

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hello everyone. I am back after taking a break. I lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks after being stuck for a month. So that feels good. I am must marking this thread for now. I really want to lose 20 pounds by Christmas - is that too ambitious???


    It's not so much that your goal is too ambitious, but setting a goal of losing a certain number of pounds by a certain date doesn't work......try setting a daily goal to increase your exercise and stay strictly to an eating plan of 1200 plus a few exercise calories and eating only high nutrition foods...you can control your eating and exercise and as a result, you will lose as much weight as your body can under the circumstances......you may have a faster weight loss at first, then as you approach your goal, it will slow down....the most important thing is to never, never, never give up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Still posting from my phone. My grandtwins are still baking. DD is still having steroid injections to help the babies lungs. They are monitoring her carefully and are going to reassess the situation tomorrow if things stay the same today. Despite it being horrid for Natasha at present, it is better if she keep the little 'cupcakes' in for a little while longer.

    On a different matter .... I've lost that pound that I needed to reach my century lost! Very happy with that ... for now!

    Will read and post more when I can get on a pc.

    Love to you all xx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    smwert welcome back!:love:

    Barbie I needed your reminder too. Thanks for sharing you warm wisdom.:flowerforyou:

    Missjo, yoga/linedance/walking triatholon boot camp? :heart: When and where do I sign?:smile: but please not Kackie's tough yoga, I'm strictly a gentle yoga gal.

    Lynn, your cousin is right... until you've been west you haven't seen real mountains... first the Rockies then the Sierras and Cascades. When I was a little girl visiting relatives in St. Louis, my aunt and uncle took me to see the Ozark "Mountains". It was a lovely autumn afternoon drive through beautifully colored river bluffs, but toward the end of the day I asked when we would get to the mountains... :laugh:

    Amanda, 100 lbs? WOWwowWOWwowWOWwowWOW! :flowerforyou: Yay YOU! :drinker: Hope you can take a moment away from the DD and Grandtwin worries to celebrate your accomplishment! heart: :heart: :heart: Monumentally well done!::bigsmile:

    SisterMimiVeggieQueen, I GIVE UP on roasting whole beets at 350 with 1 inch of tops and roots uncut. The skins do NOT just "slip off" as advertised on the cooking websites... They cling mightily. If I leave them in the oven long enough to get a little separation of skin from beet, the skin takes chunks of beet with it and I'm left with baby beets about the size of large peas. NOT worth the effort. How do you prepare beets?

    SuzyQ your cheerfulness about packing up and moving is enviable. :flowerforyou: I hate moving and :explode: resist it with all my might. Took us 2 years to get rid of enough stuff to downsize to our current home. :laugh:

    Kathy a very happy 6 months-smoke-free anniversary to you and many many many happy returns. Well done!

    Oh and back aways, someone (was it Michele) asked for other veggies to roast... I just tried little button crimini mushrooms. DeLISH!
  • mimi7grands
    Good morning everyone.

    6-year-old GD, Liv, is still having terrible stomachaches at night. Wakes her up then keeps her awake, last night for hours, crying with the pain. I’m beside myself. The doctors don’t know what is going on. She’ll start tests tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers and good thoughts.

    Barbie, thanks for the good advice. You are right on. (As usual!)

    Amanda, wonderful, amazing, awesome, terrific! You did it. 100 lbs is such a nice round number. (Make that not-so-round!) You are doing a great job. You will enjoy getting down on the floor to play with your grandkids – and getting back up again! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbara, I haven’t prepared beets at all, although I like them. How about quartering them, baking them, then scooping out the good part? I eat many veggies skin and all – butternut squash is a good example. That works when the skins aren’t tough, not so much when they are. I bought a rutabaga for the first time the other day, just cuz. I couldn’t even cut into it! It’s sitting in my fridge, wilting, until it’s time to throw it out! Please pass along your recipes for winter veggies. Fixing them is new to me.

    Susan, congrats. Lots of exciting things happening for you.

    Kathy, a big congratulations on 6 smoke-free months! You couldn’t have given yourself a better gift. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Auntiebk – I have never roasted beets but I know you could take the skins off first before you roast them by quickly parboiling them. Dunk the beets for a minute or two in water that is boiling hard, then put them in cold water to stop the cooking and the skins should slip off easily. It helps if you have young tender beets. The older ones like to take a lot of the flesh with the skins as you described. So look for young tender beets with thin skins. I have done this many times when making pickled beets or preparing beets to put in the freezer. Good luck! I think I will go get some beets and roast them this week. You've made me hungry for beets! :laugh:

    Amanda – WOW! :bigsmile: A hundred pounds is such an accomplishment! Way to go; I'm in awe.:bigsmile: Sorry that your daughter is so uncomfortable and having to wait for the birth a while longer but it is very good for the cupcakes, as you call them. That made me smile – cupcakes... :laugh:

    Mimi – I am so sorry to hear about your Granddaughter! :frown: That is such a miserable feeling having someone you love in pain and not being able to do anything about it. She will be in my prayers.

    As for rutabagas and turnips, I like them best as part of a pot roast or stew. A piece of stew beef or venison browned and put in a covered roaster with onion, carrot and maybe parsnips. Thrown in some fresh thyme and marjoram and for me garlic pepper. Put some water in the pan to deglaze all the goodie bits from where you browned the meat and veggies and pour it over the meat and veggies in the roaster. Roast it long and slow in the oven and you have a great meal. Some of the veggies will get real soft and blend into the broth. Thicken that and pour it back over the meat and solid veggies, or if you want it makes a great topping for mashed potatoes or brown rice. We used to eat this most every Sunday when we were kids. It was easy to throw in the oven in the morning and it was ready to eat when we got home from church.

    Okay, now I'm getting hungry for nostalgic food. Mom used to make johnny cake to go with it. That's basically a coarse ground yellow cornmeal non-sweet type cornbread made on the stove top in a cast iron skillet. It wasn't a light fluffy cornbread. It was dense and nutty flavored. Oh my. That was good stuff. I don't think you can find coarse ground yellow corn meal anymore. I am going to look for it.

    Aargh! Nostalgia food! We used to have “real” fried chicken on Sundays as well..... Free range chickens that ate bugs and scratched around for a living. They taste totally different from the cage raised stuff we get now. Coated with salt and pepper, dipped in egg and then flour and fried in bacon fat.:noway: In the spring and summer my favorite salad was wilted lettuce which was fresh leaf lettuce from the garden, mixed with chopped green onion and dressed with a mixture of HOT bacon dripping,dry mustard powder and vinegar. It sounds awful but it sure tasted good. Oh, there was bacon fat in the johnny cake too. Thing is none of us were fat. :huh: I guess we worked it off on the farm but it caught up with me when I left that life.

    Dad and ate cream and butter and bacon fat every day of his life, smoked unfiltered cigarettes since he was 10 years old and was 2 weeks short of his 98th birthday when he passed away in his sleep in his rocking chair. Talk about beating the odds...

    Sorry, I got carried away there.:ohwell: Dang, a rutabaga started this whole train of thought. Hope I didn't bore you all to tears. I need to find some comfort food I can cook today that doesn't involve bacon fat...

    Has anyone heard from Laura? I keep hoping she made it to see her Mom in time.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Just had to jump in after reading the posts and say:

    Mimi: WAY TO GO on making into onesville! You have worked hard and I hope you are still giving yourself a great pat on the back for that. Regarding your DGD...I know you must be worried. I will send all the positive energy I can her way. Keep us posted.

    Amanda: Congratulations on 100 down. that is awesome! Hope you can pat yourself on the back too while waiting for the twins!

    smwert: So glad you are back here. You are doing great!

    Lynn: Have fun in the mountains. I love our Smoky Mountians...they are green and lush and wonderful. This time of year the colors should be beautiful. I am also from the SE USA, so I grew up with the Smoky Mountains like you did. Then in more recent year we discovered the rocky mountains and spend lots of time there now. BUT they are both beautiful in very different ways. Enjoy!

    Faye: You made me hungry! Regarding Beets: I have tried getting the skin off the easy way and have given up. I peel them (makes my fingers red...if they are red beets) then cut them into quarters and roast at 425. I make a lot so that I'll have left overs. In fact I had some today for lunch with my turkey pocket.

    DH went out fishing this afternoon and actually brought me a nice Redfish to blacken for dinner. :tongue: He likes to let them go, but I have been wanting one to cook on the grill in my iron skillet. Yum! Can't wait. There are so many wonderful things about this time of the year...fall vegetables, cooler less humid days, and good fishing!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and I am thinking of each of you who have family members who have health issues. Take care of yourselves too and know we are all here for you. Kackie:heart:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Saw this on the forums and loved it so thought I'd put it here in case anyone missed it :-) I've lost an Irish Setter but before I'm done I want to lose the complete Oxford English Dictionary. Amanda has now lost a two month old horse. What about all of you?

    1 pound = a Guinea Pig
    1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
    2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
    3 pounds = an average human brain
    4 pounds = an ostrich egg
    5 pounds = a Chihuahua
    6 pounds = a human’s skin
    7.5 pounds = an average newborn
    8 pounds = a human head
    10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
    11 pounds = an average housecat
    12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
    15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
    16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain
    20 pounds = an automobile tire
    23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
    24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
    25 pounds = an average 2 year old
    30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
    33 pounds = a cinder block
    36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
    40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
    44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
    50 pounds = a small bale of hay
    55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
    60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
    66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
    70 pounds = an Irish Setter
    77 pounds = a gold brick
    80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
    90 pounds = a newborn calf
    100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
    111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
    117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
    118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
    120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
    130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
    138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
    140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
    144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
    150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
    187 pounds = an average adult man
    200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
    235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
    300 pounds = an average football lineman
    400 pounds = a Welsh pony"
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I have lost an amount of cheese average American eats in one year.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello all--

    Mimi-Congrats on the one-derful ones!!

    Regarding rutabagas, my mom uses them in stews and soups all the time, and she has never mentioned a problem cutting them. I know you peel them, and then she cuts them in cubes, and they come out a little firmer than a potato. As for keeping in fridge, I advise against it. They seem to last just fine stored in a cool place with the potatoes.

    Amanda-Congrats on reaching your century mark--weightwise!!

    Welcome to any newbies I have missed.

    We are living up to our nickname "Pacific NorthWET" today. Windy and rainy.

    Saturday, went to a potluck barbecue where ribs were to be served. Hostess agreed I would bring chili. Was up at 7a on Sat. browning meat and cutting veggies. Good thing I made lots of it, because the host, my neighbor's disorganized brother, FORGOT to buy the ribs!! They live a distance from any grocery store, so we ended up with hot dogs, hamburgers, (on the grill) and deep fried chicken and sweet potatoes. Our host loves to deep fry outside in the back yard!!

    His girlfriend (our hostess), is a former bartender, and she made some "jello shots" with lemon jello and flavored vodka--one batch of vanilla, another with blueberry. She also made a caramel pudding with Bailey's Irish Cream. Any of these topped with a shot of spray whipped cream were quite good!! I am proud to day I only had one of each, and they are in little tiny cups, about the size of a shot glass--hence the "shots" name. My chili was very popular, and I left what little remained at the party for the host, who was so busy frying chicken and drinking beer, he never had a chance to have any of the chili with his dinner.

    Another brother, of the host and of my neighbor, showed up and, he is not known for being very tactful. Soon, he figures out I am NOT there as part of the group that his niece (the host's daughter) had brought, and realizes he has met me twice before when my neighbor and I have been at Starbucks and once at lunch. So then, in front of a roomful of people that I just met, he asks me when my neighbor and I are going to "get hitched":noway: :noway: :huh: and goes on to suggest that we should have a double ceremony and the host and hostess should get married at the same time!!!!!!:noway: :noway:

    Fortunately, I was sitting down when he spoke.:laugh: My neighbor was out of the room when it happened, thank goodness!! We both had a chuckle about it when, while we were driving home, I described what happened. This particular brother once met a woman and proposed to her 4 days later, and they were married within the month. He is still befuddled as to why it didn't work!!!:laugh: :laugh: Needless to say, no one takes his matrimonial suggestions seriously!!

    I have to get going for now.

    Have a good week everyone.

  • mimi7grands
    Hello everyone,

    Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Liv. :heart: We’re hoping she makes it all the way through the night tonight with no tummy aches. Tomorrow, she'll get a whole round of tests. It's a weird thing...she has excruciating pain...last night, for 2 or 3 hours. Then it's gone. She's perfectly cheerful and fine. I've read about a couple of things that are benign that can cause that kind of pain. I hope, #1, that it's benign (of course), but #2, that it's fixable rather than something that will recur periodically. Our bodies sure work in mysterious ways.

    I have a funny story to tell you. I was dropping off a friend’s mom at the home of her long-time friend. I’ve seen Janet several times over the years and said, “Nice to see you again.” She said, “I don’t think we’ve ever met.” I guess I look a little different from the last time she saw me – maybe 100 lbs ago! :laugh:

    Faye, yummy food! Not healthy…but yummy! :wink: Makes my mouth water. Get me some roasted veggies quick! :tongue: I still don’t know how to cook a rutabaga when I can’t even cut it. I’ll have to work on my strength! Then (maybe), I’ll try a rutabaga again. I love the image of you and your family coming home from church to a big pot of stew or pot roast simmering on the stove.

    Kackie, grilled red fish sounds good! :drinker: I had some of the last of the season’s fresh wild coho salmon last night for dinner. Delish. Having a fisherman in the family must be nice.

    Mary, At 66 lbs down, I’ve lost the amount of weight the average American eats in fats and oils for the year. That’s more than a pound a week – 4 cubes of butter. No wonder so many of us are fat! Since my highest weight, I’ve lost almost a baby giraffe’s worth (125 pounds). That’s a normal-size woman. I can’t imagine carrying that much weight around with me, but that’s what I did for many years. Crazy. :noway:

    Barb, that sounds like a fun party. The matrimony suggestion was the most fun…fun, but embarrassing I’m sure. You were a good sport though. I don't think I'm meant to eat that rutabaga. My knives are sharp but that rutabaga was just not going to be cut!

    Good night everyone. Sweet dreams. :heart:
  • mimi7grands
    For some reason, MFP is not updating my ticker on this page. It's fine on my home page. The real weight lost is 66 lbs. (Just couldn't let that one go!!!) :happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda, congratulations on hitting the milestone of 100 pounds lost....you will be so slim and agile to be playing with the grandtwins when they arrive. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, congratulations on your continued weight loss...I'll be thinking positive thoughts for your granddaughter

    :flowerforyou: Mary, thank you for the great list of equivalencies of the weight we've lost

    :flowerforyou: Barb, didn't you used to equate your weight loss to the weight of your dogs.

    :flowerforyou: we have started the first of our winter sorting projects----we're going through a huge box of photos that go back more than ten years and organizing and labeling them.....i think someone on this thread recommended labeling pictures right away....I wish we had done that.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Try attacking your rutabaga with a carrot peeler, and then cutting it. If that doesn't help, maybe you really purchased a tennis ball!!!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:


    Yes, I still have those references to losing doggies on my profile page. There was no room left on my signature to leave them there. Knowing that Mai Li weighs 28 lbs.; Pepper is 20 lbs.; and Bradley weighs 12 lbs., so that would mean that per my ticker, I have lost the equivalent of 2 Peppers + 1 Mai Li; and about 1/2 a Bradley. After this weekend of party food, Bradley is all but eliminated from the equation. I will be flushing out sodium for the next couple of days.:ohwell:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Wizzy-:flowerforyou: forgive me but was it you that was in NY and it's cold there? If not, please forgive a newcomer to this.:blushing:

    Thanks to all of you for making me "feel" welcome.

    I am aprehensive about the eating on my trip. I am just trying not to think to far ahead.:smile: Any suggestions?

    Happy Friday to all

    :flowerforyou: Lynn I am in York England - not New York USA :smile: The weather is getting cooler over here. Today there was a bit of ground frost. The clocks go back an hour next weekend, so we will have an extra hour in bed :drinker: :drinker: (that's if the dogs let us - they will want to go out at their usual time regardless :laugh: ) So next weekend it won't be quite so dark on the morning walk.

    :sick: I'm still full of cold and all snuffly, I think I might go into the health shop today and see if I can find some Vitamin D, I remember a few pages back I think it was Jeannie mentioned it (along with the cocoa and Baileys :bigsmile: )

    :smile: I went to Leeds on Saturday with a few friends and we met up with two other friends - one who worked with us for a few months earlier in the year and one who is leaving in November. We had a great time - don't know what people thought of us, laughing and screaming like a gang of teenagers in the cafe, but we didn't care, managed to get a bit of shopping in too, although I must admit I didn't feel too well I had an awful headache that I couldn't shift and I ached all over, it was a great day, but I was glad to get home to get warm and relax. We've decided to meet up again next month and get a bit of Christmas shopping in too (between all the talking etc :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    :smile: Talking about Baileys, on Saturday we went into a shop that was giving samples of a drink similar to Baileys but with ginger in it. I tried it and it was lovely, I even asked if I could try another sample (medicinal purposes you understand :laugh: ) and then Jane tried her and didn't like it and gave it to me, so I had three small samples of it. It certainly gave me a warm glow and eased my sore throat, not so sure of the calories though.

    :flowerforyou: Robin I will be checking all the "extras" in Friends now, DD has most of them on DVD we both love that series, shame it has finished, but I suppose it couldn't go on forever.

    :flowerforyou: Must dash now, sorry not to reply to everyone, but I am thinking of you - Hope you all have a Happy Monday and are doing better at your goals than I am at the moment :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Take Care & I'll chat again soon

    Viv xx:heart:
  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,

    I thought I'd let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I have been really struggling since we had some bad news about DH's cousin's son (the grandson of DH's uncle in Lyme Regis who passed away recently). Heis just turned 18 and was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago. He had surgery to remove the tumour in his abdomen and it was found to have spread to his spine. He had chemo over quite a long period and then was told he was in remission. Now it appears the cancer is back :sad: He said that he wasn't going to have any more treatment but then agreed to have a course of chemo but made it plain he was just doing it for his mum. He has always wanted to go to Japan so before the start of his treatment they went for a week. The news has really hit me hard. As those of you who have been around for a while will know, this isn't the first bad news we've had this year. I feel so down, can't be bothered to exercise (although I know I would feel better if I did!), my healthy eating has gone out of the window and I couldn't even be bothered to come and visit all you wonderful ladies. Anyway, we are going to be packing for a trip to the French Alps today. We'll be away until the middle of December so I am going to use the change of scenery to kickstart me again. I will get in plenty of walking and get back to the healthy eating.

    Thanks for listening to my woes. I'll be back when I can.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mynyddisamrs
    If at first you don't succeed ...TRY, TRY AND TRY AGAIN!!!!

    Thanks to a little prod from an MFP friend .. Auntiebkl ...I am going to log on and post again. I need to update my goals ...for November now. What happened to October? Lost I think!!
    I have 3 weeks to lose ....something...anything!! ...before our holiday in Egypt. Cut my head off and I'll lose that 8lb...according to the list!!
    I know i should've and could've logged and posted but so obviously didn't!! Only me to blame I know and hopefully I'll be good now!!
    As before ...i did a quick sweep through the posts ...some others have been away from the fold ...makes me feel a bit better ....
    Wow! Amanda ...100lbs Be proud of that ...I'm sure you are.

    'Tis a chilly but sunny day today here in North Wales UK. The drone and crunch of the Great rusty Road Gritter" has been heard at night ...the roads have been icy. And ...the early morning sound of "The lesser spotted windscreen scraper" has woken me a few mornings. The joys of a british winter are here methinks!!!

    My mum has just got over her bout of pneumonia...thankfully eating and drinking better now. But ....for how long? She seems wheezy today and no wonder!! She returned home yesterday from the Care home day centre without her coat on!!
    Who in their right mind sends an 87 year old out in the late afternoon, in a cold taxi without a coat?? She went there with coat, hat ,scarf and gloves on . Needless to say ....the home got the message this morning ...I am not a happy bunny!!! The doctor is coming out tomorrow just to check her out ...catch it in the bud so to speak. We don't want her ill when we're away!!

    And ....DH may have a chance of a new job. If so ...I may have a chance of taking his job which will mean 3 evenings a week out. Extra carers needed to put mum to bed but possible. And...more £'s towards those cruises we have booked.
    Our anniversary cruise in March seems to have taken a back seat with exciting posts on Cruise critic for our Alaskan cruise next September. We're arranging our pre cruise and post cruise days in Seattle ( Space Needle and Pike's Market I think) and also the whale watching trip. A float plane trip to see bears is also on the cards......so exciting. An incentive to lose that weight if ever there was one eh?

    Sooo...... off now to do some hoovering. Zumba tonight ...missed it last week as my shoulder played up ...honest!!!!
    The girl ...a young slip of a thing!!! ...to me anyway .....is so slim and active ...and pregnant with it!! She's amazing!
    I'm sure I never looked like that when I had my boys...beached and whale are words that come to mind ...LOL!!
    Take care everyone ...
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I have lost the equavalant of an elephant's heart!

    As if things aren't wild enough around here, my nephew was in a head on collision Saturday and has two broken ankles/legs and a messed up back. To look at his truck you know the only way he made it out alive was a merciful God. The lady who hit him died. He has two small children and a pregnant wife. Prayers are appreciated. His name is Tanner and he's in an awful lot of pain right now.

    I got really brave and ordered myself a two piece for my trip to the beach. Not a bikini but this retro style:


    Last time I wore a two piece in public I was a teenager!

    Starting to pack for my trip this morning. Taking my FiL to the dr this afternoon. Zumba tonight. :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Amanda--Lots of congratulations on losing that pound!:drinker: I know how much you wanted to do that. Good for you!

    SisterMimiVeggieQueen--Oh, poor Liv! I am praying that they find out what the problem is!

    Here's a website that has some interesting sounding tips and recipes for winter vegetables:

    Faye--I like turnips mashed with carrots and a bit of olive oil (used to be a LOT of butter!) I've been trying lots of new--for me--veggies and are finding that they are really good! Who knew! :bigsmile: That roast sounds good and I bet that would work with a roasting chicken, too.
    (BTW--I'm pretty sure you can find coarse ground cornmeal in the bulk and/or organic foods section. I know they have it at the Fred Meyer and Safeway stores here.)

    Mary--so far I have officially lost the World’s Largest Ball of Tape and, unofficially, somewhere between the newborn calf and the 2 month old horse (I didn't start keeping track of my weight loss until I had already lost 2 sizes) . I would like to lose the complete Encyclopedia Britannica and maybe a bit more--not sure yet.

    Barb--it is going to be the Great NorthWET at least until Wednesday.:noway: I'm sure glad I have a lot of workout videos because my plan to walk outside every morning is not happening today, at least!:ohwell:
    That barbecue sounds SO good and your neighbor's 'other' brother sounds like he probably has a chronic case of foot-in mouth disease!:laugh:

    Viv--I sure hope you start feeling better soon. Sounds like that drink would be good--I love Baileys (who doesn't?:wink: ) and I also love ginger.

    Denise--that is so sad about your DH's cousin's son. I will pray for him.
    Enjoy your vacation. I envy all of you who get to visit places like the French Alps. One of these days I am going to travel!

    Jackie--so nice to see you back! I really miss your posts--you have such an interesting way of expressing yourself! :wink: (That's a good thing, BTW.)

    Suezzzque--Praying for your nephew, Tanner--this prayer list keeps growing! Good thing I started scheduling prayer into my meditation time! (I am not complaining, you know! I find that praying for others keeps me aware of my own blessings and really eases stress!)
    I bet you will look GREAT in that suit!

    Six months smoke-free! I hadn't realized that. I guess I am pretty proud of myself! LOL! Thanks for the congrats!

    Well, I have been sitting here long enough. I have a full day of healthy eating and exercise planned (I wasn't very 'good' this weekend!) as well as some housework--including hoovering!--to catch up on.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I think it's the time of year to share my apple-squash soup recipe
    I got the original on another thread on MFP and have modified it a bit to suit us.......I made it originally with butternut squash and fresh apples. Since I cooked and froze pumpkin, squash, and applesauce, I have been able to make it using my frozen stuff----when I used up all my frozen squash, I switched to pumpkin and it was just as good.
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    Apple-butternut squash (or pumpkin) soup

    1 medium onion, diced
    1 butternut squash (about 2 pounds), peeled, seeded, and chopped (cut in half and bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees for easier peeling and chopping) or equivalent amount of pumpkin
    3 red or golden apples, cored and chopped
    1½ teaspoons ground cumin
    ½ teaspoon ground ginger
    ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
    ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
    2 cups homemade or store-bought low-sodium chicken or vegetable stock
    2½ cups water, plus more if needed

    1. Put onion and squash in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add chicken stock, cook, stirring occasionally, until soft, about 10 minutes.

    2. Add apples, cumin, ginger, cayenne, black pepper, and the water (just enough to cover). Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, and cook until vegetables are very soft, about 30 minutes.
    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I served this a few days ago with roasted veggies (onions, bell pepper, and tomatoes with garlic powder) and it was fabulous....another day I cooked a package of frozen cauliflower and added it to the soup.
  • mimi7grands
    Good morning! After 2 days of non-stop rain (blowing sideways yesterday for awhile), the sun is finally out. I feel 10 lbs lighter just seeing it. Now, if only that were the reality…:laugh:

    Liv had a good night last night. No tummy aches. Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. :heart: She’ll get some lab tests today as the start of trying to figure out what’s going on.

    Barb, didn’t think to try peeling the rutabagas first! :tongue: I’m used to eating veggies skins and all (for most veggies) so didn’t think of peeling them!

    Viv. Sorry you’re feeling under the weather. :sick: Hope things improve soon. Those Bailey’s-like samples didn’t hurt, I’m sure. We don’t get samples of alcoholic drinks in the States. Just as well. Costco often gives out samples. When I go there, the lines are long enough for the non-alcoholic samples. Costco is usually a temptation for me. However, last time they had sample of jalapeno poppers, filled with cream cheese, coated with cornmeal or something similar, and DEEP FRIED. I could forego those all day. To paraphrase DGS Matthew, the idea of seeing the poppers boiling in oil is enough to put me off them anytime. :noway: Now, if you grill them, wrapped in bacon, on the BBQ…that’s another story!

    Denise, I’m so sorry to hear the bad news about your DH’s cousin’s son. Thinking of someone who’s so young dying from cancer is almost unbearably sad.

    I read a book a long time ago called Feeling Good. I’ve never forgotten it. It was about how our perspective colors our reality. One anecdote told about an older woman coming to the counselor to discuss her depression. She had terminal cancer and was sad and bitter about it. Basically, she couldn’t see anything to be happy about.

    After working with the counselor and understanding how her perspective colored her reality, she began volunteering to help others and, generally, looking at the joy life offered. Her new understanding didn’t change her reality, but it did change how she responded to it. I’m probably not telling this well, but it had a profound impact on me.

    I’m glad to hear what a good attitude he has, doing some of the things he’s always wanted to do. I hope he finds every drop of joy he can in this hard time. My thoughts and prayers are with you, the family, and him.

    Jackie, so good to hear from you. I was MIA for awhile too. I know how missing a day or two can inch into a few weeks. I hope your mum is feeling better. Good thing you gave the care place an earful.

    More cruises for you! You lucky thing. I’ll enjoy hearing all about them.

    Susan, I’ll keep Tanner in my thoughts and prayers too. (We all need to be doing a lot of thinking and praying just now.) I’m so glad he made it through what sounds like a horrendous accident. This brings home, again, how fleeting life is. It’s easy to forget. I want to live my life more consciously.

    BTW, that swimsuit. Whoo hooo. (If I could whistle on paper I would!) Awesome job getting into swimsuit shape. I hope you’ll send pics of you enjoying some beach time. :glasses:

    Kathy, thanks for the tip on the recipe website. I’ll check it out. Isn’t it amazing how great veggies can taste? All these years, I disliked them. Now they’re one of my favorite things to eat. It’s all in how you prepare them. Fresh roasted veggies are not your mother’s frozen peas.

    Barbie, thank you for your apple-butternut squash-onion soup recipe. I can't wait to try it. It will be on the menu when I cook dinner for a couple of long-time friends Wednesday night.

    I finally got my ticker to update. Had to go into tools and "save" my new weight there. Funny how important that little detail is. I now have 37 pounds left to lose. 37! That’s crazy. Sounds so normal. I love seeing the tickers – and the pictures - of everyone who is just a few pounds away, or has reached, her goal weight. You are an inspiration. :flowerforyou:

    I'll be thinking of you all. :love: