How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    W1D1 went ok. I am NOT a runner. Despise it in fact so lets hope I can find the inner strength to get through this. My former self deserves that chance!
    I use my music while I run along with the app on my phone which tells me when to walk, and run (woggle actually).

    I used the sidewalks and roads today but I think I will head to the park with the trails on Friday. Hopefully, avoid shin splints and make it more interesting for me, and for my dog!

    Nope. Doesn't work that way. You did w1d1. In my book you are officially a runner. Doesn't matter how slow you are, or how far or little you can run. You went out and tried. That makes you a runner. Congrats. :)

    And trust me... I was right where you are. Now I am counting down the minutes until I get off and can run. Lol
  • jimmyb_
    jimmyb_ Posts: 13
    just finished week 1 day 3 and felt great... i finished the session a mile away from home and even threw in a couple of my own additional running intervals :)

    a week ago my legs felt like rubber 1/2 at the 15 minute mark.. lol
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    I am doing W1D2 tonight. I struggled with the first day on Monday. I'm just seeing where this takes me . . .
  • brisr001
    brisr001 Posts: 20 Member
    Feeling good, after putting off doing W1D3 ALL day finally got off my butt and got moving!!! Despite nearly having all my effort nearly killing me 5mins from the cool down with a stitch... I MADE IT *Happy Dance*

    ETA: Bring on W2D1!!!
  • smesche
    smesche Posts: 234 Member
    Completed Week 3 Day 1 yesterday. WOW! It was really hard and I am not sure how deep I had to dig to get me through the 3 minute running part.

    Anyone else using a treadmill for this or are you doing it all outside? I wanted to build some stamina and use the treadmill at first and then switch to outside. My first 5K isn't until 19 October. My plan was to complete C25K on a treadmill and then go back to week 3 and start outside.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Ugg, still haven't gotten to w4d1 yet. :ohwell: Will either do tonight or tomorrow morning. I did walk 6.5 miles yesterday though at a pretty good pace so hopefully the walking helps too. Good job to everyone that moved past another day or two this week!!!
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Great job moving forward everyone!!! :flowerforyou: smesche, I did the entire program outside as I do not have a treadmill.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am doing W1D2 tonight. I struggled with the first day on Monday. I'm just seeing where this takes me . . .

    Just go slow and easy and if you wondering if you are running too slow... go even slower! lol. You will surprise yourself how well you will do.

    For those doing Couch to 10k, how are you liking it and is the transition hard? I finished this week with c25k and eventually want to transition to that once I get more confident in my 5k.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    So disappointed with myself. I still haven't moved to the next week yet. I haven't run since Monday. :sad: Going to shoot for tonight, if not tomorrow morning. I can't keep pushing it off. I am signed up for a 5K in Oct and I will probably need to repeat a day or two. Sigh . . .
  • Stlarenas
    Stlarenas Posts: 90 Member
    I am doing W1D2 tonight. I struggled with the first day on Monday. I'm just seeing where this takes me . . .

    Just go slow and easy and if you wondering if you are running too slow... go even slower! lol. You will surprise yourself how well you will do.

    For those doing Couch to 10k, how are you liking it and is the transition hard? I finished this week with c25k and eventually want to transition to that once I get more confident in my 5k.

    Week10D3 is tonight. I am actually surprised at how easy the transition has been. The hardest part for me now is that my runs are 60-75 mins 3xweek instead of 35-45 mins. Just making the time in the day is a little difficult.

    I am also still struggling with finding some sort of training I want to do on the off days - I would rather be running every day at this point, but know my body isn't ready for that yet. And everything else I have tried so far I havent really enjoyed. I am going to try yoga with a friend at a nearby place next week. Lets hope that one sticks :)
  • DLC1978
    DLC1978 Posts: 51 Member
    I am doing W1D2 tonight. I struggled with the first day on Monday. I'm just seeing where this takes me . . .

    Just go slow and easy and if you wondering if you are running too slow... go even slower! lol. You will surprise yourself how well you will do.

    For those doing Couch to 10k, how are you liking it and is the transition hard? I finished this week with c25k and eventually want to transition to that once I get more confident in my 5k.

    Week10D3 is tonight. I am actually surprised at how easy the transition has been. The hardest part for me now is that my runs are 60-75 mins 3xweek instead of 35-45 mins. Just making the time in the day is a little difficult.

    I am also still struggling with finding some sort of training I want to do on the off days - I would rather be running every day at this point, but know my body isn't ready for that yet. And everything else I have tried so far I havent really enjoyed. I am going to try yoga with a friend at a nearby place next week. Lets hope that one sticks :)

    I agree... It's harder to find the time for the longer workouts. I usually have one day off work during the week and work from home on the weekends so I really just have to get that 3rd day in... I am trying to add 1-2 days of running 'off program' by either doing 2-3 miles or drills to increase speed/endurance. I have about 6 or more events that I am planning to do this fall so that helps keep me motivated.

    Great job everyone who is just getting started! It is amazing to look back at how far I've come in 11 weeks!!
  • hevurxo
    hevurxo Posts: 27
    Im about to start week 2, if anyone wants to add me/message me to support each other and help each other along then feel free :D
  • brisr001
    brisr001 Posts: 20 Member
    W2D1 DONE!!! easier to do then W1D3 motivation wise. And there was no dramas... Made a bad move today flicked forward to look at the intervals the are coming up in a few weeks time and nearly freaked myself out of doing C25K. Gotta remember one day at a time!!!
    Anyone else using a treadmill for this or are you doing it all outside? I wanted to build some stamina and use the treadmill at first and then switch to outside. My first 5K isn't until 19 October. My plan was to complete C25K on a treadmill and then go back to week 3 and start outside.

    I'm also doing mine on a treadmill, and then will start taking it on the road with a similar aim in mind. I find that I can't control my pace when I'm doing it on the road and don't make it through the full workout. Thinking that I'll get about halfway through C25k and then will go back to the start on alternate days increasing pace/road running.
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    Finishing week 3 today!!! Nervous about week 4!!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Finally got w4d1 done. Well, mostly. Since I hadn't run in almost a week I had to add an extra minute or two of walking after the 2 5 min jogs. I still didn't think that was too bad since I was able to push myself to run the whole tme I was supposed to! I may have to repeat a day of this week to make sure I can really move on.
  • Just completed W1D1 :-) very happy with it. Well done everyone.
  • Eeyore255
    Eeyore255 Posts: 107 Member
    W5d3 complete. I just ran 20 minutes people! Feeling good. Hope everyone's doing well.
  • Ninonll
    Ninonll Posts: 8 Member
    Yesterday, I finished W1D1, (I already tried it 1 time before, and it was not exactly a success...)
    The podcast really helped me, and i felt soooo good afterwards. It was as if by starting moving again, I already felt in better shape and slimmer... I know it's only in my mind, but it felt great and even though it was tough I can't wait to do it again!
  • jfl5
    jfl5 Posts: 37
    I'm on it. I registered for my first 5K in October, and I started C25K yesterday. On the "off" days, I'm still going to do my normal 2-mile "brisk" (4 mph) walks in the morning. I'll probably do Week 1, Day 2 tomorrow.
  • MaureenH39
    MaureenH39 Posts: 315 Member
    Good for you Eeyore! What an accomplishment! :flowerforyou: