40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • mewood72437
    mewood72437 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, my name is Mary and I am 50 years old. My I join the group?
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    So this where all the 40+'s been hanging out...would be great if you have room for one more (I'm talking about me)
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Hello cool kids!

    Broad- yes tis the season almost! Getting past the rain here in AZ Will soon have cooler weather, I hope!

    Andrea- Very jealous of the beach walk! Awesome!

    RM- I try to measure especially if i have not lost or even gained! Makes a big difference! Don't stress! Just keep on trucking!

    bkw- great nsv! Awesome work!

    Tiger- Hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself! ; )

    Lovely- Sorry about the BF. So glad that you can stay focused! Shows great will power and strength! WTG!

    Beeps- Jaquzzi sounds lovely! How are the eyes?

    Welcome to Laura, Mary and Joe! I love my Fitbit! Need I say more! lol

    Yay Kelly! Have a wonderful weekend!

    RD- You are the Awesomest! lol So happy for you!

    Got some cookbooks to have fun with Deep Nutrition and Nourishing Traditions. Gonna cook my way out of processed foods!

    Cleaned out the chicken coop and did yard work along with my Strength training today!

    Have a great weekend and KEEP IT ROCKING! cool kids! ; )
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    <---- this is Conan, my Irish Wolfhound! He is a big, loveable, baby! He is an in your face kinda guy, says mom when we have been gone somewhere and yea when I ask if he is hungry! Sounds like scooby do talking! lol
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    Princess - I ADORE fresh eggs. Just can't handle the chicken smell. Believe it or not there a lot of people up here in Alaska that raise chickens.

    My parents, who live in WA, have over 50 chickens. I always love breakfast there, fresh eggs and Mama's cooking. :)
  • JackieB42
    JackieB42 Posts: 4 Member
    Finally found the cool club! I'm here to help keep the cool factor up ;-) Just starting dieting with a much better attitude. Doing this to prevent diabetes, heart problems, to increase life expectancy and most of all, as role model to my daughters. Were getting healthier together.

    Our favourite exercises: dancing and walking. Winter's coming (yup, I'm a Game of Thrones addict) so walking is going to be more difficult. So best learn some new moves as I've got to wiggle my waist down :-)
  • Dch2272
    Dch2272 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Dawn and I'm 41. Started on my fitness journey (again) back in April. I've been back on MFP for 11 days and am committed to taking control of my life and my weight. I became more determined after watching my mother pass in June from preventable health related issues at 68. I will not do that to my children, I will be healthy and strong!

    I'm thrilled to have found this thread! Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    KellySue-Wow that is awesome.

    RD-that is what we all should be striving for -better health. That is the true victory. The rest is gravy.

    WhataBroad-We are finally having cooler weather here-I hope you get some to enjoy your run.

    Beeps-good that you are healing.

    Welcome Mary and Joe and Jackie and Dawn

    This week cant end fast enough! After the stomach flu made its way through my whole family, I ended up this evening in the radiology lab having my son`s foot ex rayed. Looks like he may have gotten a stress fracture while running in a cross country meet a couple of weeks ago. We will find out in a couple of days. So we sat at the drs office a total of a couple of hours. Not too bad over all I guess. And now he will miss his swim meet tomorrow, where he was seeded to be one of the top two swimmers in his age group.

    The weather is beautiful here-cool and not humid! Perfect running weather. But between my stomach and son`s foot no run for me. I hope to be back at it tomorrow! Ive been 4 days without a workout!
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    Had a mild cold that has gone to my chest so won't be doing any vigorous exercise until it has gone (I learnt the hard way that pushing on makes it worse) but the sun is shining here in the uk (not warm though) so I will get out and have a nice long slow walk with one of the dogs.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    rdewald - hater be hatin'... the ones that make those negative comments are usually the ones who don't have the fortitude to get it done for themselves! I get comments like, 'you don't want to get too skinny' or 'you're wasting away to nothing'. Those comments are by the friends who I used to spend time with over a few drinks and pub food!

    good to know its not just me getting these comments - 48 years old here and in the best place weight wise since before having my three children 25 years ago. Never ever thought I would get here - and now having to put up with comments on how 'haggard' I am becoming!! Oh well!!
  • jsoulia06
    jsoulia06 Posts: 14 Member
    well 1st week down and I need to step up the workouts... I think that is where I am going wrong turning 40 is making me have to work out more often!! now to just get a move on...
  • bkw99508
    bkw99508 Posts: 204 Member
    well 1st week down and I need to step up the workouts... I think that is where I am going wrong turning 40 is making me have to work out more often!! now to just get a move on...

    Congratulations on 1 week down!!! For me the first 2-3 weeks were the hardest. Just keep on keeping on and stay consistent, results will follow.

    :bigsmile: :glasses:
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    It's minion Sunday! lol I think that will extend into a minion Monday!

    Hope you all had a great weekend! ; )
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    I turned 40 in June, does that count? :) I'm just recovering from surgery (in May). I'm happy to get moving again! I'm walking everyday, and have been adding in a jog here and there. I've actually gotten to a 1 mile jog!! I want to start on weights soon too! 40 is the new 20 after all, right! :)
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Hey cool kids! Welcome to all the new folks!

    Princess, I'm loving minion Sunday!

    The weather has finally turned fall-like in NYC which means it's been great weather for strolling around. This afternoon the hubs and I went out to Brooklyn to "Smorgasburg", which is basically a bunch of hipster food vendors. On Sundays they are in Brooklyn Bridge Park so it's a gorgeous view of the bridge and lower Manhattan. Of course I have no real idea of how many calories I ate, but I took a stab at logging and think we kept it under control and within calories pretty well, especially with all the walking we did. Best thing we had was a donut with passionfruit glaze--dear god that was good, especially since I haven't been eating a lot of sweets.

    Now to get started with the usual Sunday cooking. Gotta prep lunches for the week, and try to get a head-start on tomorrow's dinner since I have a 6pm doctor's appt and have no desire to start the cooking from scratch once I get home from that.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    How about people way into their 50's (and pushing their 60's). Can they join the cool kids too? Looks like you all are having a great time here.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday all! Had a good weekend. Dinner with my parents was fabulous!! I did indulge a bit. (A glass of Red Cat with dinner and Crème Brule for dessert) I also walked 5 miles that morning because I knew that I would want to have a nice dinner. It worked out great and I was still under calories for the day. Yesterday was catch up on all of the things I didn't get done on Saturday. (grocery shopping, laundry, etc.) Still need to mow the lawn, but it will have to wait until it stops raining. Half a day of work for me then to the dr. with hubby. Made chili this morning in my crock pot so it will be ready when we get done at the dr.

    Have a good day all and welcome to all of the new peeps!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I had a great calorie-week last week. Was under my goal by about 130, and my natural waist dropped down 0.75"! So, I think I can safely say the holiday bloat is "gone". Mind you, my hips went UP (again!) and truly, until I can get back to heavy-lifting, I just want to STOP measuring that particular part of my body.

    Anyway, I did climb hills on both Saturday and Sunday. For 2 hours each day! Got my heart rate nice and high and can tell you my eyeballs didn't pop out.

    So, yes, I'll wait until Friday to go lift weights (dr's orders), and even then, I'll ease back into it....but, I feel like my body is ready to get back at it!

    Happy Monday, to my 40 + ers!
  • princessofredrock
    princessofredrock Posts: 382 Member
    Nice work Beeps! Glad yours eyes are ok!

    Yes Nae Nae! We are the in crowd! ; )

    Welcome Lebe!

    RM- sounds like a great time!

    I finally took a day off yesterday but still ended up hitting all my Fitbit goals doing laundry, house work and my strength training! A day off for me is no running or hiking! lol

    Come join me for MINION Monday for those that are not on my FL-- http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1099113-minion-monday

    Have a great day Cool Kids!

    Chelle ; )
  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    Hi guys, 42 here. I finally found a gym I like and have been going steady for just over a year, running on my off days. Checked two weeks ago and was at 19% BF. My trainer wants me to get to 9%. That is how I was turned on to this site, calorie counting and doing well as far as I can tell. I also work out to maintain lean muscle mass, not sure if I am losing weight but I hope to maintain or lose just a little weight with emphasis on losing body fat.