Fit For Future Families



  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member

    I am really trying to not weigh myself today. I ususally weigh in on Fridays, but have been doing so well this week, I'm just curious. Oh yeah, I got the Polar Ft7 HRM and it is so awesome! It is quite motivating seeing that calorie count burn increase. It makes me want to keep moving. I wore it all day yesterday just to see what I burn in an average day. It's pretty interesting.

    I am looking to get a HRM but can not decide what one. I can only assume you would recommend the Polar Ft7 HRM? Where did you get it and how much, if you don't mind me asking? We are in the process of remodeling our rental house and its kind of hard to log how many calories burned. MFP doesn't really give you the option for calories burned while ripping down drywall.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member

    I am really trying to not weigh myself today. I ususally weigh in on Fridays, but have been doing so well this week, I'm just curious. Oh yeah, I got the Polar Ft7 HRM and it is so awesome! It is quite motivating seeing that calorie count burn increase. It makes me want to keep moving. I wore it all day yesterday just to see what I burn in an average day. It's pretty interesting.

    I am looking to get a HRM but can not decide what one. I can only assume you would recommend the Polar Ft7 HRM? Where did you get it and how much, if you don't mind me asking? We are in the process of remodeling our rental house and its kind of hard to log how many calories burned. MFP doesn't really give you the option for calories burned while ripping down drywall.

    I have the same one, love it! Got it at the big sporting goods store that starts with a D (MFP edits it...:laugh: ). It works great, and has really motivated me to work out harder. I think it was $109.99.

    Just called my docs office, and my bloodwork is still not back... She said the nurse would call me as soon as they get it.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hopeful - How does it compare to what MPF was calculating? I'm starting to really want one!

    LHuffman - fingers are still crossed!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    I have done really good with getting my 10,000 steps per day in. However, the last two nights I have been invited out to dinner, and have made some poor choices.

    I have entered into the 2WW. I have found it does get a little easier each month. Today I also took the last pill in the first bottle of prenatal vitamins that I had bought. Its a little sad, because I figured I would be pregnant by the time I reached the end of a bottle.

    OH....and someone at work today said they can notice I have been loosing weight. Funny, because I have gained a few lbs recently. I think it is probably because I bought some new pants, that actually fit me!

    Hope you are all having a good day, and LHuffman, I hope you hear some good news VERY soon.
  • baileke
    baileke Posts: 6
    Hello I just started myfitness on Monday and am having a blast finding all of the tools offered to help me in my weight loss journey. I was happy to find this message board because many of you are in the same position I am. My husband and I have been TTC for 4 months now and it's hard not to get discouraged. We were expecting it to be super easy like it was with our 3 year-old son. I attribute my being overweight to some of the reason as to why I have not been able to conceive. It is also the reason why my periods are irregular. I was overweight when I got pregnant with my son, but I am now about 15 pounds more overweight. I want to be as healthy as possible for my next little one. Even though I don't encourage it I never had any problems being pregnant with my son. In fact I lost weight my entire pregnancy to a total of 20 pounds. No issues with blood pressure, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia. After reading many of your posts I now realize that I was more on the luckier side with that. I just want to let those overweight ladies out there know that they can have a normal healthy pregnancy where they don't gain or even loose weight. I ate fairly healthy and cut out almost all of my caffeine. The biggest benefit that kept me in check was the feeling that I was always full when I wasn't. I never really had cravings and just wasn't that into food that much (a first for me :happy: ). I want all of the ladies out there to try not to stress about it. I am trying to take this all in stride and continue on to eat healthy and take care of me. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself first and if you slip up tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hello I just started myfitness on Monday and am having a blast finding all of the tools offered to help me in my weight loss journey. I was happy to find this message board because many of you are in the same position I am. My husband and I have been TTC for 4 months now and it's hard not to get discouraged. We were expecting it to be super easy like it was with our 3 year-old son. I attribute my being overweight to some of the reason as to why I have not been able to conceive. It is also the reason why my periods are irregular. I was overweight when I got pregnant with my son, but I am now about 15 pounds more overweight. I want to be as healthy as possible for my next little one. Even though I don't encourage it I never had any problems being pregnant with my son. In fact I lost weight my entire pregnancy to a total of 20 pounds. No issues with blood pressure, gestational diabetes, or preeclampsia. After reading many of your posts I now realize that I was more on the luckier side with that. I just want to let those overweight ladies out there know that they can have a normal healthy pregnancy where they don't gain or even loose weight. I ate fairly healthy and cut out almost all of my caffeine. The biggest benefit that kept me in check was the feeling that I was always full when I wasn't. I never really had cravings and just wasn't that into food that much (a first for me :happy: ). I want all of the ladies out there to try not to stress about it. I am trying to take this all in stride and continue on to eat healthy and take care of me. The best thing you can do is take care of yourself first and if you slip up tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start.

    Welcome! Great perspective.

    Tahmed - good luck!! I hope it's a successful 2WW!

    LHuffman - how frustrating! I'm still hoping it comes back with a BFP!
  • baileke
    baileke Posts: 6
    Thanks! Oh yeah and I forgot...

    SW - 276.8 (08/09/10)
    CW- ??? (We will see on 08/16/10)
    GW - 145

    Mini Goal 15lbs
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    baileke - thanks for the kind words! A friend of mine was in a similiar situation - she only gained 12 lbs, and was smaller post-pregnancy than she was before.

    Okay all - this ulcer is killing my tummy - I'm not hungry, except that I am. LOL I have 900 calories left for the day, and only supper to go, and all I can stomach is bland basic food. Breakfast was a banana, snack was an apple (didn't go over well with my stomach), lunch was some mashed potatoes (decent, but after the 3/4 cup serving my belly hurt), and I've just had some chocolate milk (very bad idea).

    So do I worry about the sudden loss of calories for a few days until the medcation kicks in? Or do I just listen to my stomach? I can tell you I have NO energy whatsoever, so I'm certainly not over-doing it.
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Definitely listen to your body jalara! If you can't stomach anything, don't force yourself and make yourself more uncomfortable. Hopefully the medicine will do its job.

    So, I'm really peeved now :angry: I STILL have not heard anything from my doctors office, however, I just received a phone call from my pharmacy telling me my prescription was ready to be picked up... So, no one is going to call me and tell me my blood test was negative, you're just going to call in a script for me, and let me find out that way? Wow... I just switched to this group of doctors because of the wonderful things I had heard about them. They are in the process of moving to another building this week, but shouldn't patient care be your number one priority?? Maybe I'll have to look into another doctor soon... :grumble:
  • baileke
    baileke Posts: 6

    Is there maybe a nurse practitioner you can leave a voicemail for? I know that my doctor and her nurse get bogged down quite a bit, but the nurse practitioner in the office always gets back with me no matter the question within an hour.

    It's just a thought :smile:
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    LHuffman, UGH! that sucks! But, I hope they have the decency to call soon. I'm about to fly out there an demand an answer...where do you live?

    Jalara, I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Please take care of yourself only 10 days to go!!!!!! I agree with LHuffman, you should definitely listen to your body and do what you feel is best.

    Baileke - Welcome!

    Tahmed - what's 2WW?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Agree with everyone, Jalara, listen to your body. You'll only do yourself more harm than good by forcefeeding yourself.

    LHuffman, what a disappointment. I would be at their offices asking for an explanation already...
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    lhuffman - I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted, and i think it's extremely unprofessional that no one from the doctors office called to give you results

    jarla - listen to your body. I hope you feel better soon!
  • Hopeful4757
    Welcome baileke. It was nice to hear your perspective.

    lhuffman - I can't believe it's taking that long!

    jalara - listen to your body. Apples make me feel queasy as it is without peanut butter or something. I know - it's weird. Someone said it was because of the acids and I've heard others say that now too. I'd lay off them with the ulcer.

    I LOVE my HRM. I also got it from a sports store - initials S.A. :laugh: That's so funny it's edited. It was also $109.99. What a great investment. I have not been able to compare it yet because I've been doing different things than I normally do at the gym with it on. I'll try to go tomorrow to compare it with the treadmill. That's the one I can almost count calories on myself I do it so often.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Moody? Check.
    Tired? Check.
    Feeling bloated and unmotivated? Check.
    Craving starches and sweets? Check.
    Crampy thighs? Damn....

    A nap, a small handful of ibuprofen with a lot of water......and quite possibly an attitude adjustment look to be in my immediate future.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I posted on here a few weeks ago and totally forgot about it and just found it again. Im into the message boards alot more lately since other sites are not active.

    Im getting tons of "wow"s and such about my loss which feels good but then I feel so fat still and I wonder wow I musta been huge before but o well :D. Everyone around me knows someone or is pregnant which makes waiting to TTC harder on me but financially things with DH's new job arent going as quickly as expected so it wouldnt be the best time to ttc anyways. It just sucks that life decisions like this have to be based on finances. O well. We are still shooting for april as TTC and as soon as he gets his car fixed and I get my van back I will be getting my IUD taken out.

    Im super excited that my weight loss has started to kick up again. It was slowing and then last week I got a big 3 lb loss and yesterday was my weigh in for the week and it was only a lb but TOM was here so Im not really letting that bring me down. Im down 35 lbs and officially halfway to my first goal. I am hoping I can make it to goal or pretty darn close by november since I will be taking my daughter to a concert of her the only person she listens to musci from lol. Shes 5 btw. And Im tired of taking my kids to places and being the fat frumpy mom. I wanna look nice along with my daughter. I do desperately need to get new jeans already which I hate because I dont want to buy new pants every 3 months but the ones im wearing I have already made a new button hole in and cant take it in anymore and are super baggy. they are starting to look like mens pants on me. I think I may feel much better about the weight loss once I can wear a nice pair of jeans.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Hey, just wanted to check in a bit early. I keep forgetting to check in around here... anyway, I am down a tiny bit to 222 and hoping to at least maintain that on vacation this week. Actually, I'm hoping for a loss since this is PMS week and that is when I am usually dealing with the water weight (yes, unfortunately I can't imagine that I am pg this month). Hope all of you have a great week!
  • Hopeful4757
    Good for you on the weight loss, CudyBug. Treat yourself to that new pair of jeans. There's nothing better than a great pair of jeans that fit nice.
  • Hopeful4757
    Alright - so I went to the gym and got on my good old elliptical. I worked out for 31 minutes. This normally results in about 400 calories burned - or so I thought!!!

    The elliptical said I burned 395 calories. I figured it would be right around there or maybe a little more even. I got home and typed it in and MFP estimated I would burn 660 calories. Well, I looked at my new HRM (which I used to love so much) and I only burned 236 calories!!!!! What the heck?!?! All this time I thought I was burning so much and poof! My dreams and everything has been an delusion!

    Now, one more thing - I got the fancy HRM and it deciphers based on heart rate if you are in the "fat burning" zone or "fitness" zone while working out. Well, I was only in the "fat burning" zone for like 3 minutes! How do I change this? I want to burn fat, not that I mind the fitness, but first and foremost burn fat.

    Sorry for the rant, I just couldn't believe it.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alright - so I went to the gym and got on my good old elliptical. I worked out for 31 minutes. This normally results in about 400 calories burned - or so I thought!!!

    The elliptical said I burned 395 calories. I figured it would be right around there or maybe a little more even. I got home and typed it in and MFP estimated I would burn 660 calories. Well, I looked at my new HRM (which I used to love so much) and I only burned 236 calories!!!!! What the heck?!?! All this time I thought I was burning so much and poof! My dreams and everything has been an delusion!

    Now, one more thing - I got the fancy HRM and it deciphers based on heart rate if you are in the "fat burning" zone or "fitness" zone while working out. Well, I was only in the "fat burning" zone for like 3 minutes! How do I change this? I want to burn fat, not that I mind the fitness, but first and foremost burn fat.

    Sorry for the rant, I just couldn't believe it.

    If I remember my high school health class, the body burns fat at a lower intensity than at what it enhances cardiovascular function (I could have that mixed up though :ohwell: ). If you work out a little less intensely (so your heart isn't going as fast), you'll probably see a higher time in the fat burning zone.

    Here's a link:

    Interesting perspective on whether to work out in the Fat Burning vs. Fitness Burning