How is doing c25k? Lets support each other



  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Completed w5d1 last night. It was awesome. Only had a little trouble on the 3rd 5 min run, but I was pushing a stroller against the wind. I felt great. I may repeat the day again before I move on as I don't know that I can get 8 minutes in at a time just yet. Maybe I'll try it and if not go back a day. Great job everyone!!!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    I start week 5 this week (either tonight or tomorrow morning). Big running intervals this week. Hoping to accomplish them all!! Great job to everyone who make it to the next session. Welcome to all the newbies. Take it slow and repeats days (or weeks) if you need to.

    I'm on week 5, too! My breathing was all over the place today (W5D2), which made it a little more difficult, but I am feeling good about my (slowpokey) progress. And my exercise-induced asthma is practically non-existant at this point. I keep my inhaler handy just in case, though.

    Awesome job. My breathing is pretty ok, but the muscles in my calves don't always cooperate. I'm guessing the extra weight I am carrying is not helpful, but my best run was last night (W5D1). The legs held up pretty well. I may repeat the day. I haven't yet decided. Great job!!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Is anyone else surprised weeks into the program how unfit they are still?

    I'm 10 months into my healthy lifestyle and have lost 60lbs. I've used an exercise bike, done lots of swimming and completed 30ds twice (as well as walking). However, I'm just starting week 5 of C25K and still struggling to breath running half a mile... I think mentally I feel I should be doing better now since I've already come so far (and wasn't completely inactive to begin with).

    Anyways, I'm supposed to start week 5 tomorrow but I'm thinking I might repeat week 4 for at least one more session.... I'm not sure - half of me thinks bite the bullet and go for week 5 then drop back if it's to much? I'm might surprise myself. The other side says wait til you're comfortable running half mile before stepping up.

    Will see how I feel at 6am tomorrow morning lol

    Nyk x
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    I just finished week 3. I'm nervous for week 4 but excited at the same time. It is really...rewarding for lack of a better word to see myself improve so significantly so quickly. The first run week one I thought I was going to die. It was so hard! I know it's not much but just being able to run three minutes without stopping is an accomplishment for me. It took me a little longer to get through week 3 as I took a week off when I got my wisdom teeth pulled but I still got through it. Tomorrow is weights/strength training and then Thursday is week 4 day 1!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    Ran day 1 of week 5 this morning and so glad I did. Did it in my best average pace and best quickest pace! I did struggle with the last interval (3rd half mile) and had to slow to a walk a few times because I did feel like I was dying lol but felt elated afterwards!

    Trying to fit it into the regular morning routine now school is back in session from Monday - ran 10 mins late this morning so might have to start making packed lunches the night before and leaving in the fridge!

    Nyk x
  • tlb905
    tlb905 Posts: 11
    Just finished W7D2 this morning with my friend! It's crazy that back in the beginning I struggled at running even 2 minutes. And each week we couldn't imagine running the added minutes, but this program does make it easier building you up at it a little at a time. I never thought I could run for 25 minutes straight. We are almost there! I added this in to my regular 4 days of cardio and strength classes a week which is hard. Once I hit the 5K I may scale down to 2x a week.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    I have just finished week 2. A little nervous about starting week 3 as it really bumps up the running time to three minutes. I use the app run double. I find I am really enjoying it. Never thought I would. Its amazing to look back and see my progress with that. In just two weeks I went from a 16 minute mile to a pretty consistent 12 min mile. We shall see what next week brings.
  • looking4au
    looking4au Posts: 85 Member
    hahah I just posted something very similar. I know how you feel. Good job and keep up the good work.
  • dhvozza
    dhvozza Posts: 26 Member
    W2D3 done!! Excited to move to W3.
  • 1StephanieD
    1StephanieD Posts: 5 Member
    Ugh, I'm supposed to continue on in week 5 tomorrow, but I'm thinking of moving back to week 4 for a few more days, my last run was quite a struggle. My breathing seems to be the most difficult part. Any tips? I've tried slowing my pace and trying to take deep belly breaths. Is it just something that gets easier with time?
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I just finished w4d2. I felt much better today doing the 5 minute run than I did Tuesday. I could have run longer, but didn't. I am surprising myself.
  • brisr001
    brisr001 Posts: 20 Member
    Attempted W3D3 today, was a little fail :ohwell: I past the halfway mark!!! AND that involved 2 run intervals of 3mins each. :ohwell: I'm proud just to be able to do that. I made the decision to stop as my calf/shin was tensing up way to much, and was at the point of big pain increasing :frown: Thought I would just play it safe. The biggest difference for my routine today was that I didn't have a 20min walk before attempting my C25k session like I usually would. I'm hoping that is what made the difference, really looking forward to getting through my W3D3 on Saturday instead.
    (Here's hopping I'm not developing splints or some other painful thing:sick: )
  • Marthaylo
    Marthaylo Posts: 21 Member
    I am having the hardest time. I have repeated week one a e two. Now I am on week two and half way through I don't have the energy to complete the runs. I really want to get over this hill. I've never been a runner but have always wanted to be one.
  • Monica0604
    just started today w1d1 only lasted 15 min plan on trying again this afternoon when i get off work!
  • lucyford22
    lucyford22 Posts: 198 Member
    Finished week 4 day 1! I cannot believe the progress I've made in just a few weeks. When I started I STRUGGLED and even today I was scared of the run. Running for five minutes?! A couple times?! Three minutes is the short run? Ahhh! But I did it! I survived and I'm looking forward to my next run!
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    Just finished week 5 day 2! OMG! That was hard! Ran 8 min straight....twice!!! To God the glory!!!! All of it!!! Supposed to run 20 min straight on my next day, which will be Saturday... WOW!!!
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    I started last week but I had to stop so many times due to cramps in my calves that I'm repeating Week 1. (This is actually the 5th or 6th time I've attempted C25K, but I'm putting those failures behind me! :)) I'm running mostly on a treadmill for now and using the Get Running app on my phone.

    Hey, girl!!!

    As you know, I've tried it three times myself, but I think it was always the fact I was trying to "run" instead of taking it slow.

    On W6, D1 my next run. I did 20 minutes non-stop yesterday!!!! It was amazing.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Just finished week 5 day 2! OMG! That was hard! Ran 8 min straight....twice!!! To God the glory!!!! All of it!!! Supposed to run 20 min straight on my next day, which will be Saturday... WOW!!!

    I did w5d2 this morning too!! I was very surprised at myself with how well I did. I felt like I could have gone longer on the first 8 and having slow to walk then pick up a jog again for the second 8 was a little struggle, but I eventually pulled myself together. 20 minutes just seems like a long time going from the run on day 2, but when you think about it, we really ran 16 minutes.
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    I completed W5 D2 as well - but I'm running a "distance" rather than "time" program so I ran for 3/4 mile twice. AF decided to come this morning (been building for day so slight relief) so my time wasn't brilliant and it was hard (I think I say that after every run lol). My lower back was hurting too towards the end of the first interval and I was really slow in the second interval but I DID it.

    I *might* repeat this session but not sure - the next is running 2 x 1 miles EEEK!

    Well done everyone!
  • carashirley
    carashirley Posts: 169 Member
    Just finished week 5 day 3 of ‪C25K‬! I just ran 20 min straight, which is just over 1.25 miles for me. Glory to God!! PTL!!!! I honestly can't believe I was able to accomplish it!!! God promised I would run & not be weary! He is staying true to His word!!