Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Good morning all!

    No time for personals today, but hope everyone is doing well. I'll be going to my first Pilates class today and am looking forward to seeing what it's all about. After 3 days of Cardio/Weights/Stretch, I have quite a few sore muscles that should benefit from the class.

    Tomorrow morning I'm on my way to Boston to spend the weekend with my youngest daughter. What a treat and totally worth leaving the warmer temps at home. I'll do my best stay within my calorie goal which shouldn't be too hard since she's a very healthy eater and probably has a fridge full of yogurt. I know we'll eat out a few times and I'll just do as I always do and either pick a very healthy option or if that's not available, get the next best thing and eat half of it at most.

    Have a great day!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Tuesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch class DONE
    Thursday - Pilates class
    Friday - Rest day
    Saturday - Lots of walking in Boston
    Sunday - Some walking/Rest Day
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Conference call went well yesterday, we are in the early stages of a major upgrade to our accounting software (last upgrade was 2005) – lots of questions answered and now we are more in the know about why it’s been so sluggish. Still a long way to go with this upgrade, but made it over the first major hurdle. It did run long though – was supposed to be 30-45 minutes and it was over 90 minutes. Know what that means? Yep, no session with trainer again yesterday. Ugh! :explode: Then, of course, it was late – so stopped at Jimmy John’s for a sandwich, didn’t realize it until I got home but they gave me the wrong sandwich. It surprised me, they’ve never done that before and they know me (I always order the same thing) – also told them Dijon mustard and no mayo. The Dijon was there but so was the mayo, scraped off as much as I could but it was still a fat killer. So I was way over on calories/fat for the day. :grumble:

    @L2T~Good luck with Pilates today, enjoy! Enjoy your trip to Boston – I’ll be thru there for a cruise in October.

    @Haley~Great job yesterday with your workout!

    @Laurie~my grandmother was an insulin dependent diabetic (one reason I started this weight loss journey also), she was on two forms of insulin and checked her blood sugar about six times a day. She self-regulated her dosage as well – dialing up what she needed based on what her blood sugar was. She got it down to a science eventually. I hope you and your mom can get your dad regulated soon, so there is less guess work – I’m sure with the new insulin pens there is a learning curve.

    @Helena~I’m sorry for the frustrations with your grandmother, I wish that I could offer some advice. Remember, she could be really anxious about your mother’s health and one reason she seems more demanding/critical than usual. Hang in there.

    AFM~This has been such a weird week, nothing has gone right. At least my boss and I are talking again (although he never apologized). :indifferent: Thankfully its Thursday, just one more day to go and then I can decompress this weekend. :wink: Not sure what the rest of this week will be like - trainer already canceled for tonight (urge to throttle him right now :mad: :sad: ). He said we'll try for tomorrow or Saturday - those are his normal days off, so I don't see it happening. Time will tell I suppose. Hopefully, I will get out of here on time today and can get some semblence of a workout in.

    I'm sorry to be such a downer this week - I never have weeks like this. Truthfully, I'd like to go back to Sunday and start over. :wink:
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    GHDC= 2.35 miles 19 days in a row > 2 miles.

    “Twenty years from now, you’ll be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than the ones you did.” ~Mark Twain

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday Truth - I am feeling a bit better after my venting sessions all week long. The plumbers are back today finishing up. They ended up having to jack hammering my floors right outside of the kitchen, down the hall and through the foyer, into the laundry room and finally stopping in my 1st bathroom. They laid new pipes yesterday filled with gravel and soil. Today their goal is to reconnect the kitchen sink and dishwasher and pour concrete. I am not sure if I will have use of my washer dryer but it looks like I will have use of my kitchen again. :happy: My husband finally got hold of an insurance adjuster. Someone should come out at some point to access the situation and let us know what will be covered. My plumbers have been so nice and helpful. They keep letting me know when they do something and reminding me to take pictures. They also saved all the piping for me so I can show the insurance adjuster when he/she visits. Speaking to my dad yesterday really helped keeping me from breaking down completely. He kept reminding me that this is something that has to be done, there is no way around it and once it is done I will not have to worry about it again. I love my dad for always being my voice of reason. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks everyone for the kind words on my plumbing issues. It really means a lot to me.

    GHDC - I have been slacking on my protein intake. :blushing: But with good reason. With all of the commotion going on in my house I have not been focusing on my protein. Part of the reason is not having use of the kitchen has been causing me to try to use limited amounts of things that need washing by hand. My bathroom sinks are shallow which makes washing things like my blender a bit challenging. I did try washing the blender in the bathtub a few times but that was just a PIA and frustrating. I met my goal on Monday but didn't even come close Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Yesterday I went a little "wild" and weighed in on a non weigh in day for me. :wink: It was a 2.2 lb loss. I didn't dawn on me until everyone began congratulating me that I reached a 25 lb loss! I began thinking about it. I am only 2 lbs away from losing exactly what I lost my first time on MFP. It probably sounds silly but I am really excited about that. I will be even more excited when I pass that 27 lb mark. My first time on here it took me 5 1/2 months to shed those 27 lbs. This time I did 25 in 4 months. I attribute it to already knowing what to do and having the confidence that I can do this because I did it once before. I am really proud of myself for coming back and being successful.

    Lives - Congrats on finding the classes. I love how excited you are about it. LOL at the carrot cake comment. (I love carrot cake too!) Hope you have a good time in Boston!

    Rainandwood - Absolutely. These little changes are actually big things in the long run. You should be very proud of yourself. Best of luck to you on the exam!

    RobinB - Don't the black bean burgers look really good? I have all of the ingredients in the house to make them except for the zucchini. I definitely am going to try making those once I have kitchen usage again and pick up zucchini.

    Kah - Sorry to hear you are still in a bit of a funk over the issue with your boss. I have had a boss do that to me before and it was a really horrible experience. I hope things get better for you soon. Sorry to hear your trainer cancelled again. I can imagine how frustrating that is for you. Hopefully he can make it up this weekend for you.

    Kitties are the best medicine aren't they? I was snuggling in bed last night with Harvest Moon and this morning with Misti. LOL to Zoe and the window. I vote for getting another kitty but that is partially because I would really love to bring a 3rd into my home. Though I probably shouldn't because Harvest Moon is really a 1 cat kind of gal. I think a 3rd may set her over the edge. She tolerates Misti but hisses at her several times a day. :ohwell:

    ushkii - Sorry to hear your niece is in the hospital. I hope she feels better soon and is home in no time. Those all your can eat type places are dangerous indeed. I have not been to one since starting MFP again. I don't think I would be able to control myself if I did go to one.

    Welcome Mary! Jump right in an join us. :flowerforyou:

    Hansea - I bet you have some interesting stories from working at urgent care. What you said is very similar to what my dad told me. Thank you for trying to point out the positive in my nightmare. It it wrong that I am a little bit hopeful that the insurance company gives us a lot more than we need to repair our house so I can put in the cherry wood hardwood floors that I have been dreaming about since we bought the house?!!! I told my husband and he just rolled his eyes at me. :wink: Honestly, I never really liked the flooring that went through my halls and foyer. It was on the one of the many things we wanted to do to make our house even better. We just never though we would have to replace them due to something like this. But I suppose it's a good thing that we didn't replace the floors and then have to have all this work done. That would have really sucked!

    Camille - Wahoo for getting in the walking. Today is warming up for us too. We will reach a high of 45. Compared to the weather and all the snow we have been getting it feels like summer to me! I am house bound again today so I plan on working in the garage and get some more seeds planted.

    I have been there before with snacking after I finish logging. When that happens to me I go back and log it the next day. I try to remember instances such as those for next time I feel like doing something like that. It helps me to keep focused.

    Alupinsk - I am super excited for you to meet your 100 lb mark! It will be here before you know it.

    Jacquie - Welcome! 100 lbs is a crazy number when you place a lot of emphasis on it. I find it helps to focus on small increments rather than the entire loss. It makes this journey more bearable and less stressful. IMO. I wish you the best of luck!

    Karen - Brian is actually dealing with the insurance people and I am the one dealing with the plumbers. I couldn't imagine having to deal with them as well. I certainly would be crying daily by now if I did. We had a flood when we first bought the house. Brian reminded me it took them about 5-7 days before we heard anything. IMO that is not the way to do business. But unfortunately that is how our company operates. It is a lot of repetitive calling over and over until you actually get someone.

    Tanya - I sent you a Fitbit request. If anyone else has Fitbit and would like to add me feel free. Here is my link:

    Helena - I am so sorry to hear that you are going through that right now. It really sounds like a miserable situation for you to be in. I am guessing that it causes stress and tension in the house which is not good for your mom when she is trying to heal. As uncomfortable as it may be, perhaps you should confront your grandmother. Or maybe your mom can speak to her and nicely tell her that while her intentions are from a good place she needs to leave the parenting to her. Is it possible that your grandmother does not realize what she is doing? I wish you the best. I can imagine how difficult it is for you.

    Laurie - Our stories with our dads are very similar. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes within the last year or so. It runs on his side of the family. My paternal grandmother lost her vision due to it. My Godfather, dad's cousin, lost his leg to complications from it. Both have since passed. I really don't want to go down the same path that my family members have. I had a long chat with my doctor prior to restarting MFP. Like you, it is a huge concern.

    Hayley - Sounds like you had a great workout with your trainer! Keep up the fantastic work.
  • Helenavee42
    Thursday truth: I purposefully broke Paleo the other night. Why you ask? Well we had what my family calls North Carolina BBQ. We call it that because my great grandma and pops who were from a native american reservation in NC used to make this all the time when they moved to Baltimore and that's what they called it. It's just a pork shoulder roast covered in tobasco. Now that's not the paleo break here. You are supposed to put it on a bun (grains), I only used half a bun. We also had macaroni shrimp salad, more grains plus mayo which had soybean oil and soy is a legume. Tuesday I did have some stomach issues but by Wednesday I was ok again.

    @JNettie- I hope the insurance covers the damage and repair costs. :ohwell: I'm glad we've never had anything major happen to our house that our insurance or my uncle didn't cover.

    @Ushkii- Keep it up!

    @Robin- So sorry to hear about your continued health problems. I hope your second opinions go well and that everything gets figured out and taken care of properly.

    @Laurie- Gald to hear your dad got to go home. Parents/older people tend to be hard headed and want to do things on their own. My mom is finally realizing that there is a lot she just can't do by herself anymore no matter how hard she tries.

    @Kah- No fun to having a weird week. I've had times where I had weeks like those. I hope the rest of the week/weekend is much better!

    To all the newlings Welcome!

    Thanks to all the concerns with my situation with my grandma. She has been like this for my entire life. If it just had to deal with everything going on with my mom I would be a lot more understanding, but what she says to me and how she treats me is nothing new. My mom is upset with the way she treats me too. She doesn't understand it either. The only time I ever confronted her on this was right before we moved here and when the confrontation happened she just went to her room and pouted for hours and when she came out she wouldn't talk to me or even look at me. She knows what she is doing, she apologized after my grandfathers funeral for not loving or treating me the same as they treated my sisters. The only time she gets on to my sister is when I'm around and it always starts or ends with me, or if she stuck up for me. I want to be there for my mom but I really don't know how much longer I can be in the same house with her.

    Ok question time: If anyone has had a professional massage how unclothed do you have to get? We got massage gift cards for christmas from our boss and I was thinking about waiting til I got down to 250lbs to go and get it as a reward but lately I have been thinking I really need one because my neck and back has been pretty sore. I'm just not sure how comfortable I would be with the removal of a lot of clothes. That's another reason I thought I'd wait til 250 I might be a little more comfortable. Thanks for the help!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Robin, thanks! That's what I plan on doing. There is nothing physically wrong with me except my weight. I'm as healthy as a horse. I'm going to keep up my exercising anyways. Ohh! Robin hugs! This has been going on for so long. It would wear anyone down. Keep going!

    Thanks Kah, I'm totally going to keep it up. You'd think the doctor would be better at it, with how many overweight people he sees. Maybe he is desensitized. Sorry about the HR director... what a crappy way to begin the week. I hate it when the boss does something like that and then they're to blind or stubborn to fix it. It's their job to set the tone for the workplace. I get the same way when something happens at work.

    RobinB, that's very sad and I'm sorry for your loss. And yep, totally going to ignore him.

    Thanks for the running advice Hansea. I don't expect to be amazing... I just want to be able to do it. :)

    Thanks Nettie, I can kinda understand where he is coming from, but he doesn't understand where I am. I'll just need to prove that I can keep my calories under control AND exercise. Sorry about your brother. I think he knows he should of done it and was embarrassed. Guys can be weird. Still not really acceptable. :grumble: Some things we shouldn't let slide... Crap! Nettie! That's a kind of nightmare. And once they finish trashing (fixing) the place, you'll have to put it all back together.

    Susan, the dancing WAS fun. We took ballroom classes for 8 weeks a couple of years ago. But right now between the kids activities and my work its to hard to schedule it again. But we WILL do it again. I love spending my time with just him sometimes. :love: lol!

    Welcome yarncrazy! LittleLula! Tanya! toomanireasons! Mary!
    Lula, my coworker made on of those on the floor of his house for ganpati! It was awesome.

    Thanks KarenL, he's a tool alright. :laugh: Sorry that's been floating through my head for a week now and had to say it. No, I do need to respect the help the clinic will give me (and I don't have to pay for. :wink: ) The good should outweigh anything else.

    Thanks skinnyjeanz! I think I have some perspective on it... took me a week, since he took me by surprise. Sorry about your computer... I really hate it when I lose my personals... they take forever to get together. :flowerforyou:

    Kaye, I'm sorry for your loss. I like that saying " you can't outrun your fork." lol! that's great.:laugh:

    Laurie, I have to stretch... I get nasty calf cramps if I don't. I do try to be careful. But I think I'm ready to start it up. I find myself jogging or running when I need to get somewhere faster and I wouldn't do that 50lb ago. I like how it feels! :happy: Great job making it back into the gym. The weather where you are sounds really rough this year. It's great that your Dad is doing well enough to come home. They could've of given you some notice though.

    Alupinsk, thanks! I hope the guy you're seeing is really nice.

    Rainandwood, good luck on your exam!!

    I'll be honest I'm still not caught up but I'm running out of morning and want to go play with my 3 yr old. So have a better day everyone because it sounds like a pretty rough week for most of us!!! The kids went fishing with Dad on Monday and I got a ME day. I DID NOTHING!!!!! (ok besides Zumba and going to work, but still...) My youngest caught her first fish, but daddy had to release it. I'm doing great, I volunteered at my middle's K- class on monday and got to watch Robert Munsch puppet shows. I also made borscht and sent my oldest to school in his ukrainian outfit for culture day on the same day. He did great on his presentation. The kids in the class actually liked it (die of shock) and I got very little back. :sad: Signed the kidlets up for soccer. My youngest is now old enough to play. There is nothing funnier than watching 3yr olds play soccer. :love:
    She is SO excited. I'm a bit crabby and stressed this week. But doing ok. Positive thoughts out to everyone!!!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've been around reading, but haven't posted in a few days. As far as GHD challenge, I have been doing great on getting some exercise every day, only doing fair on the water.
    Again I'm having to rely on memory for personals. Robin, I'm so sorry that your health problems are not going away.
    Helena, I am very sorry about the situation with your grandmother. I can't even imagine treating anyone that way, much, less a grandchild.
    Nettie, sorry about your plumbing woes. We are smelling sewer gas in one area of the house. I have no idea where its coming from, so I guess I will have to call the plumber.
    I'm so impressed by those who have lost nearly 100# in less than a year. I lost 80# in the first year and feel really good about that. Someone was asking about when they should readjust their calories to lose more slowly, and begin to move toward maintenance. I think that is really an individual decision. I did that in January. I am feeling good physically, and also pretty good about how I look. I have lost a little more than one third of my starting weight. I know that maintenance is going to be a huge challenge for me, so I decided to slow down my loss and try to move in that direction. I have been fluctuating between 175 & 178 since November. I am now fluctuating between 176 & 174.4, so I feel like I am making some progress and I'm okay with that. I only want to lose about 20 more pounds.
    Thanks to all of you for being here for me. Your journey inspires me, and it helps to have a place where I can share my successes and failures. People who are not going through this don't want to hear about it.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Still struggling to find time for a real post, but at least I'm keeping up with you guys. I have 18 outlines to finish which isn't a big deal but I really want to go to the gym after school, so trying to get through most of them during my lunch and opens. I pormise to catch up more thoroughly later. :smile:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    19/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 32/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (meeting ran late)
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • kbeatty1015
    kbeatty1015 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm with you, unfortunately:( I had a stroke in August of 2011 and I've steadily gained weight until now. Mobility is an issue for me. I have a paralyzed left arm and walk with a can very slowly. My exercise is limited to very slow walking and and low impact exercise. I'm down since Christmas. My goal is to be down 100 by the end of October for a cruise that my family is going on. My weight loss is going to be lost by mainly food intake at this point and I feel like I've got a pretty good handle on that right now .
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone. Thank you for all of the well wishes and support. This group is AMAZING.

    Had a rough day yesterday. I was going on 5 hours of sleep because of my exam, and had an EXTREMELY hard time keeping on track with my eating. Part of the problem is that I'm on a 16 a week meal plan, so I eat two thirds of my meals in an all you can eat buffet. I didn't go wild, but if missing out on sleep makes me that hungry (I would have never noticed before, since I would have eaten to my heart's desire!) I guess I should definitely make it a priority.

    So sorry to hear about everyone's medical troubles this week. I can't imagine how hard that must be. Hugs from California!

    - Rain (Laura)
  • jacquiearchambault
    I love chocolate and sweet carbs! Please help me. LOL
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Drive by /hugs and <3

    Read about half the new thread, will finish it up tomorrow!

    Miss you guys a LOT!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just checking in so I don't lose my check-in streak! :) Busy tonight! Argh! :)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    mrocka - Welcome
    humbleheart - Nice walk, WTG!
    jacquiearcham - Welcome and good luck, you are in a good place here.
    Tanya - I too keep floating around 10-15 lbs. I have a goal this time to be able to fint in an airplain seat with out an extender. I am back on tranck and this is a good place to be, such a great group of people.
    Helen - Hope you are on a brighter path with you grandma, some family relations can be hard to deal with.
    MyM0wM0W - Well hello!

    Today is going good, taking my neice home form the hospital so I don't know where dinner will be. I hope to go home where I can control it more. drinking my water!

    A: Under Cal. goal 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days

    Mon: Under/ no walk
    Tue: Over/ walked
    Wed : Under/ No walk
    Thur : /Waked
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - I'm not happy. I know I posted an update with a whole list of personals and its not there anymore. I swear it was there before I left off. I'll be back when I have more time. HATE that.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I have a really hard time meeting my protein goal,and it's only 20%, but today I ate 130g!!! I usually struggle to get 85g per day, so this is unheard of! I also drank 14 cups of water today, another milestone. Wow, I had to pee a lot lol. I got weighed at physio (scale weighs different than mine) but am down 5 lbs from 2 or 3 weeks ago, and my body fat % dropped by .5% Yay!

    Helena- that's funny you ask about derobing for a massage. I wondered the same thing when I went for the first time last week. The RMT asked what area I wanted her to focus on, which was my lower back. She then told me to take everything off above the waist, lay face down on the table under the sheet. She worked down to my hips/glutes too and just pulled my pants down at the back lol. I was quite self conscious at first but then the massage completely relaxes you and then you don't really care what's exposed.

    Nettie- what a nightmare... I have had issues with flooding and sewage backups in the basement (unfinished thankfully), I also could not use the water for a few weeks so I have an idea of what you are going through. The resulting improvements to your home, and peace of mind are the greatest reward for all the trouble.

    It's now thundering and lightning here, which looks really weird with the foot of snow. Lots of rain coming tonight, I had to clear snow away from one side of the house where there is a crack in the foundation. Again, thankful for the unfinished basement... and why it remains unfinished.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Helena- I do get professional massages and you can undress to your level of comfort. They don’t touch your breast ( I do remove my bra, it makes the back easier to work on and feels great) and they can massage the glutes through the sheets so you can leave your underwear on if you desire ( I tend to). They use sheets and blankets to keep you covered and the drape methods only expose the area they are working on at that time. When you turn over, the hold the sheet up so they don’t see anything. Enjoy your massage, I love getting one and it is very relaxing. You can also tell them the level of pressure that you want so they can go deeper or ease off a bit.

    Kbeatty- Welcome to the group.

    Kaye- I hear you about floating between a couple of weights, I tend to that often. Congrats on being so close to your goal.

    MyMowMow- Hi there welcome back and I hope all is well.

    Karen- I hope you finish those outlines.

    Hayley-Great trainer workout. It is awesome when they kick out butts.

    Kelley- I hope your week and weekend get better and that your trainer comes through with a workout on his days off.

    This week I am having fun watching my 8th graders teach the class. Last week they were working on projects where they had to create a lesson on a specific topic. They were given the standard and some materials they could either use or ignore. Today they started the presentations, currently they are simple power points but I hope they get better and more creative with a variety of activities. The benefit is I do not have to teach-only monitor and plant a few questions among the other students. This is an experiment for us but the kids are thriving with this project.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys:flowerforyou:

    @laurie--great to hear that your students are doing a great job teaching-it truly is a great way for them to learn. My AP students are currently working on PPT presentations and will be teaching most of next week--each group teaches a novel/play for about half the class period (20 min). Then in a few weeks they will all have to work in groups to analyze long poems that they will then teach to the class. That one ends up being much more creative, and they teach for the entire 44 minute class period.

    @tanya--great job with the protein and water. If you continue to drink that mount of water the constant peeing will stop. :laugh: But if you then have a day where you drink less, you have to start from scratch.

    @ushkii--you are more than halfway to your goals for the week! :drinker:

    @kris--hey there! :happy:

    @nettie--I will be curious to hear if your insurance covers any of the plumbing. I know mine sure wouldn't--it would be considered household upkeep. If it does, I want to know what carrier you use!

    @kelley--sorry you've had a rough week, but like you said--it's almost over now. :flowerforyou:

    Wow, so many others I wanted to comment on, but I need to get a few more things finished up before bed. :ohwell:

    AFM--I've made good progress on the outlines. I only have 9 left which I can reasonably finish during my open and study hall tomorrow if I decide to pack it up for the evening. There's still a chance I will crank out a few more tonight, but I needed a break.

    Still meeting my protein goal and even made it to the gym for a quick half hour on the elliptical. Tomorrow I'm going to a fundraiser to benefit JDRF. It's with some work friends in the city, and we are going straight from school. There will be food there though I'm not sure what. Hopefully, I will be able to find something healthy. Unfortunately, bar appetizers are rarely high in protein, but I'll do my best. If only Captain Morgan had a high protein content. :laugh:

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    19/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. 41/50 JRP outlines
    2. re-read Great Gatsby DID MORE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE (meeting ran late)
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner+ gym (circuit training + HIIT)
  • Little_Lula
    My Thursday truth is this....I want to live!!! I want to be healthy..yes....but I want to have a life! I want to achieve balance.All things in moderation is my new mantra...I will get there!
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all!

    Just a quick comment. Still sore from working out yesterday, but I feel GREAT!

    Also, I'm going on a mini-vacay this weekend to Missouri to see my college roommate. She's great, really supportive, and has been praying for me and keeping me on-goals for a few weeks now. She also has a membership at her YMCA, so I can go work out on Saturday, which I was planning on doing anyway and will be good after my 4 hour drive Friday!!! lol

    Anyway, Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I've been reading up on your posts and will catch up on personals soon.

    loves :love: