30 Day Shred starting August 1, 2010



  • courtneysmith3212
    I started the 30 day shred on Saturday and am wondering what everyone's results have been so far. If you wouldn't mind telling me how much weight and or inches you have lost since day 1 I would appreciate it. I need some motivation. Oh yeah and are you doing any additional work outs on top of the DVD.

    Thanks!! Sara

    Let's see I started the shred on August 1st, and I weighed 202 and I am down to 195.8 I think thats what I posted earlier today.. as far as inches I am waiting for the 30 days to see where I am at.. but I weigh myself every week and post it.. um.. I did do one week of TaeBo on top of the Shred.. and sometimes I do the Wii..but lately I have just been getting the shred done.. so yea..

    Level 2 Day 6 CHECK! Today I just don't want to do any other workout.. although I could probably use it... is that so bad???
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    LEVEL 2 CHECK! I am glad to see it go! I never felt like I got a lot better doing level 2, did you? it was a toughie!

    bring it level3!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    MFT2010 - I agree, level 2 really never got any easier, it killed me every time!

    I did L3D1 last night! I hadn't watched it first, though, so I was once again confused and surprised by a lot of the moves. Boyfriend said he heard me from from the basement yelling "SERIOUSLY!?!?" which I think I said when Jillian decided to have double jump rope in the WARMUP. I was sad about that. I really like level 3, much more than level 2. The jump training is quite a challenge though. I was a little thrown off by the new moves last night, so I really didn't give it 100% but I'm looking forward to working extra hard tonight to make up for it, now that I know the moves a little better. I'll check back in later tonight!
  • courtneysmith3212
    level 2 day 7 complete! can't wait for this week to already be over!!
  • shellishell
    L1D1 started yesterday - used 2lb weights, which was all I had, aside from the 8lb weights I knew was too much to start with. Didn't really think I was getting alot out of it with 2lb weights, nice cardio & heart rate was up....was kinda doubting the effect....UNTIL THIS MORNING! My arms, shoulders, legs are quite sore....I plan to stay on L1 for at least 7 days and then decide from there if I should go a few more days or move up.

    I also did some additional ab exercises, but not much.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L1D1 started yesterday - used 2lb weights, which was all I had, aside from the 8lb weights I knew was too much to start with. Didn't really think I was getting alot out of it with 2lb weights, nice cardio & heart rate was up....was kinda doubting the effect....UNTIL THIS MORNING! My arms, shoulders, legs are quite sore....I plan to stay on L1 for at least 7 days and then decide from there if I should go a few more days or move up.

    I also did some additional ab exercises, but not much.

    haha I did the same thing on L1D1! I was so upset because I thought I wasn't going to be sore at all, but by the end of the next day I was limping around!
  • fariiraf
    hey everyone! im new and just starting the 20DS-I did it a couple of times before, but looks like now i have the motivation with you all :smile:

    Btw--how are you guys logging this in? congrats to those who are working really hard and keeping it up!!

    wish me luck! :bigsmile:
  • shellishell
    I log it as general cardio
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    day2/ level 1

    Goodness me I hurt, defo works is it possible to see something happen already, I put weight on today, but feel good. It is hurting my knees though and I know some people have had problems.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    shoot! I didn't start level 3 today... I haven't missed a week day in 3 weeks... got home late... but feeling guilty... was going to do it now, but I'm afraid I'll be up all night... oh well tomorrow is another day...:grumble: :mad: :angry: :explode: :noway: :ohwell: :indifferent: :embarassed: :frown: :sick: :cry: :sad: :huh: :yawn:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3D2 done, I took 3 breaks (maybe four?) but stuck with it pretty well. those jumping lunges are a killer. I'm going through a family crisis right now, but I'm glad I made time to work out, it calmed me down a bit and helped me de-stress. Tomorrow I move back to school and will probably Shred after carrying heavy things to my dorm room; that will be interesting.
  • courtneysmith3212
    level 2 day 8 done!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to be done with this level... and the shred completly!!! I am getting more compliments which is really nice!!!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    Hello Level 3! loved it :)
  • courtneysmith3212
    Hello Level 3! loved it :)

    LOVED IT?!?!?!?:huh:
    Are you okay??? :laugh:

    Man I guess I have something to look forward to, cause I freaking hate Level 2!!! :devil:

    Congrats to you making it to level 3... !! :bigsmile:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I agree, level 3 is so much better than level two. I actually kind of enjoy it!
    L3D3 done. I am SORE. this is exciting because Level 2 didn't get me sore after the first day. What's more, my abs and lower back are the most sore, which is great since that's what I'm most interested in toning and strengthening. I love level 3!
  • reesegirl521
    I have 1 more day on level 2. Here I come L3...'hit it' I can hear her already!!! I was smiling at the scale this morning when it said 160.8!!! Jillian is rough but she works!! My husband says I think you should consider looking at inches lost because I can tell you've lost inches. I'm going to hold out until the end but yeahh!!!
  • courtneysmith3212
    OH YA!!!!! One day left of level 2!!! I cannot wait.. it is killing me!! Ya I have to agree with what was said about not getting better on level 2.. and not being that sore.. I am so glad to shake it up on level 3.. I actually watched it today to see what I was in for... and I am SCARED!!! It looks freaking hard!! I don't know if I can do all that stuff but I sure am going to try... keeping it up! I am glad those of you that have done the level 3 already are feeling it and are sore.. (when I feel sore I know the workout is really working, I almost want to be in pain.. LOL) I feel so great when I get more and more compliments! about the inches, I am also waiting until the end of my 30 days to see what I have lost... I wonder how much..cause I have almost lost 8 lbs since I have started the workout... so we shall see.. I still want to try and do more working out after I do my shred, but I kinda beat myself when I did that.. I will just try and stay motivated to do anything I can... Bring it on Jillian!
  • AlissaChanges
    Ok fellow shredders, I just did L1D1 last night, and I am so sore today. I knew I was out of shape, being 50 pounds overweight, but I was in serious muscle burning pain not long after it started! I really like seeing that everyone else is working hard at this and seeing results. I feel that the elliptical and I have had our days and I need to try some new moves for awhile to keep this weight loss going. I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max today because I didn't think I could handle another day of the shred, but maybe I shouldn't give up so soon? Thank you all for the motivation!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Ok fellow shredders, I just did L1D1 last night, and I am so sore today. I knew I was out of shape, being 50 pounds overweight, but I was in serious muscle burning pain not long after it started! I really like seeing that everyone else is working hard at this and seeing results. I feel that the elliptical and I have had our days and I need to try some new moves for awhile to keep this weight loss going. I did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max today because I didn't think I could handle another day of the shred, but maybe I shouldn't give up so soon? Thank you all for the motivation!

    Don't give up! The first three or so days you'll be really sore, but then it goes away and the moves get easier and you can feel and see yourself getting stronger. Stick with it!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3 D4 done. My roommate comes tomorrow so hopefully that won't affect my ability to Shred. Today my protein intake is WAY low, which makes me sad because what's the point in working out if my body can't build muscle?! I've got to work out making sure I get enough protein. I'm making goals for myself for level 3: finish jumping lunges without taking any breaks, get my legs up higher for those rockstar kicks, and put more effort into the ab work.
    Does anyone else have any goals for the level they're on?