Why all the negativity???Where is the Motivation?



  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I don't think she means people disagreeing with her ideas. I really enjoy coming on the board and I like to comment on them too, and I have had another A hole torn in many times. Just a few days ago I agreed with someone because he answered a direct question. He came back at me with "so what's your point". Hey dude, I agree with you! So really, there are some people who really just don't know how to talk to folks. I've been on MFP since 2010 (new account here) so I have seen it all. I agreed with one OP and about 6 people jumped on me for agreeing. So there are those who cannot accept people with different ideas from them. But the good outweighs the bad, there is boo-koo good information on here from people, and you have to just scroll on down till you find it. If you quit the forum nobody will even know or miss you. Enjoy them the best way you can.
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    I lurked for the first 2 weeks on this site and you know what I saw?

    1) people wanting validation no matter how dangerous their idea was.
    2) people saying do whatever you want if you think it's a good idea
    3) people calmly explaining why said corse of action is unsafe, ineffective, or just plain silly
    4) people who have been here forever putting concise information in blunt terms to convey their knowledge in the most impact full way possible.
    5) people who complain that they can't do it because they are somehow special and defy natural law.

    I chose to friend those in category 3&4 because they had the best gif's!

    good call
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I'm still puzzled about the "silent treatment" :huh:
  • SkinnyFatAlbert
    SkinnyFatAlbert Posts: 482 Member
    Just in case you weren't aware of this feature, when you go to the message boards section, there is a button called search and you can type in a keyword/phrase (ex: rude/mean/butthurt) and you can see the threads that have already been created on the topic. Good luck! :flowerforyou:















    Message boards are for being social. Searching is not social. Cope.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Honestly? People get called "bullies" for calling bogus diet trends bogus diet trends. It gets freaking old. "Oh no, how dare you say Fat Flush Water/Detox #112/My 21 Day Water Fast is a load of crap? BULLY!"

    I do not know what prompted your particular rant, and I honestly don't care enough to browse through your posting history or try and read your mind. I've just quit taking these "everyone's sooo mean" threads seriously because as a whole they are posted when someone cannot tell the difference between calling an idea stupid and calling a person stupid.

    First whether it be the person on simply the idea... it should never be called stupid. That is what I am talking about. Why must it be "stupid " because you don't agree with it?

    Because no matter how many times people want to say 2+2=10, it doesn't, and therefore, the math is "stupid." This example is no different than those stupid fad diets that are nothing but myths and scams.

    If it was just and "idea," that would be one thing, but, when people act on that idea and start doing essentially harmful fat diets, there are "bullies" who would rather tell someone the fad diet is stupid then to give people false results.

    Body Wraps, flushes, targeting body fat, cleanses, and all that kind of stuff is only a temporary fix to a long term problem, and when those people regain the weight, it makes them feel like they can't do it.

    Also, when someone posts a question in an open public forum, they should be willing to accept whatever differing opinions and personalities and responses they will get. They can scan through the responses, figure out which ones work for them and ignore the rest. It's simple. If you can't take a differing opinion, ask your question on your wall, or in a private group of like minded people.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm still puzzled about the "silent treatment" :huh:

    You shouldn't be. I'm giving it to you RIGHT NOW!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    arguing others into submission is normal primate behaviour. Humans do this verbally, while other primates beat their chests, make a lot of noise and stamp on things. Humans are inclined to do that too, if the argument escalates sufficiently.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Blunt and honest doesn't mean it's negative, bullying or calling someone stupid.

    Calling fad diets stupid is dead on because they are just that...stupid. I am NOT calling the people who do them stupid.

    Here's the thing...it's all perception. Written words on a board don't always come across the way they were intended and based on YOUR perception is how you'll perceive it. So if you think because someone called an idea stupid, that is you creating that in your mind.

    I gotta say, these threads getting mad at people for being blunt and honest are getting a little tiresome. You also say you aren't a negative person, but here's a negative post about people that you perceive as bullies or mean or whatever. There's also a blog option on MFP that also can reach people, so maybe that's a better place to vent your frustrations from all the meanies. I'm sure I'm going to be perceived as mean after this...

    Forums have to be read with an open mind, realizing that it's all in your perception. It's like the telephone game, when it first starts out it's one sentence but by the time it gets to the next person they heard something different.

    The other thing is...no one is here to sugar coat anything for anyone or coddle anyone. I will agree that name calling is bad. But again, if someone is honest, blunt and to the point it doesn't make them rude, bullies, or mean.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I'm still puzzled about the "silent treatment" :huh:

    You shouldn't be. I'm giving it to you RIGHT NOW!

    You're doing it wrong.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    Because no matter how many times people want to say 2+2=10, it doesn't, and therefore, the math is "stupid." This example is no different than those stupid fad diets that are nothing but myths and scams.

    If it was just and "idea," that would be one thing, but, when people act on that idea and start doing essentially harmful fat diets, there are "bullies" who would rather tell someone the fad diet is stupid then to give people false results.

    Body Wraps, flushes, targeting body fat, cleanses, and all that kind of stuff is only a temporary fix to a long term problem, and when those people regain the weight, it makes them feel like they can't do it.

    Also, when someone posts a question in an open public forum, they should be willing to accept whatever differing opinions and personalities and responses they will get. They can scan through the responses, figure out which ones work for them and ignore the rest. It's simple. If you can't take a differing opinion, ask your question on your wall, or in a private group of like minded people.

    I like you.
  • kwill4274
    I'm fairly new to this, just started looking at all the postings over the last week and I haven't noticed any negativity. Maybe it's the sites you go to or the people you are friending. Everything I'm finding is positive and encouraging.:flowerforyou:
  • terrinae89
    terrinae89 Posts: 6 Member
    You tell em girl! I don't often get on the message boards due to the negativity, flirting or putting people down. This is not FB but people seem to treat MFP like it. You keep pushing and ignore anyone who says otherwise!

    Blessings on your journey!
  • Morninglory81
    Morninglory81 Posts: 1,190 Member
    Blunt and honest doesn't mean it's negative, bullying or calling someone stupid.

    Calling fad diets stupid is dead on because they are just that...stupid. I am NOT calling the people who do them stupid.

    Here's the thing...it's all perception. Written words on a board don't always come across the way they were intended and based on YOUR perception is how you'll perceive it. So if you think because someone called an idea stupid, that is you creating that in your mind.

    I gotta say, these threads getting mad at people for being blunt and honest are getting a little tiresome. You also say you aren't a negative person, but here's a negative post about people that you perceive as bullies or mean or whatever. There's also a blog option on MFP that also can reach people, so maybe that's a better place to vent your frustrations from all the meanies. I'm sure I'm going to be perceived as mean after this...

    Forums have to be read with an open mind, realizing that it's all in your perception. It's like the telephone game, when it first starts out it's one sentence but by the time it gets to the next person they heard something different.

    The other thing is...no one is here to sugar coat anything for anyone or coddle anyone. I will agree that name calling is bad. But again, if someone is honest, blunt and to the point it doesn't make them rude, bullies, or mean.
    If you sugarcoat it ill just get fat!:tongue:

    Edit ok how do I bold things?
  • MackLuster77
    MackLuster77 Posts: 24 Member
    Is staring a big problem on the internet?
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I'm still puzzled about the "silent treatment" :huh:

    You shouldn't be. I'm giving it to you RIGHT NOW!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I'm still puzzled about the "silent treatment" :huh:

    You shouldn't be. I'm giving it to you RIGHT NOW!

    You're doing it wrong.

  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    the silent treatment,

    Ok...I'm probably cyber bullying you..but...how does one give someone the silent treament on an internet forum?

    I'm just imagining somebody not posting on a topic and saying "That'll show em'" I don't know why but it makes me laugh.

    ETA: Apparently I'm not the only inquiring mind that wants to know.

    *silent treatments you*



    I can't take it anymore... I actually laughed out loud at this. :laugh:
    I've never been any good at the whole silent treatment thing :grumble:
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I get so much support on my wall. Lots and lots of support. My friends are the greatest.

    As for the forums, there's a lot of derp. The people who call the derp what it is are the unsung heroes of MFP, even if they tick people off and get called "meanies."

    Without debate, there would be no critical thinking. I LOVE debate. I love critical thinking.
    Agreed - I like being able to be honest on here - I cant say a lot of "truths" in the real world- but here I can and hopefully people appreciate a certain level of honesty.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    If you sugarcoat it ill just get fat!:tongue:

    Edit ok how do I bold things?

    [ b ] [ /b ] (no spaces) it's like how you post an image or quote things...just with a lower case b.
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