Movies that scarred you for life! (Most Disturbing Film)



  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    The Justin Bieber movie killed me
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Okay, I just found this thread...good read!

    I LOVE horror flicks!! But I remember being horrified the 1st time i ever saw Nightmare on Elm Street, my sister was 18, I was 6 when it came out on VHS. She rented it when a friend spent the night and they kepy making screeching noises with their nails all night long freaking me out!!!
    PS>>>the Nightmare on Elm Street Series is now one of my favorites, I forced myself to sit down, watch and get over it!

    I totally agree with those that said Strangers....Really?? I was STUNNED!!

    Drive creeped me out, Ryan Gosling is HOT, but that scene with the skull bashing ruined me..
    Exorcist, Frailty, Poltergeist, IT all freaked me out too...but I got over them like i did Nightmare....

    But one I can barely watch again is The Legend of Lizzie Borden, I couldn't even watch Bewitched after seeing Elizabeth Montgomery in that movie! ...though, I confess I've been wanting to see it again lately...

    Another one is one I found on Hulu some years back, it's called "Teeth" If you're a guy, you may not want to see it, j/s

    It's about a girl with teeth in a very peculiar place, very disturbing and graphic!!!

    Oooohhh I LOVE Frailty.

    and I thought Teeth was very clever.
  • psych0kitty
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    The Exorcist and The Omen, but I saw them as a child and I think that had some bearing on it.

    Recently? I saw some movie named Hostel and it freaked me out because of the torturing.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I think I was 12 or around there when my dad traumatized me with Poltergeist, haven't been able to watch a scary movie since
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I have the most disturbing movie to beat all.....Martyr's.

    Google it...doesn't sound too bad, right. WRONG!!! LOL This is a deeply disturbing movie that I will never watch again in my life!! And I love scary movies!!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    2nd and 3rd Matrix. I will never be able to enjoy the first Matrix in the same way again after seeing where it went.
    Suicide Club
    Yet another ultra-twisted product from Japan
    I don't know how much it was disturbing as it was just... WTF... I was lost by the end.
    The Justin Bieber movie killed me
    I wisely chose to avoid that.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I think I was 12 or around there when my dad traumatized me with Poltergeist, haven't been able to watch a scary movie since

    I used to look like the girl in the movie...everyone used to tell me. Still can't stand to be near a TV with "snow" on it.
  • lillivewire87
    lillivewire87 Posts: 103 Member
    I have three films that I actually refuse to watch...ever....

    Jumanji- This was the only movie my parents ever had to remove me from the theater for because I was so scared. Still have not watched the whole film to this day.

    Jaws- I have only watched part of this, but my horror extends from being a tiny child and going to universal studios. In the old school ride Jaws "attacks" the train the you ride on...guess who's car happened to be the one he "bit"...yeah...mine

    King Kong (original or remake)....directly from Jaws we were ushered into King Kong...just no.

    As far as movies I have actually seen that mess with my head...

    Stephen King's "The Stand", "The Shining", and "Rose Red"....just *shudder*
  • cdanie13
    cdanie13 Posts: 108 Member
    Arachnophobia.....I watched this movie for years and was never scared of it....then randomly around age 13 I watched it and it freaked me out. Now I am terrified of spiders! :sad:
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Anything with exorcism!... And the, im 18 years old and im honestly afraid theres something under my bed, so after i shut off the lights i like sprint and jump on my bed hahah. Embarresing but i think its funny. Advice... Dont let your children start watching scary movies at the age of 2!...
  • archoo_letsdothis
    archoo_letsdothis Posts: 90 Member
    Exorcist without doubt. I watched it for the first time when I was around 13 . And then I watched it last year when It came on netflix. big mistake! couldn't pee till my husband came home and then had to pee with the door open.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I haven't been scared by movies since I was a small child. And the two movies that I remember FREAKED me out were Salem's Lot and Pet Sematary!
  • cdanie13
    cdanie13 Posts: 108 Member
    I have a love/hate relationship with scary movies

    Anything with demons and possession! I usually watch those movies with knees to chest, shallow breathing, feeling like a heart attack is coming on and squinted eyes. I also acquire super human skills from watching these movies. EX: Running fast down the hallway after turning the lights off, hearing a strange noise behind me and automatically get into fighting stance, literally jumping into the seat of my car so my ankles don't get slashed.

    Basically it's self inflicted torture.

    I'm the same! The demon/possession movies freak me out a little but I can watch the gore horror all day. When the SAW and Final Destination series came out it was like magic lol. I love those films!! Does that make me weird?? :tongue:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The Shining. That whole movie is just...beyond frightening to me. I watched it as a kid, and it's never left me.

    Hostel. The scene where the guy cuts the other guy's achilles heel? No. Just no.

    The Grudge. The sound she makes...the scene where she comes down from the closet ceiling. Can't even think about it.

    I watched this horror film when I was little, and I have no idea what it was. The boy's sister died, and he woke up in the middle of the night to her floating outside his bedroom window asking him to let her in. That scene scarred me for life. I'm not even sure why, but I still think about it some nights if I happen to glance over at my bedroom window when I'm trying to fall asleep.
  • HoneyCashew
    Wrong Turn
  • cdanie13
    cdanie13 Posts: 108 Member
    The Shining. That whole movie is just...beyond frightening to me. I watched it as a kid, and it's never left me.

    Hostel. The scene where the guy cuts the other guy's achilles heel? No. Just no.

    The Grudge. The sound she makes...the scene where she comes down from the closet ceiling. Can't even think about it.

    I watched this horror film when I was little, and I have no idea what it was. The boy's sister died, and he woke up in the middle of the night to her floating outside his bedroom window asking him to let her in. That scene scarred me for life. I'm not even sure why, but I still think about it some nights if I happen to glance over at my bedroom window when I'm trying to fall asleep.

    LOL! I loved Hostel. The concept freaked me out more than the movie and I can totally make that weird sound from The Grudge. I used to do it all the time to freak my sister out.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The first Paranormal Activity

    (I couldnt leave a limb outside the sheets for months, or sleep with the TV off)

    This too. I'm still pretty sure I'm going to be dragged out of bed and down the hall by a bird-footed demon at some point. Thank god I don't have an attic.
  • Frankii_x
    Frankii_x Posts: 238
    Marley and Me.

    Actually the most distressing film I've ever seen in my life!
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    Not a big fan of horror movies! i do like to sleep at night! LOL one movie that still haunts me is HOSTEL! UGH i saw one part of it and i turned it off...its scary cause there is really crazy, sick a** people out there!!!

    Hostel for sure! I don't do a lot of horror movies, but let someone talk me into watching this...never again!