Couch to 5K (C25K) Starting today. Anyone interested?



  • jet2012
    jet2012 Posts: 5 Member
    I'll be starting today! This sounds great I'm always trying to get to running more but am one of those eager to get to running 20 miles on day one. I hope this makes running enjoyable!
  • Nikkip130
    Nikkip130 Posts: 18 Member
    freakin love that app!!! did it a few months ago but is willing to do it again with a group of ppl it literally took me from the couch to running (jogging) for 30min straingt...what day are you on now?:wink:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I know that I am late to the party but I started today and did W1D1 without any problems.

    Welcome and Congrats on completing your first day.
    i got off schedule this week due to a few unexpected diasters over the weekend, but i completed week 1 day 3 tonight... and it felt awesome! i can't believe i'm really on my way to running a 5k :o

    Congrats! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
    I just completed Week 4 Day 1, the thought of running 5 mins straight scared me but actually after the first interval it was fine. I actually felt i could have gone on for longer. I think my problem is because im doing it outside i struggle with the first interval because im not warming up properly because as soon as i have finished the first one i feel fine.

    Good Job! I ran outside for the first time since starting Couch to 5k and my breathing was off. I was fine after that 1st jogging interval as well. I guess its because of the cold weather.
    I'll be starting today! This sounds great I'm always trying to get to running more but am one of those eager to get to running 20 miles on day one. I hope this makes running enjoyable!

    freakin love that app!!! did it a few months ago but is willing to do it again with a group of ppl it literally took me from the couch to running (jogging) for 30min straingt...what day are you on now?

    Every one is going at their own pace. Im currently on Week 4.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Completed Week 4 Day 2 late Thursday night......I was sooooo annoyed. :grumble: First my hrm was not reading my heart rate. Fixed that problem. Then during my last 5 min run the stupid treadmill just cut off. So I dont know my distance because I had to finish on another treadmill. Its a good thing I was listening to the podcast because I wouldnt even know where I was in the program. Anyways, I FINALLY finished and it felt good. :smile:
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Completed W6D2 yesterday which is the last one that has walking intervals. I still cant believe I`ve got this far :bigsmile:

    Well done everyone and hi to those that have just joined us :drinker:
  • Did W4D3 yesterday and it wasn't that bad at all, I'm finding that i can just go with my music and enjoy the run rather than keep thinking oh god when is this going to end :P Looking forward to week 5 although the 20 minute run at the end kind of scares me but hopefully I'll be able to do it. I can't believe this program is going so fast, it seems like only last week that i actually started and now I'm already about half way through it!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! :wink:

    Everyone else like always is doing a fantastic job, glad that I'm doing this program with all of you, keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • Completed W6D2 yesterday which is the last one that has walking intervals. I still cant believe I`ve got this far :bigsmile:

    Well done everyone and hi to those that have just joined us :drinker:

    Congrats on the great progress!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Week 4 Day 3 - can't believe i have got this far. I ran through shin deep snow this morning but i still managed to complete it. I ran with a scarf to cover my mouth which stopped the cold air hurting my chest and it felt a lot more comfortable.

    I am really enjoying this programme and with 2 weeks left until my 3k race I am confident i will be able to complete it. Well done everyone for keeping up with it whatever stage you are at. It has really helped to make me accountable logging my progress here. I also look healthy from glowing cheeks. I am looking forward to a time when i can run without worrying about how long its been.
  • Did W5D1 today and it wasn't hard at all! Looking forward to Day 2 with the two 8 min runs, but still a bit nervous about the 20 min run..anyone else a bit nervous about that?:ohwell:
  • Just finished Week 4 Day 3 - can't believe i have got this far. I ran through shin deep snow this morning but i still managed to complete it. I ran with a scarf to cover my mouth which stopped the cold air hurting my chest and it felt a lot more comfortable.

    I am really enjoying this programme and with 2 weeks left until my 3k race I am confident i will be able to complete it. Well done everyone for keeping up with it whatever stage you are at. It has really helped to make me accountable logging my progress here. I also look healthy from glowing cheeks. I am looking forward to a time when i can run without worrying about how long its been.

    Wow great job at staying so motivated that you ran through the snow!! What an awesome workout :noway:

    I feel the same about the website too, it's like if i don't do a run i'll have to report that on here so it keeps me motivated to make sure that i do every run so that i can say i completed them :smile:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Completed Week 4 Day 3 Today
    Just finished Week 4 Day 3 - can't believe i have got this far. I ran through shin deep snow this morning but i still managed to complete it. I ran with a scarf to cover my mouth which stopped the cold air hurting my chest and it felt a lot more comfortable.

    I am really enjoying this programme and with 2 weeks left until my 3k race I am confident i will be able to complete it. Well done everyone for keeping up with it whatever stage you are at. It has really helped to make me accountable logging my progress here. I also look healthy from glowing cheeks. I am looking forward to a time when i can run without worrying about how long its been.

    You are doing great! Good Luck on your race!
    Did W5D1 today and it wasn't hard at all! Looking forward to Day 2 with the two 8 min runs, but still a bit nervous about the 20 min run..anyone else a bit nervous about that?

    Good Job! I'll be doing Week 5 Day 1 Tuesday so I hope I survive. As far as the 20 min run, I am nervous as well. I joined a group of ppl on MFP who are planning to do a 5K walk/jog on Christmas morning. Then you just report on the thread when you complete your 5k. If it doesnt rain, I'll do it outside. So, I'll be doing my Week 5 Day 3 then. I hope I can finish the 3.1 miles.
  • i'm restarting tonight after an ankle injury forced me out.
    sooo W1 D1 for me :ohwell:

    but i'm excited to get back to it! :drinker:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    i'm restarting tonight after an ankle injury forced me out.
    sooo W1 D1 for me :ohwell:

    but i'm excited to get back to it! :drinker:

    YAY! You're back....glad you're feeling better. Have a great run tonight!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Did W5D1 today and it wasn't hard at all! Looking forward to Day 2 with the two 8 min runs, but still a bit nervous about the 20 min run..anyone else a bit nervous about that?:ohwell:

    I'm nervous about the 20 min run aswell. I start Day 1 of Week 5 tomorrow and im a little nervous about it. I have had a slight stich on the last few runs, i think its because i start off too fast because as soon as i slow my pace right down it goes away. I am now finding it hard to fit in my scheduled runs with xmas and work etc.

    Well done everyone you are doing great :)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Complted Week 5 Day 1
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Well, just finished W7D1 and it went really well. I`m now running for 25 minutes straight and feeling like I can do more if I wanted to. Very pleased :bigsmile:

    Well done everyone and keep going :drinker:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished Week 5 Day 1 - still struggling to enjoy the first interval but once I am going im fine. I prefer the running to the walking intervals now as I cool down so quick when I walk and it's cold out.

    So my next run is xmas eve - hoping I can fit it in with my travels. Have to say the 20 min run at the end of this week seems like a mountain to climb...

    Well done everyone you are doing great :)
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Well, just finished W7D1 and it went really well. I`m now running for 25 minutes straight and feeling like I can do more if I wanted to. Very pleased :bigsmile:

    Well done everyone and keep going :drinker:

    Well done :) You are doing great.
  • I did W5D2 yesterday, the first 8 min run was easy but the second was a little more challenging but i still did it and felt fantastic afterward and felt as if i could run even more. The 20 min run is tomorrow and I'm still nervous about it but I know that if it gets really difficult whilst I'm doing it all i have to do is turn down the speed a little and just keep going no matter what :)

    By the way, it's good to hear that you're all nervous about the 20 min run too! I'll report back tomorrow after my run as to how it went :smile:
  • i'm restarting tonight after an ankle injury forced me out.
    sooo W1 D1 for me :ohwell:

    but i'm excited to get back to it! :drinker:

    Welcome back! :wink: How'd your run go?:flowerforyou:
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