No Skinny For This Girl



  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Wow, it sounds like junior high talk here! I'm new to MFP, just checking out the community and not sure about this place at all!

    I'm new too, and I posted this originally just as a "battle cry" for starting my journey--I never wanted to offend anyone. It has obviously taken a turn for the worst. I don't think everything on here is like this though! You just have to stick to the good people. :)

    By 'good' people you mean the ones that agree with you.

    If anyone has an alternative view they must be the 'bad' people.

  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I love watching women fight. Especially when it's over such inconsequential BS.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    OP: Everyone has their own aesthetic ideal. Some of the women on MFP prefer to be very athletic and muscular, some (like me) prefer to be slender... I say as long as your body is healthy, anything goes. Do what makes you happy. :-)
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    No. Don't be frightened away. MFP is a wonderful tool to use for learning (and sticking to) a healthier lifestyle. You can totally reach YOUR goals. No one else's opinion matters where you are concerned as long as your goal is to be healthy.
    Good luck in your endeavors!
  • ImSoOTired
    ImSoOTired Posts: 186 Member
    Wow, it sounds like junior high talk here! I'm new to MFP, just checking out the community and not sure about this place at all!

    I'm new too, and I posted this originally just as a "battle cry" for starting my journey--I never wanted to offend anyone. It has obviously taken a turn for the worst. I don't think everything on here is like this though! You just have to stick to the good people. :)

    meant to quote this with my above response
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I just want to be really, really, really, really,.....really, really, ridiculously good looking

    You have achieved goal and don't even realise?!

  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I've for the most part always had thick bones.... still do... that just means they are heavier and people can. Ever guess my weivht correctly.. I always weight muuch more thqn anyone can imagine... but recently over the past two years I've gained and lost a lot of weight I was almost 300 pounds... now I'm at 115.. soanyone can do it and still look great

    But that isn't everyone's goal. I'm pretty comfy where I am, to be honest, and right now my primary goal is slowly losing a touch more fat (5-10 pounds at the most) and then bulking (That's right, getting bigger/heavier) for a more muscular look.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Wow, it sounds like junior high talk here! I'm new to MFP, just checking out the community and not sure about this place at all!

    I'm new too, and I posted this originally just as a "battle cry" for starting my journey--I never wanted to offend anyone. It has obviously taken a turn for the worst. I don't think everything on here is like this though! You just have to stick to the good people. :)

    By 'good' people you mean the ones that agree with you.

    If anyone has an alternative view they must be the 'bad' people.


    You are excellent at being meta.
  • She didn't say she didn't like skinny or that anyone who did want that as their goal was a bad person. She just said she wasn't here to get skinny. Too much projection of other peoples' feelings, goals, negative body images and all the other baggage we carry with us in our lives on this thread.

    I say, your goal is your goal. My goal is my goal. Neither is bad. Neither is wrong. Someone else here said something about my skinny would not necessarily be your skinny. So true.

    Lighten up and enjoy life.
  • Geez, people. She wasn't trying to cause offense.

    If you're going to get that riled up over it, there's more issues (like vanity) to work on than weight loss.

    Good grief.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Lol we all want to be skinny... Don't kid yourself.
    But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose!

    You assume a lot.

    Nope. I don't.
    Skinny to me doesn't mean stick thin it means, fit, small, healthy.
    Makes me laugh.
    "Oh, I don't even want to be small"
    Umm ya, you do. You want to so badly you have to convince yourself you don't to make yourself feel better.
    Some people use denial or set themselves up to fail so they can say "they didn't even want to in the first place"
    That's all I see.

    That's ridiculous. I've put on 20 pounds from my lowest, because I didn't want to be that small. I then cut 13 of it, now I'm going to put it back on. I also did not like the way I looked 20 pounds lighter. Your views are completely skewed.

  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
  • Well... can't you be athletic, strong and "skinny"? As long as you're healthy who cares if you lean more towards the athletic build or the slender build? Some people are curvier than others and skinny isn't bad as long as you're healthy.

    Also, don't we all share a common goal of losing weight and being healthier? Why knock someone else's aesthetic ideal if it's healthy?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Lol we all want to be skinny... Don't kid yourself.
    But whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose!

    You assume a lot.

    Nope. I don't.
    Skinny to me doesn't mean stick thin it means, fit, small, healthy.
    Makes me laugh.
    "Oh, I don't even want to be small"
    Umm ya, you do. You want to so badly you have to convince yourself you don't to make yourself feel better.
    Some people use denial or set themselves up to fail so they can say "they didn't even want to in the first place"
    That's all I see.

    Ever play rugby? That's 8 people a side who don't want to be small.

    Lacrosse? American Football? Heavy weight wrestling/boxing/mma/powerlifting/weightlifting/etc?

    Enjoy being weak. That's not to say that small or skinny folks can't be strong, but if you're so short sighted that all you can see if your own goals and can't comprehend that people might not think like you do...then you are most definitely weak.

    Hey! I was one of those 8 people once. And yeah, I will never be "small". I'm 5'9" and 163lbs. Big head, broad shoulders, big hips, big butt, big hands, big feet. I don't know who'd consider that "small". But I wouldn't mind being "lean" which might be considered "skinny". I don't prop anymore.... And besides "skinny" props are usually faster props.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Wow, it sounds like junior high talk here! I'm new to MFP, just checking out the community and not sure about this place at all!

    I'm new too, and I posted this originally just as a "battle cry" for starting my journey--I never wanted to offend anyone. It has obviously taken a turn for the worst. I don't think everything on here is like this though! You just have to stick to the good people. :)

    By 'good' people you mean the ones that agree with you.

    If anyone has an alternative view they must be the 'bad' people.


    You are excellent at being meta.

    You should have thrown a gif in there, would have made your post so much better
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Why would anyone that is skinny or not overweight want to create a post/thread about how they don't want to be fat/obese?

    It just doesn't make any sense, what would anyone be trying to achieve with that?? To show off? To make fat people feel crap? I can't see anything positive that would come of it.

    Please feel free to tell me what I'm missing...


    Wow what a hilarious and intelligent response!

    If only I could be as original as you *sigh*

    Wait, wait, WHAT?? You are offended at my cute puppy gif??? Now *I* am butt hurt. :sad:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well... can't you be athletic, strong and "skinny"? As long as you're healthy who cares if you lean more towards the athletic build or the slender build? Some people are curvier than others and skinny isn't bad as long as you're healthy.

    Also, don't we all share a common goal of losing weight and being healthier? Why knock someone else's aesthetic ideal if it's healthy?

    *Points in general direction of the gaining weight and maintaining weight areas*
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Wow, it sounds like junior high talk here! I'm new to MFP, just checking out the community and not sure about this place at all!

    I'm new too, and I posted this originally just as a "battle cry" for starting my journey--I never wanted to offend anyone. It has obviously taken a turn for the worst. I don't think everything on here is like this though! You just have to stick to the good people. :)

    By 'good' people you mean the ones that agree with you.

    If anyone has an alternative view they must be the 'bad' people.


    You are excellent at being meta.

    You should have thrown a gif in there, would have made your post so much better

    I'm at work, and my computer's too slow.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    I bet she hates it because anyone can be "skinny" and "lean" if they eat the right way and do the right exercises. A lot of women, and people in general, use the "build" of their body as an excuse to why they aren't even going to try to be "thin" or to lose weight at all.

    That's my vote! It's funny how many people started out like the OP, and based on their starting pictures, I would have agreed with what was said. I have been proven wrong. Search the forum and you'll see for yourself.
  • TitaniaEcks
    TitaniaEcks Posts: 351 Member
    Well... can't you be athletic, strong and "skinny"? As long as you're healthy who cares if you lean more towards the athletic build or the slender build? Some people are curvier than others and skinny isn't bad as long as you're healthy.

    Also, don't we all share a common goal of losing weight and being healthier? Why knock someone else's aesthetic ideal if it's healthy?
    This. We all have the common goal of achieving healthy bodies... but each of us has a slightly different mental picture of how that looks. To each their own. A 5'6", 115, somewhat willowy woman and a 5'6", 140 lb weightlifter woman really don't have such a different health profile. The only difference is one can pick up heavier objects than the other, lol. Whatever floats their boat!
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