and you saying that sounds like you don't think you can be fitter? Not that I think you need to be, you're beautiful, but at 33 I can tell you that our age doesn't preclude us from being fit and slim.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Hey hun,

    You are still in the same size although maybe not as comfortably. A size 12UK is NOT LARGE. Hell I can't get into a 12 yet.

    Please don't make any firm plans to marry him. It sounds like he really needs to have a one to one with you. If his problem is your shape then maybe his motives of attraction were purely based on visual ideals.

    I have fluctuated so much in weight and my bf has supported me and helped me when I feel down. I really don't think this guy is necessarily the right person to spend the rest of your life with.