Eating pizza, pop tarts, & ice cream while losing weight



  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Maybe this works for you (although I don't know how), but I don't think that should be recommended to any one trying to lose or even maintain their weight. Sure you shouldn't give up the foods you love, but eat them in moderation. Eating ice cream everyday is not moderation and is ridiculous, for anyone actually even someone not trying to lose weight.

    I agree. Eating ice cream everyday is just not healthy. Even if you can do it and still lose weight. You have to think about what it does to your body in the long run. Junk food turns your body into junk. Eventually it will break down. We are talking about making you more susceptible to diseases like diabetes and cancer and heart disease even stroke. It's ok once in awhile ,but daily is another story.

    This is not true.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Maybe this works for you (although I don't know how), but I don't think that should be recommended to any one trying to lose or even maintain their weight. Sure you shouldn't give up the foods you love, but eat them in moderation. Eating ice cream everyday is not moderation and is ridiculous, for anyone actually even someone not trying to lose weight.

    .Junk food turns your body into junk. Eventually it will break down.
    Says someone with no AVI.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I totally agree, on Monday I slipped up and had 3 Hershey kisses and it went downhill from there. Not to mention it was "that time"for me (sorry if that's TMI) but after those 3 little Hershey kisses all I wanted was more chocolate so I went to family dollar and bought bags of chocolate candy and I feel miserable for eating all that sugar. I plan to get back on track asap!

    don't feel miserable. no shame. no guilt. those chocolates won't have much impact on you so long as you don't do that every day. it's ok to slip up from time to time. we all do it. ALL OF US. there is not a perfect person on the planet. this is actually the very important point this thread is making... that if you don't restrict your diet for non-medical reasons, you are less likely to slip up and less likely to binge and also less likely to crave certain foods. the key is to know how to fit the foods you want into your diet when and where appropriate.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
  • hessenkat
    hessenkat Posts: 9 Member
    This! x
  • mmickeep
    mmickeep Posts: 22 Member
    Sure you shouldn't give up the foods you love, but eat them in moderation. Eating ice cream everyday is not moderation and is ridiculous, for anyone actually even someone not trying to lose weight.

    Eating the foods you love in moderation is exactly what he recommended.

    How is eating ice cream every day not moderation? Please. There are a lot of us on MFP who eat ice cream almost every day and lose weight and have great body composition.

    Interestingly, if you pick out the most successful people on MFP in terms of achieving phenomenal body composition and health, they eat a lot of food people like you would consider "bad" or "unhealthy." People like Sara and Taso and Magerum are the absolute models of fitness success, and they eat things like ice cream daily.

    Take your lessons from the people who display astonishing personal success and not what your preconceived ideas of "good" and "bad" food are.
    I agree with you. I eat ice-cream every day, I eat dark chocolate every day, and pizza every week. There is nothing wrong with any of these things. I have lost 40 lbs and have been maintaining now for months.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I would caution against processed foods. While you will lose weight if your caloric use exceeds your intake, the quality of your long term health will not improve. Ice cream and pop tarts everyday will not teach your body to burn fuel as efficiently as whole unprocessed foods. Additionally, consistently consuming foods like pop tarts and ice cream increase insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes

    That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy a sweet treat every now and then, but replacing your guilty pleasures with something a bit less guilty will help you long term. My former addiction? Mint chocolate chip ice cream every night religiously. I've replaced that with Greek yogurt (that comes in every flavor. Weekday breakfast? Irish oatmeal with a cup of raspberries.

    I wasn't easy, but after some youtube videos and encouragement from some friends, I scaled back my relationship with processed food. I actually started seeing results, my energy levels went up, and I actually ate less. Once in a blue moon, I splurge and eat something totally indulgent. The previous commenters were correct, food shaming is out; however, I would strongly encourage you to be aware of the long term effects of pop tarts and ice cream every day. best wishes

    Epic first post, welcome to the forums! :flowerforyou:

    Absolute nonsense. I average between 140 - 200 g a day in sugar. As of last week my fasting blood sugar level was 71mg/dL. Sugar does NOT cause diabetes.

    For those who typically don't read sources:

    Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes
    People who develop type 2 diabetes are more likely to have the following characteristics:

    •age 45 or older
    •overweight or obese
    •physically inactive
    •parent or sibling with diabetes
    •family background that is African American, Alaska Native, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/ Latino, or Pacific Islander American
    •history of giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
    •history of gestational diabetes
    •high blood pressure—140/90 or above—or being treated for high blood pressure
    •high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or good, cholesterol below 35 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or a triglyceride level above 250 mg/dL
    •polycystic ovary syndrome, also called PCOS
    •prediabetes—an A1C level of 5.7 to 6.4 percent; a fasting plasma glucose test result of 100–125 mg/dL, called impaired fasting glucose; or a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result of 140–199, called impaired glucose tolerance
    •acanthosis nigricans, a condition associated with insulin resistance, characterized by a dark, velvety rash around the neck or armpits
    •history of CVD

    You. Cannot. Bend. What. Works. For. You. To. Work. For. Everyone.

    You're like an Atheist who won't shut up about how there is no God-- I can understand trying to educate people who are actively harming their bodies with the way they eat but for chrissakes, let people eat what they want and stop soapboxing so damn much.

    Just because YOU are eating pop tarts and ice cream every day-- and feel proud enough about it to post constantly, whoopee for you-- doesn't mean everyone wants to, should, or has to be like you to be successful!

    Please just stahp


    BRAVA! BRAVA! :flowerforyou: Thank you.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm shocked this thread hasn't gotten locked yet from all the butthurt going on.

    Who wants to join me for chicken alfredo and tiramisu tonight?
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    Some people just want to lose weight.

    Some people want to actually be healthy.

    Enjoy your crappy processed foods.

    THIS!!! ^^^^^:drinker:
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Came for the flame-war, staying for the cat pictures.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Maybe this works for you (although I don't know how), but I don't think that should be recommended to any one trying to lose or even maintain their weight. Sure you shouldn't give up the foods you love, but eat them in moderation. Eating ice cream everyday is not moderation and is ridiculous, for anyone actually even someone not trying to lose weight.

    I agree. Eating ice cream everyday is just not healthy. Even if you can do it and still lose weight. You have to think about what it does to your body in the long run. Junk food turns your body into junk. Eventually it will break down. We are talking about making you more susceptible to diseases like diabetes and cancer and heart disease even stroke. It's ok once in awhile ,but daily is another story.


  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
  • Jacqadactle
    Jacqadactle Posts: 62 Member
    If calories in is less than calories out, you will lose weight according to the Dietetics Association.

    Personally, I just don't feel as well or energetic eating ice cream every day instead of fruits and other whole foods. And when I do eat sweets or "junk foods", even though they're in my caloric range, I notice a difference.

    Scientifically, while hitting your macros is often used in weight loss, without including whole foods in the diet you won't hit your micros, which are just as important.

    Basically, it's all about balance. Eat treats, but eat healthy, too.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Don't do it! Yes if it fits your diet you can do it but sugar makes you crave sugar so you are really only making it harder on yourself. If you keep tossing pizza and icecream at your taste buds how do you ever expect the healthy food to compete? Use it like it is meant to be used - as a treat.
    Personally, I just don't feel as well or energetic eating ice cream every day instead of fruits and other whole foods. And when I do eat sweets or "junk foods", even though they're in my caloric range, I notice a difference.
    :drinker: to you both!!
    and to the corn eating cat as well!!:laugh:
    Some people just want to lose weight.

    Some people want to actually be healthy.

    Enjoy your crappy processed foods.

    THIS!!! ^^^^^:drinker:
    I'm for feeling healthy, energetic and no sugar highs and lows... poptarts would never work for me, and I'm OK with that... they taste like cardboard ...but I say if that's the breakfast of your choice.. it's your decision to make!:smile: Just like mine might be Steel cut oats and nut butter.

    I guess I don't consider a healthy portion of icecream (a nice quality one) even a comparison to poptarts... one is garbage, one has actual food value in it, depending on the brand/ingredients of the icecream
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    I'm going to Logan's Roadhouse and I *will* be having one of their delicious 270 calorie buttery rolls! I'll have to trim elsewhere and make sure I get a little walking in, but I'll be just fine.

    There is absolutely no reason you can't lose weight while eating yummy foods! For people who are just maintaining, I imagine it is even easier!