

  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Today I did X Stretch since I did Yoga X yesterday and danced my a** off for an hour... I put on the electronica station on Comcast and went at it full force... dancing... making up my own dance plyo - Kenpo moves.... and I did 10 sets of 50 jumping jacks with the last 10 being squat jacks... what a FUN workout!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Today I did X Stretch since I did Yoga X yesterday and danced my a** off for an hour... I put on the electronica station on Comcast and went at it full force... dancing... making up my own dance plyo - Kenpo moves.... and I did 10 sets of 50 jumping jacks with the last 10 being squat jacks... what a FUN workout!

    You go girl! I love to dance! I may have to steal your idea and try it out cause I have comcast and the digital music channels too! Great idea!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Today I did X Stretch since I did Yoga X yesterday and danced my a** off for an hour... I put on the electronica station on Comcast and went at it full force... dancing... making up my own dance plyo - Kenpo moves.... and I did 10 sets of 50 jumping jacks with the last 10 being squat jacks... what a FUN workout!

    That is totally awesome!!
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Here is an article I found on MyYoga.com regarding practicing on an empty stomach. It makes sense with all of the twisting poses etc.

    An important preparation for Yoga is avoiding meals prior to the Yoga practice. Generally, we are encouraged to not have eaten 1-2 hours prior to performing Yoga and Breathing (Pranayama) exercises.

    Having food in the digestive system can disrupt one's overall practice. The digestive process requires energy. When food is in the digestive tract, the body requires a full flow of blood to these tissues to nourish the gastrointestinal cells that are processing food material. Energy is required for the contraction of gastrointestinal walls to move food through the system. Energy is required for absorption of nutrients and for the production of hormones, enzymes and other chemicals to manage digestion.

    When we perform Yoga poses, these poses and transitions take energy away from the digestive system and, if food is in the digestive tract, this system becomes limited in its' capacity to digest.

    Another consideration of having food in your system while practicing Yoga, is the hydrostatic pressure that can occur. Food moving through the system is generally fluid in consistency. When one twists, bends, and compresses the torso, portions of the gastrointestinal tract can be pinched off (like a balloon filled with water). With further compression from the pose, the food can push outwards (hydrostatic pressure) against the lining of the tract. For some people who are already prone to digestive disorders like diverticulosis, this pressure on the tract linings can lead to damage of theses tissues or aggravate existing conditions.

    For those wishing to use Yoga as part of their weight management program, eating before practice is counterproductive. By having an empty stomach, blood sugar levels are at low to moderate levels. Moving into a Yoga practice with an empty stomach allows one to tap more quickly into energy stores (muscles, liver, and body fat). Expending calories from fat stores happens more readily and efficiently. Eating before a practice floods the body and bloodstream with sugars requiring the body to first “burn off” blood sugar calories before accessing other stores. Important note: if you have health concerns like diabetes or hypoglycemia, you should consult a health professional to determine how eating should be approached with Yoga exercises so you can manage your blood sugar levels properly.

    Beyond these health issues, other considerations with not eating before practice should be observed:

    *food in the digestive system may cause nausea, bloating or gas during practice

    *often one needs to go to the washroom while practicing if the digestive system is processing food, thus disrupting one's practice and connection to the flow

    *if practicing on an empty stomach makes the practice difficult (ie low energy), eat a small portion of easily-digestible food like apple sauce or yogurt 30-45 minutes before practice. This small amount of food will make its' way through the system quickly and will not have adverse effects during the practice.

    Kreg Weiss is a co-founder of My Yoga Online and certified Hatha Yoga Teacher. Several years ago, Kreg discovered yoga while teaching health and fitness. Yoga dramatically transformed Kreg's approach to teaching health and wellness as well as changed his personal life bringing new direction in finding physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

    THANK YOU!!!
    Perfect info, thank you for posting it.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I am definitely late joining in...I plan on starting sometime this week, once I get the chin up bar, yoga blocks and floor mats. I just got over being sick so i am giving it a few more days before I jump right in.

    A couple of questions, if someone wouldn't mind answering them:

    1. I was in pretty good shape but then 6 weeks ago my schedule got really hectic and I barely worked out at all for those 6 weeks. I feel I am not as in good of shape as I as 6 weeks ago (although it may all be in my head because I was so dedicated to it for years) Do you have to be in athlete shape to start, or is it possible to start slow if needed and work my way up?

    I've been reading through all of the posts on here over the last couple of weeks and can't wait to officially join in! Everybody seems so friendly and helpful. I hope that this will be the week that I can finally start!!!
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    Did Chest & Back Ab Ripper X...start of week two. Burned 597 Calories during the workout. Week two is turning out to be a hard week. Tomorrow Plyo....yuck...not a fan of that!
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    @ KarinCakes........That is great info...that may explain why I was so tired and not at my best during my workout today. Thanks for posting:happy:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I took yesterday totally off from exercise. My body needed the rest. Today Yoga X done - 22 days down with Lean program.

    @Akosky585 - modification is the key. You can start anytime and in any shape. Do the best you can and modify the moves as needed. Good luck.
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    I took yesterday totally off from exercise. My body needed the rest. Today Yoga X done - 22 days down with Lean program.

    @Akosky585 - modification is the key. You can start anytime and in any shape. Do the best you can and modify the moves as needed. Good luck.
    Everyone needs a day off now and again. Good work on sticking with it!! I must admit I find Yoga X to be pretty tough.
  • dmmihelcic
    dmmihelcic Posts: 161 Member
    Here is an article I found on MyYoga.com regarding practicing on an empty stomach. It makes sense with all of the twisting poses etc.

    An important preparation for Yoga is avoiding meals prior to the Yoga practice. Generally, we are encouraged to not have eaten 1-2 hours prior to performing Yoga and Breathing (Pranayama) exercises.

    Having food in the digestive system can disrupt one's overall practice. The digestive process requires energy. When food is in the digestive tract, the body requires a full flow of blood to these tissues to nourish the gastrointestinal cells that are processing food material. Energy is required for the contraction of gastrointestinal walls to move food through the system. Energy is required for absorption of nutrients and for the production of hormones, enzymes and other chemicals to manage digestion.

    When we perform Yoga poses, these poses and transitions take energy away from the digestive system and, if food is in the digestive tract, this system becomes limited in its' capacity to digest.

    Another consideration of having food in your system while practicing Yoga, is the hydrostatic pressure that can occur. Food moving through the system is generally fluid in consistency. When one twists, bends, and compresses the torso, portions of the gastrointestinal tract can be pinched off (like a balloon filled with water). With further compression from the pose, the food can push outwards (hydrostatic pressure) against the lining of the tract. For some people who are already prone to digestive disorders like diverticulosis, this pressure on the tract linings can lead to damage of theses tissues or aggravate existing conditions.

    For those wishing to use Yoga as part of their weight management program, eating before practice is counterproductive. By having an empty stomach, blood sugar levels are at low to moderate levels. Moving into a Yoga practice with an empty stomach allows one to tap more quickly into energy stores (muscles, liver, and body fat). Expending calories from fat stores happens more readily and efficiently. Eating before a practice floods the body and bloodstream with sugars requiring the body to first “burn off” blood sugar calories before accessing other stores. Important note: if you have health concerns like diabetes or hypoglycemia, you should consult a health professional to determine how eating should be approached with Yoga exercises so you can manage your blood sugar levels properly.

    Beyond these health issues, other considerations with not eating before practice should be observed:

    *food in the digestive system may cause nausea, bloating or gas during practice

    *often one needs to go to the washroom while practicing if the digestive system is processing food, thus disrupting one's practice and connection to the flow

    *if practicing on an empty stomach makes the practice difficult (ie low energy), eat a small portion of easily-digestible food like apple sauce or yogurt 30-45 minutes before practice. This small amount of food will make its' way through the system quickly and will not have adverse effects during the practice.

    Kreg Weiss is a co-founder of My Yoga Online and certified Hatha Yoga Teacher. Several years ago, Kreg discovered yoga while teaching health and fitness. Yoga dramatically transformed Kreg's approach to teaching health and wellness as well as changed his personal life bringing new direction in finding physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

    So now you tell me.... Oh well, Yoga X coming up again in a few days.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    A couple of questions, if someone wouldn't mind answering them:

    1. I was in pretty good shape but then 6 weeks ago my schedule got really hectic and I barely worked out at all for those 6 weeks. I feel I am not as in good of shape as I as 6 weeks ago (although it may all be in my head because I was so dedicated to it for years) Do you have to be in athlete shape to start, or is it possible to start slow if needed and work my way up?

    You can take the fit test and if you pass/feel comfortable then go ahead and start. The first week will be the most difficult but as noted, modification is key. Don't worry about the pull-ups on the fit test, if you cant do one you can do the modified/assisted options when you start.

    If you don't do well on the fit test I recommend doing something like Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Do level one for a few days then add the second and finally the third. You should bounce back to the shape you were in pretty quickly. If you don't have the 30DS -- there are a lot of options on Demand under the Exercise TV for free that you can do for a couple of weeks as an alternative.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I am going to mirror what Sara said ... The fitness test (sans pull ups) will let you know if you can make it through. I would have to say the 2 solid minutes of Jumping Jacks is probably the most telling ... you really have to PUSH to get your heart rate up and I guarantee that 2 minutes will be the longest in your life LOL.

    I did the 30DS for the 30 days, 10 days each level and I feel that it gave me a really good precursor to this work out., But take the fitness test and see what you think!

    In other news: DAY 20 done and on to REST WEEK (said tongue in cheek hahaha) I LOVE the block sequence in the kenpo X and I am totally getting the moves, coordination so that is empowering in and of itself. I must say that I did not want to work out tonight. I struggled to push play when I got home but I did it as soon as I got home so that I would be able to hear that music and get worked up to do the program. Like Tony says; before you know it you're done.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    I was looking forward to the rest week but now I miss bringing it. You all know Yoga X is not my favorite so I subbed the Turbo Fire core and stretch dvds. I enjoyed them so much better. Tomorrow is Core Synergistics- can't wait.

    Question- I'm going to my parent's for Christmas and they don't have a pull up bar. Any suggestions on alternative exercises?
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 23: Core Synergistics

    Did even better on the Superman->Banana and Bow->Boat this time. One of these days it may even be easy...hah. Felt better overall as well, a little more weight a couple more reps and just an overall feeling of doing it better.

    Burned ~650 cals this time, took a little longer than last time 'cause I did more reps. Changed my normal activity bpm from 80 to 75 since my resting heart rate has gone down since I've started. This morning my resting BPM was 61.

    138 BPM avg during today's workout
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Day 23 done - core synergistics. .
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Completed Core Synergistics last night...LOVE IT! However...while doing some of the lunges (the ones where you start on the mat and lunge and reach to each side) I hurt my knee. It had been achy all day but it was so on and off that I didn't worry about it. Then...when I went to step back to center after my lunge, my knee popped and I fell! I've never had knee problems before...just achy joints in general and I've definitely never felt a pop like that. And...when I got up and moved around a little it felt fine...and it was good enough that I continued through the rest of the workout...lunges (not as deep) and all!

    Anybody have any idea what the "pop" might have been? I'm not wanting to take it easy!!!
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    Got up this morning for Ab Ripper X. I'm on week 4, day 1 of the Classic program.
    Did ALL 50 Mason twists with my feet off the floor! (Then promptly assumed cobra for a LONG time)
    It's working people.....keep at it!
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Keep up the great work everyone!

    I will be doing my Plyo X later. It's American Education Week and my son requested I visit his class during recess today...so I did. And, they asked me to play football with them :) I totally obliged! They even threw me the ball a couple times and I caught them :D

    DreeDub, my knee pops every once in a while, not sure why. It doesn't hurt when it pops, it just pops...weird. Maybe it's not the same kind of pop ?
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    I love core synergistics..... I must admit that I was dreading it this morning because I thought that I was doomed for 58 minutes of an ARX type exercise... but found an entirely different workout that I LOVE! Looking forward to Kenpo tomorrow and I think I will add another Kenpo or Plyo or perhaps do another round of my dancing P90X with my "moves" to electronica before sitting down to eat
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    finding hard to find the time this week....I am glad it is recovery. I didn't do yoga yesterday..I started to, but hadn't picked up my brace yet and once started my knee started twinging a little, so I opted out and instead did a pilaties workout....very good burn and a lot of core work. On my way now to do elliptical and I am going to do more core work on the stability ball afterwards, then off to a basketball game. I believe today is core synergistics...I will be doing the moves while watching my sewing show....I am having to multi-task this week or I will never get it done!!