Absence Before Marriage



  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    I tend to agree that there needs to be a physical compatibility in every romantic relationship to a point. If you refrain from having sex, that may or may not present a problem when the "big day" arrives. I feel like I would need to know everything about the person I'm going to marry before I make that commitment.

    That being said, it's, obviously, your call. It's a personal choice and no one has the authority to tell you that it's wrong. Good luck to you.
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    You can do and be anything you want...do not have sex before marriage but really explore why you feel this way..sex is so healthy amazing a gift from God I have it regularly and it is great for my fitness goals as well....!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I tend to agree that there needs to be a physical compatibility in every romantic relationship to a point. If you refrain from having sex, that may or may not present a problem when the "big day" arrives. I feel like I would need to know everything about the person I'm going to marry before I make that commitment.

    That being said, it's, obviously, your call. It's a personal choice and no one has the authority to tell you that it's wrong. Good luck to you.

    Look at your darling kiddo!
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I don't understand abstinence at all, your virginity isn't a gift to give someone, it was treasured before because back then there was no DNA tests and wealthy men wanted to insure that the son that will inherit his wealth is ACTUALLY his.
    Sex isn't a gift to give to man either, since both parties should be able to enjoy it equally if it is done right.
    To all the men and women saying that they would date someone with "too many miles on them", shame on you. How does respecting someone correlates with how many ****s you had in you?!
    Also abstinence is the most ridiculous form of contraception, use condoms
    Educate yourselves and stop slut-shaming.

    Firstt hat's your opinion. Second don't you ever try and say that I'm uneducated because I don't want to give up my virginity to just anyone. I want it to be special and I'm really sorry if your first time wasn't special but that doesn't mean that it can't be special. What you're doing is bacisically shaming anyone whose a virgin on this thread by telling us we're uneducated and essentially rude. I don't give a **** who sleeps with who, I don't care if you really ARE the biggest slut in the world, I'm never going to assume that of someone else because you dont' know what has gone on in there life to make them do what they do.

    Also to the person that is running around saying that rape victims are no longer virgins, I don't see it that way. I know what virginity is 'technically' supposed to mean but I don't see rape as sex. I see sex as two people consenting to complete that kind of act together. Rape is forced, and you still have that peice of you who WANTS to do it to give away, and I think that is, to ME what my virginity is. The piece of me that wants to give my first time away to someone I care about. If that's wrong to other people fine, but it's what I believe and it's MY body. I really wish people would understand that more. It's great to have your opinions on what YOU would do but to sit here and blantantly tell people they are wrong for either wanting to have sex or for not wanting to have sex is not okay. We all own our own bodies, they are ours to do with what we will. No one has the power to tell us otherwise, not even God IF YOU CHOOSE TO BELIEVE, and if you don't that's great for you but no matter what you should never EVER let someone else make those chooses for you.

    I honestly hope that everyone here who is bashing others comes to understand that you shouldn't attack and belittle other people for doing things the way they want with their own body. I came here thinking it would be nice to maybe find some like minds, and of course see other peoples opinions but the amount of shaming and putting down has made me sick. You can state your opinions without bashing other people's. My opinion hasn't changed. I'm holding out for the right guy, the right moment, I'll know when I'm ready, I'll know when it's that moment.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Darling mayday,

    Your sex life is yours alone. No-one can or should tell you who to sleep with.

    Using phrases like "the biggest slut in the world" means that you think you have the right to say who someone else should sleep with.

    If you want someone to respect your sex life then you should extend the same consideration to others, n'est pas?
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    Darling mayday,

    Your sex life is yours alone. No-one can or should tell you who to sleep with.

    Using phrases like "the biggest slut in the world" means that you think you have the right to say who someone else should sleep with.

    If you want someone to respect your sex life then you should extend the same consideration to others, n'est pas?

    Did you even read the whole thing? I said I don't care if you are, as in I don't care if everyone else is running aruond saying that about you and that is your reputation, but I'm not going to say that. I don't care who sleeps with who ever because it's not my business and honestly I really don't care for the details of anyone's private life. If you want to sleep with tons of people, I don't care, if you want to sleep with a few people, don't give a ****, if you just want to sleep with one person, good for you have fun, and if you don't ever want to have sex, that's your choose. Why would I care what goes on with people in their bedrooms, behind closed doors (or however else/wherever else they care to do it)
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Yes, I read the whole thing. You said that you don't care if I have a slutty reputation.

    That assumes there is such a thing as a slutty reputation for you to disregard.

    My contention is that there is no such thing as a slut or a bad reputation. The idea that women should be classified according to their sexual activity is repugnant.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    Yes, I read the whole thing. You said that you don't care if I have a slutty reputation.

    That assumes there is such a thing as a slutty reputation for you to disregard.

    My contention is that there is no such thing as a slut or a bad reputation. The idea that women should be classified according to their sexual activity is repugnant.

    Uhhh...your contention is stupid. It aims to change the voiced opinion of much of the world. Good luck with that.

    Not that I disagree with what you're saying...but all the same, good luck with that. As long as you're at it, you should campaign for men not being called slutty for being, you know, slutty. Just to keep things totally equal and non-offensive.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Wow I might have to read the whole darn thread, LOL. IMO, sex is a wonderful byproduct of healthy living. Why deny what is great (as long as you stay safe?)!
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Yes, I read the whole thing. You said that you don't care if I have a slutty reputation.

    That assumes there is such a thing as a slutty reputation for you to disregard.

    My contention is that there is no such thing as a slut or a bad reputation. The idea that women should be classified according to their sexual activity is repugnant.

    Uhhh...your contention is stupid. It aims to change the voiced opinion of much of the world. Good luck with that.

    Not that I disagree with what you're saying...but all the same, good luck with that. As long as you're at it, you should campaign for men not being called slutty for being, you know, slutty. Just to keep things totally equal and non-offensive.

    The idea that men should be classified according to their sexual activity is equally repugnant. Women suffer such classification disproportionally, I reckon. No data to offer, though.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I did not mean to kill the thread. I have been doing a bit of that.

    There are many things which were once received wisdom which are now debunked. Some social issues are dying harder than others, but die they shall, because we are smart.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    However, to say that "God wants the very best for people and knows that more intimacy and trust is lost with each partner" is, in my opinion, a silly way to think. I also think this statement could only come from someone who does not have the experience of intimacy and trust with many people.

    You know nothing about me
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Yes, I read the whole thing. You said that you don't care if I have a slutty reputation.

    That assumes there is such a thing as a slutty reputation for you to disregard.

    My contention is that there is no such thing as a slut or a bad reputation. The idea that women should be classified according to their sexual activity is repugnant.

    Uhhh...your contention is stupid. It aims to change the voiced opinion of much of the world. Good luck with that.

    Not that I disagree with what you're saying...but all the same, good luck with that. As long as you're at it, you should campaign for men not being called slutty for being, you know, slutty. Just to keep things totally equal and non-offensive.

    I'm with the Dutchman on this one.
    Once a woman sleeps with a man (not her husband), her reputation is open for discussion whether she likes it or not.
    She doesn't have a say if she is now referred to as "slutty".
    All the "enlightened" thinking and "advances in equality" etc. will not change this.
    The only way to prevent this deragatory label is to not sleep with him in the first place.
  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    What if you got married and then realized you are not sexually compatible???
    I would not want to put myself in that position! I am not going to tell anyone else what to do though.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    I personally do not abstain before marriage but if that's what people choose to do then good on them!! So good for you if that's what you feel is right for you :) x
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    God, mustang, what are you saying?

    The only person who has any say regarding a woman's sex life is the lady herself.

    Anyone who says differently is a sexist sob.

    What century are we in, again?
  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Sex in and of itself is not "morally wrong".

    I believe God designed it as a special gift between a husband and wife.
    It is the most intimate part of your relationship.

    When you wait you are demonstrating a selfless type of love that says, I love you so much that I am willing to deny myself in order to do what is best for you and our marriage.
    It is the highest level of respect you can give someone.

    I don't see it as a restriction but rather as a protection from a loving God.
    He wants the very best for people and knows that more and more of that special intimacy and trust will be lost with each subsequent sexual partner.

  • Beastmode454
    Beastmode454 Posts: 340 Member
    Its up to you! if you think that is what your heart is leading you to do then do it, say pure.. but stick to it... don't do none of this in the middle bs... either you keep the oven off or turn it on.
  • mlcantwell
    mlcantwell Posts: 243 Member
    God, mustang, what are you saying?

    The only person who has any say regarding a woman's sex life is the lady herself.

    Anyone who says differently is a sexist sob.

    What century are we in, again?
    I didn't read the whole thread but I agree with you on a women's right to control her own sex life and body. Same for the fellas as well.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    What if you got married and then realized you are not sexually compatible???
    I would not want to put myself in that position! I am not going to tell anyone else what to do though.

    Not to pick you out personally, but to use your point as it has been echoed many times in this thread.

    Are married couples incapable of growth and change?
    If they're not so hot the first night, week, month then their fate is set in stone?
    They can't learn what their spouse enjoys and work to change and please them?
    I believe you can be with someone for years and think you know all about them only to discover new, deeper facets of their personality.
    And we change as we grow older and (hopefully) more mature.
    What if someone is great in bed while you're dating/ engaged and then becomes a dud after you're married?