Tattoo acceptance in the work place?



  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I think some places discriminate.

    It's their company, they can call the shots. You may call it discrimnation. I call it the right to hire who they want and your right to work there if you so choose.

    but what you call it is so many more words

    No. If you don't agree with a policy, don't screem "DISCRIMNATION!!!" Soooo overplayed!

    Just for the record, I wasn't really screaming discrimination, nor would I ever. If my bosses ever asked me to cover my tattoos up, I would certainly comply or expect to find another job. Perhaps I used the wrong word in using discrimination.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I think any form of personal exrpession that reaches the level of "SAY SOMETHING MUTHA ******!" is something that en employer absolutely should be allowed to discriminate against...
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I have 4 tattoos- soon to be 5. I work as a registered nurse in group homes for developmentally disabled adults. In my work place tattoos are pretty accepted as long as they are not obscene or offensive. Mine are in places that I can cover up if I have to though.
  • OllyReeves
    OllyReeves Posts: 579 Member
    they aren't saying you can't apply...

    they are saying you can apply and you will get the job based on your qualifications but you will cover up to project a professional atmosphere...

    tattoos don't prevent you from GETTING a one EVER said that...but they can ask you to be discreet with them...THAT is not alienating your can have one will say you can't have them...

    but you may be asked to cover that for them or no.

    That's pretty much it, I think. We can all go home. That should be a quote but It didn't work right
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I have a few. I work in a hospital and no, I do not feel they change they way I am perceived. I do not have to hide them, the hospital's policy is as long as they are not offensive they can be visible; I simply choose not to wear polos or short sleeve shirts. I do not feel I've ever been discriminated against because of my ink, either. If anybody judges me based on my tattoos then they are not worth giving a **** about anyway.

    I'm judging you AND your tattoos . . . sexy as hell :love:

    None of my current tattoos or piercings are visible. It just isn't acceptable in my line of work. My office is corporate and conservative. Would I like to have ink/piercings in more visible places? Of course. I wish I saw my them more than when I'm changing clothes or rolling around naked with my BF but I love my career too. I've considered shoulder and leg tattoos in the past but having them wouldn't be worth being restricted as to what I could wear 5 days a week. I like to wear skirts and sleeveless tops.

    Employers have every right to expect a certain outward appearance from their employees. If you want to have visible ink/piercings then find a job that allows them or be willing to meet the dress requirements in order to have them but keep them covered.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I do need to say that I have no problems with tats and tats in the workplace. . My issue is the rights of companies to set their own policlies. Stop screaming discrimination if something doesn't go your way.

    Yeah...well I want to wear flip-flops and go shirtless and wear my bike shorts to my client meeting this afternoon...but my frackin' discriminatory boss tells me I need to wear a suit and tie...and to not stink from my planned 15 mile ride at lunch (which means I'm going to have to take a shower and stuff)...and I almost forgot, he wants me sober and stuff which means my liquid lunch is out...

    Fracking discrimination I tell you...that *kitten* won't let me do what I want...doesn't he know that I just need to be me and I need to express myself, regardless of whether I'm on company time or not?
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    This is a legit question. If you have tatoos, can you get MRI's? I had an MRI recently and they asked me about that.

    I've had an MRI with my tattoos. So, yes.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    This is a legit question. If you have tatoos, can you get MRI's? I had an MRI recently and they asked me about that.

    Older tattoo ink used to contain metals in it. Some homemade ink still does but it's against the FDA. New ink (as of the last 30 years or more) is perfectly safe for an MRI.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I have 20 plus tattoos and work in a very professional environment. I am the Executive Assistant at an IT company here in California. It's a small company so while primarily I am the "assistant" I also handle all the Receptionist duties and Office Manager duties. My tattoo's are NEVER visible at work and the owner's have made it apparent it's not acceptable but I work with it. Luckily I'm in an air conditioned office so I don't mind that I have to wear long sleeves year round. I have been discriminated against since I first got tattoos, but I hardly even notice it anymore.

    It's not discrimination when it's your choice. Discrimination only covers issues that are NOT your choice, such as skin color, age, and sexual orientation, my dear. If you choose to get a visible tattoo, you accept the risk that some employers might choose not to hire you, or require you to cover them up.
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I have a book tattoo on my left shoulder and a branch of cherry blossoms on my right foot. The shoulder one never really shows, but I'm usually in sandals or ballet flats in the spring/summer/early fall. I'm a social worker, and I found that people who wouldn't normally talk to me open up when they see the tattoo. It has turned out to be a good conversation starter, and then they talk about their own and why they got it/them. I haven't had any problems with it so far in my company, especially since it aids in rapport-building.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Hi everyone -

    Just curious as to how many people on here have tattoos. What do you do for a living and do your tattoos affect how you are treated/perceived in the workplace? Do you have to hide them, or are they out in the open? Do you think you've ever been discriminated against because of your ink?

    I have them. One I never show, two that are commonly seen during the summers when I switch from jeans to shorts. Being in the creative field, good ink is enjoyed. In fact, I'd be wary of a creative who lacked ink, or had a lot of terrible ink.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    Single tattoo - wrist. I'm a librarian and my workplace has never said a thing.
    I had once gone to apply for a job a while back and on the application it asked if you had any tattoos.. actually the rule was you couldn't. It was weird, I walked out.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    If someone applies for work and I see a tattoo or earring they don't get hired, period. My company and my rules. If you have tats located where normal dress has them covered thats fine.
  • GuyIncognito123
    GuyIncognito123 Posts: 263 Member
    Tattoo's IMO look dirty and a complete turn off.

    I was in a fish and chips place where the cooks serve you and this guy had some gross tattoo on the top of his hand. Needless to say, I haven't gone back there.

    If you are working with the public - cover them up not everyone shares your views thinking they are art or attractive.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    people with Raiders tattoos should be discriminated against. always. :angry:


    Go Broncos!
  • bashful817
    bashful817 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there!
    I just had one done this month on the inside of my wrist and so far so good. I work at a school district in administration. I guess I could hide it with long sleeves, but I'm in Florida :-) I think tattoos are much more common place now. Best!
  • JeremyMerrin
    JeremyMerrin Posts: 20 Member
    This is a legit question. If you have tatoos, can you get MRI's? I had an MRI recently and they asked me about that.

    Absolutely. I think they are asking for how recent it is as it may affect the result. I have 2 (1 is pictured to the left) and have had 4 MRI's due to 3 recent back surgeries.