

  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    DId do half of Yoga X yesterday...but right at he end of the moving poses...(the standing triangle pose) my knee popped. I tried to go on for a bit, but it was hurting so I stopped the dvd and thought I'd complete it last night after I returned home. As the day went on...my knee swelled up...so I'm not sure what I will do today with legs and back being on the schedule. If I do it, I will have to modify I'm sure.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    mcjabber, so sorry for your loss.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    When I completed my first round of P90x I hated Yoga X after the first 2weeks. So...instead of doing Yoga X I did Cardio X or Core Synergistics instead. I love those 2 workouts and I can always use more cardio anyway so maybe that's an option for you too!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member

    anyone done the Core Synergistics

    Core Synergistics is one of my favorite P90x workouts. It's a great workout and I actually think it's FUN! Makes you workup quite a sweat...which is always fabulous :)

    I build muscle very quickly and start to look "bulky" so my favorite workouts are: Core Syn, Cardio X, Kenpo, and Plyo!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 19: Legs & Back and Ab Ripper X

    I love the Legs & Back workout. Burned ~750 cals with that this morning plus ~100 cals with the Ab ripper X. Used more weight and more reps this week than last week. Interestingly, my calorie burn was less this week than last.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I'm feeling pretty stupid right now...

    How do I post my Exercise TIcker? I've created one but don't know where to put it into my signature.

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Courtney - very sorry to hear about your grandfather:flowerforyou:

    Day 19 done with legs/back and ab ripper X. I love and hate that pull up bar - using both legs, I did at least 10 for all rounds and my arms were shaking. I also noticed I'm going lower with the squats.

    Deb - sorry about your knee. Make sure to ice it. :flowerforyou: If you do the workout today - make sure to modify and don't try to be the Super Woman I know you are!!! ((((HUGS))))...
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm feeling pretty stupid right now...

    How do I post my Exercise TIcker? I've created one but don't know where to put it into my signature.


    See above where it says signature, click on that and copy and paste it there. Also, not sure which one you used but the one I used, you have to go to the website daily to change the number, I thought it would do it automatically but it doesn't. HTH!
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    Joining in on the P90x fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm in week four, Day 25.

    Before I walk out of my apartment each morning, I try to do a pull up on the pull-up bar in doorway of my bedroom. Today, I did ONE! Not a weak, get half-way and struggle kind of pull up, a full-blown super-strong one. Okay, so I know it's not 20 like Tony can do, but I'm pretty sure I let out a little yell of excitement at the top.

    Yay, for results. I'll take all the small wins along the way that I can get!

    Maybe tomorrow, I'll try for TWO!?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    P90X Classic, day 5 - Legs & Back and ARX

    I am getting so much better with the ARX stuff, thank goodness!

    I am glad to read that I am not the only one not digging the Yoga. I am going to attempt it again though and perhaps switch to something else if it doesn't work out for me.
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I don't dig the yoga either. Today was Core Snyergistics and because I have to modify some things I used my K Bell and did swings for some of the things that I can't do without hurting my back. That kept my HR high and is is a good Core workout, so it fit right in to this workout today. Next week is my last week of the program. Time went fast, and I am going to start the classic version afterward. I did the Lean version the first time around.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Before I walk out of my apartment each morning, I try to do a pull up on the pull-up bar in doorway of my bedroom. Today, I did ONE! Not a weak, get half-way and struggle kind of pull up, a full-blown super-strong one.
    Maybe tomorrow, I'll try for TWO!?

    That's great news. You'll progress quickly. It will be amazing!!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I really don't know if I will ever be able to do a pull up unassisted :( it sucks cuz I really want to but my breast implant feel weird when I try. I do "hang" and pull as much as possible without using my feet. Also, my pull up bar is rather low due to it being in the doorway of my apartment so I can't stand on the back of the chair I have to use the seat. I will keep trying though. I don't have any issue with push ups :)
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I am sorry for the loss of your grandfather. My best friend lost his grandmother yesterday too....

    Karen: I have the same issue with the not being able to use the back of the chair -- I push it away so all I can do is put my toes or ball of my foot on it with my leg stretched out. One thing that may "help" is doing a hang... once you get up there just hold it for as long as you can.... ideally a minute. I am going to do that during the recovery week to see if it helps me get closer to doing one!

    Did Legs and Back today... LOVE that workout. I always have an issue with the chair lunges - I think because its the first one and I spend half my time trying to get/keep my balance. Today I did 17/20... a major improvement from last week! I also improved on ARX... still not 100% but a little better than Wed.

    I owe Yoga X - I didn't do it last night due to an unexpected long phone call with a friend going through a nasty custody battle who wanted legal advice (that I do not provide - wink wink since I do not practice). Needless to say it was too late for me to take on 90 minutes of Yoga.... so I owe it to the group and myself to do it tonight when I get home.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Isn't it funny how Yoga X always seems to be the one that gets way laid ;)

    I want to not do it tomorrow first thing in the morning but it will be the only time I can.

    RE Pullups: I do kinda hang there ... but will try more on Sunday ! I really REALLY want to do one at least legitimately before I finish Round 1 ...

    Sara ... you gonna be up for a round 2 ;)
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Sara ... you gonna be up for a round 2 ;)

    Absolutely! I am still tossing around the idea of Insanity -- but it may be better to do Lean 2nd then maybe pick up the P90X MC2 (at least that is what I think its called). My guess is they will release it in mid-December but I would be "OK" with holding off on purchasing it until the spring....
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Time went fast, and I am going to start the classic version afterward. I did the Lean version the first time around.

    That's also my plan when I finish my round one of lean.
    I always have an issue with the chair lunges - I think because its the first one and I spend half my time trying to get/keep my balance. Today I did 17/20... a major improvement from last week!

    I know exactly what you mean! Today was actually the first time I felt like I was doing it even halfway properly, lol. I;m sure we'll be better next time.
  • bmhatcher
    Hey everyone! Legs and Back is killing me today!!! I wasn't able to do Yoga yesterday. SPent the whole day at the gym watching my son wrestle. But I put on my heavy Timberland boots and walked around the entire time so I would get something out of it!!! Probably why my legs were tight today!! This is not my favorite workout by far, but I keep trying. It's at the end of the week so I am so sore all over. I struggled with this workour in the first 90 days as well. Maybe I should switch it to Mondays instead? Kenpo X is always hard to do after Lega and Back.

    Glad to see everyone is still bringing it!
    Welcome all newcomers!
  • mjmartin
    I've completed Day 2 for me..... Plyometrics. Wowy!! Day 3 here I come! :smile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    @ Sara ... I think I definitely want to do Lean next ... maybe starting after the 5k I am doing in March. I have to do some training for that, since I am NOT a runner LOL ... The 5k is mid March. I would be down to start Lean after that (the monday after and I will switch my weigh in days to Sunday. I am HOPING by that time to be on maintenance with my weight. We shall see.

    Day 17 in the books, Week 3 ... LOVIN IT! Shoulders and Arms ... I have decided that Week 9 when we hit this again I am going to have to up my weights for sure. I was struggling but not feeling a burn so I think I can do a tad more. Besides, by that time I should be stronger, in theory anyway.

    Tomorrow first thing I have to hit Yoga X ... I KNOW I won't do it when I get home after getting fresh ink on my arm. Won't happen, no way! It's perfect because then Sunday I have Legs and Back. Very little arm involvement other then the pull ups and then Monday is Kenpo and Tuesday is "rest" so plenty of time to give my forearm a break until I hit the next month ... I can't BELIEVE we are almost 30 days in the books!