

  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Core Synergistics done today. At the end of the workout, I started to get a killer headache. I have been getting them here and there after working out, not sure what's going on. Any ideas? It was a good workout, though, different.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    Emmy- could it be dehydration?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Core Synergistics done today. At the end of the workout, I started to get a killer headache. I have been getting them here and there after working out, not sure what's going on. Any ideas? It was a good workout, though, different.

    Are you working out with the heater on? Maybe that is giving you a head ache or like missmaya said, not enough water intake.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Core Synergistics done today. At the end of the workout, I started to get a killer headache. I have been getting them here and there after working out, not sure what's going on. Any ideas? It was a good workout, though, different.

    First guess would also be dehydration. Second guess would be not enough to eat in the hours before the work out.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Classic - P90X Day 9 - Plyometrics, done! I love that workout! My son did a little of it with me too :)
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    Plyometrics...Week two day two.....I hate this workout....its way to hard on my knees but I just get through as much as I can then stop when I feel my knees giving out. On to day three in week two....lets get r done....lol :happy:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey guys. Checking in from Albuquerque. I managed to get Yoga X in yesterday before I left for the airport, although I did fastforward some of the explain-y parts to try to save some time so I could do extra packing. I managed to do Core Synergistics today... in an art studio, on a laptop with shoddy sound, where everytime I had to do a move on the floor I could no longer see the screen, LOL. I forgot about the higher altitude ABQ has compared to LA! Towards the beginning of the workout I was wondering what was wrong with me and why I was getting winded so easily, and then I remembered the altitude difference. My ego was a little less bruised, but let's just say my Synergistics performance was a little less than stellar :laugh:

    Happy day 23, hope everyone's recovery week is going smoothly. (and Happy day X to everyone else!)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 24 Kenpo X:

    The more I do Kenpo X, the more I like it. Awesome cardio workout for me and fun. Everything soaked in sweat :D

    To quote Tony, "Actual DNA removal...comes out all over the place"

    Burned ~700 calories over 59 minutes
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good job Courtney! I know it can be difficult to stick with a workout when stressed and traveling, grats on sticking with it :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    P90X Lean Day 24 Kenpo X - done...
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, it definitely could have been not enough water, in retrospect, I realized earlier in the day I was so busy and did not drink enough. I have to be better about the water, I am going back to work next week and I always drink more than enough there, so that's one good thing about going back!

    Courtney- WTG working out while away, that's dedication!

    Kenpo later on today! I love the cardio workouts!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Kenpo X done ... I am going to do some cardio this afternoon and may substitute Yoga X and a cardio session tomorrow for X Stretch in light of the feast.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    P90X Classic week 2 day 3 Shoulders & Arms and ARX done! WOO!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    I can't believe we are almost ONE MONTH DOWN (of course I am 2 days behind y'all ;) ) ... I had another loss this morning of 1.6 lbs which was fantastic and unexpected. I marked my 21st day of the X with NO WORKOUT AT ALL, not even stretch.

    Tonight I have 1 1/2 hours of Yoga and I am going to do 30 minutes of cardio before starting that. Kind of a drag though because that work out is SO LONG and I have to make some of my side dishes tonight. It may be a late evening.

    For those of you who have done Core Syn, how is the calorie burn? I want to try to get 800-900 calories burned tomorrow. I am concerned because the first time I do any of the DVD's I get less burn because I am stopping to learn the moves so should I try to get some extra cardio in? I am hoping my gym is open so I can jump on an elliptical rather then go for the hike because it's been so cold .. Karen does NOT do cold (and yes I just referred to myself in the 3rd person LOL).

    So, core syn, keeping in mind that I have never done it before and will automatically burn less calories due to inexperience, should I try to get in some cardio before?
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    @Karen: Not sure if you saw my response on my update. I had a good burn (around 500ish calories) and the exercises aren't that tricky -- it you took gymnastics as a kid it will bring back some memories. I think you will be fine -- but with that said, I encourage everyone to take a 30-45 minute walk after the feast. Sara understands Karen when she says she doesn't do COLD... I HATE HATE HATE it... but I think the weather here is going to be on the mild side tomorrow. If not then I am probably going to add the Cardio X to my workout tomorrow and will probably trade yoga for stretch for the extra calories. I haven't done Cardio X yet... so it will be nice to see what that is like.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and I am thankful for our internet relationship of encouragement and comraderie (sp) and dedication doing the X rather than letting it go and procrastinating during the holiday season.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thanks Sara, yes, I did see it wanted to post here too. I think that I am going to do the cardio tomorrow morning. I need to burn at least 800 calories to feel okay about eating almost 1000 at one meal hahaha

    I agree, I am thankful for all the support here and all of you folks! and ever thankful that this system DOES work!
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    Week Two....day 3....Shoulders & Arms..ARX.....75mins 549 Calories burned....realized I may have to up my weight on some of the exercises....had some trouble with my Shoulder popping and when doing the ARX my knee wanted to pop hurt, but I manage to push through it. On to day 4...Yoga! :bigsmile:
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    what a high Yoga is ... I had the lights in my apartment turned down and I have purple xmas lights hanging around my bookshelf in my living room, turned those on and in my kitchen I have light purple and blue flickering icicles hanging and had those on ... again, when I got into corpse at the end, Thunder crawled on top of me ... and is sitting on my lap as I type this .. yeah, he lurves me.

    edit: so Day 22 done and I can hardly believe it really. I was again dreading pushing play and not looking forward to an hour and a half of Yoga but man am I glad I did. I am having super duper trouble with the end poses in the first section and some of the balance poses. I am working on the ab stuff at the end too and can't quite bring my chest high enough but I am doing my best for sure. I know I am sweating like I am doing my best. I am looking forward to core tomorrow and have been reading up on the moves. I already have the DVD in the player to press play. I asked one of the trainers if the gym was open and he kinda on the sly told me that the AM people would be there and to show up around 8:15 or so which is perfect since I was planning on going at 830 I will just show up 15 minutes earlier then I planned.

    All shopping is DONE for turkey day and I am going to bang out a couple of sides tonight after I eat dinner, which will have to happen soon here (even though I imagine I will be up late tonight cooking).
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Does anyone know when a thread is maxed out? I fear it might be around 500 posts and we are getting close... if this thread is locked -- I will start a second thread titled in all caps... Part 2.

    I can't sleep. I have to make some stuff to take to my parents and am prepping like a madwoman... (ahem... wonderwoman).... I forgot one ingredient so I am going to have to go out to the devil because they are the only thing open tomorrow (Walmart-- sorry folks... but I hate this place with a passion and even more so when I find out they are open on a holiday....but it looks like they may be my saving grace.... but I digress.... and do not want to be political right now.)

    On top of the aforementioned cooking... I refuse to sacrifice a workout tomorrow... X Stretch is scheduled but I think I am going to sub out Cardio X. I was thinking Yoga X but I think it may be too time consuming... so Cardio X and X Stretch OR... perhaps Cardio X and another round of Kenpo.... this way I can be roasting veggies and baking pies both of which take about an hour... before I have to go to my parents....

    I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.... and Karen... I am so happy you can sneak into your gym tomorrow.....
  • rstone30
    Is P90x hard if you have a wrist that was previously injured?