My 2013 New Year's Resolution led to dropping 180lbs (Pics)



  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    congrats on your weight loss good sir :)
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Man, you are a rock star and have done some seriously amazing work.

    I hope lots of people take the time to read this and learn.

    You are inspiring and passing it on.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i really love you. when you mentioned being happier will help you lose weight all i could say is amen brother.

    awesome job.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member

    You are "The Man"

    ^^^This x1000. You are amazing :)
  • 150is
    150is Posts: 25 Member
    First of all Congratulations!!!!! You have done an awesome job!!!!!!! Thank you for all your info and thank you for posting and helping someone like me too keep pushing play!!!

    By the way your former self pics looks like you are an awesome fun guy!!
  • Serenajeans
    Serenajeans Posts: 49 Member
    Your story is Amazing... congrats on the weight loss and wanting to be an inspiration to others... you have inspired me. :)
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    Keep it up Ted! This post is more relevant than any diet book on the market.
  • loragp
    loragp Posts: 19 Member
    Good job and a super high-5 to you! You are truly inspiring.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    Amazing story, amazing attitude, amazing weight loss! Many congrats to you and best of luck!
  • gypsyGIRL159
    gypsyGIRL159 Posts: 78 Member


  • gwenlindsay
    gwenlindsay Posts: 76 Member
    Daaaaamn, what a year!

    While I am still FAR from my goals - I have had a pretty rocking 2013.

    I wanted to make this post when I reached my own final goal, but I thought about all the people surfing these boards that were probably just like me last January.

    I was a New Year’s "resolution-er" - pouring through the success stories, just looking for any nibble of inspiration I could find.

    I didn’t find many people even close to as bad off as I was. Any time I did I was filled with motivation. I have a wonderful group of MFP friends - but a couple success stories stuck out in particular:

    Ed Davenport

    I haven’t even connected with everyone listed above (two of them may not even know who I am) - thoey aren’t my closest MFP friends - but reading all 3 of their stories was what helped ignite a fire in me.

    That is why I am posting this BEFORE i feel like a success. I’m hoping it can inspire just one person and convert them from a January resolution-er - to a weight loss warrior!

    My Story:

    One day i stepped on a scale and weighed just over 500lbs. It had taken me awhile to find a scale to support me and I was semi-shocked when I saw the number. I knew I was out of control but that was a shocker.

    The last time I had weighed myself was about 3 months prior and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I was at a doctor visit and needed to get weighed. None of the scales worked so they sent me to the hospital.

    That’s not the worst part…

    I had to go to the laundry room in the hospital and get weighed by the laundry scale.

    BRUTAL. Talk about walk of shame!

    This was me…


    Sooooo I was huuuuge - but maybe not shy! :laugh:

    I think I did a good job trying to be normal at 500lbs - but it was always SUCH a struggle to go to a social event. It was always a lot of pumping myself up to want to go. I had to worry about **** like going to restaurants with booths. Fitting in back seats of cars. Sitting on lawn chairs. Ya know #fatpeopleproblems.

    As of today, I am now down 180lbs (ticker was started after i had already lost 15). Still obese but well on my way….

    I am 100% confident that I will reach my goals now.

    Why? Because I took the time to really learn about the things that matter.

    A brief outline of what helped me:


    - Stopped trying restrictive diets.
    - Focus on calories in and calories out - yes that is oversimplified but it’s still the way to lose weight.
    - Didn’t restrict any one macro - carbs and fat for life son.
    - Track my macros and micros. (macros = fat, carbs protein, micros = minerals and vitamins)
    - Eat whole, nutrient rich foods mostly but still enjoy the foods I like in moderation
    - Ignored the undefinable concept “clean eating”.
    - Ignored nutrient timing. It doesn’t matter except for personal preference/performance. You can eat 6 meals, eat one meal, eat before bed, eat in morning or skip breakfast…etc…doesn’t matter! For those of you chugging protein shakes right after your workout, the “anabolic window” is probably more like 4-6 hours post workout (rather than the one hour many people still claim).
    - I still party! Keeps me centered.
    - I like diet pop and it is helpful in my weight loss efforts to curb cravings.
    - I never eat breakfast in the morning. My first meal is usually 11-12. Personal preference is only reason. I like saving the calories for bigger meals later.
    - I took the sugar counter right off of my MFP tracker. Way too low as it was set and sugar is a carb after all and I track that already! Sugar is not evil!
    - I don’t demonize ANY foods. Pass the fat, carbs, gluten, wheat, msg and aspartame!
    - I don’t starve myself!
    - I ignored the Glycemic Index because it is dumb.
    - I love white potatoes. F*** Your sweet ones! Less cals in the mighty white potato, it’s the highest ranked food on the Satiety Index (feeling full) AND more potassium than a banana. Pass the potatoes.

    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food! - Eric Helms"


    - Still a learning process for me
    - I started by walking! Thats it! I walked as far as I could one day, and beat it the next.
    - I lift weights now as well - for me I like a strength based program (low reps) because I don’t think I need to worry about hypertrophy in my current caloric deficit.
    - I don’t believe you necessarily have to change up your routine to “shock” your muscles. I think progressive overload will build/retain muscle just fine.
    - People often worry about their bodies adapting to exercise and becoming more efficient at it so it burns less cals. THIS does happen. It happened to me. I didn’t have to “shock” my body with new exercises…I simply had to speed up my walking.
    - Love working out on the punching bag as well - good stress relief and good burn. If you do this though - please get the proper hand wraps! Just gloves is not good enough - you need to wrap your hands first!

    That has all lead to this…


    So while still clearly far away from "success" - ALSO clearly healthier and happier.

    Happier is the key IMO.

    All the above advice I give - doesn’t matter unless you can stay motivated and on track. That is really the key to this all - lifestyle.

    Some Motivational Tips:

    - If you are coming here asking for motivation - you are doing it wrong. No one can tell you what motivates you. Find the things in life that motivate you and use them. Write that **** down. Makes it more real.
    - Don’t focus on the crap that doesn’t matter. Will Power is an exhaustible resource, that’s why I eat what I like in moderation and don’t stress out about the little stuff.
    - Focus on getting happier. I know a LOT of you right now are thinking “Will losing weight make me happy?” I do not know that! BUT I do know that getting happier will help you lose weight. Living proof.
    - Again happiness is a personal thing, but just remember your diet, people in your life and even your career - do not HAVE to make you miserable.
    - Find songs, books or personalities that motivate you!

    I am certainly no pro - but I have done an obsessive amount of research and am finally seeing some results.

    I just want all those really huge guys out there (and everyone else) to know that a year can make a HUGE difference. I remember starting out daydreaming of things that are now a reality in my life.

    Do not give up. Find your passion - embrace it. Start living life!

    Resources: - Sarah and Sidesteel run a wonderfully helpful group right on this very forum. They are approachable, knowledgeable and super helpful. - Alan Aragorn is simply a genius IMO. I gladly pay him $10/month for access to his monthly review. He breaks down the current science of weight loss and fitness every month. Have learned more from him than almost anyone. - Eric Helms! Another fitness genius IMO. Just good old fashioned evidence backed information about fitness. A lot of his material is directed towards bodybuilders or athletes - but his knowledge is insane. - A great site for supplementation info. Also had other nutritional related info and advice. Most articles include a list of links to the scientific studies related to the topic. (formerly Impruvism) - 18 year old Armi Legge has put together one of my current favourite sites. he left a well paying job at a popular fitness site because he was tired of peddling lies. Started his own site and it is full of great info. Check out his Why “Clean Eating” is a myth article! Eye opener!

    Motivation: Eric Thomas, CT Fletcher, The Happiness Advantage (book), Thinking Fast and Slow (book and not motivational but a great peek into our own minds and how we make decisions).

    I hope everyone has a wonderful 2014. Don’t give up.

    A special thanks to my wonderful friend’s list here - couldn’t have done it without you!
  • misifer
    misifer Posts: 114 Member
    One of the best success stories I've seen! If you are still here after a year, that is a massive success in itself! Congrats on your progress so far, it's quite amazing!

    P.S. LOVE your nutrition and fitness "plans". Mine are almost identical. No way in hell I can live without the good stuff forever, so I might as well figure out how to keep them in my life.
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Oh my goodness, this post was so awesome. You had me cracking up! Great job!
  • ypena78
    ypena78 Posts: 236 Member
    I am truly INSPIRED!! I have been off the wagon a few times with the passing of my father in 2011, never been the same since, but not in 2014. I'm looking forward to bringing out the real me. Thanks for sharing your story, I was very moved by your words :)
  • Spuggy38
    Spuggy38 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you for doing this.You are an inspiration to me.I started twice and felt so overwhelmed with all the different things you have to do to lose weight and get fit. Again I say thank you, and after reading this I I know I can do this.:love:
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    I believe you are a success for many reasons but I zeroed in on never eating breakfast. I really believe there is something to this. You give your body some downtime and time to burn fat when you skip breakfast. I don't always manage to but I'm working on it. Thanks for sharing. You look fantastic!!
  • Seriously, I want to be your friend.

    Kick *kitten*.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    WOW! Amazing work, and nice job on a well written post. Most certainly motivational!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Wow, what a great year you've had!! I had a grin on my face the whole time I was reading. You look like you're a fun guy to party with, too! Wishing you all the best in 2014.
  • You are awesome and ohhhh what an inspiration and motivation you bring!!! I wanna be your MFP friend! :) I am going to show your story to my dad, he needs motivation, maybe your words of expertise can help him, and convince him that it CAN be done!! Thanks for sharing your story!!
  • pghtrader
    pghtrader Posts: 44 Member
    tedrickp, best ticker ever!
  • KimP202
    KimP202 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm always looking at the success stories for inspiration, and here you are,
    thank you for sharing!
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Totally Amazing!!
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
  • Really enjoyed reading. Congrats x1000
  • I'm totally new to this and this is the first story I laid eyes on.. I'm so happy for you, I was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I've decided that diabetes is not my destiny its but a wake up and poking my finger is not the way I choose to live my life.... I'm even more excited about my lifestyle change after reading your story. Happy Health New Year to you :) and thank you for sharing
  • kateauch
    kateauch Posts: 195 Member
    You're awesome!!!!! Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!
  • JaneE1967
    JaneE1967 Posts: 29 Member
    Awesome results! One of the best success posts I've seen, thank you for sharing and good luck for 2014. :drinker:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Congrats and I must say I love your Ticker....:drinker:
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    Well done, congratulations! And I love your weight loss ticker haha!
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