Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties! - November Challenge



  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Everyone is doing so great with their weight loss, Super proud of all of you!!!

    Meag- Glad that you were able to be sensible on your meal out, and it seems that it did not stress you out which is good.

    Finn- No loss is better than a gain.

    Today I am being a bit selfish with my post sorry guys. I checked the scale and it didn't move at all. Same weight as last week and the week before :( I am trying to not be upset I mean I started a new workout routine, and ran a half marathon. I also started my TOTM. So no loss is better than a gain. I can feel that my clothes are getting looser, and my stomach is starting to look pretty nice. I am going to take measurements as soon as I can find someone to help me with it. The last time I did measurements I was surpirsed how little they changed after losing over 20lbs. Well I am still teetering at 170.5 so I am going to change my goal back to what it was before. I believe it was 3 lbs. I can't remember exactly what my weight was when I started tho.... O well My boyfriend tells me to not worry and that I must be gaining muscle and losing fat. It just sucks not seeing the scale budge! I think I am going to start a group for people that don't see the scale move a lot haha. I am happy for all of you, but honestly it makes me feel like there is something wrong with me since I don't see the scale move. Sorry about the Pity Party everyone.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Cait - Work out at home, girl! Honestly, if you can't get to the gym do a 30 min circuit at home. You don't need any equipment and you'll burn around 250 calories over half an hour.

    Check out this one:

    I do this one twice a week and I usually add some ab work and a shoulder press with dumbbells in there. You can also add in more cardio like knee highs mid-circuit to get your cardio going. Keep your abs tight and it works your core too. No sense feeling like you can't get a workout without making it to the gym :smile: I haven't been able to justify the cost of a gym membership since I was in highschool, so I know all about "making due". You can do this!

    AFM - Pumpkin pancakes were ok, but the addition of pumpkin to my base protein pancake recipe made the texture a bit weird and they didn't hold together as well as I would have liked. Perhaps I should have omitted the cottage cheese. Live and learn! For those who are interested anyway... Here's how I made them:

    1/3 cup large flake oats
    1/2 tsp each cinnamon + pumpkin pie spice
    2 egg whites
    1/3 cup 1% cottage cheese
    1/3 cup pumpkin puree
    1/8 cup chopped walnuts

    Grind the oats in a food processor and combine with spices. Remove to a small bowl. Add egg whites, cottage cheese and pumpkin to the processor and pulse until combined and smooth. Mix all ingredients well and fold in walnuts. Cook on medium heat until browned on each side. Makes 2 large pancakes :)

    360 calories, 37g carbs,13g good fats (yay! I need these but omitting the walnuts would cut calories and fat bigtime), 24g protein, 7g fiber. The base recipe calls for 1/3c each oats, egg whites, and cottage cheese and is very low cal, low fat, and high protein with great carbs. A super healthy breakfast! It's also awesome with 1-2T natural PB mixed in.

    Anyway I got about 6hours sleep last night (5am-11am) and am determined to have a great day today! Hope everyone else does the same :bigsmile: Thank goodness it's Friday, everyone!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Aly (who was posting while I was typing) - With running a half and your TOTM starting, maintenance is the name of the game! Training as much as you do it's very likely that your body won't drop weight as easily. Definitely take your measurements and let us know :) You should be really proud of your NSVs this past week. You are doing amazing.

    Where's our QOTD? lol Come on! :laugh:
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    I just want to take a moment to say how Freakin' Awesome all of you are.

    MFP has become a sort of obsession for me. I check the site first thing in the morning, last thing before bed, and ALL through the day - because everyone here is such an inspiration and motivation for me. Isn't it wonderful to have a place to vent our frustrations, as well as celebrate our successes - both without any guilt for doing so?!?!

    I was just reading the past few pages of posts and got the overwhelming need to tell you all that you are the greatest set of strangers-turned-friends. It's amazing to see people (WOMEN especially!!!) come together to encourage, support, sympathize, empathize, praise, etc. I certainly don't get this feeling of community and support from the people who are physically around me, so it's incredible to see us all be willing and HAPPY to share that here.

    I'm truly excited to continue building these friendships and continue on this AWESOME journey to better selves together!!!

    I heart you guys!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Sorry guys, first someone asked what an NSV is. NSV= Non scale victory. I think I am going to focus on these more often, I need something I can check once a week and see progress. I am pretty sure that measuring every week does not work, as that would have to be at least every 2 weeks. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do once a week and check my progress??

    QOTD: would you rather have little legs growing off your chin, or three horns coming out of your forehead?

    haha I read this one somewhere else and thought it was funny. I think I would choose the horns so I could kiss my bf without kicking him every time haha.
  • seripha
    Harry Potter was pretty fun. It was at a smaller older theatre so it was full of poor students (or recently graduated poor students like myself). I enjoyed it overall but there were some ridiculous moments in the movie that everyone laughed at. I felt bad during one particularly sad scene for a character dying that I wasn't but then I saw the 15 / 16 year old girls next to me absolutely fan-girl sobbing so much that they were heaving I couldn't stop laughing.

    I did have two cups of popcorn and a handful of sour skittles. And a water! That's a big step for me. I shared the popcorn and skittles with my room mate who will gladly eat the majority of it and I made her get me a water. Normally I get 7up or Sprite at the theatre so water is good :) I know it's not as healthy as I could have been, but I just really love popcorn! I'm happy to only have a little bit rather than non at all and be miserable.
  • seripha
    Sorry guys, first someone asked what an NSV is. NSV= Non scale victory. I think I am going to focus on these more often, I need something I can check once a week and see progress. I am pretty sure that measuring every week does not work, as that would have to be at least every 2 weeks. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can do once a week and check my progress??

    It's hard to find something that works every week once you get down there to the last little bit. Little improvement or changes don't seem like much but they're a big deal and it's hard keep your mindset like that.

    Do you already do measurements in terms of waist, hips, etc? I find that much more helpful than the scale because I gain muscle so quickly at the same time as my fat that I can't tell what's going on without those measurements. My friend (who was a personal trainer) also did this neat this with a fat pincher (I think it's called caliper) where it pinches your body in a bunch of places to see where you're losing fat compared to other places. Two years ago even though I only lost about 8 lbs on the scale, I lost about 10% in body weight fat which is huge! I wouldn't have known that without the caliper pinch thingy. Most gyms have them and can do the test on you.

    Another thing that has worked for me in the past fitness testing.. # of push ups, sit ups, timed 100m sprint, timed 5K run usually are good indicators for my health. Especially how I feel after all of them.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Hi all:

    First off - sorry this is going to be short- this week is INSANENESS!!!

    QOTD: Horns definately. Way more badass/fantasy character looking. I could be Hellboy's sister or something. Can't do a lot with feet growing out your face. Not to mention Waaaaaay more effective headbutting capabilities.

    Second- I don't have time to hit everyone on everything but you guys are all doing great- Every single one of you sticking with it and/or getting back to it time and time again. You're all doing great, regardless of the scale. I have decided to take a stand and make a challenge of my own. I usually weigh myself up to 4 x a week. Well not anymore. Not for the rest of November. I am going to focus on keeping things together off the scale- as completely as I can. On Sat, I'll give you guys my measurements and workout stats but no weight. If anyone would like to join me, feel free.

    and Finally:

    Meag and Melissa: of the ones you put up Meag I like either of these:

    Most of them had hills of kind of specific lengths which apart from grating on my OCD, there just isn't a ton of hillage where I run (theres some so I can work pretty easily in the latter, it's just not very uniform and trying to be at a hill at a certain point in my wkout would drive me teh crazyness)

    I am also not opposed to doing the Hal Higdon one:

    I like cross training/ get in a *kitten* ton of walking and count as my CT. Plus this one is mostly mileage based, so we can choose on our own when we are up to fartleks and tempos.

    Meliss? (or did I miss them? this thread has been off the hook lately I can barely keep up!)

    EDIT- yea sorry melissa I knew i missed something- you posted the iTunes thing- the PDF is good too, I could proly keep up with that.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I tried to look at the program you posted Melissa, but I don't have iTunes or an Iphone/Ipod, so I don't think I can use that one - Where is the PDF you're talking about, Gonks?

    I am good for following Higdon, since that's what I've been doing all along. It's easy to follow and I like being able to vary my training a bit. Some of these other programs call for a LOT of running, sometimes 4 days in a row, which is a bit much for me (although I do prefer running to other exercises). I am planning on joining a gym w/ full pool and aerobics classes on Dec 1st, so it will be nice to have the option of x-training a few days a week toward my training program.

    Today's workout was good but kind of all over the place. I just kept moving and did a bunch of everything. I followed my circuit somewhat but threw in a bunch of extras here and there. It's a good thing I do this in the privacy of my own home, because any on-looker would have thought I was totally mad and majorly ADHD, since there was not much rhyme or reason to my workout. Whatever! haha My legs are feeling spent today. Got my push-ups in, but I didn't meet my max set so I'll be revisiting W3 next week! On track to meet 2 of my three Nov goals (both NSGs)!

    Szechuan tofu + veg stirfry tonight for dinner with the boy. I'd like to get a long walk in or some other exercise but I think we might just hang around and do nothing, watch some It's Always Sunny, and decompress before our busy week!
    If I am not as active as usual (ie - not spamming the board multiple times a day with my constant harassment) this weekend, please know that I am thinking about all of you and will catch up with your progress when I get a chance! I am sure you're all going to be amazing this weekend :bigsmile:
    Meag :heart:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I tried to look at the program you posted Melissa, but I don't have iTunes or an Iphone/Ipod, so I don't think I can use that one - Where is the PDF you're talking about, Gonks? Interesting variation cuz it's measured in minutes not distance.

    Have a good weekend Meag! Awesome about the gym. It'll be awesome to have so many options open!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Meag and Gonks...I listened to some of the download last night...It is in minutes which I kind of like. He suggests 3 days of running and 4 days of rest with 1 or 2 days of CT. I didn't know there was a pdf have to print that off! I am kind of a visual person so that may help me! Got to get my last long run in before I taper for my 10K next Thursday!!! I guess that is one good way to get in extra calories for all that YUMMY food :happy:

    Meag, I'll have to look at the other articles you posted after my girls go to bed...

    I am also not a gym person! I would rather (with the exception of running) look like a fool in the comfort of my own home!!! Plus I like that I don't have to worry about finding a sitter or making paying membership dues!!! Direct TV has a fitness channel that I have been DVR'ing as well as my $10 30 day shred and power sculpt! Can't believe the end of the month is just around the corner! I am SO thankful that I stumbled onto this thread and found such motivating, inspirational, and WONDERFUL women!!!! Continue with all the hard work and the results will be come!!!! Have a great weekend ALL!!!!! MUAH:heart:
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA! Every time I look at this thread it takes me so long to catch up I never have time to reply! haha This is going to be really short but keep up the good work everyone! You are all very inspiring!
    Today...was not so great for me. Chocolate dipped pretzels. Baddd idea. : \ I'm going to do all I can tomorrow to make up for it! No more of that nonsense.. I want to see some major progress soon! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Keep it up, you're all AWESOME!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    This is gonna be a long one..:smile::wink:

    Cruan: congrats on the 2.4 lbs! Wow! Almost to your first 10... jealous...

    Meag: thanks for the heads up on the cupcakes. I was planning on making them the other day but Wally World (aka Walmart) did not have spice cake mix.. weird.. they should have everything. But I guess that and you saved me from having crappy cupcakes around. In general I think that low-fat baked stuff just doesn't cut it... but I always hold out hope for new recipes..

    Also, I don't know how you function of 4 hours of sleep.. i'm practically the un-dead if I don't get at least 6.

    Maybe you can suggest that to your family and research a restaurant that you would enjoy (Vegetarian, Ethiopian, Seafood...etc). I would suggest the same thing for going into the city for your birthday. Maybe you guys can agree to eat before going out, go to a show and then just coffee with maybe dessert after (so you don't have to have dessert, lol)? And def have him bring his running gear so you guys can run together =D Even if it is not as much as you normally do it is really important to you and you'll feel better throughout the day.

    Your family seems like they want to eat out ALL THE TIME! Lol If it is not too much maybe you could go there after going to the Korean market and make a meal for them?

    Tai: good job with the workouts. I'm not sure how many push-ups I could do right now.. not many that's for sure. Thank you for serving.

    Bagels are EVIL. Lol. They are so good but def not worth the calories. I used to eat thomas' because they were fewer calories and would give me the bread I crave. Now i'm pretty much over it. I forget that I love tuna 2! it is always so gooood on a sandwich or salad mmmm...

    Kat: Pity party no problem. Sometimes it is important to get it out. It is frustrating not to see the scale move. Great job being positive!! Keep going! You are seriously an inspiration. It is important that you get a treat sometimes as long as it is within your daily calories, but you work your butt off so i'm sure you've got some exercise calories.

    Tj: Congrats on the loss! That must feel good! You kicked TOM's *kitten*!

    Emmy: Sounds like you're lovin the 30 day shred! Awesome! Keep up the good work.

    Melissa: Congrats! You are doing so good! I understand – new clothes=spending money. Yikes! That can be a problem for the pocket book. Is that what your hubby doesn't like? I hope he is not hating on the new you!

    Seripha: you... can't digest... CHOCOLATE?!! what a tragedy! Well.. I guess it probably helps you on your journey towards health, but seriously your friends should not be trying to get you to eat it if it hurts you!! they should be getting you into a support group because you can't eat chocolate!! lol. j/k.

    Spellbinder: I hear you.. I will miss mfp veeerrryy much when I go away for thanksgiving. My in-laws don't have wi-fi in their vacation house..(really?!!). So i'll hafta be tracking my food via pen and paper.

    Stuart: great job climbing that ladder! BEAST!! my friend just invited me to do some indoor rock climbing and i'm really looking forward to it. I'm pretty sure I have not been able to lift my own body weight since I was 5 years old.... pull ups, climbing giant swinging ladders.. out of the question, lol.

    Finn: I HATE car trouble... you always wind up forking out $500 bucks or more. It drives me crazy! My check engine light just recently went on and I basically prayed that God would fix my car or at least not let me break down somewhere dangerous and creepy.. and then ignored it. It just turned off the other day!! haha!

    Such a good attitude about gearing up for more exercise. I'm sure you'll see those numbers coming down before you know it.

    SkipToMyLou: Welcome!

    Roo: That is rough.. one brownie. When you get down that low I hear it gets really really tough to make your goal, but you can do it!!

    After that I just can't process anymore and watch Hot Fuzz at the same time (love that movie!). I'm so glad to be able to catch up with you ladies.

    Weigh in and measurements tomorrow... Not sure what is going to happen. Weighed myself two or three days ago and no change. After a week of being sick, no exercise and going over my calories 2 days I would be happy to maintain. Working Sunday, Monday and Wednesday night this week. Lots of planning before we leave Thursday to have dinner with the husband's family. My plan for Thanksgiving was just to stop eating when full for that night's dinner, but I really need to think through my eating schedule for the rest of our stay (staying Thursday-Sunday). Should I bring my own food? I think that might be a little rude. Will also have to write down everything I eat instead of using MFP because they have no internet, gasp!

    Let you ladies know the score after weigh-in! =D ur da bomb diggity!

    Rai8759 (Rachel), 24, Charlotte(area), NC
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member

    Maybe you can suggest that to your family and research a restaurant that you would enjoy (Vegetarian, Ethiopian, Seafood...etc). I would suggest the same thing for going into the city for your birthday. Maybe you guys can agree to eat before going out, go to a show and then just coffee with maybe dessert after (so you don't have to have dessert, lol)? And def have him bring his running gear so you guys can run together =D Even if it is not as much as you normally do it is really important to you and you'll feel better throughout the day.

    sorry meag.. this didn't make much sense. I was trying to say that you could research a restaurant you'd like to go to and go there! The first time I read your post I thought it was your b-day and not ur boy's for some reason haha. :tongue: ma bad
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Rai...I didn't go back and read the previous post about cupcakes...I found a few lower cal recipes that both my girls and my hubby love!

    Strawberry Pineapple Cupcakes

    Strawberry cake mix
    1 can 15oz crushed pineapple
    mix those 2 ingredients together (and that's it-no egg, oil, or water)
    bake at 375 degrees for about 15-20 minutes

    Pumpkin Carrot Cupcakes

    1 box carrot cake
    1 15oz can pumpkin
    1/3 c water
    6tbsp egg substitute
    *can also add raisins or walnuts
    mix together and bake at about 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes

    Pumpkin (or Pineapple) Cupcakes

    1 box reduced sugar yellow cake mix
    115 oz can of pumpkin (or crushed pineapple)
    bake at 375 degress for about 15-20 minutes

    I have made all of them and they all will make about 24 cupcakes and are around 100-125 calories each. I don't frost them (they are sweet enough on their own) but you probably could find a low cal frosting recipe.

    I have a few other recipes for pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread if interested...if you can't tell I :heart: pumpkin!!! hubby absolutely loves the new me...he didn't understand and sometimes complained when I would be in my running clothes at 8 pm ready to go for a run and he would be a little annoyed that I would rather go and run instead of sit on the couch and watch tv with him....he now understands my comittment and even stayed up until 3 in the morning trying to download my training program for my iPod. He is amazed that I have been able to lose 40lbs in 9months from diet and exercise alone. It is definitely a budget issue!!! Which I understand because not only is it new work clothes, but casual clothes, AND workout clothes!!! Plus the cost of the races and all the healthy food! It's not CHEAP to live a healthy life-style!!! to do a little shopping with my 5 year old and hoping to maybe take her bowling and go for a walk and collect pinecones (need 60 of them for a Turkey Day project with my students next week :happy: ).

    Happy Saturday Everyone!!!!
  • SkipToMyLou32
    Options do you guys conquer the weekends??? Last night I ended up having margaritas which were amazing, but of course I felt the need to counter act the effects of said margaritas by eating! I don't know if food really soaks up alcohol and makes your hangover less severe, but at that moment it always seems like it will help. So anyway, now I'm starting the weekend off badly once again. I ALWAYS gain 3 lbs over the weekend. It drives me crazy because I am pretty good through the week and the weekends always add right back on everything I lost during the week. I am especially worried about next weekend because it will basically start on Wednesday since that's when my family gets in town for Thanksgiving. Any tips for being good over the weekend would be great!!! Oh and does anybody know if food actually "soaks up" alcohol? That would be helpful too, because if it doesn't maybe I can talk myself out of always eating when I've had a few too many drinks! Thanks in advance. I've only been reading this thread a few days and can already tell how supportive everyone is and what great advice you give each other.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Melissa! thank you for the recipes!! i will absolutely try them! mmm pineapple and strawberry.. i also love pumpkin. tis the season. :drinker:

    Also please send me your pumpkin cookie recipe. I'd love to try it! I'm not to good with sweet breads though.. not portioned by themselves so I wind up cheating my piece a lil bigger... or eating the whole pan! gotta know your weaknesses.:blushing:

    i'm glad your hubby is supportive! but i think it really is going to be hard to me to buy myself new clothes when the time comes..I know I have like 2 or 3 pairs of jeans I'm looking to fit into... ACTUALLY FIT INTO ONE OF THEM THIS MORNING!!! but am going to have trouble bringing myself to splurge on a whole new wardrobe even though I will probably need at least part of a new wardrobe when I get to my goals. i am... shall i say.. frugal?? Confession: this is going to sound bad, but that is why i've not done a 5k yet. Even though I can absolutely run it I refuse to pay someone else for me to run... i have to find something that is a cause I'd like to donate toward I guess.

    Second Confession: I weighed myself this morning and was 167 lbs!!! that means I have lost 1.6 lbs this week and 4.6 lbs since I started mfp again on november 1st!! My weigh in day is tomorrow :blushing: I really try to stick to one weigh-in a week, but wind up doing 2-3. As I get closer to weigh in the temptation grows.. so my "punishment" will be not to weight myself again tomorrow. I will weigh/measure myself again until next Sunday after all the Thanksgiving festivities... bum bum buuuummm. I'm not looking for a drop in the scale then, but am going to work towards maintaining. I'm glad I only have 0.4 lbs until my november goal. I'm hoping I can loose that in the time for the end of November!

    Actually now that I think about it. If I do exercise I will probably see an increase in my weight. I'm sure at least some of that weight that has come off has been muscle mass because I haven't worked out in a week and a half. bummer...oh well. that is what i need in the long run.
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    SkipToMyLou- the way I stay good on the weekends is putting my weigh-in day on the weekends! if I know I'm going to weigh in the next day then i really try to eat well/exercise. i don't know about your food soaking up the alcohol, but i do know that there are lots of "skinny" drinks out there you might want to try?? i've never had to use then since i'm not much of a drinker.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Confession: this is going to sound bad, but that is why i've not done a 5k yet. Even though I can absolutely run it I refuse to pay someone else for me to run

    Rai- Me too. I'm almost at 10k distance, and I keep doing the training programs/workouts but I have no desire to pay $$ to run. I just can't bring myself to do it. The warrior dash thing that Meag suggested is likely to be the exception for me but they actually have to construct a hard core course, so that makes sense. Paying someone $$ so I can run on streets that I run on all the time just seems like a waste. I'd rather put it toward good running clothes or something.

    StmL- I do pretty decently on weekends, but I'm pretty much a non-drinker so its a pretty much a non-issue.

    Food doesn't actually "soak up" alcohol but it does aid in tempering your hangover (in conjuction with ample amounts of water). They work best when consumed BEFORE you start to drink because food makes your stomach digest and process the alcohol more quickly and water combats dehydration. The reason they are better consumed before you drink is because it makes it harder for your body to actually get drunk, but they do help with the hangover.

    The best way to deal with drinks, just like with any other part of this journey, is moderation. Plan for a margerita, with dinner. Keep it to that and I think you'll be able to have a pretty good time without the guilt or the bloated lbs.

    As for me- no WI this week. I am taking a sabbatical from the scale. Ran 5 m this week for my long run, but my measurements haven't changed from last week. I'm at 29.75 waist and 39 hip. So even those were my measurements last week, I'm feelin pretty good. Going to my bf's cousin's christening tomorrow- there will be a buffet so today's work out is being move to tomorrow- but it's the first time I've seen his fam since about Sept. and I'm down nearly 20 lbs since then so it should be interesting.

    Good luck everyone, you are all doing so great. I'll try to check in over the weekend but got anothing kind of hoppin one going, so I may be sparse.

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Selfish check-in super quickly...

    Ran this morning, 2.25 miles with the boy. Faster pace than usual with his - I could tell he was pushing himself really hard and it was so adorable! He's definitely "on board" for healthy living. Once we got home he asked me how many cals he likely burned! HAHAH I'm training him well :laugh: I made us protein shakes for lunch/recovery and I think he was a little skeptical about the whole thing. I threw in 2 cups of spinach, which likely didn't help... Tasted yummy to me but I know my tastes have REALLY since eating healthy. Anything that I *know* is good fuel for my body tends to taste good at this point. It makes it very hard/awkward to cook for others... because I think things like "I should add cottage cheese to this..." or "I bet 4 cups of spinach would be good in here..." when other people think I'm totally mad and dislike both of those items :indifferent: Oh well! Who ever thought that cooking for others would be such a source of awkwardness. Makes me feel really abnormal sometimes.

    Anyway going out this afternoon to run errands and then having dinner at the boys. Hoping to convince him to have something healthy even though we're both feeling lazy and unmotivated. Working tonight at 11pm so that should be a blast :grumble: Another long day!

    Aiming for 10 solid kms tomorrow before the boyfriends birthday dinner + ice cream. I asked him about baking a cake but he seems committed to wanting an ice cream cake... So I figure at least if I get a nice long run in during the day and eat super healthy, I can make good choices at the restaurant and treat myself to a small piece of ice cream cake (which admittedly will be delicious). As for Monday, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!! I'll be addressing the race fees topic later on since I can really see where you're coming from :happy:
    Meag :heart: