

  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    I've completed Day 2 for me..... Plyometrics. Wowy!! Day 3 here I come! :smile:

    What did you think of the Plyo Manda? I love it! My son, who is 12 and plays soccer, wants to join me in Plyometrics the next time. I told him if he thinks he can keep up to bring it hahaha!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I did the Yoga last night and it was.... AWESOME.... Ok, I like Yoga again!!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Did Legs and Back today... LOVE that workout. I always have an issue with the chair lunges - I think because its the first one and I spend half my time trying to get/keep my balance.

    I have the same problem! I feel like I am not warmed up enough to do them well, I feel like it's a hard one to start off with. I have improved a little bit every time, though, so hopefully one day I'll be able to do them without stopping.

    Kenpo today, and I am not feeling very well, I think I caught a cold from my son. I will do my best, though!

    I know I shouldn't be so concerned with this, but has anyone else's weight loss stalled? I think I am going to be the same for two weeks in a row now. I know I am building muscle and that always stalls my weight loss but I am not at a healthy weight yet and I wish I could see some movement on the scale. WDYT?
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Did Legs and Back today... LOVE that workout. I always have an issue with the chair lunges - I think because its the first one and I spend half my time trying to get/keep my balance.

    I have the same problem! I feel like I am not warmed up enough to do them well, I feel like it's a hard one to start off with. I have improved a little bit every time, though, so hopefully one day I'll be able to do them without stopping.

    Kenpo today, and I am not feeling very well, I think I caught a cold from my son. I will do my best, though!

    I know I shouldn't be so concerned with this, but has anyone else's weight loss stalled? I think I am going to be the same for two weeks in a row now. I know I am building muscle and that always stalls my weight loss but I am not at a healthy weight yet and I wish I could see some movement on the scale. WDYT?

    I struggled with the chair lunges too...my balance was awful, but I did the best I could and am hoping to continue to improve each time.

    I just did Kenpo for the first time. I felt extremely uncoordinated. I slowed each move down so I could do it properly. Again, I hope to improve each time.

    As far as the weight loss stalling, I didn't weigh myself this week because of TOM...so I can't really answer that. I don't obsess over the number on the scale though, I go by how my clothes are fitting. Just keep up the good work!!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I know I shouldn't be so concerned with this, but has anyone else's weight loss stalled? I think I am going to be the same for two weeks in a row now. I know I am building muscle and that always stalls my weight loss but I am not at a healthy weight yet and I wish I could see some movement on the scale. WDYT?

    Don't worry about it... from everything I have read here and on the BB boards its pretty common to not see any weight loss until phase 2. I have the same issue but I know mine is probably a combination of that and not eating enough calories. I take my measurements every Monday and I have noticed a reduction in inches and that is what really matters!!!

    Have faith that the program works as long as you put in the effort. Even though I haven't seen a big drop in numbers several people have told me that they can see a difference, I look thinner and it shows in my face. I think some of that comes from me feeling GREAT -- and the internal knowledge that I am getting stronger... its a mirror image on the outside and of what people see.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Okay ... so a little funny story about today's Yoga X experience. As we are cooling down we get into the different stretch poses and Thunder (my boy cat) was walking around me PURRING SO LOUD and meowing softy at me. I lay down into corpse and start breathing; he lays on my chest ... I had such a hard time not laughing and concentrating on my breathing ... he is such a lover kitteh LOL 18 days down :)
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I am just finishing up rest week of phase 2 and I JUST started seeing some weight loss. I knew that I was losing inches but the scale would hardley budge. This really started getting to me so I stopped weighing in....at least compulsivley. Honestly I just weighed in again since I put the scale away about 2- 2.5 weeks ago and since the start I have now lost 17 lbs!! Up until then I had only lost a few pounds, and I have quite a bit to lose. It was discouraging to say the least. It will come, just be patient and watch the inches disappear first. P90X rocks!
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks everyone for the input, I am definitely going to keep going, I do feel better and that should count more than a # on the scale. I also just pulled out some pre-pregnancy jeans that I hadn't even been able to get up over my legs a few months ago and most of them fit, buttoned up nicely! So there's more to it than that #!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 20: Kenpo X

    Wow, Day 20. Only 70 more to go...

    Once again, my glutes are very sore. It's a good sore though :D Had a great Kenpo workout this week. Didn't hit the pause button even once. Was able to really get into all the moves. Very fun workout. My clothes were *soaked* with sweat when I was done. Took a long hot shower afterward.

    Burned 700 calories over 59 minutes (including warm up & cool down)

    189 BPM MAX

    65% of the time spent between 162-180+ BPM
    12% 144-161 BPM
    8% 126-143 BPM

    160 BPM AVG including the warmup/cooldown and workout combined
  • bmhatcher
    Hey everyone!! Just finished Kenpo X!! Didn't want to do anythng today beacuse I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter last nihgt! Ha! I'm 40 and still love it!!!:laugh: Didn't get home until 2:30, so it was rought to get back on schedule.
    Love this workout tho, so much sweat and calories burned!!!!!!!
    Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Day 20 Kenpo X done!!! My fav by far!!! The hour just flies...
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    my knee set me back a little, but it felt better today...Friday I just did a light 2 miles on the elliptical, along mwith ab ripperx. Today I did 40 minutes elliptical another ab routine and did my push-up/ pull-ups... I will try Kenpo tomorrow and catch back up.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Thanks for all of the kind words about by grandfather, everyone. I know he was ready to go, he had been struggling for awhile, but it's still hard.

    I've been faithful to p90x, though, so far. Legs/back/arx was pretty good yesterday, and I just finished kenpo.

    Does anyone know if it's possible to rip the dvds and put them on my iphone? It's likely that I'll be heading to Albuquerque tomorrow (I'm in LA) for my grandfather (they're kind of hippies and aren't doing a traditional funeral, but there's talk of an ash-scattering hike or something along those lines and obviously I want to be with everyone), but it's not likely that whatever cheapie motel I stay in will have a dvd player and I want to stay on track with recovery week. I thought maybe my iphone would be the answer? Does anyone know?

    Happy day 20, those of you on this track!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    MC - wish I had an answer -- it looks like there are some things out there about ripping them to your iphone... I wonder if you can put it in itunes and go from there?!? An alternative would be to pick up an inexpensive DVD player to take with you -- I think they are around 100 bucks now (wont be the best quality but better than nothing and you would have it for future travel). If you have a laptop you can just play it on there.

    Finished Kenpo X -- feeling strong...
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115

    Anyone feel the need to do some of the exercises with some 3lb dumbells in hand?

    I LOVE the workout, but I feel like I should be increasing the intensity some and am wondering if weights will do it?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member

    Anyone feel the need to do some of the exercises with some 3lb dumbells in hand?

    I LOVE the workout, but I feel like I should be increasing the intensity some and am wondering if weights will do it?

    Wrist weights would probably work better.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 21: X Stretch

    3 weeks down!

    Sundays are my weigh in days:

    Lost 1.1 lbs since last week. Also lost 3/4" from my belly button (spare tire) waist since last week :)
    Since I started P90X on Nov 1st, I've lost 3.5 lbs and 1.75" around my belly button waist.
    Since I started my GetFit plan on Sept. 4th, I've lost a total of 17.6 lbs

    Have another 14.4 lbs to go to reach my goal weight. Over half way there now :)
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member

    Anyone feel the need to do some of the exercises with some 3lb dumbells in hand?

    I LOVE the workout, but I feel like I should be increasing the intensity some and am wondering if weights will do it?

    Oooh, weighted gloves? I may look into that myself!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Well, my first week is in the books! I just finished Day 7 Classic - Stretch X and boy did it feel good!! Looking forward to tomorrow! Woo!
  • mjmartin
    Well, my first week is in the books! I just finished Day 7 Classic - Stretch X and boy did it feel good!! Looking forward to tomorrow! Woo!