Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Hi there!!!! I'm available to chat, which is odd because I thought I was going to be logging my calories on my iPhone and wouldn't be able to check on you guys online, but it happened to be the other way around! I'm still on "vacation" (working hard to find the best deals in town!) and was logging my foods fine until last night. I'm visiting my uncle who I hardly see and had a few glasses of wine, munched on goat cheese, crackers, THEN ate and I just haven't logged anything ever since. I don't know if I'll be able to log in my calories until I get back home, but I'll try. The good thing is that I have a computer (a new one by the way!!! Which I'll repack and wrap for Xmas!) and internet access at nights, so I'll be able to see what you guys are doing and laugh about your journeys!!! Truhvn, you are hilarious!!!

    Daisy - I know, I have the Slim series and tried some of the other DVDs and found the long one to be QUITE a workout. It's tough!!!! And LONG! There is one where you need heavier weights than what I have, so I found that one to be of no use until I buy myself heavier weights. But all in all, I think they are all great to have.

    MTDork - what do you have, a library full of workout DVD's?????? You seem to have everything!!! Good for you, that gives you variety! I'll be stuck with Sin6 and P90X for now. Will look into CE in Amazon tonight to see what it is...

    Now I really have to try your recipes Landry! I'll buy ingredients when I get back home next wk!

    And great new pix you guys!!!!

    Talk to you later - have to fix my daughter something for dinner, she's starving!!!

    Take care!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Daisy - I don't know about starvation mode... I read in a study that you have to actively starve yourself (way more than the deficit MFP gives you) for a few months for it to even maybe START to go into effect. But you do have a point with the protein that I didn't think of. I've recently developed quite the stash of tofu and between the lovely tofu pudding and my vegetable fried rice that I add tofu to and the fact that it's my go-to quick snack... well for a vegetarian that most days has trouble getting those 40g of protein in, that's a LOT! Not to mention my hard boiled eggs that I've been doing for breakfast all week. I'm going to keep my eye one it, thanks so much for the insight! I REALLY appreciate it!

    Abtropix - A new computer!? How exciting! I hope you're having a great time. I don't have a library of exercise DVDs, in fact I only own one! But my boyfriend as a knack for finding things on the internet for free and I have a Netflix subscription that gets me a bunch of workouts on instant watch that I can play through my Xbox at the touch of a button. It's a nice feature, I have to say!

    Feeling a little better this morning with some perspective. I'm still bummed I probably won't make my goal by January 1st but you know what? January 15th would be just as sweet. Then I have all spring to tone tone tone in time for bikini season! Hah I've never ONCE worn a bikini and I'd love to this year. So really I've got time. And ChaLEAN to look forward to!

    Today I'm all alone - my roommate is visiting his boyfriend in NH and my boyfriend is visiting his family in upstate NY - so I'm going to use it to my advantage and do all the workouts I can handle and work on my audition on Monday for an internship I'd REALLY love. Basically it would allow me free group classes once a week, a free monologue coach, a guarantee to be in one of their shows this season (and the Looking Glass is a BIG deal) all for the price of 8 hours a week of working on stuff at the theater. I could meet some new people and just remember what it's like to be involved backstage with a company. I started two theater companies in my hometown that are still going strong so I'm excited to possibly get my hands dirty again. BUT the internship is highly valued so I'll have to work my but off to impress them. Which I've been doing. But ya never know!

    The big plan today is to get off my butt in the next hour and run and then later on in the afternoon try 10 Minute Solution: Carb Burner. Then if I feel that I've missed some toning, I'll choose a few segments from 10 Minute Solution: Target Toning to round it out tonight. Tomorrow is my rest day so I don't feel bad about pushing myself today.

    My new seltzer maker came in the mail today and I LOVE it. I hate the taste of water so this will help me save money and drink more. Hooray!

    Keep at it ladies! You'll probably hear more from me tonight!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    Ok ladies, just checking in with you guys to see what's up, but still not logging any food. I've been really bad, having chocolate and everything, but on Tue I'll go back in schedule and for now, I'll enjoy life a bit! Plenty of shopping. Both my feet and my wallet hurt! :) I would love to be as thin as my wallet now, but to be honest with you, it's packed with bills and vouchers, so it's fat as a pig! hahaha!

    So MTDork, you have a great set up there with your boyfriend and all the workout videos! Good for you! And hopefully you can get this internship which sounds great! Cross my fingers for you!

    Yes, Santa brought me a new computer, which I'll wrap for myself for Xmas. And let me tell you, I've been sooooooo good this yr, that he's also bringing me the HRM!!! I bought a Polar at Sport Auth that had $10 off today - soooo happy! Plus some really cute jeans and stuff, but whenever I feel guilty about the stuff I've gotten for myself, I always have the excuse that my birhday's coming up in Jan! So I'm OK.

    Tomorrow is my last day shopping, which really will be just to find a pair of shoes for my daughter and return some stuff and later, dinner with family who I haven't seen for quite a bit - very exciting!

    I googled CE and looked it up at amazon. $119. After all this shopping, I'll join you guys next yr doing P90X while you do CE. Too much for now.... According to a review about 1 vs the other, they say P90X is not only longer workouts, but tougher. They say CE is very complete and has everything and is a very good step BEFORE P90X. If you've done P90X and liked it, CE would be a step down is what they say. Idk, I'm a little scared of it, but I'll get into it for sure next yr! And I promise it'll be in Jan, not SOMETIME next yr!!! :)

    I'll have to incorporate tofu into my diet for sure, especially now with the pudding! And I've been wanting to add more protein, so that's a good option (I don't eat eggs).

    Talk to you later! Nice chatting w/you!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    It was a long and enjoyable weekend ladies! Saturday had Girl Scouts stuff to do with Felicity and then a birthday party. I only had a bite of cake and a slice of pizza. Not the healthiest, but I'm making better eating choices with my portion sizes so that's good! Sometimes I feel like people think I'm starving myself if I don't indulge. It's not that I don't eat any cake (or pie and ice cream or a good burger which my boyfriend sometimes gives me slack for) but honestly I need only a little bit to satisfy me. I'm not really a sweets person anyway. So I'll have a bite or two of this or that, but frankly I'd rather spend my calories on something more satisfying!!!

    My brother flew home (here in Missouri) from San Franciso, CA to surprise the kids for a Christmas visit. THey LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing him, I wish he didn't live so far away. But he is where he wants to be and I get to live vicariously through him as he is determined to travel as much as he I have earrings from Bali, a bracelet from Hawaii, postcards from Singapore, pictures from New York...ya get the picture?! So we took the kids to Bonkers yesterday and they wore me out! For those who don't know what Bonkers is this great kiddie place that is an arcade pizzaria...but it also has this huge two or three story jungle gym for the kids (and their brave parents) to run wild through! It was great! Felicity cracked me up...she said "mom, you want to go up with us this time!? Ok, we will go slow" I told her I don't want to go slow, I can keep up! Her face was red and she was breathing hard...but I felt I could match her pace! Then we get going and she stops on the way to the top and says "mom are you hot yet? (yes I said) That is your energy...burning through your happens." I swear I could have died laughing. I didn't register exercise for the day but I got at least a good 30-45 minutes of climbing and sliding and crawling in. There was even this guy who was trying to get his kid. He kept saying, how am I gonna get him out? He had been telling his 4 (?) year old it was time to go...that he had jolly ranchers in the car for him...that mom was waiting at home for him...I thought, "dude why don't you just come get him?" I mean this guy was a good looking fit looking guy! So I chased after the kid for him and literally had to hold onto him (the smart little bugger got away from me once) while I ducked and slid and climbed down to his dad! We had pizza again....not the healthiest choice, but I do like pizza...and again I had a slice and a half which is a far cry from my plate full of pizza slices back in the day!

    I will measure tonight and weight in the am....will keep ya posted! Check out my blog to hear about my pants revelation...too much to retype here!

    Abtropix, so glad you are having a good time and yay for getting presents for yourself as well!!
    MTDORK- Hope the auditions and the internship and the seltzer machine are all working in your favor!!! Keep us posted!
    Daisy- Any work out is a good work out so if Debbie doesn't do it for ya, then good for you for keeping motivated with something else. I too am finding myself straying..>I think she'll be a good one to return to for SIU and RIU when I want to change it up, but I'm thinking about TUrboJam...I checked it out and it looks great, though I'd like to try TurboFire eventually. ChaLean Extreme may be a little out of my league right now...or maybe I'm just scared!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was fine and I had exciting news. My boyfriend and me found a flat for us. You must know that in London finding an affordable good sized flat in a nice area can be quite a challenge. We live in a nice but therefore more expensive area and managed to get a flat just around the corner in one of my favourite roads. And it is really spacious. It does need some painting and decorating but I love it! So so happy!! So we will be moving between the 10th and 15th of January!! :smile:

    I was wondering if you ladies would be ok to start our new challenge in the new year after we have moved as I know I won't find much time during the move....If you don't mind only of course :flowerforyou:

    Truhvn: I think you are having the right approach. I think you should allow yourself the odd "bad" food if it is in moderation. I believe this is the best way if you want to stick to it long term. If i never allow myself to be naughty i just get bored of it.....:smile:

    abtropix: I am surprised that ChaLEan is so expensive. Might find it cheaper on ebay? But I can see why you'd stick with P90X

    Mtdork: Hope you are feeling better? The thing with the starvation mode is that I was always wondering how long it actually takes before it kicks in...yes surely not after a week....hope you are well

    Have a lovely day all together!

  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi everyone - I hope you don't mind me hopping in here :wink: . I used to do Slim in 6 and Slim Series quite awhile ago, and have just started back up again. I just wanted to echo those who have recommended the Slim Series package - it is awesome! Way more variety and fun than the original SI6; Tear it Up is my absolute favorite even though it's 78 min long! Boy, you KNOW you've worked out after that one! :tongue:

    I did Burn it Up this evening. Those leg lifts sure are killer, aren't they? :noway:
    Sandy :flowerforyou:
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Hey Scoobees, we'd LOVE to have you. If you want to read the backlog of our thread you'll find out where we all are and little about us. As of now I'd say about half of us are done with slim in six and the other half are around midway through. We're thinking about starting ChaLEAN extreme in the new year if you're interested in that (or you can keep slimming and we can talk about that too!). If you'd like, I keep a chart of measurements to help see success throughout the program so if you want to be on it, send me your starting measurements for your hips, thighs, waist, arms and your starting weight. I update every week in the Monday/Tuesday area. Welcome!

    I had a great audition you guys, I really think I might get this internship! We celebrated by getting Indian take out and I only went over my cals by 11 and considering I've been struggling to meet them lately, it feels good to go over! I'll write you some more tomorrow when I post the chart, I'm exhausted. My boyfriend came home late last night after being away all weekend and I was already sleep deprived because I don't sleep well without him and then we had to act like two sixteen year old girls at a sleepover and stay up all night talking and updating on anything we had missed in two days away. We're pathetic. And so I'm going to go crash. Keep it up everyone, you all ROCK!
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks so much for the welcome! :flowerforyou: I do have Chalean Extreme also; I started it a long time ago and only made it thru part of the first month because of my knees (arthritis). Chalene doesn't mess around with the 'go heavy or go home thing'. I should have taken it a bit easier. I have toyed around with the idea of trying again sometime - I may just join your group. :happy: Has anyone tried Turbo Fire? AWESOME workout. Unfortunately I really hurt my knees in that one, too lol. Again, thanks for the welcome!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted my stats yet...I'll get to that tonight ASAP.

    MTDork congrats on the audition for internship - I"ve got my fingers and toes crossed!
    Daisy - thanks for the vote of confidence!

    I've got a mind to stalk ebay/amazon/craigslist until I can get ChaLean E. or Turbo jam for the new year, but I better work fast, huh? I've also heard there are some swapping websites out there so I'm gonna look for those this evening.

    Welcome Scoobee!
  • abtropix
    abtropix Posts: 133 Member
    I'm baaaaaack! And needless to say, I WONT do my weigh in or stats this wk... I did plenty of walking, but not enough exercise to cover for all the eating. Although not as bad as I could've...

    Daisy - congrats on the flat, so exciting!!! and I don't see a problem starting our new workout plans on mid Jan. Actually, it's works better for me as well. Or you guys just start and I'll join you as soon as I can. With the kids on vacation, we usually go to the beach and is a little harder to keep on track, but I'll def go with P90X.

    Trhvn - wtg with keeping up with your daughter at the pizza place. I know those can be hard to crawl all over the place!

    MTDork - we're backing you up in this audition and intership, you know!

    Scoobee/Sandy - welcome! I know about the 78 min Sin6 workout - VERY long and VERY sore the next day!!! I really like the deadlifts (straight legs together and just dropping down at your waist with some weights and straight back). You think there's not much to it and actually for me it's like I'm resting in that part and talk about being sore the next day!!!! I can't walk straight without feeling my hamstrings!!!! TOUGH!

    So I really need to get back to long workouts. Bikini season is right around the corner (for me in the tropics!). I did get myself a HRM which I told my hubby it's for my b-day in Jan, so I can open it now and use it starting tomorrow. With the rest of the stuff, I have to wrap it and put it under the tree on Xmas eve so my kids think it's from Santa. LOTS of wrapping to do with all the stuff I got. LOTS of stuff to do these days....

    April - where are you? :)

    Take care ladies!!!! Glad to be back! :)
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Just a quick pop in...did Slim Series Firm it Up this evening - forgot just how lower body intense that one is; especially with being sore from yesterday's Burn it Up :tongue: Again, thanks for all the welcomes! :flowerforyou: Off to watch the Biggest Loser finale.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    :bigsmile: Quick note for the measurement changes except weight --164. Off to step down to Burn it Up so I KNOW I'm getting a full work out in...I'll check back in later to catch up with everyone...It's been a LOOOONNNNG weekend (yes I know it's Tuesday night here, that's how long my weekend has lasted!):bigsmile:
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everybody,

    Hope the pre-holidays are finding you well.

    I've been trying to keep up with everyone's news but I haven't had time to post.

    I've ben alright but I was having problems with ankle pain and couldn't find a way to get in a workout, between that and the cookie exchange fall out this has not ben a big progress week.

    I feel good though. Rested up my ankle and I can notice the gains from my first 3 weeks.

    Scoobees- Welcome glad you are joining us, the more the healthier.

    Daisy80- Congrats on the new flat. Good housing is hard to find here too.

    abtropix- Welcome back. Thanks for checking in. I guess I was off for a bit too.

    MTDork- So glad your audition went well good luck with the internship.

    Landry- Did the holidays get you too?

    Truhvn- Sounds like you worked for that pizza. How fun.

    I'm off the watch the Biggest loser finale. I love Ada too but I don't think she'll win. She better make it to the finals over Elizabeth
    I get so into these shows :laugh:

    Goodnight all.

    Day 19
    Workout 11 (3 day break)

    Burn it up + 5 min extra cardio
    No weights - no kidding
    Leg work -standing over chair
    Intensity 8

    Cursed Debbie and called her a crazy ______. I felt really good when I got through it.


    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Okay, so I really did Ramp it Up and not Burn it up...It all blends together for me now! At any rate, I'll use Aprilfit's method and tell you my intensity was a ...10!!!! I was working hard for the hard for it honey....okay well maybe I was working hard for the hard for the inch loss!! I'm still shakin!!!

    Seeing as how I haven't done a full Debbie work out for a minute...I feel really good and I think i did really well!!!

    My brother has left the building:( It was sooo hard to see him go, the kids love him so much and he is crazy over the moon for them. He stalled on his way out and said he wished he could see them more often and was crying as he closed the about heart wrenching. He is my rock and my biggest supporter in life so it's good to see him when we can! I'm hoping to take our first plane trip/vacation/beach sighting/family vacation/seeing the ocean trip with some tax return money. Felicity is excited to see San Franciso and see where Uncle Mario lives!

    Aprilfit -way to keep it going! I'm watching Biggest Loser as I type....I get into this show too!!!
    MTdork- I'm dying with anticipation!
    Scoobee-Keep it moving girl!!! You are doing great!
    Landry- where's my recipe ?!! Hope things are going welL!
    Abtropix- welcome back. Enjoy the HRM, I'm hoping to get myself one in Jan for a late Christmas present to myself! Missed ya on our posts! You are sooo going to be ready for Bikini season!
    Daisy- Glad you've found a good spot, it sounds like you've got a spacious home with plenty of room to EXERCISE in!!!!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies

    It was my weigh in day and I am so happy. I have lost. It is TOM and i thought I will be disappointed but I wasn't :smile:

    Thanks for all your kind words regarding the flat. Oh I can't wait!

    Welcome Scoobees. God I did Tear it up yesterday. It is a though one. If I remember right I really liked Firm it up. It is great that you will join us for ChaLEAN Extreme. Together we can do it :smile:

    Truhvn: Well done on RIU! And I know that feeling regarding your brother. I moved to the UK 6 years ago. My family is still in my home country. My sister had a baby this Feb and it is so hard for me to be over here and not being able to see them as much as I would like. We do Skype with a webcam so at least I can see them.

    Abtropix: Hello again. Oh I wish I could go to the beach. We only have more snow and a big freeze on the way...Hopefully we can all find a date in the new year that will suit us all.

    To all of you keep up the hard work! I think we can be proud of us! Have a lovely day!


    Here are my stats: For some reason i forgot to measure my waist

    Hips: 40.1
    Weight: 153.1
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    The Credit Union Christmas Party got me.

    Have a great day all.
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    I'm here I'm here! I'm sorry for being MIA, life during the holidays is crazy! As a nanny, EVERYONE needs your time and I've barely had time to breathe let alone work out but I'm staying very strict to my calories so I'm not all that worried. But more on that later....

    Scoobees - We'd LOVE to have you join for ChaLEAN! I haven't tried Turbo Fire but I plan to soon. Probably after the holidays at the rate this is going :-) And what did you think of the finale? It was EXACTLY what I predicted! I also thought Lisa in particular looked AMAZING. I wish Ada could have won, she looks wonderful too! I can't believe the new season starts in a few weeks! My heart can't take it!

    Truhvn - Good luck finding ChaLEAN, we really want to have you with us! Those swapping websites sound promising. Did amazon have any used copies for less? And congrats on the weigh in! You're unstoppable! I wish I was as close to my brother as you are. It must be tough living so far away for you and your kids. The trip to San Fran should be AMAZING for all of you!

    Abtropix - Welcome back! Yeay that you got a HRM! I can't wait to get mine on Christmas. It's going to make doing ChaLEAN a WHOLE new experience. Can't wait!

    April - I hope your ankle is feeling better! I loved in the BL finale when Ally said Ada won by a HUGE majority. I was like, well DUH.

    Daisy - GREAT stats! You are losing pounds like crazy! Keep it up!

    So no word yet on the internship. I don't know if that's a good thing or if I'm just being impatient. I guess I'll just have to take a deep breath and move on to the next thing. I can do this! I can stay strong!

    So this week I've been not exercising but staying strict to my calorie goals. As a nanny, this time of year is crazy because EVERYONE wants your time for xmas parties and kids having time off school when you don't have time off work etc, etc so I'm booked pretty solid until I leave for my boyfriend's parent's house on the 23rd. So I'm going to take a break from the focus on exercising and just focus on eating well and having a BALANCED day. I also think that when we start ChaLEAN, I'm going to try to not weigh myself at all. I think it'll be my new year resolution. I've been focusing too much on the number on the scale and not enough on all the other accomplishments I've had. So for the month of January, no scale for me. I'll still measure and I'll stay strict with ChaLEAN but my focus will be on toning, not losing weight. I think it'll make me happier and more able to celebrate without stressing. I weighed this morning and I'm back where I started after a crazy week and a half of feeling crappy and not knowing what my body was doing. So I'll have one more weigh in next week before I leave and then no more scale! Wish me luck!

    And here's a belated chart! Congrats to everyone, and Scoobies, get me some starting measurements so I can add you!

  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Just heard back....


    ::huge sigh of relief::
  • pfaxx
    pfaxx Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. I have been on my fitness pal for a few months, but just checking out the chat site. Is everyone doing the Slim in Six series or just individual workout routines?
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    YAYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MTDORK Congratulations!!! So excited for you!! Did you get a response from Little Red or did I miss that?! I'm jumping up and down in my office chair for you, doing a little cabbage patch dance!!! Way to go girl!!!!

    pfaxx--hello there!!! We all started off doing Slim in Six and some of us still are. MTDork puts together a lovely chart weekly for us to track our progress on individual measurements. I am in overtime with Ramp it Up...HA HA...I made it to Burn it Up but I feel I'm not quite ready for it yet, so I'm continuing with Burn it UP! We are all thinking about various programs for the new year but you are welcome to join our little group. It's great to have others to bounce ideas, thoughts, and just comments on life...sometimes regarding exercising and health...sometimes about everything else!!!

    So ladies, if you haven't heard...I got a digital scale for Christmas from my Girl Scouts!!! The sad thing is...I weighed in at 166.4 :( Oh well, lots of water drinking this week....and I think I'd like to try your strategy MTDORK for the new year...see if I can go a whole month without the scale and focus on toning my body up and inches lost because that means more to me than the weight loss!!!
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