

  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Mimi, thanks for the welcome and do you mind if I ask a question? It appears in you picture that you are going grey and not coloring your hair? I tried that for about 5 months and loved it in real life but hated it in pictures but your's looks lovely. So in addition to changing my body I am also looking to change the "dye" job. DH is allergic to what ever is in permannent color so I can only use Natural Instincts which seems to buld up. I am looking for role models in the going grey area also, is there another thread for that? :laugh:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Mrssparkle, Mimi and others--I was reading about the loose skin issue and while I agree that the parts aren't very pretty, it has occurred to me that they weren't all that pretty while filled with fat, either! I've said this before--I'd rather have a healthy, thinner body with loose skin than a fat, unhealthy one with nice, firm skin! I feel so much better and have so much more energy now!

    Barbiecat--that's the exact same way I make my applesauce. I wish I new someone with apple trees in this city. I did when I lived in Sumner and we always had lots of fresh homemade applesauce!

    I want to welcome all our newbies and let everyone know that I am thinking about you and praying for all your concerns.
  • mimi7grands
    Debbie, I hate to say it, but I started coloring my hair awhile back (after the pic). I do like my gray hair but I have so much of it! I'm using Shades EQ to color it now. It's a demi, not a permanent color. I'd really like some gray, some not. But, for me (with my fumble fingers), that means more frequent trips to the beauty parlor, which I'm not up for. I did get some highlights put in and, since the demi color doesn't color completely, the highlights show through.

    Kathy, I couldn't agree more. The skinnier body is much more important than the loose skin. I like having more energy and just, in general,, looking better. I am thankful for 3/4 length sleeves though! And my bikini days are long over. They're over even for my younger sisters who didn't gain weight. I don't mourn those days. (For those of you who can still wear bikinis (like Susan and Robin), more power to you. You're amazing!!!) I feel like a new person in my slimmer body. It makes me happy!
  • mimi7grands
    I said a while back that I'd post pics of me with brown hair. I've finally done it.

    I posted one that my 11-year old grandson took when we were hamming it up - I'm on my front porch, flexing my muscles. I also put up one with 5 ghoulish grandkids and me that we took yesterday at the Harvest Festival at their school. (The teal-colored boiled wool sweater over a cable-knit black sweater is not my most attractive look!)

    I also posted one of my mom (not bad for 84!) and me in her garden a little over a year ago, before I started MFP. I can't quite bring myself to post one of me at my highest weight. Urghhhh! I'll do it one of these days. I hate to be reminded though. I do keep a couple of pics from the bad old days on my fridge.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    I said a while back that I'd post pics of me with brown hair. I've finally done it.

    I posted one that my 11-year old grandson took when we were hamming it up - I'm on my front porch, flexing my muscles. I also put up one with 5 ghoulish grandkids and me that we took yesterday at the Harvest Festival at their school. (The teal-colored boiled wool sweater over a cable-knit black sweater is not my most attractive look!)

    I also posted one of my mom (not bad for 84!) and me in her garden a little over a year ago, before I started MFP. I can't quite bring myself to post one of me at my highest weight. Urghhhh! I'll do it one of these days. I hate to be reminded though. I do keep a couple of pics from the bad old days on my fridge.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi a very quick post to say that I think you look amazing. :drinker: :drinker: you look lovely with your gray hair, but I think the brown hair makes you look even younger! You definitely don't look your age!! Your grandkids are sooooo cute, and your mum looks much younger than her 84 years.

    Thanks for sharing your pics, you have done so well in just over a year, you should feel very proud of yourself, you are an inspiration to many of us.:smile: Especially me :flowerforyou: I have lapsed a bit, and have been slipping back into my old ways, but now my cold is almost gone, I aim to start exercising (again :embarassed:) and start logging everything. No excuses! I have been on MFP for nearly 8 months now, need to get my act together.

    Welcome all newbies, and Happy Halloween everyone, can't believe it is 1st November tomorrow.

    I'll try and pop back later.

    PS Our cat Wizz is much better thanks.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Mimi: I love all of your new photos! You look fantastic and your grand children are precious! And I agree that you look far younger than you are now! Good job!!! Have a fun trip and I hope you enjoy your walking time!

    Off for my walk after cooking the past 2 days for DH's hunting friends! Have a great day, kackie:heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Mimi, you look amazing. I love the pictures. You have done so well.

    I discovered something about myself this week. When I restrict things as much as a I did i break. At least I broke in a controlled manner. We had mexican yestereday and I had a corona light with it. it was wonderful. Then I made the best vodka sauce last night that we enjoyed with trader joes lobster ravioli and artichoke ravioli. dessert was warmed cognac and 80% dark chocolate. I went just a tad over on calories and definately over on sugar. I realized that I felt like I had been punishing myself. the good news is that I am 147.6 this morning so I finally broke that damn 148 mark. Today is nibble day. no meals all day just DH happy food through out the day. its gonna be tough to keep things in control.

    I am going to continue trying to keep the sugars in check but I am going to have a little fruit as well. I missed it too much. so maybe two days this week.

    Chiclet. I am sorry for your troubles. I am sure things will all work out.
    Barbie - I wish I had all those apples as well. I love home made apple sauce.
    too all of you wonderful ladies who have great successes I cheer with you. for those who are struggling, I struggle with you. You are all in my thoughts and mean the world to me.

    Wishing you all a positive and meaningful Samhain!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Mimi - Welcome back and have a safe trip. I hope you have a nice visit with family. I haven't been to Tahoe in over 30 years. I remember two things: beautiful scenery and good shopping.

    Barbie - That is how I make my applesauce too. Funny how I was thinking of making some this year and I log on to see all the posts about it. I guess I need to go get a bucket of apples.

    All - Thanks for the well wishes. It's going to be a long hard winter and the next couple of years as we continue to pay off medical debt from hubby's back and DD's hip. Like everyone else I wish the economy would get better. Financial stress is so hard.

    Soccer is over until March! DD's team lost and came in 2nd place. They had a ceremony and passed out bronze, silver and gold medals to all the kids. She is glad for the silver, but it was a hard loss after winning so many games during the season.

    Have a great Sunday! Good luck with calories, exercise and water!

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    :devil: Happy Halloween everyone! Hope you all have a good Sunday.

    Snacking got the better of me last night...it always seems like I can have a run of 5 or 6 days of being really good and then suffer a "cave in" where I cave in to the temptation to eat. Oh well, I suppose it's much better than never behaving! I think my main problem was too skimpy of meals (actually no sit down meals) for the day, snacking and bloody mary's during the football game, and then (horror of horrors...) being left ALONE at night while I was watching tv. I do my worst when I don't have someone around!

    Oh well, today's another day. Right now I must go get started on dinner as my brother is going to be here for it today.

    Mimi--my windows only stayed clean about two weeks. It rained and the wind blew like crazy...now it looks like they need cleaning again:sad: !
  • IrinaPA
    IrinaPA Posts: 19
    Hi, girls!
    I am new to the board. How about I join you here without introducing myself in another thread?

    I am in Pennsylvania, 52 years old, have some extra pounds on:smile:
    I really love this thread!
    Happy Sunday to all!:flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Ladies, I've been away for a bit but haven't forgotten you!:flowerforyou:
    The month is almost over...I can't believe!:noway:
    The kiddies are coming over soon....in costume..of course, so this will be brief accept for an article written by Andy Rooney. Hope you enjoy it!
    I haven't been on...so I haven't read the posts but will try to be online this coming week!
    If you're struggling...hang in there. If your doing well congrat!!!

    Here's the article:

    60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS)

    As I grow in age, I value women over 50 most of all. Here are just a few > reasons why:> > A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, > 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.> > If a woman over 50 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around > whining about it. She goes and does something, she wants to do, and it's > usually more interesting.> > Women over 50 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you > at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you > deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get > away with it.> > Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what > it's like to be unappreciated.> > Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a > woman over 50.> > Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 50 is far sexier than > her younger counterpart.> > Older women are forthright and honest.. They'll tell you right off if you > are a jerk or if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder > where you stand with her.> > Yes, we praise women over 50 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, > it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over > 50, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of > himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize.
    Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Barbie nice article, yes it is true that we do have a different view and manor of the times of the present day. I sometimes wonder what I would have said back when I was younger, if I had the insight I do now. Things would have been a bit better I'm sure.

    Been busy working on a new menu for me and my sis. Hope if works for us. Catch you all later after this spooky weekend!:wink:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thank you for posting the Andy Rooney article. He is my favorite curmudgeon!!

    Hello to All,

    Haven't been posting, just reading. To all who reported troubles, I am sorry life is treating you poorly, To anyone who lost, congrats!! To anyone who didn't--I am right there with you.

    Halloween came early to my kitchen last night. It was the "ATTACK OF THE KILLER (Eggless) PUMPKIN BREAD!":noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    It is actually my dad's fault. You see, I found a recipe for eggless pumpkin bread in a free magazine that was available at the medical clinic where I had to take him on Friday afternoon. Since my friend Linda is allergic to eggs, but loves baked goods, I am always on the lookout for things she can actually eat. After reading the recipe-- and the over the top endorsement given by the person who submitted it-- in a moment of lunacy, I decided to make it, planning to give her one loaf, my parents another, and keep one for myself.

    I decided to substitute stevia sweetener for 1/2 the sugar called for, and I used brown sugar for the remainder instead of white. I also used 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce to make up for the bulk missing by not using all sugar, and lastly, I only used 4 cups of flour instead of 5--mainly because the largest bowl I had was so full after only 4 cups had been added.

    Anyway, I mixed it all up and put it into the 3 disposable loaf pans I purchased for this purpose, and baked it about 15 minutes longer than the recipe called for. The smell was incredible. Unfortunately, SO was the TASTE!!!! Since not quite all the flour was used, it is more like a cake than bread, but VERY good!! The way it turned out, I was thinking with the entire amount of flour included, they might make a very moist cookie. This would be a good thing, as they come out to 170 calories per slice, the way I made them, based upon 1 loaf pan being cut into 10 slices.

    I ended up having about 4 slices last night!!!::noway: Not surprisingly, I was up 1/2 a lb. this morning.:grumble: :ohwell: No one to blame but me.

    I have managed so far today to only eat 1/2 a slice with my morning coffee. So far so good. The other two loaves are outta here TODAY...lead us not into temptation, ya know.:wink:

    4 c. sugar
    30 oz. can pumpkin
    1 c. oil
    5 c. flour
    1 TBLS baking soda
    1/2 tsp. salt
    1/2 TBLS cinnamon
    1/2 TBLS nutmeg (optional)

    Preheat oven to 350 (F) degrees. Mix sugar, pumpkin and oil. Add flour a cup at a time and mix in, including baking soda, salt, and spices during the process. Spray loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 55-60 minutes. Use the "toothpick test" to see if you may need to bake a bit longer. Makes 3 loaf pans.
    Here is a link to the similar recipe that I found elsewhere on the cooks.com website. It calls for greasing and flouring pans, and includes nuts, but they are not mandatory:


    Based on this experience, I think I will take a clue from Barbie and not get into "baking mode"--unless I am making something that will be given away.

    Here is latest news on Mai Li. Thanks to a little "doggie psychology" my little "Diva Girl" has decided that "momma" putting meds in her eyes is no longer an excuse to have a conniption. You may recall that she pitched a fit when she had her ear infection recently, and I had to take her over to the clinic once a day for TEN days to get the meds in her ears!!:noway: :grumble:

    Anyway, I decided to outsmart her, and started talking to her about how good little girls who do what "momma" tells them to do get doggie treats. Her "treat" is actually a pill pocket with a dose of oral medication that she takes each morning, but she understands that she must allow the eye ointment "in" so she can obtain the "payoff." When I get up in the morning, I have three eager little faces in the bathroom with me, waiting for meds, pills, etc. Bradley also has a morning pill. So after the first two get their meds, Pepper gets a small piece of "doggy treat"--just because, so he doesn't feel left out of things.

    There is never a dull moment at my house. I also discovered last night while eating dinner that my babies like acorn squash. Given the opportunity, they would have scarfed down all of it.

    Can't respond to everyone, but here are a few personal comments:

    Amanda, Congrats on 101 lost.

    Chiclet, I am hoping and praying that everything goes smoothly for your mom to travel from Washington to California to be with you. Hang in there. You are a good daughter.

    Robin, It is a good thing you are not very close to me, or I would show up on your doorstep to ask for leftovers from that meal you described!!

    Barbie, Your applesauce has me thinking about making some, but I will need to wait until I have a little more room in my freezer.

    Mimi, I am glad you are having good times with your family, and hope you can relocate soon from your temporary quarters. Enjoy your Tahoe adventure, or hope you enjoyed it--can't remember if you are coming back or just going.:ohwell:

    Welcome IrinaPA. You will find we are a busy bunch, but the more the merrier.

    Suzanita, Glad you came back to us.

    I am practicing avoidance by typing a long post instead of what I should be doing, so BFN


    PS Edited to add: This will probably be my last post for October, so see everyone in the November thread. Newbies, we always start a new one each month and post a link to it in the month just ended.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Don't have time for a long post. My question is this: are we creating a new link or thread for November or does this just keep going?:smile:
    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
    'til next time,
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I had a really great weekend. We went to the pumpkin patch on Sat and it was really great. The kids loved it. I wish all of grandkids could have come but some were busy. today I made cupcakes for party tonight. I ate one mini one to taste to make sure was good. Brought rest to party and left them there. All I ate at party was crackers and spinach artichoke dip. Stayed well within my calories today. Great weekend with fun food fellowship and I stayed healthy and active. Hope you all had a good october and will have a safe and happy november.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Don't have time for a long post. My question is this: are we creating a new link or thread for November or does this just keep going?:smile:
    Hope everyone has had a good weekend.
    'til next time,

    We usually start a new post every month. There will be a link posted on this thread that will tell you how to reach the new one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm headed off for bed after a busy day of making applesauce, dancing in my pumpkin costume at the line dance party, and greeting the trick or treaters.

    Here is the link to the new thread for November


    It's time for the clean page of a new month :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • piquilter
    Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't checked in for awhile but mfp started consuming so much of my life I wasn't getting anything else done.:laugh: On Saturday I bought a pair of Under Armor warmup pants 2 sizes smaller than I would have 2 months ago, and didn't bother to try them on. I figured they would be good goal as something I could work to fit into. On Monday morning as I was getting ready to go workout I thought, what the heck, let's see how far I have to go; so I tried them on & they FIT! :noway: As part of my 'epiphany' 2 months ago when I began this struggle yet again I knew I had to heal myself on the inside as well & I also struggle with that every day. Yesterday after reading my exercise log one of my MFP friends told me I'm going to look good for the holidays! :) I think I will, but the biggest challenge for me is going to 'see' that I look good. That is the battle I've struggled with for most of my 58 years. My memories of my mother are her verbally chipping away at my self-esteem my entire life pretty much up until the day she died. I was smart, creative, a good student, excellent trumpet player & never got in trouble. My biggest crime in her eyes was that I was not thin & pretty like my younger sister. I was built more like my dad. When I was thin she'd tell me I looked scrawny, I couldn't win. Even as an adult when I've gone through my 'thin' stages I would look in the mirror & not see thin. It was probably amazing I did not become anorexic or bullimic. When I finally had my 'epiphany' 2 months ago I decided that if I continue to do this to myself I allow her to win and define me. I am 'not' a number on the scale or a reflection caught in a mirror or camera. I am defined by all of the positive things that I am, plus more than a little 'bohemian' from my Bohemian heritage. I do not begrudge my sister her relationship with my mother. About 2 weeks before our mother died I finally told my sister what it was like for me. She promptly went to my 2 aunts to 'verify' what I'd told her & tried justify why she might have been 'hard' on me & also told a friend of hers and then came back with: if things were really as bad as you say they were maybe you need therapy. Every once in awhile she comes up with a jab that is like a flashback for me. I honestly don't think I will ever truly forgive my mother but I think I have finally found peace with in the belief that "I" am the only person who can define me. This is probably waaaayyyyy more than any of you wanted to know about me :smile: but I've also decided that I need people to help me along the way. It's always going to be a struggle for me, but then we all have our own personal struggles.