Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Last week's NSV was being able to go to an adventure park near my house with my niece and sister-in-law and successfully navigating (with one minor hitch) the first three ropes courses and zip lines. Never could have done that a year (or even 6 months) ago!!!! This week's happened already (and it's only Monday :smile: )... at the doc today, my pulse was 59. The woman who took it said I must exercise a lot because "only athletes - real athletes - have pulse rates like that." Whoot-whoot!!! They hadn't seen me since before I started this journey so were quite pleased with my loss. Tomorrow, I leave for a week's vacation in Colorado, then back to reality - start new job the week after. I'll be happy to have money again, but so sad to see summer and swimming end. :sad: Still have some packing to do and my ride to the airport gets here in 5 and a half hours, so I will check in with personals next time around. Hope everyone has a great week!!!

    Great NSV!! I hear the same thing every time I go donate blood. My pulse is always in the high 50s or low 60s and I always hear--"you must work out" or "do you jog?"--very satisfying!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Last week's NSV was being able to go to an adventure park near my house with my niece and sister-in-law and successfully navigating (with one minor hitch) the first three ropes courses and zip lines. Never could have done that a year (or even 6 months) ago!!!! This week's happened already (and it's only Monday :smile: )... at the doc today, my pulse was 59. The woman who took it said I must exercise a lot because "only athletes - real athletes - have pulse rates like that." Whoot-whoot!!! They hadn't seen me since before I started this journey so were quite pleased with my loss. Tomorrow, I leave for a week's vacation in Colorado, then back to reality - start new job the week after. I'll be happy to have money again, but so sad to see summer and swimming end. :sad: Still have some packing to do and my ride to the airport gets here in 5 and a half hours, so I will check in with personals next time around. Hope everyone has a great week!!!

    First of all, you rock!!! I love this NSV in so many ways. We can all relate about the anxiety when it comes to our extra weight - can I buckle the airplane seat, will the amusement park ride shut all the way, can I walk around without dying of breath, can I cross a ropes course - holy cow there are sooo many hurdles we face with this extra weight. So proud of you.

    Second, I love the doctor's visit, which is huge!! For them to make that kind of comment, you deserve every single praise. You've worked consistently and taken this down time to move your butt - good for you!!!

    Third, I guess I missed a post, but CONGRATS on the job!!!! What will you be doing? I know it's been awhile so I"m glad some door was able to open.

    Have a wonderful vacation to Colorado. It's so beautiful there. I take it there will be some hiking involved. Have a blast!!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! The insomniac in me was trolling the boards and I found this awesome post!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi guys! The insomniac in me was trolling the boards and I found this awesome post!

    That is just awesome...

    oh, was gifted a nice shiny Magic Bullet this weekend... whee! Tried it tonight, and it made a pretty cool protein shake... noms...
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Great attitude, Andrezia (pretty name!)!
    Stick with it! Never give up . . .
    Take care!
  • calpeachmfp
    calpeachmfp Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, tcufrogmom,
    You sound overwhelmed . . . it's understandable, but not impossible!
    Make a plan for yourself.
    Decide what you will eat and when then write it down. Don't allow yourself to deviate.
    Get out for a short walk each day, if you can. Or march in front of the TV if you can't get away because of your new little one (congrats!).
    Start slow . . . build up each week.
    You Can Do It! : )
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. This can certainly be frustrating sometimes, can’t it. I try not to let these things get to me, but sometimes they do. I’m in a better place mentally with it now, so onward and upward.

    One year ago today I was boarding a cruise ship in Whittier, Alaska – how I wish I was there right now! Just seven long months until my next cruise, not that I'm counting. :laugh:

    @Robin & Nicole~I suffer from the same arm syndrome, hate it! :cry: I lift all kinds of weights and do all kinds of resistance training and I haven’t lost an inch in them, definitely a “problem area” for me. I can’t find shirts either, I’m so picky about the sleeves. I wish I could find an answer, like Karen, I have a swimsuit vacation planned next year.

    @Beth~Awesome NSV at both the park and the doc. It’s all that swimming! It’s funny about the pulse, when I started my resting heart rate was around 70, now its below 60. Enjoy cool Colorado! Oh, and new job – do tell!

    @Susan~You’ve had great results since getting back from vacation and finding a newfound focus. You’re doing awesome!

    @Nicole~Those “benders” as I call them, happen every once in a while. We just have to pick up and move on. Fried pickles? Love them!!! You are doing great!

    @Karen~Thanks for posting a link to that article, I saw it on Yahoo yesterday – great read and great info.

    Tuesday Goals~Just to keep on keeping on. Schedule has opened up a bit for the next couple of weeks, so hope I can get in some longer workouts – I have a house that needs a deep clean too.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE! :bigsmile:
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Thursday~Arc Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day or Yoga
    Saturday~HIIT (I hope – heading out of town)
  • kbarton69
    kbarton69 Posts: 2 Member
    So I have been working over the summer to get off the artificial sweetner and I am down to 1 packet in my coffee in the morning. I would like to give that up this month. I am also working to make my portions more normal and getting some exercise every day.
  • Helenavee42
    Tuesday goal: See what I can do about getting to the gym. I didn't go this morning because I woke up with a sore neck. I've been trying to massage it and stretch it and that seems to be helping. My middle sister leaves tomorrow to go back home. I'm going to miss her a lot. I know she's old enough but it worries me with her going to be home alone til my grandma goes back home.

    Lmackbethl- Great NSV's!

    Skinny- Glad the ointment is working. I agree you should get some kind of discount. If it is brand new there shouldn't be any water in it. Also thanks for posting that link.

    Laurie- I hope your knee gets better fast!

    Have a good day,

    Monday- Off - Done
    Tuesday- Gym- Full
    Wednesday- Morning Gym Weights, Walk with Deputy
    Thursday- Off
    Friday- Gym- Full
    Saturday- Walk with Deputy
    Sunday- Gym Weights, Walk with Deputy
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Well, I lost 2.5# of the 4.5# that I had gained during the last 3 weeks. The other 2 will be gone soon!
    Karen, thanks for the article. It pretty much reinforces my philosophy of weight loss. The most important factor is the balance between the calories you eat and the calories you burn. Other things may work for other people, and there are health factors to consider, but that's what it all boils down to in the end. Some have mentioned that they are trying to eat healthy and not worry about logging. Good luck with that. I'd say that if you don't see the results you want, you need to start logging. Its amazing how bad we are at estimating what we eat when we don't write it down. There's an accountability factor, too, that can't be ignored.
    Well, enough of my 'wisdom'. I got the sheets and towels washed and beds ready for company yesterday. Also got all of the unpacking done from the trip. Today I need to do laundry, some baking, and last minute cleaning. I'll have 27 here for dinner tonight, just kids and grandkids. Sometimes I look at this tribe and wonder what we started!
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @kelley - thinking of you b/c I'm at Dallas airport.... Also b/c I realized I left my fitbit in Connecticut and will be hiking around in the rockies for a week without it. :mad: :explode: :grumble:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning. Hope all is going well in your worlds. My week started off a little rocky yesterday food wise. I dont know why I even think about binging on fast food anymore. The couple times I have done it since my overall eating has improved it has made me horribly sick to my stomach. Ah well today is a new day. Overall I didnt kill the calorie bank yesterday it was just under four hundred over so still in maintenance I think but so not worth it, lol.Welcome to all the new people I saw posting the last couple of days.
    Imackbeth have a great time in colorado.
    Robin that knew workout sounds great. I think lots of us women find our arms to be a problem area.
    Beth awesome nsv at the doctor. Cant wait till I have a checkup like that.
    Congrats Susan on getting things back on track with such great results.
    Kaye I hope you have a great time with your family. I come from a very large family as well but for the most point they live in Illinois so I only get to see them all every couple of years. I used to tease my grandma all the time about what her and grandpa started.
    Karen loved the article you linked. Pretty much felt that way about all the points they addressed.

    Well I have my neice and nephew today unless my nephew ends up going to the dr. He swallowed a lego this morning so his mom is waiting to hear back from the dr. He is six years old but we have never been able to break him of the habit of putting things in his mouth. I guess the dr said it depends on the shape whether they will have to do something or wait to see if it passes naturally. The joy of kids never ends, lol. Well have a great day guys and dont forget the water:drinker: :drinker: :heart:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @beth--arghhh! Stinks that you forgot the fitbit. :ohwell: Enjoy your vacation and you'll have to tell us all about the new job when you get back.

    @kaye--I agree! I've been fighting the "eat within an hour of waking" crowd for years now. I'm a night person and have found when I try to add an early breakfast, it just ends up being extra calories. I'm never any less hungry at 9pm just because I ate at 7 am versus waiting until I'm truly hungry at 9:30 or 10 am. Oh, and I second your advice about logging. I'll take a day off here or there, but I need the visual of what I've eaten for the day.

    @helena--I know--I'm kind of annoyed that the salesperson never returned my call. I will leave another message today.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Going shopping with my sister, so the goal is to find a dress for my friends' commitment ceremony.

    Another goal is to adjust my calorie intake and macros again. I've been reading so much about eating at TDEE -20%. I learned about it quite awhile ago, but since my MFP numbers were working, I kind of pushed it to the back burner until I needed to make a change. Well, I think that time has arrived. Right now I'm trying to figure out which TDEE calculator to use--I've gotten estimates anywhere from 1800-2400 calories. I've got to say I'm quite nervous about eating that much, so if I do it, I'm also going to make sure they are healthy calories with lots of protein. It would be way too easy to fill that calorie gap with junk and cocktails. :wink:

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (rest day)
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner (rest day)
    Wed--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner (rest day)
    Fri--run outside (w/ gunner) or walk gunner + gym
  • LJH0604
    LJH0604 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello All, I have read the thread, and I love the motivation and support on here. How do I join the group and get updates? I have been on MFP for a month, and have lost 15 total ( a little before joining).
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39
    Tuesday Check-in
  • sirtxt
    sirtxt Posts: 39

    Hit the ENTER key by mistake

    Tuesday Check-in

    Well, I did not sleep much last night - guess it was the heat. Yet the AC was on full blast. I seem to be more sensitive to heat as I get older. Where is my tall glass of "adult beverage"???? LOL

    As soon as it is cool, I will start my battle ropes workout - until then, I will be adding an additional 1/2 mile to my daily walking - so 3 1/2 miles per day.

    I sure am "short fused" today at work - I am closing my office door and going to turn off the overhead florecent lighting and leave on the lamps to provide some low lighting - make it ZEN like.

    Hope everyone is well

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @kelley - thinking of you b/c I'm at Dallas airport.... Also b/c I realized I left my fitbit in Connecticut and will be hiking around in the rockies for a week without it. :mad: :explode: :grumble:

    Oh, no!!! I hate it when I do that, especially when I know I'll be doing a lot of walking. :grumble: :sad:

    @Karen~I mostly rely on the resting metabolic assessments (RMR) I get done at my gym for setting my calories, etc. However, periodically I've looked at and (I like this one, has other calculators as well) TDEE calculators a few times to see how it differed from the test I have done. Both sites agree with one another and are fairly consistent with my RMR (allowing for a 1-2% error rate). I eat about 80 calories less than my BMR and about 20% below my TDEE. For the most part I would say its a good fit, but since my fish oil has been increased to 10g a day I still need to tweak some things to account for the extra fat - its still a work in progress! :grumble: Hopefully that makes sense.

    @Laurie~I'm so sorry about your knee, I hope it feels better soon. Definitely listen to your chiropractor (and your trainer). :wink:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Just keep doing what I'm doing. I'm pleased with my progress and just keeping at it.

    @ Kaye - 27? WOW!!! This is just a regular get together for your group, which is amazing and not like a family reunion or something. I bet when you ALL get together it's quite an event. Enjoy your family time and pace yourself. You've got a lot to do today.

    @ Karen - Thanks for the article. There were so many of those comments that I could relate too. I have a tendency to eat the 6 mini meals all day. I like to eat so for me I'm always wanting to munch on something. I know some people relate that to keeping your metabolism going, but not me. I just like to eat. I just know each setting has to stay within the 200-300 range and I'm good to go. Now with that said if I know I have a supplier dinner or a big meal ahead then I adjust of course. Great info!!! Also, have fun shopping!!

    @ John - Enjoy the little siesta. I could never do that because I would be way too groggy the rest of the day, but some people can do those little cat naps. Good for you!!

    @ LJH0604 - Welcome!! Everyone is welcome. If you go to page 1, Robin has the basics of the board. Each day is a topic to get us started. Some use it and some do not. Just post whatever is on your mind. This is the only board I follow and I've been on for a year now. This group is so supportive and there's no negativity. You might get an occasional kick in the buttocks, but it's normally for our own good. Try to check in daily if you can for the support, but the post moves pretty fast.

    @ Beth - I know you're so ticked about your FitBit. I think I'm finally getting use to mine, but still have issues with the download. One of these days I'll get it all together. Have a wonderful vacation and can't wait to hear all about it!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Checking in, sorry I disappeared there for a while. :embarassed:

    My cousin charity fundraiser went pretty good. Not nearly as many people as we hoped showed up (4 for the 5k....) but it was his first year doing it and he made a lot of new connections so hopefully next year will go better.

    I've been in "get stuff done" mode and have been really trying to get my house back together. Its never really been finished since putting in the hard floor and ripping up all the carpet. A lot of stuff was shoved into drawers and corners etc just so we could get to it. We still have ONE more room to do, but its our extra bedroom that is also kind of a storage area. So before I start pulling all that out I really want to get the rest of the house in shape. Our yards also a mess from all the storms, so been trying to do that too. Just seems like everyday I wake up and more and more gets added to the list. Its been a bit overwhelming.

    And much to my disappointment, we have decided we will not be doing the cruise in January. After looking over our finances we just decided it was to much of a stretch. If I magically come into any money though I'm on that boat...however I did already re-book that wedding with someone else. (It just wasn't fair for their event to be up in the air while we made up our minds). Found a really good local photographer who gave them the same deal and price.

    :happy: Some good news, I still managed to lose enough to win the (3) dietbets I was in. I find out tomorrow how much I won, and I'm down 13lbs. (well maybe not today as I celebrated with Mexican food....)

    I might not be able to catch up this week, but I'll be popping in now and then! Hope everyone has a week that is better than the last. :flowerforyou:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    So, instead of getting out and getting my run in at a decent time and when I felt energized to do so,
    I am waiting on UPS to deliver the package containing my new running shoes.... the package that they TRIED to deliver yesterday but we just don't answer the NEIGHBOR'S door.... there was someone home all day yesterday AT MY HOME but UPS seems convinced that I live at the neighbor's house!!! Frustrated!!!