

  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    About all I can say about today's workout is that I plugged away at it the whole 90 minutes and did my best.

    That's all this program asks of you ... is to do your best. I suspect that it's flexibility that is at issue here. I am SO INFLEXIBLE and while I have professed to love Yoga X I do find it super challenging and I do watch the clock quite a bit more during that DVD then others, I find. I think that the exercise really is with patience in doing the exercise.

    How many calories are you burning during it? Do you use Yoga blocks to help open up the poses?
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Okay I have a question for those doing the Lean (and all actually). Sunday it's supposed to rain and my boxing gym will be closed so I can't hike. I want to do SOME sort of cardio on Sunday before Legs/Back ARX. I am thinking of throwing Cardio X in ...

    What say you, my P90X brethren ?
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I have not been following their nutrition guide, but logging my food here on MFP. My husband and I both feel like we have been hungrier since starting p90x. I sometimes wonder if that is why I never lose much weight doing p90x, because I end up eating more. The scale has not budged, but I feel tighter in my mid-section, and I am getting stronger, too. But honestly, I kinda hope I see a loss of something when I WI this weekend. I don't want to get discouraged if the scale doesn't move!

    To the person who asked about doing cardio, I try to go for a 3 mile run 2-3 times a week. I am on maternity leave, so I have more time to do that, when I go back to work in a couple weeks, I will go walking at my breaks, but probably run less.

    Karen- I would go for it, if you think your legs will be okay for legs/back, after it.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Karen- I would go for it, if you think your legs will be okay for legs/back, after it.

    I should be okay since I typically do a Hike / Run before I do the weight/resistance on the P90X .. I just can't seem to do without my cardio LOL
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    About all I can say about today's workout is that I plugged away at it the whole 90 minutes and did my best.

    That's all this program asks of you ... is to do your best. I suspect that it's flexibility that is at issue here. I am SO INFLEXIBLE and while I have professed to love Yoga X I do find it super challenging and I do watch the clock quite a bit more during that DVD then others, I find. I think that the exercise really is with patience in doing the exercise.

    How many calories are you burning during it? Do you use Yoga blocks to help open up the poses?

    Yes, I use Yoga blocks, which helps. It is most definitely the flexibility which is the issue. Hopefully a self correcting problem, lol.

    I burned 300 cals this week and 400 cals last week. After subtracting "normal activity" cals.
    Okay I have a question for those doing the Lean (and all actually). Sunday it's supposed to rain and my boxing gym will be closed so I can't hike. I want to do SOME sort of cardio on Sunday before Legs/Back ARX. I am thinking of throwing Cardio X in ...

    What say you, my P90X brethren ?

    Well, for me, the Legs/Back workout is also a cardio workout. I love that DVD. For example, last week I burned 900 cals on that alone, plus 100 for the Ab Rip X. So, for me, the answer would be no...don't need even more on that day, lol.

    I have been thinking about doing some cardio on other light days though.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I burned 552 last week on Legs/Back. I supposed I could do that first then see where my calorie burn is and throw in Cardio X if it's not that much.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I say go for the Cardio X but I haven't looked at it yet to see how it is.... I do know that TH says if Plyo is too much to substitute Cardio X -- so it can't be "that" bad! Another option would be to do the JM Blast Fat or you could just dance, dance ,dance your *kitten* off!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I say go for the Cardio X but I haven't looked at it yet to see how it is.... I do know that TH says if Plyo is too much to substitute Cardio X -- so it can't be "that" bad! Another option would be to do the JM Blast Fat or you could just dance, dance ,dance your *kitten* off!

    Whatever I do I am going to have to figure out how to modify for my new tattoo on my right forearm LOL so the BF is kinda out.

    I think Saturday morning I am going to do Yoga first and blow off cardio till later and do a DVD Saturday night. I have to be at my friends house at 12:45 and want to make sure to get yoga in before the tatoo
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I did it based on the measurements on Beachbody.com, but I think it didn't save there because it wanted my cholesterol numbers, and at the time I didn't have that information. It wouldn't save without all of the info. So now I think I am out of luck with starting measurements...

    Mine saved on that site with no cholesterol or blood pressure info.

    Mine wouldn't the first day I tried it. Now, it let me save. Which doesn't help me very much since I lost the paper with all of the info on it. :laugh: Oh well. I only remember the waist and hip measurements off the top of my head, so I'll just do the rest again today and use that as my guideline for the rest of the workout. The good news is that now I know I have good cholesterol!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    P90X Lean Day 18: Yoga X

    I'm trying to stay positive about ALL the workouts. For most of them it's pretty easy. When I get done, I feel like I accomplished something. I can see how I did better than last time with more reps and/or heavier weights, higher avg BPM, etc. Except for Yoga X :(

    I endure Yoga X, not enjoy. I feel relieved it's over and done with instead of satisfied that I completed it. I feel frustrated through most of the 90 minutes.

    About all I can say about today's workout is that I plugged away at it the whole 90 minutes and did my best.

    I did Yoga X today too (this is my first time, I am only on Day 4 of classic) and I sucked at it...big time. I struggled through it because my sinuses are raging and when I leaned over the first time I about died from the pain of the sinus pressure. I did the best I could with it though. I am hoping that the next time through it goes better. I hope that I only struggled through it today because of my sinuses. I feel your pain on the frustration part!
  • mjmartin
    Hi all! I'm joining in on the P90X mission today..... hope it's ok that I'm behind you all but I want to join in on something. Thanks for the invite Kathy!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hi all! I'm joining in on the P90X mission today..... hope it's ok that I'm behind you all but I want to join in on something. Thanks for the invite Kathy!

    Hooray! I am so glad to see you here! Bring it girl! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yesterday I did complete day 17 arms and back along with AB Ripper X. I managed to up most of the weights to 10 pounds except for triceps which had to stay at 5 pounds.

    Karen - Cardio X is a combo of the other moves taking about 10 min each of Yoga, Core, Plyo and Kenpo. I like it but that may be because it's only 43 min...

    I guess I better get moving on today's Yoga (*grumbles*)... If I don't start soon, I'll never get it done.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Karen - Cardio X is a combo of the other moves taking about 10 min each of Yoga, Core, Plyo and Kenpo. I like it but that may be because it's only 43 min...

    Oh okay ... that's cool Then yeah I may do that on Sunday instead of running/hiking. I will check out how many calories I burn doing the scheduled workout first though. Thanks for letting me know what's on it!

    anyone done the Core Synergistics
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Hi all! I'm joining in on the P90X mission today..... hope it's ok that I'm behind you all but I want to join in on something. Thanks for the invite Kathy!

    Welcome -- I hope you LOVE this program as much as I (and others here do). As with anything new, there will be some things that you will be better at than others but we all start somewhere... and if you follow the program and "do your best" then you will see improvements and you will feel better and know you are getting stronger.

    @Kaffro: Yoga was by far the most difficult for me -- especially the first half the first week... being sore etc. Karen said it best -- its about having the patience to do the exercises.... and that is soooo true.... we have become creatures of instant gratification and Yoga is the complete opposit
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Third times a charm. I actually enjoyed Yoga today!!! I took someone's suggestion for mood and turned the lights to low. Being more familiar with the routine allowed me to relax more. Next week wont be so bad with Yoga twice during the recovery week. 18 days down...
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Third times a charm. I actually enjoyed Yoga today!!! I took someone's suggestion for mood and turned the lights to low. Being more familiar with the routine allowed me to relax more. Next week wont be so bad with Yoga twice during the recovery week. 18 days down...

    Maybe I will try making it a bit darker to relax me, thanks for mentioning that!
    @Kaffro: Yoga was by far the most difficult for me -- especially the first half the first week... being sore etc. Karen said it best -- its about having the patience to do the exercises.... and that is soooo true.... we have become creatures of instant gratification and Yoga is the complete opposit

    I refuse to give up! The pain/pressure in my head was just making me miserable, and when I bent over I thought my head was going to explode. I had taken some sinus meds that clearly don't help with pressure and pain as noted on the box. Blah, dumb sinuses!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Yoga done. I got some pretty sad news today, found out my grandfather died this morning. If it had been any other day besides yoga day, I probably would've skipped the workout, but I thought maybe yoga would help even me out a little. I admit I was crying through the first 20 minutes or so, but then my mind did calm and I was really happy I pushed play.

    On a sillier note, isn't it exciting to see the 'days left' on our tickers go down? (for those of us who have indulged in tickers)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Sorry about your grampa :( It was probably a good day to do yoga for sure! Glad you were able to find center.

    I finished Plyo today ... Day 2 of Week 3. I can hardly believe it. Almost started without my knee brace and that would have been BAD. So I paused and got it. I am doing much better with all the exercises and I can't wait for tomorrows arms/shoulders I think I will be upping my weights. I really should have gotten a 15lb weight too. I think next pay I will invest in a pair.

    I am thrilled to see my ticker count down :) it's fun!
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Yoga X tonight and I still don't love it, sorry. I did the first and last 30 minutes. Then did 20 minutes of Insanity for the calorie burn. Halfway through week 3! Woo hoo!