

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    A lovely day here; shopping with DD, looking for a suit for her interview.........of course, found lots of other things too. She's just left for her lifeguard job at the rec. center pool. Looks like the weather people have changed their minds about this next cold spell; AOL was calling it another polar vortex and they've dropped that scary term the last day or so.............fine with me!!!

    Kay........5.5mi., yay for you; that's a good ways!

    nccarol.........I think I mixed up "sandhills" and "foothills"............LOL........anyway, it was a nice school......and, I had the state right!

    Vicky.......Too bad about the thievery and even worse that you can't catch the person who is doing it. I would be upset too.

    Heather.........I am sure the decision made for your mother's end care was the best and most appropriate for her situation and I'm sure you made it with love after much thought and discussion.
    For a while DD was just nuts about a Scottish folk group named (of all things): Old Blind Dogs..........I remember they sang about "tatties and herrin" in one of their songs and I believe the Burns name came up in their work too. Can't wait to hear about the dinner!

    With this business with Linda, I am trying to sort out my thoughts on how death is or isn't allowed to happen. As a society, we automatically jump in and try to "save" every single person brought in the ER who tries to commit suicide, even though their intent is crystal clear (although the decision is sometimes made when under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or mental illness). All to often what is "saved" does not resemble the person prior in the least and sometimes needs 24hr. care for the remainder of life.
    I have no problem allowing a terminally ill person or their next of kin to make a decision to allow nature to take its course once they reach the point where treatment is losing ground and/or pain is constant and does not respond to meds. I think euthanasia is fine even earlier in some hopeless situations, if it is the patients choice.
    My problem with Linda is that her body is (or at least, was) trying to repair itself and was regaining function post stroke, as I've said, both personally and in my work seen amazing stroke recoveries. With PT, OT, and speech therapy.........and time. What irks me most, I think, is that decision not to even give her a chance. Her potential for recovery will never be known. Maybe she would have needed a quad cane; maybe her speech would have never been "normal" but people have good lives with such disabilities. I even read the state guidelines for w/h nourishment---they refer to a persistent veg. state.......which certainly wasn't true. I guess it boils down to: At what point do we allow people responsible for those who can't speak for themselves to make this decision, "She/he wouldn't have wanted to live like this; let them go"? .......And, keep in mind that even if the person said they wouldn't have wanted to "be kept alive on a respirator or be tube fed in a coma" that didn't cover this situation.
    Ahhh...........I have no answers, I have no power, and it's too late now........although I'm sure this is taking much longer than the people who made the decision thought it would.
    Enough, I'm making myself crazy with this and going in circles.

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Whew! just read through the last 3 pages and what a group. I hope I can get my comments in before too many more show up. First and foremost I am thinking about Meg and her daddy - sure hope they have seen some improvement in his condition and she can have some peace. I know the Lord has this all under his control but it sure can be stressful for the family. Meg, we are all praying you & dad.

    Welcome Karen Owen; 60 will be coming my way in October.

    Sue, Sunday was windy, windy here in Plano but sounds like you managed to get some good time in with golfing; how fun.

    Joyce, as for the exercise pants I hope they work out well for you and Zumba which is quite the undertaking. I seem to lack the coordination.

    Jane, my Civic has been a good little car; hopefully your son will enjoy his.

    Congrats Maryann on the 1.5 lbs lost quickly; that's awesome.

    Barbie, I sure do enjoy my days of rest which we all need one sometimes and good that you enjoyed yours.

    Michele, try as we might our children just won't let us direct their lives but we sure can love them.

    Anamika, I have pretty much decided that I like MFP more than FB. :laugh:

    Claire, health issues do tend to encumber us, take care of yourself dear.

    Heather, you must have been quite the seamstress a skill I wish I would have been given.

    Carol, my 9 mo grandson wears my arms tired in a hurry; guess I need some of that strength training too.

    Margaret, I can limit my TV watching much better than I can the computer; hope you do well with your goals.

    Jane Martin, happy, happy, happy to that 1 lb loss! they all count. :smile:

    Joyce, Leslie's DVDs are done w/o treadmill as they are more of a workout than a walk and a good workout too!

    Vicki, pray for that person taking the money as they must need it in a big way to take such an incredible risk.

    I am still working on getting healthy for the new year. This cold/flu is hanging in there and today hubby says he thinks he is getting it. Oh, please - enough is enough!

    All who read may you find yourself with good health and lots of success on weight control. God bless.

    Teral, in Plano
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :smile: Hello Looseygoose and welcome, when I first started about 5 years ago a friend lent me Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds 1, 2, and 3 miles. It is a great way to start if you haven't worked out for awhile. You start out slow and work your way up, she has so many different DVDs including 4 mile and 5 mile. Have a great evening and good luck with your weight loss.
    Rose from Laurel Delaware
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Meg - you & your Dad are in my prayers.

    Allison - I hope that it's a good sign for your brother, you are in my prayers

    Its been a strange few days. My step-father passed away last week. I haven't seen him in about 30 years and I really shouldn't care as he was not a nice guy. I guess that's why he was so quick to not claim anything on my mother's estate.

    I did an hour of strength training and booked another session with my personal trainer.

    I'm off to bed, have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just got back from Zumba, yes it is intense!:drinker: :sad: I think I managed to do 20 minutes of the 60. I did the first 15 fairly well but then had to sit. While sitting I did move me feet, march and other things. But there is so much arm and leg movement together it was really hard. I soon learned to do one or the other. I think they need to do a class of warm up, one dance and cool down:laugh: :laugh: I'm sure if I did the entire 60 minutes my FitBit would have shown more but all day long I got in a little over 5000 steps. I purposefully didn't do any bike today because of the two classes.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    The grandkids and my son came over for supper tonight. It was so much fun. My grandson says he wants to come to grandma's house EVERY night. Not sure I could handle all that excitement every night. When he left he wanted to take his little hot wheel cars home, but daddy said to leave them here so he could play with them next time. I whispered to him that I would buy him another car to keep at home, so he told me he wants a green car with red stripes. Not sure I can find one like that, but of course I wll try. He's so cute!

    My son has emphysema and they recently did a genetic test. He got the results today which said he has A1-AT deficiency which is a genetic condition and they told him that all his relatives should get tested. I have never heard of anybody in our family having that. Apparently it's pretty serious. He thinks they caught it in time to get some help, which include weekly IV treatments. He's only 38. I sure hope his kids don't have it. It can lead to early death. I can't even think about that.

    Meg, I'm thinking about you. Hope your dad is feeling better.

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Joyce: For resistance bands, I looked everywhere. Went to Amazon and got a great set, with cushioned handles, for under $30. I thought I would never use the dark blue or black (heaviest), but my trainer has shown me how to mimic the resistance of Pilates reformer using a heavy resistance band. Great, deep core work!

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: LucyGoose, if you want to work out with weights, I’d like to recommend that you read “Strong Women Stay Young”. The book has a lot of great information about the value of strength training as well as a way to assess your fitness level and a beginning workout that can be done without lying down on the floor and that can be done at home with not too much equipment. If you have the money, time, and inclination to get a gym membership, find a gym with a trainer or staff that will help you get to know the equipment and help you find a program that works for you. Walking is always a great way to ease into working out.

    :flowerforyou: Blizzardsmom, this thread is a great place to get connected with women who will help you reinvent your life. I hope you will come back often and learn new things that will help you make small and steady changes in your life.

    :flowerforyou: Karenowen, welcome……..if you read this thread daily and respond, you’ll have more friends than you know what to do with…..you joined our community just by posting.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, It took me a long time to find balance with MFP…..some days all I can to is log my food and other days I have more time.

    :flowerforyou: Claire, if you read this thread and become part of this group, you’ll get great support for your health journey

    :flowerforyou: Tammy, welcome back….congrats on your weight loss

    :flowerforyou: Techinteaching, there are a lot of women on this thread with experience with weight loss plateaus….they will share their experience……meanwhile, be sure everything you eat is nutrition dense and that you are weighing and measuring everything you eat.

    :flowerforyou: Carol from NC…..do not be discouraged….keep on keeping on

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Katla, you have such awesome responses…..thank you for all you add to this thread

    :bigsmile: Rita, your dogs sound darling.

    :bigsmile: La_mujeritanz, welcome….good idea to focus on yourself and your needs

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, the walking videos are for walking indoors anywhere that you can see the screen and have to room to go forward, back, and sideways…..I did them for so long that now I can do similar routines without the video while watching regular TV

    :bigsmile: Maryanne, that is an awesome group of challenges for 2014……all very worthy and achievable goals.

    :bigsmile: Ruthanne, come back here every day and we will help you and each other stay motivated. When I think of eating the wrong food, I think about what my friends here would think of it and then don’t eat it.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, glad you are back on track with logging and getting some warmer weather…….how frustrating to have a sneaky thief at work.:angry::angry:

    :brokenheart: Yanniejannie, I’m sorry about your friend, Linda, and about your personal struggles to understand her situation….sending hugs to you.:heart::heart:

    :flowerforyou: Teral, I hope you are feeling 100% soon.

    :flowerforyou: I thought yesterday was a day of rest, but today after lunch (baked chicken breast, cauliflower, and pumpkin), Jake said he wanted to take a nap so I joined him and the pets and slept for over two hours. I wasn’t completely restful. I fit in three hours of walking the frisky poodles, a small amount of puttering in the yard, and some dancing time.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 19,000 steps today ----
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    LucyGoose - first off, welcome! I'd say start slow, you'll build yourself up. Maybe commit to doing something 3 days/week, even for like 20 minutes at first. Eventually, you'll be adding another day or longer workouts. Do things that you enjoy, take walks, etc. Good luck to you. Coming here is a great idea. You can get ideas of exercises that others do that you might not have thought of.

    Carol in NC - do you know that for as long as we've lived in NC (about 6 years) I have never once been to a Bojangles and just have no desire to go?

    blizzzardsmom - welcome! Best of luck to your daughter and you. What is she having?

    karenowen - welcome!

    Heather - I'm very impressed with your sewing skills. If you can make your wedding dress, a dart won't be any problem at all.

    tammytylerjones - congrats on the pound down

    techinteachin - have you taken your mesurements? Many times the scale doesn't show a loss, but there's a loss in the measurement department.

    Carol in NC - let me know when you're going to visit your parents, hopefully, we can get together. I know that FOR ME if I eat food late at night, no matter how low my calories have been, I can be guaranteed of a gain -- never ever fails

    Joyce - I have a few of the Leslie Sansons DVD's and I just use them on the floor, no treadmill or any other equipment. Good for you getting to the Silver Sneakers class. I always enjoyed the chair yoga when I'd take it. And you get to see your sister, an added bonus!

    Maryann in UK - I'm so sorry to hear about your father

    Ruthanne - you CAN do this. Welcome!

    Every year I get an infusion of reclast. Why it is so difficult is beyond me. I called the MD, he evidentally sent the order to some company they use who told the hospital it doesn't need to be precertified. It did last year so I called our insurance co. Sure enough, it does. So I called the MD's office back and they said they'd take care of it. That was two weeks ago. Today I called the insurance co. to be sure they had everything, they didn't have anything. Now they're going to call the MD office and tell me what the results were. If I don't hear from them by next Mon., I'll give them another call. Why is this so difficult?

    Vicki - I can understand how frustrating it can be when you are sure you know who's doing it, but you don't have any proof. I'm guessing that there isn't any way you can get the proof you need.

    Sandy - I'm so sorry about your stepdad. Good for you booking more time with the p.t.

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Joyce- I know how you feel with exercising and Zumba. I am doing the DVD 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels, got it free on YouTube, and it wears me out, esp when she has your arms moving, lifting weights and squating at the same time. I'll be honest, I try, and end up doing my own version, a few less in number!
    Heather- Burn's Night! Sounds like a night of culinary and literary fun. I saw McSweenies butcher featured in Andrew Zimmers's show Bizarre Foods for his haggis. I have never eaten it but am willing to try it someday, with the condition it is prepared by a really good cook/chef! I would eat your meals any day of the year! Lemon ice cream!
    Sylvia & Katla- get this: yesterday I walked 12,000 steps, did 45 minutes of yoga and 30 Day shred. Stayed in my calorie count and ate back exercise. Then when I weighed in this am...UP 3 POUNDS! All week long I was so good! Could it be I am using some muscle groups and I am retaining fluid? grrrr. Hope Katla is right and soon I will see a drop. The only up was I lost some in my arm and hip measurements.
    Take care everyone!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Just looked at some of the walking exercise utube videos. I have them bookmarked. I think my office would have the most room since I have the bike in the living room and the family room seems to be more and more a man cave.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. Have a great evening, everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi dear friends - wanted to catch up yesterday but got a call from my colleague Jane asking me to go in to work. Her mum is quite poorly and she wanted to be with her :sad: :sad: Of course I went in to cover, Jane called me later in the evening to say they are not sure what is wrong, it could be a water infection or just old age. It must be serious because a sister living overseas has been contacted. :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Sorry I have no time to "chat" but need to get ready. I will try to read all the posts tonight and catch up.

    Sending hugs to all who are suffering with one thing or another :heart: :heart: and a whoo hooo :drinker: :drinker: to all who are having successes :heart:

    Take care!

    Viv cold and damp UK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my lovelies

    Blue skies at present here in London - they have been washed clean by the torrential rain we had last night. My poor waterlogged gardens could use some pleasant sunshine.

    I had my appointment at the hospital re my gallbladder surgery yesterday. I was hoping that they would give me a date, but they just said 'within the next six weeks'. I really don't know what to do as my new grand-daughter is due in five weeks time and my plan is to go over to Germany straight after she's born. Do I put the surgery back or try to get it sorted before my DD gives birth? Also, to anybody who has had their gallbladder removed, realistically speaking, how long was the recovery (I'm hoping to have keyhole surgery).

    My head is so full of ifs and ands at present, I'm finding it difficult to concentrate.

    Michele, I ordered the book you were talking about - fix it and forget it lightly (not sure if that's the exact title, but you know the one). I'm hoping that I will find it useful.

    Must do some work.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x

    I hope you are all doing as well
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    morning ladies,
    sorry i didnt check in but did catch up on the posts last night, I am just exsausted. my brother was sleeping for the 2 hrs I was there yesterday afternoon,but got a call later saying they are going to do a biopsy on his liver or pancreas,but called it off again because he has an infection again and fever.
    today is my long day at work,so I dont know if I will have the stamina to go over there after 6 pm we shall see
    will try and check in tonight,if not will check in in the morning..have to much to do this morning before work so no formal exercise
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Read back some but have to get working so I'm checking in.
    :smile: Welcome to LucyGoose and Karen
    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie,prayers and thoughts are still with yoy and your brother
    :smile: Amanda, I had my gallbladder removed and the recovery was pretty quick, hopefully yours will be too.
    :laugh: Sylvia, I have a 3 yr old grandson who is also a hotwheel fanatic, they are adorable.
    :happy: Joyce IN, I tried Zumba and couldn't keep up. Hats off for you, keep it up.

    Still waiting for my test date, it should be the end of January or first week of Feb. Between both jobs I am working 6 days a week so I'm really going to have to find time to study and practice. I've been personal training for a year now but I hate tests and I am doing it on line so they have a camera to watch me. NERVOUS!
    Weather here is cold and rainy, but no below zero's this week.
    I finally journaled the entire day yesterday. I need to keep it up.
    Everyone take care, have a happy and healthy day, Patty from Cincinnati
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have no time again this morning:sad: !
    I have read all the posts and I`m wishing everyone well!!!

    Have a wonderful Tuesday ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    Hugs,DeeDee in NC where it is rainy:frown:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn everyone,have read the posts,are we a chatty bunch or what?:bigsmile:

    Jane,I use Fitbit Zip,but DD has had her more $$ one for about 4 yrs & it works like a charm,even being used for every day exercises,loong walks etc.

    I'm another one who basically was in charge of my Mom when things became difficult.She went from her home to an apt in assisted living,then to the nursing part of the assisted living.Mom enjoyed the assisted living for quite a while,went to all the classes,entertainment etc.She made a lot of friends.When she finally became bed ridden,she passed away 8 wks later.We miss her.My only bro was in very poor health,but every morn for 3-4 yrs,he took her coffee & a doughnut,spending 20 mins with her.She never knew he passed away 3 mos before her.So that is part of my story......sorry I have no help to offer.
    Like each of us,you can only do what works for your situation.:cry:

    Sandy,every loss posted makes a diff in knowing it works,even for the slow,slow losers like myself.

    Geri, Could be your DH doesn't understand you are doing this for your health,not just another diet?
    Some ppl are more helpful when health is involved.

    Meg,thinking of you.It's a hard row to hoe when our parents need us,jobs & family need us.

    Yanniejannie, Bless you for caring about your friend.These situations
    can drive you crazy with stress.Surely somewhere,she knows
    you care.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia,it's so hard when our children (of any age) are sick.

    Grandmallie..don't worry about exercise when you are burning the candle at both ends.The stress has
    to be so hard to deal with.To me,when family is in hospital,being there for long is worse than hard labor.Take care of yourself

    Barbie,fantastic step number!!!.

    Have a very long ,busy day coming up.Laundry,trying on clothes,packing etc.Tomorrow,DD & I will be flying to Fl to spend time with other DD & her family.
    When the 2 DDs are together,they run my legs off. Her area is a perfect place for walking,so will be out when the sun comes up. Pat in Ohio
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: today is our 25th wedding anniversary.......I have been so focused on the trip we have planned for the weekend that I gave no thought to any actual "celebration" today.:laugh: When I got up this morning there was a card from Jake on top of my laptop computer and I felt bad for a moment because I hadn't bought him a card. For a moment I considered driving to the grocery store and buying him a card and then decided to e mail him a love note instead. When he got up I found out that the card was one that he had bought years ago and kept forgetting to give me and wasn't an anniversary card but a very sweet love card.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement ladies! I've decided that it's mostly fluid retention. I woke up this morning with puffy fingers and puffy eyes. My sodium intake has been over my macros off and on so I guess I need to start watching it more closely. Also, I don't have a period anymore (various reasons, including going into menopause), but I can tell that I'm still having a cycle so that may be part of it as well. In any case, I'm not going to stop staying within calorie range and exercising as much as possible.

    I finally made it to the grocery store on Sunday afternoon (couldn't go Saturday because of my car not starting) so I cooked up a storm last night. For dinner, I had a 4 oz hamburger patty with a little Nature's Seasons mixed in and some roasted fingerling potatoes cooked with a teaspoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of Asiago cheese. I forgot to put salt on them before I cooked them, but with all the fluid retention, I guess it's just as well that I didn't! While that was cooking, I mixed up a reduced calorie meatloaf to put in the slow cooker today--I am SO looking forward to that! After dinner, I browned another 1 1/2 lbs of ground beef with onion to serve as a base for a Big Mac Casserole; I found the recipe on MFP a couple of days ago. I will make that later in the week. I rarely buy meat, so this is all a big treat for me. This weekend, I will make Toscana soup and a crab and corn chowder.

    Michele in NC - I've never been fond of Bojangle's biscuits, but I do like their chicken. I don't really miss it, but I do enjoy being able to grab something quick when needed. I will let you know when I go visit my parents. I try to go every 6 weeks or so, although at this time of the year, it depends a lot on the weather.

    I've gotten in a walk already this morning since I got to work and now I need to go prepare my toast and heat my boiled egg. Oh, I might need to work a bit, too. :laugh: Have a great day, everyone! Hugs to those who need them, a kind word of encouragement to those faltering, and a swift kick to the *kitten* for those who need a tough love approach.