40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hi to the newcomers =)

    KellySue - glad you had some quality time with the hubz =)

    sdereski - rest up, you're gonna need it for the after party!!

    Beeps - enjoy your walk!

    gorgeous day so I took a lovely stroll during my lunch break today. Have my weekly golf game this afternoon and plan on getting back to my 1/2 marathon training in the morning now that my tattoo has healed up.

    Have a great rest of the day kids!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi cool kids! WhataBroad and Beeps, jealous of your weather--NYC city weather was back to summer today, over 90 degrees and humid, so I got my workout on in the nice air conditioned gym this morning. Supposed to be back to 70 degrees by Saturday, though, so I can get outside over the weekend (and maybe even turn my oven on to do some cooking).

    sdereski, enjoy the wedding, and take care of yourself! and KellySue, happy anniversary!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    So glad I clicked on this thread today. Very refreshing! This morning I was quite frustrated as I read a thread about having high calorie goals and clicked on the posters to see their stats. They were all 30 or under! Of course they can eat more than me! I need people with my same issues!

    Intro: 45 yo Married mom of 2 teen boys. Teacher. Busy! I joined MFP almost 4 years ago when my largest jeans were so tight I could barely sit in them. Knew I had to do something. Lost 43 lbs, and was in the best shape of my life. I have maintained pretty well, but lately have had a creep of about 8 lbs that I am trying to lose.

    I run 3-5 times a week, usually about 3 miles. I want to add more milage but time is an issue. I try to lift a cople of times a week. Trying to be more consistent with that.

    I, too, wish I had not let things go as a younger woman. I am truly blessed with good genes. I could always stay slim just by eating sensibly, so exercise was never a huge concern for me although I always stayed somewhat active. If I had been more diligent I surely would be set up better now! But that is no reason to give up!

    Older is better!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Hi everybody! Got lots on my plate, today, so will check up on you later!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey All!

    Sdereski- hope you are feeling better for the weekend. Sounds like even though it may be difficult at times it will be a nice wedding. My daughter and her fiancé are high school sweet hearts as well and she's 28 so I know what you mean about it being a long time coming!

    HaHa! Forgot to add that I had an awesome workout today since I had some extra time this morning. Did upper body and abs for lifting and got in some cardio on the elliptical! About an hour and a half total! Sweat my butt off, I did!

    Have a great day!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hello everyone! Just popping in quick! lol I will catch up later! Wanted you to know I am still here,but busy!

    The pic is the honeysuckle vine i planted near the chicken coop. It now covers half the coop and the girls eat what grows inside the fence!

    I am off and running today! Then a Zombie run/ hike later!

    Keep it rocking cool kids!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member

    Tiger - welcome! yup, easier to burn them calories when you are younger and that is what I keep telling my girls! We have similar workout routines. =)

    KellySue - great workout... nothing like a good morning sweat session to rev up your day!

    I hit the pavement this morning, 4m + strides. sighhhhh, Fall is close by for sure; first time wearing a long sleeve top on a morning run. In a couple more weeks, I'll be going at lunch time or after work.

    Have an awesome one kids!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,031 Member
    hello, I am called Andrea (ignore my user name) and I am 43. I was thin in my 20s and even most of 30s but the last 4-5 years I have slowly but surely been moving higher and higher on the scales and I decided to get a grip some time last year. Despite calorie counting with limited blips and adding in much more exercise, I just can't seem to lose!!!!!! I am healthy , don't think I have thyroid issues and just think I have not yet found the right way for me to lose!!!

    Today has involved an hour beach walk and I am off to zumba in an hour.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Ooh, that honeysuckle must smell fabulous, princessofred!

    Welcome Andrea! Very jealous of your hour beach walk, that sounds wonderful. And KellySue and WhataBroad, way to get it in!

    I snuck down to the gym this afternoon for a quick half hour with my trainer--better than nothing, I suppose. Had a disappointing weigh-in this morning, nothing lost (it beats gaining, but still) and then realized a little later that it apparently is that time of the month again, so I'm going to blame it on that and hope for better numbers next week. TMI, I know, but I am hating perimenopause and how irregular I am now. Was hoping the exercise and weight loss would even things out a bit, but...

    Anyway, it's almost Friday. We've been traveling or otherwise running around a lot lately, so I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend.
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Hey cool kids!

    I hope everyone had or is having a great day.

    Not that anyone will probably noticed but my ticker went from losing 10lbs to losing 20lbs. I did not lose an additional 10lbs. :) I just changed it to reflect the 10 lbs I lost before joining MFP. I figure that the lbs I dropped before joining MFP counts, right?????

    I had a NSV last night. I went to a dance cardio class with my friend. I have only been doing strenght training, walking, and eliptical, so I thought that the class might be a good idea. I managed to keep up with the class while only messing up the dance moves a couple of times (+/- 100). I managed to keep up with the cardio portion. When we got to the floor and started doing leg lifts....I KICKED *kitten*!!!! I was one of the few that maintained leg height and didn't stop through the lifts, holding, and circles. I must admit it was great to actually see the pain and effort pay off on something physical.

    I guess I have to take back all the names I called my PT during my lower body workouts. :)
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    Hey Cool Peeps! There is a new 8 week challenge open for participants! Wizard of Oz Challenge, different teams for different levels of fitness and health!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    Andrea, i feel your pain. Although using MFP recommendations worked like a charm for me for two years, two tears ago all the rules changed! And Ive been searching for the magic bers ever since. Take a look at the perimenopause group lots of them seem to be having these same issues! I think the hormones do change things!

    I am on forced "rest"" right now while recovering from a really nasty stomach bug. I thought I would be good to go tomorrow, but now I am not so sure.

    I have to say that after feeling so badly, I really appreciate the good health that I normally have! Puts it in perspective.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    Wellll......my bf and I have hit a major bump in the road and it appears that we are going our separate ways, at least for now. I think.

    And guess what? Because of my regular workouts and healthy diet, I am still able to focus on my career transition, avoid drama, and get through this hard stuff feeling stronger than i've ever felt in my entire life.

    gym membership + MFP is the greatest gift i've given myself in adulthood.

    Before I was in good physical condition, I would mope at the first sense of struggle or sadness leading to erratic eating / not eating / isolation / sedentary behavior.

    Now I can't imagine behaving that way! I mean, I can't even fathom it! Sure, there's some hard stuff happening now, but this healthy body/ mind connection is real! My healthy body is keeping my mind in tact.

    feels so good.

    so does the warm lentil soup i made for dinner

    Is anyone else cooking all the time? I am cooking more than ever, I prefer it!

    Today is one of those days where I am feeling full but have enough calories left for some extra nuts and fruit for a snack in a little while and i can't wait.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member

    Not that anyone will probably noticed but my ticker went from losing 10lbs to losing 20lbs. I did not lose an additional 10lbs. :) I just changed it to reflect the 10 lbs I lost before joining MFP. I figure that the lbs I dropped before joining MFP counts, right?????

    I had a NSV last night.

    What is NSV? pardon my naiveté
    I went to a dance cardio class with my friend. I have only been doing strenght training, walking, and eliptical, so I thought that the class might be a good idea. I managed to keep up with the class while only messing up the dance moves a couple of times (+/- 100). I managed to keep up with the cardio portion. When we got to the floor and started doing leg lifts....I KICKED *kitten*!!!! I was one of the few that maintained leg height and didn't stop through the lifts, holding, and circles. I must admit it was great to actually see the pain and effort pay off on something physical.

    I guess I have to take back all the names I called my PT during my lower body workouts. :)

    Nice!!!!! Totally Inspiring
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    HI everyone - another newbie here just finding this thread.

    I'm 44 and, like several others, am in the best shape I've been since...well maybe ever. Still have another 40-45 pounds to lose but this year I discovered my inner fitness freak. I run 3x a week (started with C25K this spring and as of last weekend can run 5 miles), strength train 3x a week with a trainer, take Zumba & Pilates classes, and use a Fitbit to make sure I get my steps in. Today is day 190 of daily logging into MFP and it's been awesome. I lurked at the beginning but the more involved I got in the communities and making friends on there, the more beneficial its been. I'm so motivated by all the success stories.

    Happy to find this group!
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Thanks lovelylala. :)

    NSV = non scale victory. It's more than what our scales read. There are more important victories...at least to me. :)
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday! Today was my weigh in day. I have lost another 2lbs!! Now I know that many of you are saying that you are in great shape now that you are in your forties, as for me, I am getting there! I have hit a milestone in my weight loss today and have finally made it below 200lbs on the scales- 198 this morning. This time last year I weighed around 270, so needless to say, I am very excited to see the numbers! It is a rough road sometimes, but I haven't regretted a single minute.

    Got in a 2 mile walk this morning even though it was raining. When I got to work I had to clean up from our show last night which involved putting all of our chairs away and vacuuming- takes a little over an hour to get it all done, and I definitely work up a sweat!

    Hubby and I are going to dinner with my parents tomorrow to celebrate our anniversary (last Tuesday) and theirs (next Wednesday). It should be a nice time. No other big plans, just a hair appointment, grocery shopping and some yard work.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    KellySue, that is awesome news--congrats!
  • rdewald58
    rdewald58 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey 40 plus'ers. Just got back from my bi-annual check-up (lungs and sleep doctor) and I couldn't be happier.... The doctor couldn't believe how much I've leaned up since my last check-up and how my lung capacity has increased also.. Amazing what a little exercise can do. No more bi-annual check-ups, just annual from here on out....

    I had to ask if I looked too skinny and he commented that I looked lean, trim, had excellent muscle tone, and was extremely healthy for someone my age, wouldn't push losing any more weight, but only to maintain. I can live with that and feel "fantastic".

    I did appreciate the positive comments from everyone on the skinny issue and am looking forward to monitoring everyone else's progress.

    Its Friday, the weekend is approaching fast and keep on exercising.
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    KellySue, congratulations! How is it over there in onederland?

    Great accomplishment!!!!