Do you lift heavy? Are you bulky?



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    bump for inspiration :) I am so backward. I am doing stronglifts 5x5 and I can do:
    Squats: 60
    Bench: 70
    Dead: 100
    OHP: 45
    Rows: 60

    See??? I can bench more than I can squat. I'm weird.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    bump for inspiration :) I am so backward. I am doing stronglifts 5x5 and I can do:
    Squats: 60
    Bench: 70
    Dead: 100
    OHP: 45
    Rows: 60

    See??? I can bench more than I can squat. I'm weird.

    I suck at squats. I hate them so much. Plus, I suck at them.

    *sigh* I do them anyways.

    I can still squat more than I can bench, but not by a really impressive amount.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    bump for inspiration :) I am so backward. I am doing stronglifts 5x5 and I can do:
    Squats: 60
    Bench: 70
    Dead: 100
    OHP: 45
    Rows: 60

    See??? I can bench more than I can squat. I'm weird.

    Mine are close. I'm very careful with squat form so I've always moved up very slowly on it, and that's not a bad thing. Back when I was lifting regularly my squat was 135 and bench was 115 (and deads were 200).
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
    Great job everyone!!
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I looked at strong lifts, but do any of you know of any plans I can start with at home that only requires dumb bells. I could get a bar but can't get any of the other types of equipment. Thank you.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    Stephiesteps look into sandbags, etc!
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Stephiesteps look into sandbags, etc!

    Great idea!! Thank you. Kettle bells too or no? I cant lifft too heavy yet. Do you know of a program? I like to follow something to help with goals.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    A lot of people recommend New Rules of Lifting. I personally know you don't need much equipment if you are doing at home, you can adjust. I have found these to be the best moves, that produce results: squat, squat, squat ;) dead lifts, overhead presses, bench, planks. You can Google or YouTube variations on these-like for overhead press, use your two dumbells, or 2 jugs of water, etc. do squats holding your kid. And push-ups are great, also. You just have to start somewhere!
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    And I love kettlebells but think buying the gym membership is cheaper! I supplement my heavy lifting routine every now and then with kettles when I get bored.
  • msmirandakate
    msmirandakate Posts: 13 Member
    i lift heavy, and im shrinking before my eyes. every week is a new pb, my latest? 705 pound leg press. ooh yeah.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I've just started lifting heavy- just finished week 2 of NROL4W. I am bulky, but that's because i'm fat. I'm hoping to get less bulky as i get stronger.
    So, only 6 workouts in and I am really impressed. Right now, i can Deadlift- 110lbs, and Barbell squat- 70lbs. I started off basically using body weight or the unloaded bars. I can't wait to see how things are in a month!
  • cogsblogs23
    OK, since all eyes are on this thread (you all look fantastic and WOW, so inspirational), I guess it's the best place to voice my concerns.

    I really want to start lifting heavy. I've started some basic, light-weight exercises that I do at home to help get myself used to form and start workin my muscles, since I've never really lifted before. I'm going today to get a bar and some dumbbells that go up to ~40 lbs each- I figure they will get me by for awhile.

    Here's where I'm worried. I have SUCH a hard time reconciling weight lifting and diet. It's ingrained in my brain that, as an obese women, I MUST cut a large number of calories if I want to see weight loss. But, I don't just want to see the numbers on the scale drop. I want to get stronger, I want to lose fat, and I want to eventually build muscle so I can look GOOD, and not just smaller.

    Are there any women out there who started out in the obese category who can help me? Should I drop some weight first, then start lifting? Should I lift now while maintaining a caloric deficit? Should I up calories and lift? I'm so lost.

    Stats, if it helps:

    227 lbs
    25 years old

    Start lifting now - it will help preserve muscle mass while losing weight, so your losses are fat. Lifting should not be about the calories burned (they are a bonus) but about body composition (plus a bunch of other things). You can still do cardio.

    Such a wonderful thread. I've just started lifting heavy (well working up to lifting heavy - lets just say I'm lifting as heavy as I can personally manage right now) and this is the answer I've been trawling the forums for. I am also adding 30-45 minutes cardio every day and trying to eat healthy (much healthier than before I started but not 'clean'). I have a lot to lose, and the weight isn't falling off, but I can feel a difference. Thank you - such inspiring before and afters.
  • carissar7
    carissar7 Posts: 183 Member
    This is me, on the LEFT in September 2012....I was my "bulkiest" at 142 lbs. Next to me is Jenyne Butterfly (famous pole dancer). I look huge next to her! It was a true wake up call. I only pole danced at the time and did other forms of resistance training, but nothing with barbells. I also ate whatever I wanted because I thought I looked 'fine'. I'm calling it my bulking phase lol. I gained 20 lbs in less than 2 years and told myself it was all muscle (of course that's far from the truth).


    This is me TODAY, at 126 lbs and 23% BF. Hardly bulky, and that's after I started lifting! It's kinda hard to tell though from the pic because I'm wearing REALLY baggy pants.


    I started stronglifts 5x5 a few weeks ago, but have been lifting since January this year. I also eat at a deficit (paleo-ish) in order to lose fat. It's been amazing so far. My stats are:

    Squat: 80 lbs
    Bench: 50 lbs
    Barbell row: 50 lbs
    Deadlift: 95 lbs (although I don't think my form is that good)
    Overhead press: 45 lbs (been STUCK at this for like 2 weeks! Grrrrr...)

    Again, this is just from a few weeks so I'm still a newbie. But I can already tell a huge difference from the beginning of the year. I love picking up heavy things!
  • montcowgirlwyo
    Awesome!! My daughter is same weight as you and looks awesome!! She does mostly yoga, various planks, and hand weights. I am just getting started. Can't wait to see to be back in shape again!!
  • cad39too
    cad39too Posts: 874 Member
    I don't think so.
  • skeo
    skeo Posts: 471 Member
    Bump for later inspiration!
  • J3nnaLyn
    J3nnaLyn Posts: 125
    Bumpppp. Loving this thread!
  • coffee4me57
    coffee4me57 Posts: 195
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Bump for the awesome she-hulks :P I hope to be able to post my own success one day! :D<3 You ladies are gorgeous!!!!