Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! How are we all doing today?

    I managed to get up early this morning and exercise, even though I went to sleep late last night. Meetings after work make for very long days. Ready to buckle down today and make goal again. What choices are we all making today to reach our goals?

    I'm cold! That's it, I'm just cold. A deadly fog has descended over Windsor and it is nasty out there. I have no emotions, just cold. As for choices, I gave 30-Day Shred a break today. I'm sure it's as sick of me as I am of it. Did the exercise bike and had weird results. I was really pedaling, and sweat was rolling down my face. It was disgusting. My face didn't get red at all though, and it took me no time to cool down. I'm not sure why! Maybe it's just that it's so cold in here. Have eaten three times today already, but all good things, one small banana, an apple and PB after my workout, and a bowl of oatmeal. Got lunch and dinner planned out and haven't made it to 1200 calories yet. Will add some more veggies with my lunch salad and either some more cheese or a little chocolate. How's everyone else?
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I sure wish I was a morning person :cry:

    I hear ya. I am not in a morning person in any real sense, but I've had to alter my behaviors a lot since I started commuting. I've been working up the will for weeks to get up even earlier so I can add a workout to my day, and I only really started doing it a couple weeks ago. There's nothing like a Saturday morning sleep in, which I look forward to every week. Unfortunately, sleeping "in" now means 8:00 AM.

    Sorry you had such a rough day yesterday. It happens to everyone. I made goal yesterday, sure, but Saturday was a pizza extravaganza. Today is a new day! :)
  • beccajoh
    Ickybella, are you in Windsor, UK? I live not far from there...

    I'll join in with you ladies - i'm not a mother either! I'm trying to rein myself in a bit before christmas, as I'm getting towards needing to buy a dress size up!

    I've not felt like eating much today - I've got a cold and am generally feeling a bit rubbish. I took the day off work, but I'm going to have to go in tomorrow as I've got a big meeting to go to :o(
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Ickybella, are you in Windsor, UK? I live not far from there...

    I'll join in with you ladies - i'm not a mother either! I'm trying to rein myself in a bit before christmas, as I'm getting towards needing to buy a dress size up!

    I've not felt like eating much today - I've got a cold and am generally feeling a bit rubbish. I took the day off work, but I'm going to have to go in tomorrow as I've got a big meeting to go to :o(

    Yes, I am. Are you getting this fog? I've never seen anything like it! It looks like the sky fell down or something. Good luck with everything! Try to rest and have some soup or something warm.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    well...choices for about not eating pringles for lunch and pizza hut for dinner like i did yesterday? does that work? :blushing: anyhoo, today will be better. i had an extra helping of cardio this morning (zumba) in addition to my step/strength/plyo class. i don't know if it will dig me out of my hole by tomorrow, but hopefully it will give me a step up. worse than the food, though, was my complete disinterest in my water bottle. so my goal for the week is going to be to drink at least 64 ounces each day, but i'm going to push for 80 ounces. happy tuesday everyone!
  • jenna_watsonator
    jenna_watsonator Posts: 99 Member
    Im kinda do i join??
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I think you just did. Welcome! :bigsmile:
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I want to be in the non mom group!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I want to be in the non mom group!

    me too! another non-mom right here!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    lol i can't stop b!tching about how b!tchy i am...went over my calories for the first time in a long time yesterday...but i still have managed to lose 11.5 inches in total, and i know that after this week from hell i'll be right back on the body wants to hibernate...who knew that living in central alberta in the winter would be cold :huh: keep this post going ladies, it actually works for me!
  • rayneenie
    rayneenie Posts: 177 Member
    I am a non-mom that is hoping to change that. I would like to join! my weigh is tomorrow so we will see how I have done this week.

    Can I stay a member if I become a mom? (keeping fingers crossed on both)
  • AngelDog1
    I have only 4 lbs to get to wonderland. That would be fantastic to get there by Thanksgiving, but I'm going to realistically aim to be there by Christmas. (I just have to keep chanting to myself "I think I can I think I can I think I can.....")
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have only 4 lbs to get to wonderland. That would be fantastic to get there by Thanksgiving, but I'm going to realistically aim to be there by Christmas. (I just have to keep chanting to myself "I think I can I think I can I think I can.....")

    4lbs? yeah i'd aim for christmas, that's 1 lbs a week right? easy peasy, you can do it!!!
  • beccajoh
    Ickybella, are you in Windsor, UK? I live not far from there...

    I'll join in with you ladies - i'm not a mother either! I'm trying to rein myself in a bit before christmas, as I'm getting towards needing to buy a dress size up!

    I've not felt like eating much today - I've got a cold and am generally feeling a bit rubbish. I took the day off work, but I'm going to have to go in tomorrow as I've got a big meeting to go to :o(

    Yes, I am. Are you getting this fog? I've never seen anything like it! It looks like the sky fell down or something. Good luck with everything! Try to rest and have some soup or something warm.

    Yes loads of fog here (Bracknell) that hasn't cleared all day :o( I have consumed all my cals for the day, now, mostly at dinner as my SIL made pie and chips :blushing:
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    lol i can't stop b!tching about how b!tchy i am...went over my calories for the first time in a long time yesterday...but i still have managed to lose 11.5 inches in total, and i know that after this week from hell i'll be right back on the body wants to hibernate...who knew that living in central alberta in the winter would be cold :huh: keep this post going ladies, it actually works for me!

    I find double rants therapeutic. I can't think of anything better to rant about than the fact that you're ranting! Sounds like you're doing well. As a friend of mine once said, "Sometimes you just gotta say f*** it and eat a cheeseburger."
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Ickybella, are you in Windsor, UK? I live not far from there...

    I'll join in with you ladies - i'm not a mother either! I'm trying to rein myself in a bit before christmas, as I'm getting towards needing to buy a dress size up!

    I've not felt like eating much today - I've got a cold and am generally feeling a bit rubbish. I took the day off work, but I'm going to have to go in tomorrow as I've got a big meeting to go to :o(

    Yes, I am. Are you getting this fog? I've never seen anything like it! It looks like the sky fell down or something. Good luck with everything! Try to rest and have some soup or something warm.

    Yes loads of fog here (Bracknell) that hasn't cleared all day :o( I have consumed all my cals for the day, now, mostly at dinner as my SIL made pie and chips :blushing:

    Mmmm pie. I'm still mad at potatoes, though, for not counting toward my five a day. I had some the other night for the first time in a while. Deliciousness. We had turkey noodle soup tonight and it was yummy. Tomorrow is curry night! I am so pathetic; I look forward to curry too much. My hump day happiness depends upon curry.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    had weigh-in today, and i'm down! .4 pounds, which is less than i had hoped, but i will take what i can get! but i think my day of pringles and pizza hut is going to cost me my goal for next week - not the whole goal, of course, but i think it will delay it by a week. we'll see how it goes - we are planning on going hiking this weekend, so that will help, but on thursday i'll be missing my most strenuous class because of two interviews i have lined up. so we'll see if i actually get there by thanksgiving or not...i'm really just pleased as punch that i'm as close as i am! and i guess, technically, since my goal if for thursday, i can weigh in that day even though my usual day is wednesday...mwa-ha-ha-ha...!
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    Way to go! Even if your goal is delayed, which is annoying and frustrating, you're getting back to it and you'll get there.
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member
    I was pleased this morning to see I'm closer to my next goal [each pound is a tiny goal by itself for me :bigsmile:] this morning. Of course, I was so beat from the past few days I wasn't able to get up early to exercise and I couldn't motivate myself into a walk. *sigh* It's a grey day today, so that probably isn't helping. I told myself that if I don't exercise, I just gotta meet calorie goal, and if not, do something tonight. Have to buckle down because I want to record that additional pound of loss on Friday before heading into the Thanksgiving week.
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    I would love to join this group! In the last week I've been wavering a bit in my resolve, and I could use the encouragement. Today is a new day, and we all have new challenges to face. Here goes!