

  • arkansas300
    arkansas300 Posts: 24 Member
    Please Please don't ever give up. I understand how you feel. Please vist a nutritionist to see what's the problem. There must be a underlining issue. This is the issue I was facing last year. I would eat 1,500 calories daily and also exercise 1-2 hours daily. The problem was late at nite I would sleep walk in the kitchen and eat about 1,000-1,500 calories that nite. I have always been a bed eater and a nite eater, But when i stopped eating at nite while awake. I started eating in my sleep. My husband recorded me several nites getting out of bed and walking to the friz eating 4 to 5 different foods. Please don't give up. You are worth finding out were the problem is. I'm the blonde in our picture of sisters.

  • KristyAnn81
    KristyAnn81 Posts: 128 Member
    Everyone is different, but I lose weight better when I watch carbs. So I count my calories and my carbs per meal. If I just count calories and say "screw carbs" I don't lose weight. You've invested so much time and energy just to throw away your hard work. Hang in there! Sometimes the smallest tweak can prove to be the biggest change.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.

    I hear Beyonce eats dirty

  • klynshoe
    klynshoe Posts: 21 Member
    Are your clothes fitting differently? I've been training for a triathlon and got a personal trainer. In four months I haven't lost a pound but all my measurements have steadily gone down, meaning I've gained muscle. Talk to a trainer a Planet Fitness and have them take your measurements once a month. Stick to the food diary and be honest with yourself.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Im glad I dont accept friends like you on here..WHY ARE YOU EVEN ON A SITE THATS SUPPOSE TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE??

    I thought you were officially giving up?
  • Krista916
    Gaining muscle, losing fat can put weight ON, due to the extra weight muscle has...

    Not completely true. Muscle does not weigh any extra then fat. A pound is a pound. Muscle takes up less space then fat. Also it take a VERY long time to gain 1 pound of muscle. Will not happen in a few week, probably not a month.

    Lean muscle helps burn fat so the more msucle you have the more fat you will burn. Fat goes first, muscle comes later.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Well, I guess you might have learned a lesson or two by this point ...

    First of all, people on this site are serious about working hard to get to their goals. Not a whole lot of tolerance for "quitters" or "nay-sayers".

    Second, losing weight, gaining weight, building muscle, etc. is simple science. (I didn't say it is an easy task to implement, just that it is simple science.) Get a good understanding of the factors that impact the formula, commit to improving those factors in your favor, and you will be successful.

    Third, losing weight - or working toward whatever goal you have in life - is hard work, constant work, and takes commitment. If reaching your goal weight was easy, everyone would be doing it ... and the reality is, we have a society suffering from obesity.

    So time to put your money where your mouth is ... action speak louder than words. Be clear in your communication. If you are looking for support/help, ask for it instead of being passive-aggressive and expecting on-line strangers to rush to your emotional aid. With that said, create your own support network so that when you feel the need to "vent" you can do it in an emotionally safe place versus an online forum of strangers who are working hard to reach their own goals and don't have the time or tolerance for whiney-babies.

    As you are sorting through all these posts and deciding what your next step is going to be, I offer this musical uplift in the event that you need one to get back on track ... Wishing you a day of clarity and peace and rejuvenation. Maybe it is time to close this post and start a new conversation thread about a more positive approach for the remainder of the week .... Better yet, pull the pearls from these posts, start a positive new post that summarizes what you've learned and how you intend to implement it for success moving forward. Be an overcomer ... not a quitter ...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's a fine point. When you come to a community filled with people who have done the months or years of research and hard work to really succeed, and yell that you're giving up because you aren't willing to do the hard work, you can't expect a ton of sympathy.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    First of all - give yourself a BIG pat on the back for realising that you needed to change and for having stuck with it for this long without the motivation of significant weight-loss. Then give yourself a big hug, because you're worth way more than you're giving yourself credit for. Now - ask yourself if quitting will help you, or just reinforce all the negative things you're thinking right now.

    OK - now I want you to do a very honest thing. Post here, right now, the answers to the following:

    Do you weight your portions?
    Do you cheat on what you log?
    Do you religiously check on the nutritional info of what you log?
    Do you eat any of the following:

    cake, biscuits, chocolate, sweeties
    pasta, rice
    table sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, honey
    fruit juices, diet soda, other sweet fizzy drinks
    crisps, fried foods
    junk food, fast food, boxed food, packaged meals, processed food
    burgers, pizzas, chips
    potatoes, sweetcorn??????????????????????

    If 'yes' to any of the above, you are on a hiding to nothing. The secret's simple - ditch ALL of these - cold turkey. Eat:

    any and all salad stuffs
    any and all non-starchy veg
    seafood, meat, eggs
    fruit (in moderation)
    low-carb bread if you HAVE to eat bread

    Keep up your exercise, using MFP ACCURATE logging ensure you're calorie intake is less than you're expenditure every day and you WILL lose weight - almost impossible not to unless you are a biological miracle!

    Hang in there. I took 2 years to lose my last 5 kgs. If you are overweight, it's much easier than that!!!

    I was with you until you started listing all the things that she's "not allowed to eat". I've lost 30+ pounds while eating all of the things you've listed.

    QFT and add my 312 lbs. to yours and the only food I don't eat is the foods I just don't like which to tell you the truth is next to nothing.... You can eat any foods you like and fit them into your macros and hit your nutrient goals and still lose weight... This is about living a sustainable lifestyle and not practicing abstinence from foods you like... Want a chocolate cupcake, make it fit into your day, want some Pizza? Fit it in, Heck the best part about not cutting out foods is (in my opinion) it makes it alot easier to deal with the craving and binges because you know you are working those things into your days so there is no need to stress over something you think you can't have.... Will it take hard work and dedication to get to that frame of mind? Hell yea!! but it can be done you just have to put forth the effort it will take to get there..... :drinker:
  • Thenewme31
    Thenewme31 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm sure this has already said but please get your thyroid checked. My mother works her butt off every time she tries to lose and I understand getting discouraged by not seeing the move in the scale. Keep in mind that is just a number on a scale. How do you feel? Do you feel better? I know it's hard but go see a dr. and let them know you have noticed a hard time losing when you apply yourself(if you look at your diary and really see you did do all you said you did) and see if he can get your thyroid regulated. Even then it may still be hard it is for my mom but when she is now on her meds it helps her to lose much easier than without it. Good luck I hope you don't give up.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    This is the longest GIVING UP thread ever!
  • snugglebunny65
    snugglebunny65 Posts: 17 Member
    Please don't give up! Try Chris Powell's Carb cycling. He explains it all in his book choose to loss more for life. I'm 65 years old and gave up many times and gained back most of what I loss. I read this book from cover to cover. I followed his diet and I loss 10 pounds the first week. I'm sure most of it was water weight but it is the most I have loss in one week since I was in my 20's. I beleiv e he has some good sound diet information in his book. Hope you try it and if you do please let me know how it is working for you.:happy:
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    Your picture of yourself is absolutely amazing

    There's a reason that picture is amazing.

    It's a picture of Beyonce.

    I hear Beyonce eats dirty


    Sweet post thread
  • dorisbunker39
    dorisbunker39 Posts: 80 Member
    This is the longest GIVING UP thread ever!

    Lets make it so long that it has to STOP!!!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    This is the longest GIVING UP thread ever!

    hahaha YES
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    This is the longest GIVING UP thread ever!

    Lets make it so long that it has to STOP!!!

    Lets see if we can get it to roll
  • shrinkingWITS
    Alright...I'm not generally one to give tough love...but I'm going to....girl, it's time to BUCK UP!

    I just went through your entire diary since the beginning of the year. And one thing you are not doing is being consistent...and trust me...I am the QUEEN of inconsistency but I've also lost and gained 100 pounds a couple times in my lifetime so please understand that what I'm about to say is truly meant to help open your eyes.

    You need to LOG EVERYTHING. Every day. Buy measuring cups and spoons, and a decent food scale...Walmart...maybe 25 bucks for all of that. Stop obsessing over the scale. Log your calories burned at the gym....always enter your numbers in the gym equipment for accuracy OR get a heart rate monitor. Eat those calories back....many days you are way under your calories but because there is inconsistency with logging, not sure if you are undereating or just not logging.

    Prep meals on Sundays...make your life easier...and less stressful. Losing weight can be hard...but not as hard as you are making it.

    And for the love of God...don't give up. Geezus. What the heck is that gonna do for you?! NOTHING!

    What you have been doing isn't do something different.

    And...if you know you have a medical condition that may be working against you...get that checked out if you can!
  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    This post is absolute nonsense. There is no place for "I'M GIVING UP" threads on a support website. Make good on your threat to give up, and take your crappy attitude with you. The rest of us will use these threads as they were intended to be used.
  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    This is the longest GIVING UP thread ever!

    Lets make it so long that it has to STOP!!!

    Lets see if we can get it to roll
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    For all the people saying she is probably gaining muscle...I highly doubt it - she is doing fitness classes, not progressive strength training. Plus she is female. Plus, as noted, she is not logging her food. It's far more likely that she is gaining fat and possibly water - not muscle.