Ladies . . . how many dates?



  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    Depends on how HOT you are.....:bigsmile:
    How YOU doin?

    I once made a guy wait 14 years. Oh wait, we were friends for 14 years before I slept with him :laugh: Even then, when we started dating, I didn't put out for 4 months. But, 4 months isn't a magic number, it just happened that way.

    I put out on the first date for a klondike bar :tongue:
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I enter, my cue in hand. I did not plan on coming this evening. I worked the closing shift at the Thruway and just want to go home. I am late, the pool matches have already begun. We are facing a team I do not know.
    I see him. He is at the table lining up a shot. His eyes are intense, I can not look away. His movements are fluid and controlled, each stroke hits it's mark. I am lost in his game, my breath is matched with his. My senses are alive with an animal desire that is consuming my reason. I want him! I am now a jaguar on the hunt. He stands no chance for I knew how to peruse this prey.
    His match is over, I congratulate him on his win. I now have his attention. I step up to the table to display my talent. My opponent is of no concern to me. The game I am playing is not on the felt. I lose my match but he is interested.
    We are talking and I learn we share a common pain. His wife of four years has just left him. I easily convince him that a mindless release is the medicine he needs. He says "I have been out of the game for so long that I do not even know how to begin to hit on a woman let alone close the deal." He is making it so easy to seduce him. I tell him the blunt truth, a method that has never failed me, I say "I have been divorced for six months and I want nothing more from you than a night of passion. I just want to satisfy a selfish need. I will make this real easy for you. I will drive you home, when we get there if you ask me in you will get laid. It is just that easy!" He is now mine.
    We are in my car and I can sense he is excited and uncertain. I feel powerful, confident,and in control. We are stopped at a red light. I turn to look at him and say "We should at least kiss before we go any further." He leans in and our mouths meet in a clumsy kiss while I try to pay attention to the traffic light. The light turns green and we are driving again. I turn into his drive way, kill the engine, turn to him and say "This is where you make your decision."
    He quickly invites me in and offers me a drink. I turn to him and smile, saying "I did not come here for a drink!" I now move to the open bedroom door and make my intentions clear one last time. He needs no more encouragement and instantly covers the distance to me. We come together as if we have known each other for a life time. We satisfy our physical needs. Spent we lay in each others arms enjoying the afterglow of intimacy. I fade in and out of sleep for an hour. All of the sudden I realize there is a closeness that I feel in this strangers arms. A contentment I have not felt in a long time. I need to leave now!
    I get up and dress moving brusquely trying to shut out that unwanted feeling. I am at the door ready to leave. I say "It was fun. Thank you." He says " That's it? Can I have your number? Can I see you again?" I am frozen in place. I think to myself: Who is he to change the rules of my game? I want nothing more than this one night. Why am I giving him my number?
    Seven years have passed and I am now the mother of two beautiful boys. I often think back on the night that changed the direction of my life. I am grateful my husband had the audacity to challenge my rules.

    ^^This is awesome. I almost didn't read it as well but I'm glad I did.
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    One or two unless I don't find them attractive.

    Then it's about 5 or 6.

    got to say, if I don't find them attractive, I'm not putting out or going on dates. Unless you mean physically attractive, wait, if I find your personality cool but not physically attractive, that's called friends.

    So, yeah.
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    [I put out on the first date for a klondike bar :tongue:

    Seriously tho, who wouldn't. Love them Klondikes....:smooched:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    First date both times. But knew them for at least a month before the first date.

    but, um, tim??? this post was for the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadies.

  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    My current relationship started as friends with benefits, the FWB situation I ended when I started seeing some one that only lasted 2 months and when that ended I gave my FWB a call and it took him less than a week to ask me to be his girlfriend after the previous relationship ended. He recently told me that he liked me from the beginning but he was too shy to say anything about it and he thought he didn't want to be in a committed relationship witch is what i was looking for. Then I when I was involved in the other relationship he wished he said some thing sooner, it was hard for me at first to accept his feelings because i was focusing not having feelings for him and that's exactly what he went and did. But today we are happy together.
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member

    ^^This is awesome. I almost didn't read it as well but I'm glad I did.

    Just goes to show you never know where things will take you.
  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I enter, my cue in hand. I did not plan on coming this evening. I worked the closing shift at the Thruway and just want to go home. I am late, the pool matches have already begun. We are facing a team I do not know.
    I see him. He is at the table lining up a shot. His eyes are intense, I can not look away. His movements are fluid and controlled, each stroke hits it's mark. I am lost in his game, my breath is matched with his. My senses are alive with an animal desire that is consuming my reason. I want him! I am now a jaguar on the hunt. He stands no chance for I knew how to peruse this prey.
    His match is over, I congratulate him on his win. I now have his attention. I step up to the table to display my talent. My opponent is of no concern to me. The game I am playing is not on the felt. I lose my match but he is interested.
    We are talking and I learn we share a common pain. His wife of four years has just left him. I easily convince him that a mindless release is the medicine he needs. He says "I have been out of the game for so long that I do not even know how to begin to hit on a woman let alone close the deal." He is making it so easy to seduce him. I tell him the blunt truth, a method that has never failed me, I say "I have been divorced for six months and I want nothing more from you than a night of passion. I just want to satisfy a selfish need. I will make this real easy for you. I will drive you home, when we get there if you ask me in you will get laid. It is just that easy!" He is now mine.
    We are in my car and I can sense he is excited and uncertain. I feel powerful, confident,and in control. We are stopped at a red light. I turn to look at him and say "We should at least kiss before we go any further." He leans in and our mouths meet in a clumsy kiss while I try to pay attention to the traffic light. The light turns green and we are driving again. I turn into his drive way, kill the engine, turn to him and say "This is where you make your decision."
    He quickly invites me in and offers me a drink. I turn to him and smile, saying "I did not come here for a drink!" I now move to the open bedroom door and make my intentions clear one last time. He needs no more encouragement and instantly covers the distance to me. We come together as if we have known each other for a life time. We satisfy our physical needs. Spent we lay in each others arms enjoying the afterglow of intimacy. I fade in and out of sleep for an hour. All of the sudden I realize there is a closeness that I feel in this strangers arms. A contentment I have not felt in a long time. I need to leave now!
    I get up and dress moving brusquely trying to shut out that unwanted feeling. I am at the door ready to leave. I say "It was fun. Thank you." He says " That's it? Can I have your number? Can I see you again?" I am frozen in place. I think to myself: Who is he to change the rules of my game? I want nothing more than this one night. Why am I giving him my number?
    Seven years have passed and I am now the mother of two beautiful boys. I often think back on the night that changed the direction of my life. I am grateful my husband had the audacity to challenge my rules.

    Good read. :)
  • Sarah_L_S
    Sarah_L_S Posts: 121
    I don't have a rule for how many dates. My past longer term relationships (1-3 years) it all happened pretty fast, after a few dates. Saying that, I haven't been on a date in 3 years... :ohwell:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Depends on how HOT you are.....:bigsmile:
    How YOU doin?

    I once made a guy wait 14 years. Oh wait, we were friends for 14 years before I slept with him :laugh: Even then, when we started dating, I didn't put out for 4 months. But, 4 months isn't a magic number, it just happened that way.

    I put out on the first date for a klondike bar :tongue:

    Klondike bars are pretty awesome. I remember there used to be a planters peanut one that was just out of this world....for that I might have put out on the first date. But they've been discontinued since I was like...14, so. /shrug
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    First date both times. But knew them for at least a month before the first date.

    but, um, tim??? this post was for the laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadies.


    Clearly I break the rules. :wink:
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    No idea. It's been 20 years since I went on a date. But now that I'm getting a divorce (sob) I suppose I'll find out sooner or later.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    It's on if he brings me cheese or plays with my hair...

  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    I enter, my cue in hand. I did not plan on coming this evening. I worked the closing shift at the Thruway and just want to go home. I am late, the pool matches have already begun. We are facing a team I do not know.
    I see him. He is at the table lining up a shot. His eyes are intense, I can not look away. His movements are fluid and controlled, each stroke hits it's mark. I am lost in his game, my breath is matched with his. My senses are alive with an animal desire that is consuming my reason. I want him! I am now a jaguar on the hunt. He stands no chance for I knew how to peruse this prey.
    His match is over, I congratulate him on his win. I now have his attention. I step up to the table to display my talent. My opponent is of no concern to me. The game I am playing is not on the felt. I lose my match but he is interested.
    We are talking and I learn we share a common pain. His wife of four years has just left him. I easily convince him that a mindless release is the medicine he needs. He says "I have been out of the game for so long that I do not even know how to begin to hit on a woman let alone close the deal." He is making it so easy to seduce him. I tell him the blunt truth, a method that has never failed me, I say "I have been divorced for six months and I want nothing more from you than a night of passion. I just want to satisfy a selfish need. I will make this real easy for you. I will drive you home, when we get there if you ask me in you will get laid. It is just that easy!" He is now mine.
    We are in my car and I can sense he is excited and uncertain. I feel powerful, confident,and in control. We are stopped at a red light. I turn to look at him and say "We should at least kiss before we go any further." He leans in and our mouths meet in a clumsy kiss while I try to pay attention to the traffic light. The light turns green and we are driving again. I turn into his drive way, kill the engine, turn to him and say "This is where you make your decision."
    He quickly invites me in and offers me a drink. I turn to him and smile, saying "I did not come here for a drink!" I now move to the open bedroom door and make my intentions clear one last time. He needs no more encouragement and instantly covers the distance to me. We come together as if we have known each other for a life time. We satisfy our physical needs. Spent we lay in each others arms enjoying the afterglow of intimacy. I fade in and out of sleep for an hour. All of the sudden I realize there is a closeness that I feel in this strangers arms. A contentment I have not felt in a long time. I need to leave now!
    I get up and dress moving brusquely trying to shut out that unwanted feeling. I am at the door ready to leave. I say "It was fun. Thank you." He says " That's it? Can I have your number? Can I see you again?" I am frozen in place. I think to myself: Who is he to change the rules of my game? I want nothing more than this one night. Why am I giving him my number?
    Seven years have passed and I am now the mother of two beautiful boys. I often think back on the night that changed the direction of my life. I am grateful my husband had the audacity to challenge my rules.

    Good read. :)

    Thanks beautifull
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It's on if he brings me cheese or plays with my hair...


  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have never been on a date. I just make friends with a guy and then marry him apparently... and hence the two divorces under my belt. Good grief that sounds pathetic. :sad:
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member
    I put out on the first date for a klondike bar :tongue:

    Seriously tho, who wouldn't. Love them Klondikes....:smooched:
    ^^^ Hahaha

    It all depends on the chemisty with the guy. I'm an impatient gal though ...
    I put out after two weeks with my ex. We were together for almost 5 years.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    WOW. This post isn't creepy or anything. What are you, some kind of creep?

    I've got to figurre out who to friend request somehow . . . .
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i don't ''put out''.
    two adults decide that they are mutually attracted, then spend time together until both of them are comfortable enough in each other's company to enjoy sex. that takes as long as it takes.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    You're supposed to go on a date first? I thought that's how you GOT dates....My whole life is a LIE!

    ha ha so true :D
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