Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wednesday Wish - to have a really successful month.

    It was absolutely gorgeous here yesterday. I drove home from work with my roof open and windows cracked open. I was hoping Brian would be home when I got home because I was going to suggest going out for a walk. He wasn't so I decided to prep dinner and get that started. I don't know why I didn't just go by myself around the development when I got home. In hindsight I should have seized the opportunity.

    Robin - thanks so much. That was really sweet of you to say. I am still a Gilad, workout at home kind of gal. But I am enjoying getting outside in the fresh air. Once I get a little bit better with running I want to start riding my bike too. I really liked Brian's suggestion of riding to the park on running days. I am the type of person though who has to focus on one thing at a time. So I won't be doing that any time soon.

    One thing I certainly have learned during this process is anything is possible. I never imagined when starting this journey that my life and habits would change so much in a short period of time. When I think about it, it really blows my mind. I still have a long way to go until I reach my ultimate goals and my journey certainly isn't perfect. But I am pleased with my progress so far.

    Ushkii- wahoo on the planting. You will like having cilantro. I love having fresh herbs for cooking. I still have a few pepper seeds (spicy ones) that I have to start. I plan on planting them this week. All the seeds I planted so far are growing very nicely! I can't wait to get outside and prep the garden.

    Jenn - I know exactly what you mean when you say this group makes you realize you are not alone. I felt the exact same way when I first started out. While Brian is super supportive he cannot related like everyone in this thread can. This group is a true blessing.

    Hansea - that stinks about the laptop. If it makes you feel better, I spilled coffee on mine this past weekend and shorted out the keyboard. Brian found a replacement one which I ordered. In the meantime he plugged in an external keyboard to see if the whole thing was fried. It seems like everything is working. Keeping my fingers crossed the new keyboard works when it arrives.
    good choice about hiking to the gym!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Sorry for 2 posts. I am on the tablet and the keyboard stopped responding. Here are the rest of the personals.

    Kaye - Congrats on the loss. :smile:

    Josie- sorry to hear you couldn't get into your gym. That certainly is frustrating. Hopefully you. Don't have that problem again.

    RobinB- funny you said that about Fit it. I was wondering actually how this may change my stats. Even though I worked out 6 days a week and always wore Fit it I always felt my steps were low. Sounds like you had a fantastic workout with your son!

    Tayna- I have difficulty with jumping jacks as well. Gilad has a section of them in one of his cardio routines and it exhausts me. I refer to that workout as the dreaded one. Though sticking with it I have gotten much better at it. It still exhausts me though. :grumble:

    Laurie- I thought about that as well. I am going to shut off the other apps from running in the background to see if that helps. It was weird though because when I plugged it in the second time it showed at least 50% battery. Apple recently released an update so I downloaded that yesterday as well. I have not seen any updates from the app developers yet. I asked in the forums yesterday and someone else had the same problem as well.
    Just think, testing is almost done. I am really glad I don't have to deal with the testing aspect with my students. I really don't envy you there.

    skinny - thanks. That makes sense.

    Rain-Sorry to hear your run was rough and you were not feeling well.

    Cindy- welcome. I am an emotional ester too.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Someone posted this in the forums. How fun!
  • nickmonaco79
    nickmonaco79 Posts: 13 Member
    I am looking to lose 100Ibs, I should say I NEED to lose 100Ibs and I am going to!!
    Wondering if anyone can add me as a friend?
    I am very motivated and looking for others in my situation.

    I have lost over 60Ibs in the past but since having kids, etc (no excuses) I have gained it back plus!!

    Have a great day everyone, stay motivated!!!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @RobinB - I grew up south of you in Coral Gables. I too was born Pittsburgh, but moved south as a baby. I lived in Coral Gables until my senior year of HS when I moved to Charlotte NC. I've been here for almost 39 years. I loved growing up in FLA, but now can't imagine living without the change of seasons.

    @hansea - Jealous on the sleep. I sometimes have issues with sleep and especially when the time changes. It messes me up for a good week or so in the Fall and the Spring.

    @josie - Welcome! You've found a great place for support and inspiration.

    @skinnyjeanz - Hope your headache is gone and you're feeling better. Your shoes are a veritable rainbow. I need some new lighter ones for the gym and I think I'll channel you and pick out some colorful ones.

    @lauriek - Thanks for the perspective. I sometimes forget where I was just 9 months ago, how far I have come and how much better I feel.

    @sinvand - I can relate to the emotional eating. I ate when I was bored or sad or tired or whenever I needed comfort. I can tell you that the more you break out of that cycle, the easier it becomes. I've found that pre-logging my day the night before is very helpful. That way I don't have to think or make decisions when I'm having a bad day and can just refer to my plan.

    AFM, another cold, rainy day here. Yesterday was in the high 70s and just a Spring teaser. Can't wait for the real thing!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk
    Sunday - Rest Day
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~I’ve had a headache for a couple of days and am tired too, I think its our bodies adjusting to DST. I’ve been coming to work crazy early and working really long days to get everything done, it’s just brutal – but I see nap in my future on Saturday (i.e. 3-1/2 hour flight :wink: ).

    @Damensha and other newlings~It can be overwhelming at times to keep up with the posts, just respond when you can and don’t feel like you need to respond to everyone at once. Good luck with your doctor’s appt – hope you have fabulous lab results!

    @hansea~Way to go – biking to the gym and then working out. I hope the loss sticks!

    @Josie~Glad you were able to make it the gym after your chiro appointment, it’s frustrating when you really want to go but the schedule doesn’t allow for it.

    @rain~I’m sorry you felt ill during your run last night, that’s happened to me before and its usually the result of eating something too heavy beforehand. I hope that’s all it was and you aren’t coming down with something. Kudos for pushing through it.

    @Nettie~It was gorgeous here yesterday too, high was 86 – of course today’s high is in the 50s. Crazy weather! There was another iPhone update pushed out on Monday, if you updated your software you might update the app again (if you don't have yours set up to update apps automatically behind the scenes). Do you clear out the apps running in the background? That can really bog down the performance of the phone and run down the battery fast.

    Welcome to Cindy and Nick!

    AFM~Busy week, but just today and tomorrow to get through - I should get out of here early enough today for a session with my trainer though. I also hope I can leave on time tomorrow so I can get in some cardio, my boss could have some last minute things to go over though. My Wednesday wish is that I get more organized with packing and that I can somehow downsize my shoes! :embarassed: :blushing:

    March Challenge:

    1. 9/18 days 16 glasses of water or more
    2. 0/4 weeks of a new recipe (have one to share, need to make some time)
    3. 9/18 days at least 5 veggies and 2 fruit daily

    Exercise Goals:
    Sunday~Session with trainer DONE!
    Monday~Racquetball with trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~None (worked late)
    Wednesday~Session with Trainer
    Thursday~Cardio? (May have to work late)
    Friday~None (pedicure and pack!)
    Saturday~None (embark Ship!!!)
  • Hyzaarc
    Hyzaarc Posts: 67 Member
    I'm back after a long absence due to work, school, and travelling. Unfortunately, I've gained back everything I lost and then some. I signed up for WW Online as well as restarting MFP. This week is spring break and I've managed a loss of 2lbs so far. just by eating when I'm hungry and walking around outside.

    My Wednesday wish?
    Simply to not slip backwards to my heaviest weight of 275.
    (and eventually have my new laptop show up).

    3rd SW:275
    CW: 269
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed wish: That my fast food cravings would go away. I am making black bean burgers tonight and I hope they turn out the recipe calls for instant oats and I only old fashion oats.

    @Laurie- Love the picture from wedding. Hope you get some well needed rest.
    @Robinsegg- hope leg feels better. Good luck at the dentist
    @L2T- Congrats on your goal
    @Jnettie-Congrats on C25K! As for the cancer screen I am not sure I think your regular doctor refers you. I have to wait till April to discuss because that is a new insurance year for me. My mom told me about because she was told about it.
    @Morgori- Congrats on the steps and miles walked.
    @Ushkii- I find the same thing if I am busy not usually hungry.
    @Damensha- Best wishes on the labs and congrats on 25lbs lost.
    @JosieMom- Hawaii sounds so fun.
    @Karen- Headaches are the worst hope you feel better.
    @Kah- Any size 7 or 7 ½ shoes I will take them LOL. My son has more shoes than me think he has tennis shoe addiction.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Wed. Wish: that the weather would get warmer and we would have some spring weather. Yesterday, was gorgeous! Sunny and warm.(above freezing). Today, we are in a blizzard...and getting a lot of snow..temperatures are dropping fast and it's going to be really cold again. I'm stuck in the house, too treacherous to drive, so I'm doing 'bills'..."sigh"...
    Diet wise, I'm taking this time to make my new 'plan of attack' for eating the next few days. I had planned on taking my young, grandson bowling, but can't get to his house. The weather never cooperates on Wednesday's strange!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Yesterday turned into a rest day. I am sore and I have to lift again tonight. My legs hurt going down stairs and my upper body hurts all over. I hurt more today than yesterday. Tonight I will try to lift again. I may have started too much at once. I am going to try and work on the strength training but ease off the cardio. The flexibility would have been pretty easy if I was not so sore.

    “Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven’t half the strength you think they have.” ~Norman Vincent Peale

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: that everyone could have the beautiful spring weather that we are promised this week. I'm sorry that you are still having winter weather.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wednesday wish- CONSISTENCY!!!
    went to see the specialist at Health Canada for an assessment to return to work. she was not optomistic as she feels i am too depressed and have chronic pain. Although i am a nurse where i was working did not involve any real physical work so i dont thing it would be a problem. I told her i have worked for a long time with pain and learned that i can do whatever i have to do. Gotta wait and see what the cardiologist has to say on friday. Tried to walk yesterday but was too short of breath so i only managed 20 minutes. Gonna try again today cause it is so nice outside.
    If i am able to return to work that will mean i am not able to see my grandkids very much as they live in the next province but i would have less financial stress so i am torn between trying to return or not. If i return i have to be able to work 2 jobs lik i did before with no possibility of needing time off for the next 7 years. Who can guarantee that??? what to do, what to do....
    i know....go outside!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    L2T - Thanks for the input, I am a believer in calorie defect even if only dietary.
    hansea - Great job on biking to your workout.
    grandmakaye - Thanks for the encouragement, it helps.
    RobinB - Good job on going to the gym, sorry you are sore but go back and take it easy.
    skinny - Sorry you are just Zagging, find that Zig and balance out your calorie allowance.

    Wed Wish: We all gain enough positive experience this week to continue on the prescribed path.

    Went for a walk this morning and will do another to count today as a day I walked!
    It is easier if you plan for things. <Palms self on forehead> :huh:

    A: Under for Calories 4/7 days a week
    B: Walk 3/7 days a week
    C: 8 cups of water a day 3/7

    Mon: A C
    Tue: A C
  • Damensha
    Damensha Posts: 62 Member
    Just jumping on before I finally hit the hay today and before I'm too loopy to make sense... My Dr's appt. went swimmingly well except for the part where I needed to pee on demand for a protein dip. I got a ^5 for the weight loss since my last visit, and I think she was a little amazed that her "stubborn child" of a patient was finally doing right. I can't believe that I had to talk her into doing labs today after she hem-hawed around about it. Asking for Lab Work???? Good Grief I think I've gone a little crazy! :bigsmile: I really just want to know if what I'm doing is actually helping things at all. And, of course, I then got a warning that even if the numbers were better, that wasn't reason to stop doing what I was doing. Well Duh! :noway: I must be feeling a little bulletproof because Hubby and I went to our favorite Chinese restaurant for lunch. After logging as closely as I can figure, I didn't do too terribly considering that I skipped breakfast. Sodium is going to kick me in the shins today though. I think it's going to be a big old salad for dinner tonight with as little dressing as possible to balance it out. OH and the thirty or so laps around the office I did trying to "work up a specimen" got me some exercise time in too! Yay!

    I'll try to catch up on what everyone's doing when I'm up from my nap since I just got to glance at the highlights this time.

    My Wednesday wish is for my numbers to come back better than before, and that I suddenly wake up one morning looking as good as I feel right now. Wouldn't that be Awesome?!?!

    Have A Healthy Day Everyone!
    :yawn: :yawn: Jenn :yawn: :yawn:
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Wednesday Wish... pain relief. Really struggling right now with chronic pain in my ankle and shin, and a hip injury that just happened this week. I am trying to push through it all, don't want to take a break, but I know I'm not doing myself any favours. I am on my feet for 5 hrs/day in my job and these days it's hard enough to do that, let alone the intentional exercise. I'm icing frequently and will take tomorrow completely off, in hopes that things will heal up a bit.
  • Wednesday Wish.

    I want to feel motivated more consistently.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello everyone. My Wednesday wish is that everyone suffering with illness or pain starts to feel better. The start of this week was a little rough but is smoothing out now. We are having beautiful weather and I went out and took the dogs for a walk. Went a little different then usual and incorporated some hills. My breathing still doesnt like them but I am able to keep going now as long as I take it slowly on the uphill part. Hopefully we will be able to go shoot hoops this evening. I like to get the burn up around a thousand if I can:bigsmile: Well I cant do personals since it is almost time to go get my neice and nephew from school. KNow that as always I am super proud of every one of you.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Todays workout so far per HRM:

    46 min
    976 cals/claimed576
    2.01 miles
    5518 steps
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hello everyone.
    Wed wish: That I can finish my work today and ease into a relaxing spring break.

    School is killing me these next few days, and I'm sorting through financial aid paperwork as well. My lower back has been extremely stiff for the last three weeks, and I keep telling myself it will go away. I think part of it may be from starting to run more, but I assumed that it would get better as I improved. No such luck! No amount of back twists have helped either.

    Still muddling through maintaining my health while having my friend here. I've been eating a bit into my exercise calories, but I'm telling myself that's okay as it's a temporary solution and I'm not bingeing with her on snacks as I would have done in the past.

    Have a good Wed. everyone!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just popping in and reading. I ate German chocolate cake and chocolate frosting bits during my baking today. That was my lunch. Blech. Now I'm working the evening shift at the clinic and feeling a little ill.

    I'm glad some others were able to enjoy the nice weather that blew through. I hope this cold stuff blows out of here fast, too!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm tired and sore. I think the time change is affecting me and my sleep. It usually takes me a full week to adapt. Work was awful today, out in the snow storm. Everything is white and it's so hard to see curbs and around snow banks, not to mention having to keep stopping to clear my windows and outside mirrors all the time. Two people almost walked right in front of my car... neither of them even LOOKED before they stepped off the curb. They were darn lucky that I saw them. Seriously, some adults have less brains than children!

    I'm still sore in the upper arms, shoulders and chest from yesterday's physio. My hip flexors are still quite sore from Sunday so I hope it won't hurt too bad tomorrow, I'm due for lower body workout. (did a 4 min interval workout of mountain climbers on Sunday- called Tabata... not quite up to the intensity level but it still made me want to die).

    This latest snow storm is really depressing me, going from 8C yesterday to 20cm of snow today. I don't know how much more of this winter I can take. I didn't even bother to shovel my driveway again tonight, I just cleared the steps and made a path to my car when I got home from work... which is well covered with snow again.:grumble: