

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    @Sara - yes the thread will lock at 500 posts but the computer wizzards will auto create the part 2 for you. It will be in the same section as the original thread but does not appear under your my topics until you post to it.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Is P90x hard if you have a wrist that was previously injured?

    What kind of injury and how long ago? I think you could get through most of it... you would have to modify some of the yoga moves but Tony tells you how to do that... and makes recommendations for people with wrist issues. Do you have push-up stands? If you can use those without discomfort I think you would be fine for the most part.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 25: Cardio X & X Stretch

    Cardio X isn't on the schedule for today, but I was feeling good this morning and figured it would be a good warm up before I did the X Stretch. Gave me more cals burned on my X Stretch that way as well since my heart rate was still up there. I really felt good about the Cardio X today. Once again, soaked in sweat.

    Burned ~675 cals over 49 minutes for the Cardio X with a 160 BPM average
    Burned ~400 cals over 57 minutes with X Stretch with a 116 BPM average

    Grand total = 1075 cals :)
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Core Synergistics done! Love this workout but had to watch a lot. I will get the moves next time. Some of the stuff I can't do yet, but will work on it. The Dreya rolls are tough but I got a couple of them down. Tomorrow is Kenpo X and I am looking forward to that again ... All cardio all the time.

    I also got some cardio in this morning even though my gym was "closed" the trainers tipped me off that it would be open and said I could come! That was nice!
  • AmberBelandria
    AmberBelandria Posts: 78 Member
    Week two day 4 done...Yoga X.....needed a little more fuel for my body and didn't have it. I now know that next time I need to feed my body...over all proud that I've made it this far....on to Day 5 Legs & Back with ARX tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    P90X Lean Day 26 Cardio X

    Another good workout. Energy levels a bit low this morning, but I brought it has hard as I could.

    Burned ~550 calories over 48 minutes
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Goodmorning all, I am somewhat new here! I see that my fitness pal is recommended quite a bit from the beachbody forums so I thought I would come check it out! I am currently finishing up week 7/classic, I did leg and back today! Calorie wise I have been eating between 2100-2400 calories as the p90x nutrition guide suggest. (carbs and protein are pertty balanced, fat is on target) However, no weight loss for me!! It bugs me so I hope you all can help me out! Today I burned 673 calories, with that workout I can eat slightly ove 2000 calories today according to this website! I have tried to eat less than 2000 calories before, but I will crash if I do! I will not have enough energy to get through the day. So for all you guys and galls that are loosing can you tell me what you have been doing to see some weight loss? I have been considering to take some kind of fat burner, do you have any goood one in mind? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Oh and yes I feel good, but my pants feel the same!!

    This is what I drink:
    Supplements: p90x recovery drink
    whey protein shake
    lots of water!!
    Plus my meals that are perty balanced, except for yesterday!!
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    This is a great threat. Keep up the good work. I've done P90X twice and I'll be doing it again in January. I also use Tony's one on ones, they make for a nice mix.
    Good luck at reaching your goals
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    sorry. see quote below
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
    Goodmorning all, I am somewhat new here! I see that my fitness pal is recommended quite a bit from the beachbody forums so I thought I would come check it out! I am currently finishing up week 7/classic, I did leg and back today! Calorie wise I have been eating between 2100-2400 calories as the p90x nutrition guide suggest. (carbs and protein are pertty balanced, fat is on target) However, no weight loss for me!! It bugs me so I hope you all can help me out! Today I burned 673 calories, with that workout I can eat slightly ove 2000 calories today according to this website! I have tried to eat less than 2000 calories before, but I will crash if I do! I will not have enough energy to get through the day. So for all you guys and galls that are loosing can you tell me what you have been doing to see some weight loss? I have been considering to take some kind of fat burner, do you have any goood one in mind? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Oh and yes I feel good, but my pants feel the same!!

    This is what I drink:
    Supplements: p90x recovery drink
    whey protein shake
    lots of water!!
    Plus my meals that are perty balanced, except for yesterday!!

    It's whats in those 2000 calories. To burn fat, less Carbs and more protien (not more then body weight) The second time I did P90X i did phase 1 for only 2 weeks and the rest of the program in phase 2. I never went to Phase 3 diet because of the high carbs. Cut out as much sugar and man made carbs as possible.
    You'll be suprised how much fat you lose. Get your carbs from Fruit and vegitables. I use the Recovery drink too. I'm a coach so I use many products. It taste great but it too has alot of sugar. I'll now only have a recovery drink if a workout absolutly wipes me out.
    Try a lowfat chocolate milk for a recover drink too.

    Bottom line is to try and limit you sugar and man made carbs. You'll shed the fat. Talk with your coach too.

    Book suggestion - Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson
  • bmhatcher
    Hey everyone! I hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving!
    So my diet was put to the test this last 10 days... I had a college football game (tailgating!!), then I had 2 wrestling matches (junk food galore!), traveled to Miami for NASCAR (oh the beer!!!!!!!!!) and then Thanksgiving!!! What a challenge!!
    I managed to get thru everything and keep exercising. I would like to say I was an angel, but sorry folks when you are at the track, the beer tastes soooooooooo much better!!! LOL! Yesterday had great food with the kids, yummy ham!!!
    All in all I only gained one pound and I am happy! Back on the program now. Legs and Back today!!!
    Keep bringing it everybody!
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    Goodmorning all, I am somewhat new here! I see that my fitness pal is recommended quite a bit from the beachbody forums so I thought I would come check it out! I am currently finishing up week 7/classic, I did leg and back today! Calorie wise I have been eating between 2100-2400 calories as the p90x nutrition guide suggest. (carbs and protein are pertty balanced, fat is on target) However, no weight loss for me!! It bugs me so I hope you all can help me out! Today I burned 673 calories, with that workout I can eat slightly ove 2000 calories today according to this website! I have tried to eat less than 2000 calories before, but I will crash if I do! I will not have enough energy to get through the day. So for all you guys and galls that are loosing can you tell me what you have been doing to see some weight loss? I have been considering to take some kind of fat burner, do you have any goood one in mind? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Oh and yes I feel good, but my pants feel the same!!

    This is what I drink:
    Supplements: p90x recovery drink
    whey protein shake
    lots of water!!
    Plus my meals that are perty balanced, except for yesterday!!

    It's whats in those 2000 calories. To burn fat, less Carbs and more protien (not more then body weight) The second time I did P90X i did phase 1 for only 2 weeks and the rest of the program in phase 2. I never went to Phase 3 diet because of the high carbs. Cut out as much sugar and man made carbs as possible.
    You'll be suprised how much fat you lose. Get your carbs from Fruit and vegitables. I use the Recovery drink too. I'm a coach so I use many products. It taste great but it too has alot of sugar. I'll now only have a recovery drink if a workout absolutly wipes me out.
    Try a lowfat chocolate milk for a recover drink too.

    Bottom line is to try and limit you sugar and man made carbs. You'll shed the fat. Talk with your coach too.

    Book suggestion - Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson

    I appreciate your response!! When you say not to eat more protien than you weight, If I weigh 165, I need not to eat more than 165 grams of protien? I am not sure if i do it this way, if I will eat enough calories without adding higher calorie carbs from bread for example! but I will play with it and see what I can do! I have see that book mentioned twice, i will look it up!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I appreciate your response!! When you say not to eat more protien than you weight, If I weigh 165, I need not to eat more than 165 grams of protien? I am not sure if i do it this way, if I will eat enough calories without adding higher calorie carbs from bread for example! but I will play with it and see what I can do! I have see that book mentioned twice, i will look it up!

    Correct. Your mfp food tracker will let you know how many grams of protein you've been taking in.
  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Hey everyone :) Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I sure did :) I did Yoga X yesterday morning and then got my butt in gear preparing a feast. I did so well in the eating department too, thank goodness. I stayed within my calories and enjoyed a little bit of everything I prepared.

    Today I did Legs & Back and ARX.

    I can't believe it's been 12 days already...seriously.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Day 24 DONE ... got my Kenpo X on !!! I am loving this DVD more and more everytime I do it. I am supposed to do Stretch X tomorrow but man I really want to do Kenpo again LOL

    I just looked at my schedule and I think I am going to switch Yoga and Core Syn as it is so hard for me to do 90 minutes of Yoga on a work night.

    Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE P90X?
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE P90X?

    This is from my blog:

    You know you're hooked on P90X when...

    You do X Stretch stretches standing at the fax machine at work.
    You have to get your daily P90X infomercial fix.
    You Google for P90X blogs
    You spend a Sunday afternoon looking at P90X Youtube videos of testimonials and workouts.
    You know off the top of your head that you’ll be on day 69 of your program the day you go on vacation.
    You order ANOTHER P90X t-shirt.
    You got a P90X sticker for your car; your precious car.
    You start to walk around touching your abs. Your abs…not your stomach!!!
    You think that maybe you should start selling tickets for your gun show. Hey Tony!
    You know that Tony Horton’s birthday is July 2nd.
    You don’t know what “diamonds of gold” are, but whatever they are you want them.
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey X-rs :) I'm back in LA. It was really important for me to be in ABQ with that side of my family, and I flew back late Wednesday night to spend thanksgiving with my LA family (including my little brother, who's usually on tour with a band and HAPPENED to be in LA yesterday instead of a random motel in Rhode Island eating cup-o-noodles like last year).

    I had every intention of doing Kenpo X in ABQ, but I ended up going on a 4 hour hike with some cousins, up to 8100 ft altitude--these sea-level lungs were BEAT. After which I decided I could skip Kenpo guilt free, even though I love it. I was wiped. And yesterday I admit I didn't do Stretch X, but I did start Thanksgiving morning with a 5k for charity--a tradition of mine the past few years.

    Today I celebrated our grand American tradition of Black Friday by FINALLY buying a heart rate montior! YAY!!! Did Core Synergistics and sadly my burn wasn't as high as I would've liked, which is good to know. But I'm feeling good, back on track, and very excited to see what my Yoga burn is tomorrow (probably also lower than I thought... but knowledge is power...)

    Happy 26!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thursday, I subbed a 3 mile run for stretch x. I really needed the extra cal burn. I took yesterday as my rest day - I drive around for work and it was our first snow storm of the year. I was a bit tense from driving on ice all day and opted to just do 30 min of low impact aerobics with my mom. I'm off today and will do cardio x and my workout with mom. Tomorrow's yoga x and I'll be back on track for Mon. Hopefully, I'll sqeeze another run in this weekend.

    I believe thostia post 499. This post will lock at 500 posts. Make sure to look for the part 2.
  • ecp2698
    ecp2698 Posts: 267 Member
    Thursday, I subbed plyo for stretching, I really wanted to go running but I had the two kids and had to do something before going to Thanksgiving dinner. I felt better, having the extra calories. Core was yesterday, it went well, considering I have a pretty bad cold. Today is yoga, I am tempted to go running instead of it but I am kind of into it now, since I feel like I am getting stronger and it is more fun to do the moves if you're stronger. :)

    Phase one, just about done!!