A girl who activeley pursues a man with a gf...



  • gangsterfurious
    Seriously, the last person to blame is "the other woman". It's just as much your man's fault. I've been down that path before and I'll you the hard truth "He's just not that into you." He doesn't respect you, he doesn't care about you, he's a liar, and he's not going to change, so decide if that's what you want to live with or you can wake up and realize there are about three BILLION other men on this planet and move on.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member

    Don't know if this meme has been pulled out yet, but Cheers. :drinker:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Damn girl! Why don't you ask your BF if you can join them? Seriously, a 3some with another woman is very hot!!! Bet he'll love it! ;)
    oo ooo here you are. I asked you in another thread but forgot to look and see if you answered.... It is December...did you lose the 75 pounds?
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    The second your boyfriend is sure you are sold on his "I'm done with her" act, he'll go back to this other chick and explain away the text he sent her. And since she obviously has no self-respect, she'll buy it, and then he'll have two girlfriends again. He really thinks that both of you are that stupid, and, so far, he's been proven right.

    Agree 100%
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    But see again in this case, clearly that door was even so remotely cracked welcoming the attention from another woman....I really think most women wouldn't even bother trying to pursue a taken, or married man if the man in the first place made it very clear there was not even a smidge of hope. Even something a tiny as a flirtatious smile would be enough to encourage a woman that in inclined to go after a married man.

    exactly….men are tempted, but when they think about their wives/gf etc… they make the choice to not smile back, or politely end a conversation, or politely leave a room where both are alone….it is possible for man, a real man that is

    I think this is true from a male perspective, my husband tells me about it. Most women when they see his ring simmer down, or get embarrassed. Some continue. For those he tells me the actions he does next decides it and he says you have to be pretty clear and blunt with these types. There is no room for even a glimmer of hope like a smile or smirk because they will take it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Damn girl! Why don't you ask your BF if you can join them? Seriously, a 3some with another woman is very hot!!! Bet he'll love it! ;)
    oo ooo here you are. I asked you in another thread but forgot to look and see if you answered.... It is December...did you lose the 75 pounds?

    inquiring minds wanna KNOW!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    If you can deal with the fact that he'll probably cheat on you again in the future... and that might just be the truth to your relationship... well then, hey - take him back. Just know that it'll probably happen again in the future, and at that point, you really have no one else to blame but yourself. *shrug*

    I realize that sounds passive aggressive, but I'm being completely serious. Either accept him - cheating and all - or let him go. He isn't going to change.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Moving forward, you don't want a bf where you feel you have to look through his stuff and snoop on his phone. And that's how you will feel. It will be bad for you and death for the relationship. Just find someone who deserves you and your trust.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you're reasonably attractive you'll get hit on regularly, in a relationship or not. That won't change anytime soon.

    You're better off picking someone who can actually deal with that fact of life and say "no thanks" if you value monogomy.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Sadly heaps of women like doing this. They actually get off on "stealing" taken men. If a guy lets himself be "stolen" He was never yours to begin with and he is not worth your time. Sorry to say that. I don't though believe in once a cheater always. I believe there are always certain circumstances and issues and they should be voiced among partners and maybe even addressed with professional help when something like this happens.

    Maybe this was a faze.. Maybe not. That's for you to decide. How ever the fact that he actually txt her and sent that shows it may have been his one off and he didn't really care all that much for her. But the moment you suspect something like this again. Just leave him. Find someone better. 5 months into a relationship isn't all that much and for him to be okay with doing this to you, ruining loyalty and most importantly your trust. That's a deal breaker.

    I'm a bit all over the place with what I'd do in your shoes but I just wanted to give both positive and negative reasoning. You will make the right choice in the end.

    How can you know that? Her track record would indicate otherwise.
  • samanthahix12
    I totally read "man with a gif."

  • DenverGirl93
    DenverGirl93 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm sorry but if he really didn't want to contact her or have contact from her he would have either blocked her number or changed his own. He sounds like he likes/gets an ego boost from being in contact with that horrible girl. It is a total 50/50 cheat here. I could never trust him again. How do you know he won't go get wasted and "get talked into" her bed again? I think this is a complete Bull story and you need to cut him loose. A good man won't do this and you can find someone who won't cheat on you girl. Hold out for the Truly Good Guy not the good enough guy. A real man will NOT do this to you.

    This is the truth!

    also, sounds like you are giving him a pass since you were the one that asked him to leave. You are making excuses for him. Also getting wasted to the point that you dont remember having sex with someone is pretty scary. Does he remember using condoms. You better get tested.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Pathetic? All involved.

    Her for keeping after someone who only uses her for sex.
    Him for playing both sides.
    You for putting up with it.

    Glad you are going to get yourself some help with learning how to handle relationships, sounds like you need to learn some things. But just ditch him...he's not worth it.
  • Ninguneado77
    I totally read "man with a gif."


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Dump him. Dump him fast. Do not look back. Block his calls so he can't play the same game with you, keeping you on the string.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My husband of 19 years was actively pursued by a woman 15 years his junior. She was relentless. I begged her to stay away, so we could figure out if we could get our marriage back on track. We have two kids. She wouldn't back off. This is the second marriage she interfered in.

    Yes, my husband made the choice to cheat. But she preyed on someone who was going through a tough time. She didn't have the decency to stay away. Any girl who will go after someone in a relationship is disgusting.
    Thank you! I agree with everyone that it is his fault and not hers- but girls like that ARE just awful
    You only have his side of any of this. You don't know what kinds of things he has said and done. Emotions are tough to control. You're judging someone for a situation you don't really know anything about.

    You're both kind of pathetic, if you ask me. He's a creep and you're both fighting over him.
  • christinemadden0223
    If I felt the need to sleep with someone else every time my girlfriend and I had an argument, I'd question being in the relationship at all.
    Good point
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hmmm. Has claimed yet that his **ck accidentally fell into this chick?

    Admittedly late to this thread (how did I miss it??). Your boyfriend is the douche, as he was the one with a gf that he cheated on. Dump him and move on.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My husband of 19 years was actively pursued by a woman 15 years his junior. She was relentless. I begged her to stay away, so we could figure out if we could get our marriage back on track. We have two kids. She wouldn't back off. This is the second marriage she interfered in.

    Yes, my husband made the choice to cheat. But she preyed on someone who was going through a tough time. She didn't have the decency to stay away. Any girl who will go after someone in a relationship is disgusting.

    But see again in this case, clearly that door was even so remotely cracked welcoming the attention from another woman....I really think most women wouldn't even bother trying to pursue a taken, or married man if the man in the first place made it very clear there was not even a smidge of hope. Even something a tiny as a flirtatious smile would be enough to encourage a woman that in inclined to go after a married man.


    Yes, and there were issues. However, she exploited that for her own satisfaction, at the expense of me and my family. Perhaps I would still have ended up divorced. But a decent person would have stayed away when the wife asked.

    I'm sorry, I can't imagine how painful that was for you. I probably would have kicked her *kitten*, just because I don't share and I would be more than willing to prove that to her. But I most likely would have kicked his *kitten*, too, if he was encouraging her at all.
    I would have kicked his just for letting it get to my family's doorstep.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    My husband of 19 years was actively pursued by a woman 15 years his junior. She was relentless. I begged her to stay away, so we could figure out if we could get our marriage back on track. We have two kids. She wouldn't back off. This is the second marriage she interfered in.

    Yes, my husband made the choice to cheat. But she preyed on someone who was going through a tough time. She didn't have the decency to stay away. Any girl who will go after someone in a relationship is disgusting.
    Thank you! I agree with everyone that it is his fault and not hers- but girls like that ARE just awful
    You only have his side of any of this. You don't know what kinds of things he has said and done. Emotions are tough to control. You're judging someone for a situation you don't really know anything about.

    You're both kind of pathetic, if you ask me. He's a creep and you're both fighting over him.

    The fact that there are two sides to every story is something to keep in mind. You never know if he was telling her to just hold on and promising to get a divorce. I made my ex show me his divorce papers before I would have sex with him. Lol, I just figured better safe than sorry. :smile: