Is this the worst that can happen to me?



  • LeahT84
    LeahT84 Posts: 202 Member

    It has nothing to do with one another, If it annoys you then don't comment on their post!
    Hi pot, meet kettle, you're black.

    You just went against your own advice.

    The OP has a GREAT POINT!

    Yes, we should be focuses on ourselves, and on our health, but should we cry and throw in the towel every time we mess up? NO, life is about making mistakes and OVERCOMING them. We should all have the mindset to say "Is this the worst thing that could have happened to me?" The answer is usually no. So you caved in and ate a piece of birthday cake, it's not the end of the world (unless you have diabetes and knew that the sugar intake would cause you to go into diabetic shock). You skipped the gym because you were tired? Then go later or go tomorrow. YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING so be thankful that you are around to worry about your health. Yes, worry about it, but should you complain every single day over every little calorie you knew you shouldn't have put in your mouth? Heck no!
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    You know, just cause you've witnessed a bunch of stuff doesn't mean other people's concerns are invalid. Seeking advice and support is what this board is for. Um, look at the title.

    I'm a cancer survivor. I think I've suffered enough for you. At some point I may be concerned about a hamstring or something less threatening. That's what this board is about.

    point I am trying to make is this: when someone is feeling frustrated about losing those last three vanity pounds, or going over their daily caloric intake by only 300 cals, a little perspective can help them from feeling so disheartened.

    This particular thread is about learning to appreciate what we have overcome, weight challenges aside, and letting go of some of the obsessive thoughts we have over our body size and shapes. There are always WORSE things that can happen.

    As a cancer survivor, I am shocked to read you didn't "get" the message here. I'd think surviving cancer trumps pulled hamstrings any day. I know a few cancer survivors who are just happy to be alive.

    I too am a cancer survivor and I completely get your post. there ARE a lot worse things than a few lbs or a bad scale day... I had many and too many people I love have as well so I agree its time to "lighten up" no pun intended
  • MissSharon2013
    MissSharon2013 Posts: 536 Member
    You know what, EVERYONE on here will of had some **** to face at some point in thir lives. Some more so than others. I have had some awful things happen to me, but they happened to ME, they are not things I feel the need to share with the world wide web or use them to berate over people with if I feel they are being trivial about weight loss and calorie counting.

    I personally find your post quite offensive. This is a diet and fitness forum. Not a 'who's had the crappiest deal in life forum'. If people want to moan about anything diet related,or have question to ask let them, that's kinda what the site is about. It doesn't matter if it seems trivial. Life goes on, we exist, we have to be happy, if weight loss helps make us happy after **** things happening to us thats only a good thing.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member

    ...because I sincerely believe things will change now.


    Oh wow, that's awkward to watch. and yet applicable...

    Hug it out, people. Just hug all this awkward right out.
    Hug until it doesn't feel awkward, anymore.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OP I think you will find that `whinge` is not the same spelling as `whine`

    I would not usually pick someone up on a spelling mistake, but as you seem to deem it necessary then I will give you this one FoC

    Complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way.
    An act of complaining in such a way.

    Actually, I DO know what it meant, and apparently you didn't catch the subtle implication. It's a term used more often in the UK and Australia, and is a variation of the Americanized "Whine" (OR vice versa). and I actually like your version more than ours. So yeah, that was what the wink was for. Get it now?
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I understand what you're saying, OP, and I don't disagree, but everyone's problems are real and large to them. We don't get to decide how things make other people feel. Something that would be minor to many people can be a massive obstacle to someone who doesn't have the same coping skills that we do.

    When I read threads like that, I quietly roll my eyes, think that person is very lucky that their minor (to me) issue is the biggest thing they have to worry about, and either ignore the thread, or try to make them feel a little better.

    ^This FTW
  • larlo74
    larlo74 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for this, it's always good to remember that life is actually pretty good and inhaling that pile of cake will not bring about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse! :wink:

    Unless it was their cake. I think Famine would be pretty ticked about losing his cake.
  • PezAzul
    PezAzul Posts: 42
    This is a very disappointing thread to see here under "Motivation and Support". I am new to this site and I am alone on my weightloss journey. I have no IRL support system when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy. Joining MFP and being able to notate my successes and discuss my disappointment greatly increases my confidence in making this lifestyle change a success.

    Then I read threads like this and feel embarrassed for any time I put on my profile news that I messed up or asked a silly question on the forums. Yet, why should I be? The point of this website is is to discuss weight and fitness issues, no matter how trivial they may seem to you.

    It'd be a different scenario, quite callous actually, if someone expressed frustration about a 300 cal overage on a cancer support forum. However, this is a weight-loss forum and even more, this is a Motivation and Support sub-forum. It should be expected that there would be superficial posts which are well within the context of the purpose of this website.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I love how a bunch of strangers on computers are sitting at home on the internet or perhaps on iphones complaining about what is worthy of complaining about. got em? I got em!
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    HTFU people!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    This is a very disappointing thread to see here under "Motivation and Support". I am new to this site and I am alone on my weightless journey. I have no IRL support system when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy. Joining MFP and being able to notate my successes and discuss my disappointment greatly increases my confidence in making this lifestyle change a success.

    Then I read threads like this and feel embarrassed for any time I put on my profile news that I messed up or asked a silly question on the forums. Yet, why should I be? The point of this website is is to discuss weight and fitness issues, no matter how trivial they may seem to you.

    It'd be a different scenario, quite callous actually, if someone expressed frustration about a 300 cal overage on a cancer support forum. However, this is a weight-loss forum and even more, this is a Motivation and Support sub-forum. It should be expected that there would be superficial posts which are well within the context of the purpose of this website.

    You shouldn't feel embarrassed. You are absolutely right. Expressing your frustration or disappointment in your progress or lack thereof is what this site is for. As I said in my previous post, everyone's problems are big to them, and talking about that sort of thing to to be expected here.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You know, just cause you've witnessed a bunch of stuff doesn't mean other people's concerns are invalid. Seeking advice and support is what this board is for. Um, look at the title.

    I'm a cancer survivor. I think I've suffered enough for you. At some point I may be concerned about a hamstring or something less threatening. That's what this board is about.
    This just needed a repost.
  • bambi2578
    bambi2578 Posts: 155 Member
    You know what, EVERYONE on here will of had some **** to face at some point in their lives. Some more so than others. I have had some awful things happen to me, but they happened to ME, they are not things I feel the need to share with the world wide web or use them to berate over people with if I feel they are being trivial about weight loss and calorie counting.

    I personally find your post quite offensive. This is a diet and fitness forum. Not a 'who's had the crappiest deal in life forum'. If people want to moan about anything diet related,or have question to ask let them, that's kinda what the site is about. It doesn't matter if it seems trivial. Life goes on, we exist, we have to be happy, if weight loss helps make us happy after **** things happening to us thats only a good thing.

    ^^^^^^ This
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    It's not 'I ate too much, the world is ending', it's 'I can't do this, I'm not good enough . . . . " etc. etc. That's what people are really saying. It's not cancer, but it's not nothing.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i've heard this term "contemplating your navel" used to describe people so wrapped up in themselves. everything that goes on with them is blown out of proportion because they're not looking up to see the rest of the world, they're just focused on their navel.

    i dont think the op is talking about everyone. if i'm correct, the op is talking about those out there that think what is going on with them, ie, i ate 300 cal over, i'm didnt lose any weight, etc., is the worst thing that happened to them that day. instead of looking around and seeing that, no its not. its just a bump in the road.

    bumps happen. we dont have to whine about every bump. sometimes its better to have the bump, learn from it, and move on. not everything that happens to us needs to be voiced.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    larlo74 you just made me laugh out loud and now my family is looking at me like I've lost my mind
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    i've heard this term "contemplating your navel" used to describe people so wrapped up in themselves. everything that goes on with them is blown out of proportion because they're not looking up to see the rest of the world, they're just focused on their navel.

    i dont think the op is talking about everyone. if i'm correct, the op is talking about those out there that think what is going on with them, ie, i ate 300 cal over, i'm didnt lose any weight, etc., is the worst thing that happened to them that day. instead of looking around and seeing that, no its not. its just a bump in the road.

    bumps happen. we dont have to whine about every bump. sometimes its better to have the bump, learn from it, and move on. not everything that happens to us needs to be voiced.
    How do you know? How do you know that isn't the worst thing that has happened to them that day? How do you know they aren't struggling with an eating disorder? Who gets to draw the line? I could easily say no one ever has the right to complain on this site because in the grand scheme of things, weight loss isn't as important as the global economy, or the issues with North Korea. This web site IS the place to complain about those 300 calories and no weight loss. Either we support everyone or no one.
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for this, it's always good to remember that life is actually pretty good and inhaling that pile of cake will not bring about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse! :wink:

    Unless it was their cake. I think Famine would be pretty ticked about losing his cake.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    the end of the world for one person is different for another. something bad that happens to me that i freak out about may not bother someone else, and vise versa.
    personally, whenever i am down i try to live by the "it could be worse" philosophy. i could be living in a third world country where i am killed for speaking ill of my government. things don't seem too bad after thinking that, and that really helps.
    but for someone who maybe has never been exposed to something horrific, watching someone be killed or attending a child's funeral, to them going over 300 calories could be the end of the world.
    you don't seem to be offering motivation and support in the motivation and support thread.
    also, not to speak for the whole ed/disordered eating community, but for myself, going over calories or not losing very well can be the worst thing to happen.
    edited to fix typos