Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I saw my goal weight on the scale this morning!!! It was the second time I stepped on and so it may not be entirely accurate, but it was nice to see the day before Thanksgiving. :laugh: I imagine once I get back into exercising (I've been slacking horribly since I got back to town) that it will go up again. But at least now I know my December goals will be accurate.

    That's still pretty cool! I can't wait to be so close to my goal weight that I'm constantly frustrated. It seems miles away right now.

    GillianPinder, that's fantastic! Maybe this will give you the motivation you need to get up and burn those calories.

    Welcome anyone who's new; I've lost track by now. We've got so many newbie noms! Well, I'm exhausted, but my husband bought me a hot water bottle yesterday and besides it being super cute (it's wearing a sweater) it helped my sore muscles a lot. Going to just do some Jillian Michaels today and cook a pseudo-Thanksgiving meal for my husband and me.

    I have some really good (weight-loss) news as well. This seems to be the week for it! I ordered some new workout clothes this week. I left mine in Tenerife. Whoops. Long story, but I should've checked all the drawers. I still don't get why someone (my husband) would unpack a suitcase of just a few items and put them back in a drawer. So, until my parents-in-law (out-law) come back, I am missing my best sports bra, workout capris, one really pretty dressy top, and my favorite flattering black dress. Well, with c25k, you really need good clothes, so I ordered new, and I had to order a 16 (note, I am super frustrated because I've lost over 80 pounds now and the whole time I've been a sixteen. I am almost at a healthy weight and I'm still a frickin sixteen. It's starting to make me very angry.) Anyhoo, they sent me a 14 instead, in the bra and the leggings (those tight workout capris) and both fit, very well. I was shocked and couldn't stop looking in the mirror. All I can really say is FINALLY. Sheesh. It was a mistake on their part, but a very very happy one. So yip yip and good job everyone on the small victories. They keep us going.
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm about to tackle my first Turkey Trot in a couple hours! The turkey breast I'm making is happily slow roasting in the crock pot and after the run, healthy side dishes will be made and a reasonable amount of calories will be consumed! Like I said! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • cocodp
    cocodp Posts: 164
    Morning All! I'm a non-Mom from Toronto and would love to join your group. Everyone around me has kids and as much as I love them and their kids when it comes to talking about weightloss I get the eyeroll and told politely that I don't need to worry about that because I didn't have kids...urgh.

    For exercise I'm doing the C25K because I really wanted to complete a 5K by running it and not walking it. I just started Tuesday and completed 2 days. I'm actually looking forward to doing day 3 tonight.

    My motiviation right now is that I'm turning 40 on Saturday and it's a wake up call for me. I need to feel healthy and want to do so much before I can no longer do anything.

    Anyway, just looking for support and motivation and would love to join this thread :)
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    I decided to weight in this morning (normal weigh in is on Fridays). I'm down another 2.4lbs! Now to maintain this for the day with all the lovely Thanksgiving food around ...

    Thanks for everyone's support!
  • nolafitchick
    nolafitchick Posts: 46 Member
    Anyhoo, they sent me a 14 instead, in the bra and the leggings (those tight workout capris) and both fit, very well. I was shocked and couldn't stop looking in the mirror. All I can really say is FINALLY.

    Woohoo!! Congrats!!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    looks like everyone is doing awesome! Any new goals? I may have to change my goal, instead of burning 600 calories three times a week, i changed my calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week...i hate setting goals just so you know...I have no idea about mini goals or how much weight i should lose by christmas, so i might be slightly spazzy about them...sorry if it's irritating...i'm just plugging along and it seems to be working...HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL MY AMERICAN FRIENDS!! I'll be thinking of you while i sit at work staring at the freezing cold winter...
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Well, I hope everyone is having a good Thanksgiving! It's been pretty quiet here today, so I'll assume you are. We had turkey, stuffing, green beans, mushrooms, and my husband had regular mashed potatoes. I didn't, but I made a version of sweet potato casserole for myself. It was yummy and not too bad for me. I made my husband eat some (oh, the power of nagging) because he was determined to hate it. He's never heard of such a thing! Anyway, he loved it and said he prefers sweet potatoes as dessert now. Yes, that is a smug look on my face, thanks for noticing. Just remember, ladies, and gents, if you overdid it, well that's today, isn't it? Tomorrow is a whole new adventure. Have a wonderful evening everyone and I will ramble to you all tomorrow (weigh in day!)

    As for new goals, I think I just need to push myself and get to a healthy weight by the end of this year. I think if I start next year at a healthy weight, it will make a huge difference on my (pessimistic) attitude. I haven't been at a healthy weight since I was about 12 years old, but I am definitely on my way.
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    I hit my original goal weight a couple weeks ago (I only wanted to lose 20lbs cuz that's all I thought I'd ever be able to manage:tongue: ), and decided to push for another 10 lbs. So I've been working out and eating well, and I'll be darned if I weigh myself and the blasted number doesn't change :grumble: But, before I get upset about what my nemesis the scale is telling me, I decide to try on some clothes I haven't been able to squeeze into for over 4 years (well I could squeeze into them with the help of some vaseline or crisco... :laugh: )

    Holy cow - they fit!!!! A month ago they almost fit but were still a little too snug around the waist or hips or the buttons on the shirt looked like they were about to pop off :tongue: Well, even tho the scale has not budged, apparently my waist & Hips have :happy: I plan on having my fiance measure me when he gets home from work to "see" the change; especially my chest since I had to put my bra on the last hooks yesterday and it was still too loose!

    So, my BIL confirmed that I'm building muscle quicker than I'm losing fat which is actually quite good (he's an ex-body builder & PFT); he reminded me that the scale is just a number that doesn't mean too much once your body goes into the burn and lean stage. So for all NonMoms that haven't seen a change in the scale, pull out a tape measure or try on some clothes you kept hidden in the back of your closet that you never thought you'd get into but kept just in case (we all have those!): you just mite surprise yourself and find that you're leaner than before and whatever it is that you're doing is paying off :happy:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member

    of course, you're a perma-non mom...

    smirk...perma-non-mom...! :laugh:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    psycho-lady specialty

    why does this scare me? :wink:

    be very afraid...

    she definitely rocks it out, but she is in*sane*! it's a love/hate relationship for sure... :tongue:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    ...i'm just plugging along and it seems to be working...

    best advice ever, so thanks! do what works - i'll try to remember that when i start getting obsessive!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Anyhoo, they sent me a 14 instead, in the bra and the leggings (those tight workout capris) and both fit, very well. I was shocked and couldn't stop looking in the mirror. All I can really say is FINALLY.

    YAY for you! i know that made you feel on top of the world! i'm still waiting to drop from a 16 too, though i'm pretty sure your size 16 is smaller than my american 16! you could probably be wearing size 10's over here! congrats to you!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Anyhoo, they sent me a 14 instead, in the bra and the leggings (those tight workout capris) and both fit, very well. I was shocked and couldn't stop looking in the mirror. All I can really say is FINALLY.

    YAY for you! i know that made you feel on top of the world! i'm still waiting to drop from a 16 too, though i'm pretty sure your size 16 is smaller than my american 16! you could probably be wearing size 10's over here! congrats to you!

    I was a size 16 when I left Ohio. (Let us not forget I am actually American.) People think there is a huge difference over here, but they are battling the same problems as the states (of course, on a slightly smaller scale) and I do think a 16 is a 16. I was excited though. I got a little silly and just stared at myself. Everything is finally starting to get loose though, even my tightest pair of jeans, and I tried some 14s on at H&M and they were pretty tight, but not uncomfortably so. For a while there, I was really starting to worry that I'd be a 16 forever. I know it sounds silly, but I want to be able to buy normal sizes in clothing!

    My weigh-in was yesterday and I am down another 3 pounds. My BMI is now in the 25s so I am inching ever closer to that healthy weight range. We're going out to eat tonight, at an Italian place and I will be having the spaghetti and meatballs. It is so ridiculously good. Of course, I have to have a glass of red wine with that! I'm going to do a Jillian workout today, and my husband and I are going to take a walk on the Long Walk, so hopefully I'll have burned off enough. I'm going to eat until I'm satisfied, but slowly, and not until I'm stuffed. The bowls of spaghetti at this place are huge! I hope everyone has a good weekend! How are we all doing and what are we all doing?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Going down a size is still going down a size regardless of where you are. It's a great accomplishment. I'm back up after briefly seeing goal. I haven"t been tracking food or working out. Stupid vacation. Oh well, I'll get back on track and be smokin' hot by Christmas unless I get a positive pregnancy test this week. I would so much rather take that... But I'm not going to hold my breath on that. LOL
  • Hello All Nom noms! Wow it's been a busy week!

    After re-evaluating my goals I would like to change my goal of 145lbs by the end of December to 155lbs . To hit 155 would be a ten pound loss which I think is a heck of alot more reasonable.

    I hope your all doing well!
  • lindasain
    lindasain Posts: 163 Member
    Hi I am a new non mom.. I had two but they died years ago.. so I think I fit here. I gained a pound this week but not too bad..
  • nsulli
    nsulli Posts: 18
    Rynatat, congratulations. What a great feeling to measure and know you are leaner. Keep going; never give up. Those clothes you saving will get to be too big!!! :-)
  • nsulli
    nsulli Posts: 18
    I found the group. I'm so excited. Thanks, Ickybella, for going back to the old site and posting for those of us who were lost. I really had a difficult time with the blog. Glad to be back.
    Well, I've been working out. Lots of running in prep for the Disney marathon in January. However, I have NOT posted anything I've eaten, and boy, did I pack in the food for Thanksgiving. I think I actually gained back 2 lbs, but it"s not my official weigh in yet and I ran another 9 miles today.
    My goal this week will be to get back to posting my food intake. That seemed to help for me. Anyone else finding you eat out of control if not posting what you eat? This is a real challenge for me.
  • nsulli
    nsulli Posts: 18
    Just curious. Is anyone planning to run any of the races on Disney marathon weekend in January?
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    Hi Everyone.:flowerforyou:

    I fit this non-mom kids and my weight issues are from bad eating habits. I just finished my weekly weigh in and was pleasantly surprised to see I was down a pound. That's wonderful after a very FULL thanksgiving.:happy:
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