Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingquee: I hear you on that!!! I live in upstate NY and ALL of my friends are back home in Iowa.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Holly~German Shepherds are great companions! Do you have dog parks where you live? They, along with church groups, are a great way to meet new people. One of my neighbors met who is now his wife at a dog park. Also, “Meet-Up” groups are throughout the country, great way to meet new people that you share interests with. I have a circle of friends I run around with from time-to-time, but I’m kind of a homebody and like relaxing in my house enjoying the quiet just as much. :wink: So glad your car is fixed!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wednesday wish - I don't have one for myself so I am going to dedicate my wish this week to Robin. I wish Robin gets some relief from her pain and gets some answers. :flowerforyou:

    Brian finally decided on a car yesterday, he came home with the 2014 Pathfinder. It is gorgeous!

    Last night I was sitting on the couch and came to the realization that I had a NSV. Usually every night between 9:30-10 I start to get really tired and cranky. Around 10:15 Brian announced he was going to bed. I was surprised when I looked at the clock and saw the time. I still had a lot of energy and was wide awake. I ended up going to bed with him but stayed awake and watched some tv for a bit while he snored away. I have also noticed when I wake up in the morning I feel refreshed and ready to conquer the world. It is such a nice feeling. I no longer want to camp out on the couch and veg! :love:

    MN- I love kickboxing. The 12 week program I am doing now incorporates a lot of kickboxing moves. Years ago I used to take a cardio kickboxing class at a local karate studio. It was so much fun! Congrats on the trip! How exciting about the puppy. I hope he/she is a good fit for you!

    ushkii - Isn't that a great thing? Since starting MFP and watching how much I am eating, I find that I have a lot of left overs in the fridge. Imagine this will cause a reduction in my food bill. :laugh: My vote depends on a few factors. If you don't have a whole lot to lose to get back to that original weight then just wait. Why spend extra money if you don' t have to. Though if you are like me and need that instant gratification, go out and get yourself a scale that works for you. You don't need to invest a lot of money into it if you don't want to. I found measuring once a week to be discouraging for me. Even though I was doing everything right and my clothes were looser, the measurements were not changing quick enough to see a noticeable change in a week. If you go that route, I suggest spreading out your measurements.

    Gev - Welcome. Just jump in and join us!

    jessie - That NYC walking kills me. My husband insists on walking every where even if it means several blocks in the rain to get to the next subway. I ending up begging for a taxi by the end of the day. He laughs at me and tells me to suck it up. I guess his tough love will get me to burn extra calories. :wink:

    naceto - That is great that it went well. And an extra bonus of meeting new people! Double win! :happy:

    Laurie - Congrats on the arrival of Julia. I love the new profile picture!
  • @Nettie: It was an adventure, my new boots were ruined by the end of the day from the pavement....... It was the first time ever being there cannot wait for the next time, we didnt attempt a cab
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: That the laying of the carpet will go quickly. I'm hanging out at DD house with baby so she can nap without all the noise of the carpet layers. I can't get anything done here, though, so I'm anxious to get home. I did bring some hot pads that I need to get crocheted for a friend so I will work on them.
    I talked to my daughter that lives in Vancouver, WA yesterday. She said that when they were here in Aug. they were so inspired by my success that they joined MFP, too. They are having good success. I'm anxious to see them next week.
    Laurie congratulations on the new niece.
    Well, I guess I will crochet for a little while. Baby is asleep right now.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • SAH050684
    SAH050684 Posts: 2 Member
    Been eating better (don't like the word DIET) since the first of May 2013. Down 52 pounds but still have more to go before I have my other knee replacement surgery next year. It's getting harder to stay motivated. I started taking square dance lessons about a month ago - a little more fun than just walking. :happy:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, my Wednesday wish didn't come true. There are a number of glitches that have slowed things down along the way. The baseboards were all on top of the tack strips from the old carpet so they had to come out. Then there was a small area by the front door where the floor had rotted, so DH is fixing that while the installer is working in other areas. Since the larger pieces of living room furniture are in the kitchen, we may be eating out tonight. I'm sure glad that I have a place to be with the baby. Its a mess over there!
    Oh, well. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am a day behind on my Tuesday goals
    My goal for this week is to continue to stay on track and drink more water this week also !
    My Wednesday wish
    I sure do wish that my weight would come off as quick as it is to put back on the weight ! I think we all wish for that though .
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen-- Julia is my first niece. Good luck with the grading. We all have days were we want to workout but our bodies just say no. My rule is if I am feeling like that, I will give it 30 minutes of some type of exercise (walking or spin bike) to see if mind changes. No change then I give up and head home or do something else. If it changes then I go with it and get a workout in. Either way I won't feel guilty about not exercising because I will have tried to do something active.

    Gorilla- Great job on the NROL workouts. Apple cider vinegar in a bath of hot water instead of Epsom salts works well to relieve sore muscles. Snap out of the foul-mouth Gorilla. Do you have any runs coming up? Did you do a run with your boys or is that coming up?

    Kaye- I hope the flooring is finished at this time and that you get your house back.

    Today, I spent most of my time in meetings when I was not teaching. It was crazy today. Both of my planning periods I had meetings with students for conferences about behavior/ grades so no planning was accomplished. The after school I had 2 more meetings, a team meeting and a department meeting. The department meeting we had to work on our 2nd SLO, so I keep plugging away until it is almost finished just need to complete the data tables. Left work at 5:10 (day ends at 3:45-SLO's:grumble: ) to get my hair appointment at 5:30. Afterwards went to dinner, and did a little shoe shopping- no purchases but I am looking at a couple of different pairs of tennis shoes. Finally got home about 9:15.

    Wish- I still want to get my grading done since nothing was accomplished on that front today. Now to head to bed and get rid o this headache.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - congrats on your new niece - so happy , so cute.
    Queen - way to go on the Disney trip. Worry about the expense of a dog - all that medication costs so much - be thoughtful first.
    Nettie - thanks for the Weds. Wish.
    Everyone - thanks for the wishes.
    Still no better yet but hanging in there.

    Newbies - its never to late to join - so welcome and keep posting!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

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  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    I had a great two days, I think I walk a little both days and was under my cal. limit. It is easier since I weigh so much, ha ha. I get more calories. I also change my goal to 1 lbs a week that made a difference too. I am hoping to go at the easier and try to stay at it for the long run.

    Kaye great idea to stream line things for the holidays, many people get stressed out and for me that leads to food.
    Laurie happy aunthood!

    I guess I will go without a scale for a while, a couple weeks and see if my cloths fit better that is usually where I start to feel it first.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Good morning friends! Well yesterday ended up being a pretty good day... I had a big meeting for my project at work go even better then I could have wished it would. Was a real boost I needed here in the office to get myself going. I did get to spin last night as the boys were at wrestling practice had a great workout. Legs nice and sore this morning.

    I have a busy couple of days coming up. Tonight is not too bad, boys have wrestling.

    Tomorrow I plan an early morning lifting session... the time will be tight but I can pull it off I think if I do my warm up at home... then work... and hopefully after some surf fishing for strippers with my buddy for the night...

    Saturday morning I am running a 5k with the kids, but I already told them they better keep up or I am just meeting them at the finish line. AND if all works out I will be going to pick up my new car after the race... but it is a good two hour drive to get the car so it will be interesting. By time I get home...

    Sunday I need a lifting session and to watch my Giants beat down the Cowboys...
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Good Thursday morning everyone!

    Thanks for all of the kind words about my wish and about my goal of eliminating negative self-talk. It's going to be a battle, but I know I can do it.

    I don't have much to report today expect for that I feel great. I'm exercising, eating right, and making progress on my goals. It's all a natural self-esteem booster. How are you all feeling today?

    Also, I'm looking to add some new friends to MFP family, so please consider adding me! Have a great day everyone!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Thursday Truth - I was absolutely ravenous yesterday. After I closed out of my diary last night I had a few pieces of Halloween candy. I really didn't enjoy them but I was having cravings to eat more. The worst part - I didn't log them. I knew they were sending me over my calories but I didn't care. My husband said "Aren't you going to log those" while handing me my phone. I gave him a dirty look and went to bed. :noway: I guess I should go back in and log those pieces now. :grumble:

    JessieJ - What time of the year did you go? If you have not been for the Xmas season I highly recommend you go. The city will be more crowded than usual. But the tree in Rockafeller Center is just magical. You must see the Rockettes too. One of my pictures on here is of my husband and I in front of the tree. My sisters-in-law came here for the first time a few years ago for Christmas and we took them into the city. They loved it!

    Kaye- That is wonderful that you are inspiring family members to become healthier too! Keep up the fantastic work!

    SAH - I don't like the word diet either. To me it implies certain foods are off limit. I don't like to restrict myself in any way. I eat what I want. Just a lot less of it. LOL I prefer to look at it as a journey. My journey to getting healthy and fit while relearning how to eat normal portion sizes. (Sorry to whoever it was that doesn't like the word. I love it!)

    GorillaNJ - That is great that you are doing a 5K with your kids. I saw last week on the morning show that a 5 year old completed his first 5K with his mom. I was amazed! If I am not mistaken it may have been on the East Coast, Jersey or PA. Congrats on the new car.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kaye - Sorry your carpet project isn't proceeding as smoothly as it could. It's a mess at my house too and I know how crazy it makes me. Enjoy the baby and hope you get the carpet done soon and you get your house back!

    @robin - I hate to hear that you're still feeling poorly. I hope you find an answer soon. You're an inspiration. I can't imagine dealing with constant pain and still staying the course like you have.

    Thursday Truth - Exercising has not been happening the last couple days. I'm tied to the house with the painters here. Last night they didn't leave until after 6:30 and once we ate dinner and put our bedroom back in working order, a hot bath and putting on my PJs were all I had the energy for. I hope to do better today, but it probably will depend on when they leave and how much destruction has to be put right. At least I'm staying in my calorie goal, so I hope skipping my walks for a few days won't side track me this week.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thurs Truth: Finding it hard to keep my momentum up and continue logging....want to lose some weight this week..
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday Truth-- I need to learn to drink water without flavoring....I usually use 1 to go crystal light pack to 60oz of water so it barely tastes like anything anyways.

    @karen- you are so daring a swimsuit in front of co-workers. Big no way for me.:embarassed:
    @Kah- Yes, I live in a major metro city that has lots of dog parks. Socially I am a little shy around new people but I am going to try meet up groups
    @Nettie- Yay on the new truck. I noticed more energy also since I started taking a multi vitamin it is nice to have the extra energy isn't it :bigsmile:
    @Sah- 52lbs what a great loss:bigsmile:
    @Gorilla- 5K with your kids how wonderfully fun will that be....I think that is awesome.:happy:

    I lost 2 more pounds this week so must be doing something right.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Everyone - thanks for the wishes.
    Still no better yet but hanging in there.

    Oh no, I missed it. Are you sick?
    @toots--what an odd side effect! :huh:
    tootsanderson - keeping low carb is a good thing... but not sweating? That seems really odd

    Yes, it does. All I can think is that it relates to my PCOS somehow.
    @Toots- Sounds like the carb thing is working for you hope it helps get rid of the meds too

    Me too. It's my goal to be off all of my meds eventually.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Pre-Friday! :wink:

    Back from appt with my internist. He was really happy with my weight loss since my last physical – weight was down, my BP was awesome and RHR was below 60 – he was really impressed with that. Said I had the heart of a runner, good thing. :laugh: We’ll see what all the labs show in a week or so. We talked a lot about Paleo, I’m trying to get into that way of eating – right now am at about 65% and want to be eating that way about 80% of the time (which is what he does). I don’t dislike seeing the doc as much as I used to. :noway:

    @Nettie~I get that way when I’m stressed or tired, just want to eat everything that isn’t nailed down! I saw a 2014 Pathfinder yesterday – sweet looking car.

    @Gorilla~Hooray for new wheels! Have fun at the 5k with your boys, maybe they’ll surprise you. :wink:

    AFM~Not much to report. I'm signed up for a Santa Run 5k on Dec 14th, so time to start preparing so I can shave off some time. Back was bothering me last night (think I strained it on Monday), so trainer had me do stuff to work around that during our session – still had a good workout though. Today is a late day for me, so no workout. Boo! :sad:

    Monday~Gym, HIIT on elliptical DONE! :bigsmile:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE! :bigsmile:
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE! :bigsmile:
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Gym, arc trainer/weights
    Saturday~Gym or walk outside (hopefully), remembered I have hair appt in afternoon.
    Sunday~Gym, training session