Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Happy Hump Day everyone! I have a couple of NSVs:
    I got measured and officially am down 1 bra size!!!!! :drinker: Yay me, so excited! Same cup but down from 44 to 42!
    And today I am wearing a size 16 pair of linen pants, no spandex and I have some wiggle room and they're comfy and cute!:happy: I'm so happy and proud and will focus on that and keep on pushing! Everyday above ground is a good day, let's work to make it great!
    Oh, and I met someone and we're going out on our second date Saturday night!:smooched: Wish me luck!:love:
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Morning all. I didn't post yesterday but we did get the results. She does have breast cancer and it looks as though it just started spreading as the samples they took from her underarm and shoulder area are positive for cancer as well. As of right now it looks like they may do a full mastectomy but we won't know for sure until Friday when she has her appointment with the surgeon. Surgery will likely take place next week.

    Tuesday goal:Not eat my emotions. Succeeded mostly. I did eat like 4 servings of chips but i counteracted by leaving my salad dressing (sodium) and cheese off my salad and just using my roasted garlic infused red wine vinegar (yum). I actually came in quite a bit under my calories yesterday.

    Wednesday wish: That the surgery and all treatments go well for my mom. Also that I am able to hold myself accountable for my food intake.

    Des I think I must have not explained well enough what happened. My mom was actually the one who was telling the nurse what the doctor had told her.

    Have a good day.
  • annaldora
    annaldora Posts: 19 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone.....yesterday was a busy day, so I didn't get on here when I got home. I volunteer on Tuesday at a local horse barn, and they had horseback riding and supper for us for helping with this past weekends "Derby" fundraiser, so we had a blast! I was tired last night!

    I didn't get to read back post much, but wanted to send my prayers to Helena for you and your mom.

    Here's to getting through today!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    lots of successes right now. congrats. lots of struggles too. prayers for everyone. i read this article today on Cracked. obviously Cracked is a humor site, but what is your take on this? i can't find it now but they cited a research study done that declared WW as the most successful site because TWO out of every 100 people who lose weight actually keep it off. they suggested in the study that it's basically impossible to lose weight and keep it off possibly because by this point our bodies are just cursed. do you know any people who have lost a great deal of weight and not gained it back over a period of years?
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    they suggested in the study that it's basically impossible to lose weight and keep it off possibly because by this point our bodies are just cursed.
    I think it's crap. I think a gradual weight gain (or gain back) is so common because I think that once we're to the point where a lot of us are (morbid obesity) it takes constant vigilence for the rest of our lives to keep from going back there... but I don't think it's because our body is 'cursed'......I think it's very doable and I think all of us CAN do it. That's a terrible article and makes all this seem hopeless and overwhelming... not what ANY person with weight to lose needs to see. That is just a piece of trash excuse to give up.

    HOw many times have we seen people write about how SLOW it comes off and how FAST it goes on. It's true, the moment we stop being vigilent and fall back into our old patterns of eating (patterns that we've had for 20/30/40/50 years) and patterns of zero exercise...then yes we'll gain it back... but not because our bodies are messed up and meant to be fat. Because our MIND has been set on a pattern of eating for a number of years and we need to work hard to keep from slipping backward into it.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Check out the national weight control registry if you need maintenance inspiration.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    they suggested in the study that it's basically impossible to lose weight and keep it off possibly because by this point our bodies are just cursed.
    I think it's crap. I think a gradual weight gain (or gain back) is so common because I think that once we're to the point where a lot of us are (morbid obesity) it takes constant vigilence for the rest of our lives to keep from going back there... but I don't think it's because our body is 'cursed'......I think it's very doable and I think all of us CAN do it. That's a terrible article and makes all this seem hopeless and overwhelming... not what ANY person with weight to lose needs to see. That is just a piece of trash excuse to give up.

    HOw many times have we seen people write about how SLOW it comes off and how FAST it goes on. It's true, the moment we stop being vigilent and fall back into our old patterns of eating (patterns that we've had for 20/30/40/50 years) and patterns of zero exercise...then yes we'll gain it back... but not because our bodies are messed up and meant to be fat. Because our MIND has been set on a pattern of eating for a number of years and we need to work hard to keep from slipping backward into it.

    i think that's the real issue is that only two people out of a hundred are willing to keep working forever even after they've done the work to lose the weight. i don't really think it has anything to do physical things. i think it's mental and as we all know there's a lot of psychology involved in getting fat in the first place.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    they suggested in the study that it's basically impossible to lose weight and keep it off possibly because by this point our bodies are just cursed.
    I think it's crap. I think a gradual weight gain (or gain back) is so common because I think that once we're to the point where a lot of us are (morbid obesity) it takes constant vigilence for the rest of our lives to keep from going back there... but I don't think it's because our body is 'cursed'......I think it's very doable and I think all of us CAN do it. That's a terrible article and makes all this seem hopeless and overwhelming... not what ANY person with weight to lose needs to see. That is just a piece of trash excuse to give up.

    HOw many times have we seen people write about how SLOW it comes off and how FAST it goes on. It's true, the moment we stop being vigilent and fall back into our old patterns of eating (patterns that we've had for 20/30/40/50 years) and patterns of zero exercise...then yes we'll gain it back... but not because our bodies are messed up and meant to be fat. Because our MIND has been set on a pattern of eating for a number of years and we need to work hard to keep from slipping backward into it.

    i think that's the real issue is that only two people out of a hundred are willing to keep working forever even after they've done the work to lose the weight. i don't really think it has anything to do physical things. i think it's mental and as we all know there's a lot of psychology involved in getting fat in the first place.

    And how many WW losers become exercise hounds? I look at my sister as an example of success because after she lost her weight she continued to do Jazzercise 3 times a week. Her weight did come up from her very low of a size 6 to a more comfortable size 14, but she is 5-7" tall. But her weight stabilized at that level right after she lost it and she maintained her size 14 for all these years after she lost her big loss. And she didn't do it on WW, she did it on her own, counting calories and exercising.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    i think that's another factor. people lose more weight than they should at first. and even if they gain twenty pounds out of a hundred back i would still count that as a permanent success. in the article they mention that jarod of 'subway' weight loss fame is 'fat again' when in reality he's nowhere near where he once was before losing weight. he's just not as thin as he was when doing subway commercials.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: I wish that people would quit trying to over-analyze weight loss. There are many strategies to get there, but the only way to succeed is to eat less than you burn. There are too many people out there making money off of people who are looking for a quick fix or a "secret" to weight loss. The truth is that you can lose weight and keep it off at any age if you are willing to do the work. I agree 100% that is a big portion mental. That is why so many people are unsuccessful at keeping off their weight, even after surgery, because they haven't dealt with the issues and attitudes that got them there in the first place. I am the poster girl for losing and gaining. I hope that I'm wiser now! I'm certainly older.:wink:
    Hang in there. We can all do this.:flowerforyou:
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    My Wednesday Wish: that I sell all 8 loaves of bread and all 3 dozen cookies tonight. 3 loaves and 2 dozen cookies are pre-ordered, so really I have an additional 5 loaves and 12 cookies to move.

    Oh, and that I remember to get the remaining 40 of my 70 squats done BEFORE I realize it's 10:30 and I haven't done them yet.

    @ tlh0407 - Sure! :) The address is currently:

    It's the free version, as soon as I've saved up enough I'll actually register the domain. Please excuse the slightly fuzzy pictures, best I can do with the built-in webcam on my laptop... also awaiting the savings for an actual camera.

    Please do critique ruthlessly otherwise though!

    @ RobinsEgg - Re: dieting & baking... that right there is why I loveLoveLOVE the IPOARM method (TDEE-%). There is literally NO food that's out of bounds. If I want it, and there's room in my calories (and sodium, because that seems to be my tripping point), it's "come to mama!!" So yes, I eat my bread and my cookies and everything else I make, but I do so in reasonable portions so that I don't end up starving w/ no calories left by 4pm!

    It's actually really good advertising, because my customers are mostly from my church, so they see me 2-4x a week. I almost always have samples with me, and they see me eating what I bring, AND they see me losing weight. They ask the same question... "How do you do it? If I was surrounded by bread and cookies all day I'd be a blimp!"

    Then I get to tell them about MFP and IPOARM and (my secret weapon) the recipe builder tool here. Every single item I produce for the bakery has a recipe in my diary page (sorry, no, not sharing, trade secrets & all *winkwink*), so I know pretty exactly what's in each sugar cookie, brownie, or slice of temptingly fresh bread. I also have what I like to call "hell with it" days built into my routine, literally plotted in advance on my calendar, one day in every ten. I allow tweaking for unexpected events & special gatherings, but I try to schedule date nights & restaurant stops for those days. The idea isn't "PIG OUT" so much as "okay, I'm going to just relax and enjoy the meal and not think about serving sizes or sodium counts today."

    Today's NSV - I was really really wanting to dive into cookies and soda, and I made a big salad instead. Twenty minutes later, lo & behold, I'm good. Cookies? After dinner. Soda? Pft. The only kind in the house is Pepsi and I don't even LIKE Pepsi. Don't need it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,130 Member
    Total change of subject - my make-up arrived.:blushing: :blushing:

    I put a bit on this morning and went to the store. :noway: I was stared at a few times and I don't know if it's my laughable attempt at makeup :grumble: or the old clothes:angry: I had on. Not a success first time outta the chute...........I'll try again another day.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tag - you're it. Next 3 people---drink a glass of water!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- That the trip to New York goes well and that everyone has a great time.

    Marsha- Welcome Back. Glad the procedure went well. Keep up with the rest so you will heal completely.

    Off to bed a very busy two days to come.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I put a bit on this morning and went to the store. :noway: I was stared at a few times and I don't know if it's my laughable attempt at makeup :grumble: or the old clothes:angry: I had on.

    I prefer to think that they were staring at you and wondering how you became even MORE beautiful.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    So I got the "come to Jesus" talk from my trainer today. Also known as, "You're doing a fairly small percent of what you should be if you really want to see change. You CAN do more. Get on it." I'm doing this intellectualizing thing as he's talking (I'll take defense mechanisms for $800, Alex): noticing the motivational interviewing techniques, rationalizing why I am not going to follow his food plan, and saying nothing, rather than no, until he finds a goal I can live with. And thinking about my recent choices to have a coffee drink, or chocolate, or whatever. Not because it's good for me, and with willful inattention to the nutrition label. But because, in the moment, I want it. And THEN thinking about the patient I'm weaning off of 4 abusable meds because the word "no" ceases to exist when any sort of feel-good drug, legal or not, happens to be nearby. And boy, do I need the reminder about the skill of "Nonjudgmental".

    This is more a Truth than a Wish. Oh well, close enough. After midnight in three US time zones, just not mine.

    So my May goal is now a positive rather than negative frame: keep cals <2000/day and keep up exercise on vacation for 2 weeks. And meet my targets for the rest of this week and the last week of May, when I'm home. If I do that, I will come into June at or below my present weight.

    Occasional butt-kicking from friends is welcome, appreciated, and likely necessary. Seriously. Today's convo with the trainer did not feel good. But I needed it.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Helena - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's diagnosis. I know she'll fight the good fight and you'll support her.

    Shrink - sounds like a plan - with 2 weeks of vacation you are smart to plan on maintenance for the month - and if you want continuous butt-kicking in June I'm here for ya!

    I met my downstairs neighbor yesterday when she came to my door to mention my bathroom was leaking down into her light fixture in HER bathroom under mine! Oh the joys of condo ownership.... I checked immediately and found my toilet to be leaking slowly from the seal! I have a plumber coming today,( along with an air conditioner repair man to fix that problem too.) Its going to be an expensive day for me!
    :sad: Other than that, my neighbor seems to be an outstanding person with all kinds of mutual interests. I think we are going to get along great. Of course I took full responsibility for her damage and gave her my insurance info!

    I am doing quite well on watching my calories and have been under most days this week. Not so good on exercise, but the back ache and pain have been my constant friend, so will stick with calorie restriction and muddle along.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Robin~Nope, out of the boot. Baby steps, I guess. I’m slowly introducing walking on the treadmill again, but won’t be able to run again until after next appointment which isn’t for 3-months (if he releases me).

    @Caramel~Great NSV! I think losing inches is a better measurement of success than the number on the scale, we can sometimes get obsessed over that number – especially if it doesn’t move.

    @Helena~I’m sorry for your mom’s diagnosis, sounds like the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes – a mastectomy is most likely the best course of action, so they can get the lymph nodes too. A friend of mine at work was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, same scenario – she had a double mastectomy and as a result was able to avoid chemo. She is now cancer free. They did breast reconstruction at the same time (usually how they do it nowadays). Best wishes for her surgery and recovery.

    @Toots~I’m in agreement with what others said. I’ve read similar studies, I think there is a certain percentage of people that are predisposed to obesity through genes – as a result, it can become extremely difficult for them to lose weight and keep it off. The other percentage of people are just lazy – I believe it’s in our mindset, which really follows other facets of life. If we set our minds to it, the weight can be lost and kept off – I know people that have done it. WW is a great program, for some people – I know people that have done it and kept it off, but for every person that has done it and kept it off there are probably 2 that haven’t. While I followed WW for a number of years and have them to thank for getting the ball rolling on my weight loss, I attribute most of my success to watching calories/fat/protein and making sure that the calories I expend are greater than the calories I consume. It can be done, I think people just need to want it bad enough.

    I don’t know what happened, I was working on this 2 hours ago and I guess I forgot to post it. Geez!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. Hope the week is treating you all fairly good.
    Helena my prayers are with you and your family right now. I hope everything goes well with your moms treatment.
    I have just been doing more of the same the last few days. I like routine and boredom for the most part in my life:happy: Most times it seems excitement is attached to drama I could happily live without. Well since I missed yesterday my wish would have been that I wasnt so dang tired. I told my mom I seem to go go go for about a week and a half and then I get slapped around by the exhaustion fairy one day:laugh: Good news is I dont feel near as tired this morning. My truth for thursday is if it doesnt rain soon and knock the pollen out of the air I might rip my eyes out of my head:laugh: They are so sore from me rubbing them and the whites are so red I look like a massive druggy:ohwell:
    Well I will get to the gym sometime today and get my strength circuit done and then for cardio mom and I are doing massive monthly stockup so I am going to wear my hrm only while in each of the stores and see what I burn. I think since we only go to this extent once a month I can count it as a workout and since I am my only boss what I say goes:laugh:
    Well have a great day everyone and dont forget to grab some water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Howdy all!!! I am keeping up with diet and exercise.... warmer weather sure is motivating!!! Now if it would just quit raining so I can get my garden planted, I would be happy....:grumble:

    Thursday truth, There have been several times this week I have remembered things I had consumed but forgot to record but since I was at least NEAR calorie goal WITH the forgotten items, I did not bother to record them. I know this could become a really dangerous habit should I let it continue, so I am working harder at recording EVERYTHING!!!