Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday success - My bras are too big and I am getting a horrible bunching of material in the cup. They look horrible under shirts made out of thinner material. Thank goodness it isn't that noticeable under bulk sweaters. Looks like I will be going bra shopping this weekend. :happy:

    jtconst - Congrats on walking everyday. That is fantastic. I am glad your baby gave you those sad puppy dog eyes and kept you motivated!

    Hayley - I usually don't have a problem with sodium but have been struggling to stay under quite a few times since Christmas. Going back and looking through my diary the days I am over seem to correspond with how many prepackaged items I eat that day. Whenever possible I try to use fresh ingredients rather than canned. I like to cook so I prefer the taste of using fresh. For example, when cooking chili I use dry beans rather than canned. I can buy a 2 lb bag of beans for approximately $2 which lasts me much longer than an 8 ounce can for however much it may cost. Like I said, it's just my personal preference but I enjoy non-canned ingredients better. When it comes to fruits and veggies (I'm vegetarian) I also prefer fresh over canned. I have never been a fan of canned veggies except for corn. I will though use frozen veggies and some fruits (for my smoothies). I am lucky though and have a store right up the road from me that always has good prices on fresh produce. So I usually don't worry about the cost too much. Come the warmer months, I grow my own veggies and some berries. It does cut down on the food bill a bit for the summer months.

    I have also heard about rinsing off canned vegetables. I am not quite sure exactly how much sodium it washes off but I would imagine it helps a little bit. I am sorry I am not more help with that.

    If you are concerned maybe start looking for the sales in your area and then stock up. For example if you find a sale on fresh veggies (maybe string beans) buy a ton. Then you can blanch them and freeze them for when you are ready to use them.

    lyricalindsey - Welcome and congrats on getting to the gym. Jump right in and join us.

    Naomi - Congrats on the NSV!

    Skinny - LOL at the butterfly exhibit. I probably would have chuckled too. I hope you have a great time this weekend. It sounds like a perfect weekend away!

    Robin - I know it is tough and frustrating for you but hang in there. I am still praying for you.

    Mel - Congrats on the loss. That is fantastic!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    With the joining of many newbies I decided to just do a post with things that have worked for me.
    My advice to you is:

    ~ Remember your weight gain didn't happen over night, it will not come off over night. Weight loss takes time. Be patient!!!
    ~ Use multiple methods to measure your progress - scale, measurements, progress pictures
    ~ Learn your body and the way it works. Your weight fluctuates regularly. This is ok. Rather than becoming frustrated with this, learn to embrace it. Over time you will begin to see patterns.
    ~ Look for and celebrate those NSVs (Non-scale victories - a success for you - clothes falling down, being able to do something you couldn't before, accomplishing a goal)
    ~ Find an exercise routine that you enjoy and stick with it. Start slow and increase your duration and intensity as you become stronger.
    ~ Listen to your body. If you are tired, it is ok to take a day to rest. Get back to it the following day.
    ~ Focus on 1 goal at a time.
    ~ Conquer 1 goal before adding in another.
    ~ Make your goals ones that are easily attainable. Instead of staying I am going to lose 5 lbs this month try stating it as I will lose at least 1 lb this month. This way you are not putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. Shedding 1 lb is a lot easier to conquer than shedding 5.
    ~ Focus on what you have done/ accomplished rather than how much further you have to go.
    ~ Log everything no matter how good or bad it is. That piece of chocolate, the salad dressing, oil you put in a pan to cook with. Log, log, log.
    ~ Weigh and measure your food. I found this helpful in relearning what a normal portion size is rather than what I thought it was.
    ~ Don't ban foods. Learn to eat them in moderation. If you crave that piece of chocolate eat it. Just make sure you log it and it fits into your range for the day.
    ~ Be honest with yourself.
    ~ Learn to love yourself for who you are and what you have accomplished.
    ~ Don't compare yourself to others. We all progress at different rates.
    ~ Focus on YOU!
    ~ Don't be afraid to try something new. Even if you can't do it, stick with it. Over time you will accomplish your goal.
    ~ Experiment and figure out what works for YOU then stick with it. Remember everyone is different, what works for one person doesn't necessarily work for another.
    ~ Learn from your mistakes. You are guaranteed to make a few along the way. It happens to all of us. Don't get too hung up on it.
    ~ Build your online MFP support team. They will cheer you on and provide you with encouragement and advice along the way.
    ~ Have fun with the process.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie--have fun shopping for the "girls." :wink:

    @kelley--what kind of tablet are you thinking of buying? I'm just curious b/c I'm currently in the market. I'm leaning towards a Suface, but still not ready to commit. My husband just go a Kindle Fire HDX and he really likes it for surfing the web and using apps. However, I don't love it--it's very small, but also kind of heavy. Plus, I want something with a real keyboard and a USB port.

    @mel--glad the change up in your diet is working for you. As kelley said, it's not really "bad" to hold onto the handrails, it just means you burn less calories.

    @robin--glad you are making some progress with the health issues--hope this next round of tests gets you the answers you need. Hang in there!:flowerforyou:

    @kaye--Hope you continue to feel better. Those stomach bugs are the worst--fortunately, they are usually gone in 24-48 hours. :flowerforyou:

    @hayley--I think it was you asking about sodium in canned veggies. Im' not sure about all canned goods, but I read somewhere that rinsing canned beans reduces the sodium by about 40%. Of course as nettie said, it's much cheaper to buy dried beans and then you don't have to worry about the sodium. However, I buy canned ones for the convenience and just rinse them.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I made it though the week from hell, and despite a lack of exercise and crazy schedule at school, I seem to have done no damage. I wish I could say I was going to the gym today, but I slept in and am now just lounging around the house while I get some laundry done. I will probably take gunner for a quick walk before I get ready to head up to LG this afternoon. Hope everyone has a great weekend. :drinker:

    Grading goals:
    1. 2/72 AP essays
    2. x/16 AP analysis activities
    3. x/72 tone test corrections
    4. rec letter for my student teacher

    Exercise goals:
    Tues--none (meeting)
    Wed--gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--spa day in Lake Geneva so perhaps some swimming

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there!
    So, I was super pumped when I got up this morning, which is REALLY unusual because I HATE mornings!

    But, my hubby promised that if I got up, we'd have a healthy breakfast together. This is what I made: Chocolate Fudge Oatmeal!
    (If anyone is interested, I got the recipe off, anywho, it tastes like dessert, but is about 250 calories (per serving, it makes 2) and really fills you up! What a fabulous way to start the day!!!!

    Unfortunately, as often happens, the good didn't last. I was so tired that I fell asleep reading in bed (which I knew I would, cuz I always do) and missed out on lunch with the ol' man! He made chili. When I woke up, he was gone (helping a neighbor move a fridge) and I had to eat by myself! Anyone else struggle with eating really quickly? Any tips for slowing down? My cousin sets a 20 minute timer and forces herself not to finish eating before that timer goes off. I'm at the point where I don't think I can sit down for 20 minutes, much less eat for that length of time. (I prefer the shovel method...the faster it's in my body, the faster I can do other things). However, the shovel method doesn't allow for when I'm full. Perhaps I WILL try the timer method. I'll let you know how it works....

    My 16-year-old stepson is here this weekend, which is always fun! He's diabetic and has Celiac, so he's gotta eat gluten free, too. I'm not sure how many of you have experience with Juvenile Diabetes (Type I), but I'm sure some of you are familiar! It wasn't till he was diagnosed last year, that I learned they don't count sugars anymore for their food. They count carbs because sugars are included in carb count. Anyway, at his healthy weight, they want him to eat at least 90 grams of carbs...which is really hard when he can't have bread because of the GF part! haha. I've become VERY creative in my cooking. Last weekend, we made our own tortillas our of GF flour. My husband liked them, but I did not. They weren't thin enough, but how do you roll something out by hand and make it super thin, ya know?! Now, we just buy his tortillas, which is kinda cool for me cuz he can eat spinach and rice flour, just not wheat, and those others are healthier.

    @skinnyjeanz - thanks for your kind words about my Grandma. Also, I'm sorry if I offended you with the English pple can't do math joke! I'm sure you're a wonderful teacher with many skills. Math just isn't one of mine! lol! Also, thnx for the advice on rinsing beans. I have never, in my entire life, bought beans that didn't come in a can. Is that strange?! haha! Grocery shopping yesterday, I made it outta there without buying anything in cans except tomatoes and tomato sauce. It's a start!

    @Grandmakaye - thank you also for your words about my Grandma's passing. It is nice to have so much support on here, especially when I'm a newbie and didn't really know what to expect from posting on message boards! You, relating to my situation, really made my day. It's nice nowadays to hear about someone who loves and respects their elders as much as I do/did!

    @Robin - sorry to hear about your health. I hope you get better soon. I really appreciate you starting this thread, because 110 lbs seems like a LOT of weight to lose, but as I scroll thru here, I see people who have had great successes and I know that I can do it too with support, tracking my food, and being honest with myself. (all of which were not exactly available previously)

    @JNettie - thanks for all the great tips! I went grocery shopping yesterday and this is the first time I really concentrated on fresh, canned, and frozen...frozen was the middle ground when it comes to price, but the sodium count was sooo much lower. I did buy fresh spinach, bananas, oranges, apples, and grapes. (I love fruit, but struggle with veggies. the reason I bought canned was because of the price and they are easy when I need a quick snack. I just pop open the can and eat!) However, I did buy frozen green beans, peas, and corn. I was really pleased with the price and the amount of sodium per serving.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    I haven't been very vocal this week., but I have been reading. I'm just feeling kinda bummed. I got my exercise and my food was good this week. I also had a loss of 2.6 lb. Everyone sounds so gungho... and I'm feeling sad. Have a great weekend guys! Tomorrow is another day! :ohwell:
  • TcaitlinO
    TcaitlinO Posts: 6 Member
    This seems like a thread for me, I want to lose 100 lbs. I've read through posts & it seems like a great place :-)

    About me: my name's Cait, I want to lose 100lbs, I'm getting married in July (and I'd like to have lost some of this nonsense by then), erm... I teach too (mainly statistics) and after ~1 week on MFP I've lost 3 lbs. My diary's open & I'm open to help/suggestions. I've been trying to eat better, I joined a gym in December & got a trainer (I meet with him once a week & try to go another 1-2 times on my own), I walk everywhere (live in the city), and I have a Basis watch to track my vitals.

    Oh, a question for those in the know: is going over the sodium recommendation really a killer? It's true, I like salt, and when I check it my blood pressure is always slightly low (genetic, from my father's side). Looking at my MFP stats, I see that I'm almost constantly going over the recommended sodium threshold. Will that slow my weight loss? I know it could make me retain water, but I'm not as worried about water as I am about fat :laugh:
  • cararenee11
    cararenee11 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this so all motivation is welcome :)
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    It's Saturday! I've been working so hard at work and haven't had a day off in the last 12 days, so I'm using today to get caught up on housework (I really know how to live it up! LOL), and read through this thread.

    @Hayley- So sorry to hear about your Grandma. And you might try frozen veggies...less sodium and still pretty cheap. I don't know if anyone already suggested that, as I've been reading through pretty fast.

    @L2T- Your conversation with your husband was really funny. That's the kind of discussions that go on in our house too, as my husband is also trying to lose weight, and really needs to because he's been diagnosed as prediabetic this year. His nutritionist and I gave him a schooling on the value of broccoli over corn that was pretty amusing. :)

    @Robin- Good luck with all your upcoming tests. I hope they can help you!

    @Caitlin- I've found that the less processed stuff I eat, the easier I lose, and because there's sooo much sodium in most processed stuff, the sodium automatically goes down too. I guess if your blood pressure is normally very low, you won't need to worry too much about going over. My husband and I are both saddled with family histories of hypertension, so we should watch ours more closely.

    So, my Saturday husband and I are participating in a weight loss challenge sponsored by a local running store. We had our third weigh-in today, and I'm down 10 lbs since January 1st! AAAAAND....since I've lost over 6.2 lbs, I buzzed right by the "5K Club", and I'm in the "10K Club" for the contest, which means I got a gift certificate for $5 to use at the store.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome newlings you have picked a great group to join!

    @hansea- congrats on your accomplishment of losing 10 lbs since the 1st and getting a gift certificate. Definitely deserve a nice pat on the back.

    AFM- I made success in grocery shopping during peak time not sure what I was thinking but I got through it. Surprisingly I was very patient through the trip which is a new thing for me. I'm also trying a meatloaf recipe that I found on I hope it turns out good. I'm not much of a cook but I'm slowly but surely learning as I go. Hopefully no one will have to be rushed to the emergency room. HAHA!
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Sunday morning here - Gotta love a Sunday!

    Hansea, I admire anyone who participates in a challenge like that, it takes a real commitment.

    Cararenee, welcome & jump in (I've only been here about 4 weeks too & they are a great group)

    Cait, good on you for starting a weight loss journey. My mum taught me to always rinse any canned vege's i use (which is almost none). I mostly buy frozen for the convenience & I've seen studies that say that frozen is best tradeoff between nutrient & salt (as canning keeps best nutrient, but you have to use the liquid to get it, which is full of salt to preserve).

    Plx, that's a fab weightloss - nothing to be bummed about there :-)

    Hayley, what a great step-mum you are! Fudge oatmeal sounds a bit yum.

    Skinny, nothing wrong with a day around the house, and taking Gunner for a walk sounds good. Surprising how many calories a vacuum works off, LOL. Enjoy your weekend away, have fun & log, log, log.

    Nettie, what great advice - especially the one goal at a time. So often we self-sabotage by concentrating on too many things. And being positive about our achievements instead of focussing on the huge goal really helps! Loving the idea of having to go bra shopping - was at the factory outlets with my (annoyingly no effort slim) hubby yesterday. Told him I was going to cost him a fortune in 6 months lol.

    Kah, Have fun furniture/tablet shopping. I'm going to assume you mean the electronic variety!

    Mel, that's a great loss. Keep up the good work.

    Robin, hoping for you that you have some kind of a diagnosis soon. I know when I had dreadful fatigue & pain that it was hard not knowing what was wrong with me. Getting a diagnosis & then the right treatment made all the difference. Course, now I can't get life insurance because of it, but you can't have everything right?

    Kaye, hope you are feeling better soon.

    I know someone asked, but I can't find who - I have a Samsung Galaxy 10.1 tablet. It's really very good, but does not have a usb port anywhere, and you have to have separate internet, which it connects to wirelessly. I know you can get wireless keyboards & mouse(s?) for these though.

    AFM - Sunday Share.
    As we've got the kids back (from a week at their grandparents) we are planning on just veging around the house today. I've got 3 of them, all boys, 9, 11, 14. My hubby is a scientist (sounds worthwhile, lol) and works full time. I've returned to work just over a year ago as Accountant at a local 4WD business after 10 years at home full time with my kids. I work 9-2, mon-fri which is great during school term, but holidays are hard to manage. I have family where we live, but I don't like to abuse their generosity. We live out of town (about 15km) on 20acres (8hectares) so I don't like to leave them home alone very much.
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    Too quick for me,

    Madelinemel, learning to cook is a great idea - great way to know what calories you are really taking in. Keep up the good work.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you Naomi!

    Oh Hayley thank your for posting about the chocolate fudge oatmeal. That sounded so good I went to the website and got the recipe and a few other recipes to try out. Thanks again! :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    hayley- Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I love the idea of write down your memories of her, that will be a journal you will cherish for years to come.

    Karen- I am right there with you regarding the school week. The week has been crazy and next week we have mid-terms and unit tests. It is hard to believe that the school year is almost half over 94 school days left of Tuesday.

    Welcome to all the new people, you have found a great place to find support.

    Kaye- Hope you feel better soon.

    hansea- Congrats on your victory.

    For those who are starting out on a treadmill, remember to start at a pace that is comfortable for you to walk. You can change the incline as you become more confident on the treadmill. Think of the incline in terms of hills so the higher the incline the higher the hill to climb so start off easy and build up. This should help you to reduce injuries as you start out. Same for running on a treadmill, start with a fast walk that turns into a slow jog. Don't make the mistake of upping the speed to something that is uncomfortable for you just so you can run. A fast walk that is almost a run is a great start. As you become comfortable at that speed then you up the speed. For example, if you can walk briskly at 4mph, then turn it into a jog at 4 mph. If that is to slow then raise it slowly. You should be able to run at an easy jog with out being out of breath. As you improve your endurance your speed will increase.

    Fitness: I have discovered many different activities that I enjoy doing so my workouts change depending on the weather. Today, was deep water aerobics and swimming, so I had a good workout this morning. I actually swam in the deep end of the pool today, so that was interesting. The deep water messed with my perception while doing freestyle but that was resolved when I swam breast. By the end I was swimming freestyle without the strange feeling. I found it easier to swim in deep water but I also went slower today, since there was no one right next to me so I did not feel like I had to compete against anyone. :laugh: Friday was rock climbing so that always provide a good core workout. I was sore the last couple of days, so climbing was difficult last night. I just did not challenge myself as I normally do, just climbed easier and not as many. This week I will be doing a long run for endurance at least 2 miles and running drills and weight training with my trainer. Intervals will also be done with walking, running and biking.

    For me, I have found that I enjoy this variety of exercises but have trouble fitting it all in during my workouts.

    Grading goals
    8th grade labs 3/95
    7th Nervous system test- DONE

    Sunday- bike (weather permitting) or gym GYM DONE simple walking
    Monday- Trainer workout DONE ran 2 miles
    Tuesday- Gym or rest REST DONE
    Wednesday- Cardio maybe trainer not sure; Trainer DONE Interval trainings
    Thursday-Rest- Walking slow pace with some weight lifting- bi and tri ceps, fly
    Friday-Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Pool- aerobics and swim DONE at least .5 miles of breast and free
  • kinnurse0754
    kinnurse0754 Posts: 565 Member
    Wow, I can't believe how much I missed in a few days. I've been home sick and just didn't have energy to sit on the computer. Was sleeping 12 -14 hours a day for about 5 days and then sat like a zombie in front of the TV. I'm feeling a bit better and have started back to work but still not feeling great. I have no energy and work has been rough the last few weeks. I work on a surgical floor and this winter is killing us. So many people coming in with fractures. We admitted 6 people last night and all but 1 were fractures. Arms, hips, shoulders. Most of them falling on the ice or falling down stairs. Worst year for it I've seen in almost 19 years on the surgical floor.
    I'm doing great with my diet and fluid intake. Haven't lost any more weight as of Friday but I'll weigh in again on Tuesday which is my day off. I've been eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies. Lots of salads which fill me up but are low in calories. Its the cheese and eggs and salad dressings that add in the calories. I'm not much on oil and vinegar dressings. l love the Catalina dressing. I've not had too many problems with temptations either which is surprising. I'm finding that if I want to eat a chocolate I eat it and then drink a full glass or two of water immediately after to fill me up so that I don't seem to want any more of it. Its working for me.
    I'll try to catch up on the posts but I'm behind about 15 pages so don't think I'll be able to do all of it. I'll work backwards for a bit and see how far I can go. Hope everyone is having a great w/e. Don't forget to be kind to yourself and drink your water. I'll check in again on my days off. Charlotte
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for all of your well wishes. I have felt fine today. I confess that I didn't get a lot done. After our big waffle breakfast, I kind of went onto slow mode. The pattern came today for next cross stitch project. GD loves mermaids. It is a really lovely picture of two mermaids. It is a new challenge because it has lots of beading. I ordered the beads and fabric and got my floss set up. Then I finished knot cap for GS. It was very foggy and quite cold so I settled for the pedaler this evening.
    I see some great losses. Congratulations.
    DD started MFP the first of the year. She doesn't have a lot to lose, but she is having good success. Today I learned that an online friend whom I met through WW years ago has joined MFP and is having good success, too. Its exciting to see so many people succeeding with this.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday Share - Here is a brief recap for all the newbies. My name is Jeanette. I will turn 41 next month. I am married to my wonderful husband, Brian. We don't have any human children but I do have 2 cats, a bird and turtle. They are my loves. I am a special education teacher and work mostly with children with autism. I am vegetarian. I have many hobbies. I love to paint and draw, garden, bird watch, hike, swim and really anything having to do with being outdoors in nature.

    hayley - I am glad to hear you went shopping and were pleased with the prices. The sodium is an extra bonus!

    p1xyn1xy - I am sorry to hear you are feeling sad. But congrats on the loss. That is great!

    tcaitlinO - Welcome. Congrats on the upcoming wedding.

    cararenee11 - Welcome.

    hansea 47 - Congrats on the loss and moving to the new contest. I hope you win!

    Naomi - Thanks. I ended up just doing my own measurements (Following the online store guide) and buying my bras on line from Kohls. Because I am larger size, I have a very difficult time finding bras in my size in the stores. It's frustrating. I have a gift card to Macys and considered going there however I didn't want to pay a lot since I know my size is changing. LOL I told my husband too that I am going to be going through a lot of clothes in the upcoming months. He laughed at me.

    Charlotte - Sorry to hear you are sick and not feeling 100%. Good luck on your Tuesday weigh in!

    Kaye - I know what you mean about it being exciting to see your friends succeed. Every Friday on my wall I do a fabulous Friday post and ask my MFP to share their NSVs. I get some really wonderful responses from them and love reading about all the successes they are having.
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all!

    Happy Sunday!

    Okay so seriously it didn't start out that way...and it's only 9:30 a.m. I lost control and binged last night. I went shopping on Friday and bought a bag of Sweet and Spicy BBQ SunChips. They were gone by p.m. Saturday. I think, with my willpower being what it is (nonexistent) that I'm going to have to just not purchase things like that. I did buy bagels, but only ate 1/2 of one and put the rest in the freezer so it isn't convenient for me to eat them right out of the bag.

    I get tired of setbacks. I've logged my food 10 days in a row now, and have been under my calorie goal 3 times. Last night wasn't one of them. I got so disgusted with myself that I quit logging at 9 p.m., even though I didn't quit eating. Ugh! When I went to bed, I promised I wouldn't get up and eat in the night. That, I was able to do, because I was so full from overeating that I was miserable.

    I've heard some people have successes with "cheat days". I am NOT one of those people!

    I guess I just have to start over again this week...which kinda makes me mad because I was doing well. I don't know if these emotions are normal (anger, disgust, frustration), but they seem to dictate my eating, which makes starting over on a good footing REALLY hard.

    I'm glad for this forum. I wish I had better news...
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Hayley- Don't let one day throw you off balance. Setbacks happen. The important thing is that you're owning it, and had the guts to let us all know on here that you had a bad day. You can't go back and undo what's done, but you can move forward in a positive way.
    I have the same problem with chips! I just CAN. NOT. HAVE. THEM. IN. THE. HOUSE. I've tried. I've measured out portions and everything. I always end up eating way too much. Good for you for identifying that they're a trigger food for your overeating and deciding you can't have them around.

    Thanks for all the congrats on my loss everyone. I owe it all to making sure I'm drinking enough water every day and cutting back on my portion sizes. Also, a big shout out to Mother Nature, as she's been giving us plenty of snow to shovel (ie: calories to burn)!

    My Sunday Share- I'm 34, married for 7 years, have two children (daughter- age 6, son-age 5), and work supposedly 32 hours/week, but we're in a staffing shortage right now, so I've been working more like 40/wk for the past year. I'm a medical technologist and work in a clinic laboratory. I've been using MFP since December 2012, lost over 40 lbs by July 2013, but then gained a lot back after taking on a supervisor position at work. (I stress eat!) I'm happy that I kept off 16 lbs, but I'm ready to get my personal life as organized as my work life and take on 2014.
  • debbiezag
    debbiezag Posts: 32 Member
    Hey all- I missed a few days and I had a lot of catching up to do! There seems to be some fantastic progress and even for those who seem to be struggling, the fact that you are on here is a huge step in the right direction.

    Sunday share: I seem to have become so obsessed with making sure I am logging in everything, it seems to affecting those around me. My hubby seems to understand and is proud of me for taking back control of my life. However, there seems to be a lot of criticism from others who seem uncomfortable with the fact that I just don't want to eat certain foods or certain portions. Its just not worth it to me sometimes and I'd rather save the calories for something else. Anyone else ever encounter this?
    One thing I am controlling is logging in foods as I am eating- I didn't realize I was even doing that when having dinner with my boys and husband until he pointed it out and I can see how that is annoying.

    My goal: to find a good workout routine at home that doesn't bore me. I am limited to doing my workouts at home for a number of reasons and joining a gym isn't an option at this point. Its freezing outside so practically speaking I wont go outside for a work out lol. I've been doing JM 6 week 6 pack and now I'm finally up to the second half. if this doesn't work out I need a new routine. I find myself dreading starting the video- but I do it because I won't let that be an excuse! No more excuses!!

    Welcome aboard everyone!
  • lmackbethl
    bump :flowerforyou: