Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Overall, I’m pleased with my week. It was a big travel week for me, which always can throw off my eating and exercise. I handled it OK. Plus, the week ended great by spending time with our MFP friends, Tom and Laurie. Today I picked up Laurie and we headed out to Red Rock Canyon for a scenic drive and a nice 2 mile hike. Dinner was out with some of my co-workers and enjoying the beautiful flower conservatory at the Bellagio. I cannot tell you how much I appreciated sharing with Laurie even more and getting her advice and support. We truly have some wonderful people in this group.

    @ Karen – I forgot to thank you yesterday. I did refrain and had NO donuts. Woo Hoo!! I saw like 10 hairs and said NO WAY!! LOL!!! It’s nice you heard from your student teacher. Thanks for the recipe idea. I’ve got some chicken sausage out to cook tomorrow and I know I’ve got some mixed peppers up in the freezer. I’ve been wanting to cook more with quinoa myself, but never quite sure what to do with it. I never thought of goat cheese, but love some good risotto so I may give it a try.

    @ Rain – I just watched the earthquake on the news. This is 2 for California back to back. Yikes! You really need to stay positive. I know you really want this job, but if you don’t get it then it’s really not the right one for you. No more negative talk. You are worth it!!

    @ Kaye – I’m so glad most of the paperwork is in order. It really has to be laid out as specific as possible. I’ll say a little prayer that the VA contract goes through quickly and hopefully this will be the best direction. Thinking of you and your family as decisions have to be made.

    @ Nettie – It’s good Brian is not afraid to tackle those projects and he’s saving you guys money too. I think you would have dust whether Brian or someone else was pulling up the floors. Hang in there! It will be over soon. Of the jobs you listed, which one do you really want? I’ll be thinking of you and hope the right door opens. Regarding Laurie and I, we were talking on the phone to find each other. She told me she was wearing her winter coast and I found her immediately. It was awesome to just hug each other.

    @ Robin – I’m glad you enjoyed your first pool therapy. It’s really so much better on your joints to be in the water. For a cover-up, a towel is just fine. I’ll often just wear a t-shirt and shorts until I get out there, but normally just a towel is easy enough.

    @ Christina – Welcome!!

    @ Kelly – Thanks for the water recipe. I’ve been thinking of doing something similar. I want to keep a pitcher at work to drink throughout the day as well. We leave 2 weeks from tomorrow and I want to really have some great weeks so I can stay focused on the ship too.

    @ Mel – I play the piano too. I actually have minor in piano, but I haven’t played in a very long time. I can play most things, but my speed is so slow. It’s nice you’re learning to entertain the grandkids – lucky kiddos!!

    @ Tanya – Shoeless Joe’s? Do tell.

    @ Naomi – Are you kidding me? Australia is on my bucket list for sure. I would LOVE to visit one day. It may not be any time soon, but one day I will make it. As far as the Fit Bit, it’s the tracker I wear for steps, stairs, calories and sleep. I clip it to my bra strap, but they also have them as a bracelet too. I’m a bit addicted to it and hate when I’m not wearing it. I’ve definitely been pushing myself to hit the 10,000 steps every day. Also, I’m glad to hear things settled down a bit with your son. Me personally I would head for the outback and leave the family behind. LOL!!!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning everyone.

    Lots of randomness to share:

    FLOOR: Yesterday we had a busy day with estimates then went floor shopping. We decided to go with our contractor John rather than hire a company. John's price came in about half of the other estimates we received. He did our attic and kitchen floor for us so we know what kind of work he does and are pleased with him. After he left we went to a few different flooring places and priced out floors. We found a really nice bamboo floor in a cherry color that we fell in love with, very similar to the hardwood flooring we also liked. Brian is placing the order and will go pick it up as soon as it is in. We will do the bamboo flooring in the dining room, foyer and hallways. We picked out an inexpensive ceramic tile to replace the one in our main bathroom. We have plans on gutting that bathroom and updating it in a few years so we didn't want to go very high end at the moment in that room. John told us he could start the week of April 5th I don't remember the actual date he is starting. I am very excited!!! I will certainly post pictures when it is all done.

    EXERCISE: For exercise yesterday I looked through my DVDs. I wanted to do something different than my normal routine to spice things up. I settled on The Firm dvds, the ones I ordered a while ago from Groupon. It was a 20 minute sculpting workout with quick bursts of high intensity thrown in the mix. I wasn't overly thrilled with the workout and I have mixed feelings about it. Part of my uncertainty was because it was new and I was not familiar with the moves. I didn't find the workout to be extremely difficult but figuring out the moves was challenging. I hated that I had to keep looking at the TV to figure out what I was supposed to do rather than listen to the verbal cues. I felt this took away from my workout. When I do Gilad I don't look at the tv at all, instead I listen to the cuing. I found it frustrating that the instructor said "Set up for it" meaning the new move but the camera showed her face rather than body. "It???!!!!" What the heck is IT and how so I set up for IT if I don't know what IT is?!!! It took me a while to figure out what she was doing so I could replicate it so naturally I was frustrated. After a while I did start to get the hang her moves. I am sure over time I will get better with it and may feel differently. One thing I liked a lot was the fact that they combine body movements to maximize your workout. While you are doing squats and lunges you are also holding weights and working your upper body at the same time. When you do the isometric hold in a squat or lunge she has you lifting the weights to work arms, shoulders, and/or back. I felt it was a good use of time and made the workout go by quicker. I used lighter weights to start but certainly would have benefited from going heavier from the weights. Next time I will increase my weights. The Firm workouts are certainly very different from Gilad. I decided I will not abandon them just yet and give them some time. Right now I think they are just ok, nothing too special. Maybe I will grow to love them over time as I become more used to them. Though nothing compares to my Gilad IMO. :wink:

    KOHLS: My Kohls order arrived yesterday. I absolutely love my new running jackets. They fit perfectly and are so much warmer than the hoodies I was using. I actually think I may buy a few more if they are still on sale. Brian liked the one I bought him as well. Another online shopping success. :wink:

    Kah - Running is ok. Thanks for asking. I still am having difficulty with Week 1. So far I have repeated it twice. I didn't get any running in this week as the weather didn't cooperate with me. Next week I will give week 1 another go. We had Brian fitted for runners and he went out with me last weekend. I was just frustrated because he is a foot taller than me. So his stride is so much bigger than mine. It was really difficult to keep up with him. It left me feeling bad about myself.

    Skinny - I didn't even think about the damage that a dogs nails could do to the floors. We found a few different floors that we liked. We were torn between one we found in Home Depot or one at the flooring place we went to. We ended up going with the bamboo from the flooring place because they had everything we needed in stock and it came in slightly cheaper. I am just excited to finally be able to move forward on this project. Yesterday I moved the wine cabinet from the dining room into the formal living room and the dining room chairs into the garage. Brian had to help me with the table. I hate hate hate my dining room table and chairs, I am half tempted to drag them down to the curb and let the garbage men take them. Brian is now talking about getting an area rug for the dining room so when we put everything back in there we do not scratch the floors. So I guess my next task is to search for a pretty rug. :wink:
    Thanks for sharing the Quinoa recipe. You just gave me a new idea for Quinoa.

    Tanya - Congrats on being in the teens! I have been fluctuating between 220 - 221 all week. :grumble:

    Robin - That is great that you were able to make it to the pool. Even better that you had the entire pool to yourself!

    Susan - Out of all the jobs I would really love the summer school teacher one. I feel that one would give me the most classroom experience and time with the students. Plus it is more hours a day than the other 2 positions so it would mean more money coming in. The other two are part time. The STEP position is for 2 days a week for a few hours and the supervisor is up to 5 hours a week. So really it would be possible for me to do all three jobs a week.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Meeting Laurie, Susan and Sheila was great we had a good time! I did not realize it got so late until I got home at 10:30pm.


    Lin nice picture.

    Kaye best wishes for your Dad and your DH.

    “Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” ~Jill Johnson

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--great picture of you guys! thanks for sharing!

    @nettie--I love the look of bamboo floors--and they are environmentally conscious, so you're doing the earth a favor. :wink: Your description of trying to figure out exercise DVDs is one of the reasons I don't like them. You're right though--some instructors are definitely better at giving verbal cues.

    @susan--sounds like a great hike!

    @naomi--yeah, we hardly ever use our dining room table though there is usually enough clear space for the 2 of us to eat there if we want. My DH and I both want to go to Australia someday. It's so far that we would need to spend a few weeks there to make it worthwhile which adds up to a very expensive trip. Though we can't swing it right now, I'm confident we will get there in the next 10 years. We just celebrated our 16th anniversary on Friday, so maybe for our 20th or 25th. :smile:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm sad that Spring Break is now over, but it was good to have the time to get some stuff done. Of course, it's never enough, but better than nothing. :smile: Today I'm going to grade for a bit before my pedi at 3, then I will probably need to grade some more afterward. :ohwell: THe weather is pretty nice today, so I'm hoping to have time to run outside with gunner later. We'll see.

    1. finish grading
    2. get pedicure
    3. do taxes
    4. clean junk off dining room table SOME
    5. brush gunner's teeth

    March Challenge:
    1. 3/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 26/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 29/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • cjen323
    cjen323 Posts: 20 Member
    Hello all, I see this is a tight group, I don't have much time to do more than log my diary and weight. I try to read post about once a week. I began MFP about 5 weeks ago and lost 4lbs first week!!! This gave me realistic hope that I may be able to loose a good 1-2 lbs p/wk. However that has not been the case. I lost 0.5 lbs this week (and one other week). I'm beginning to feel hopeless, sad and extremely depressed. Thinking of going on an antidepressant. I've been on Lexapro before in 2008-2009, but I gained a good 30 pounds on it. Since 2008 I've gained 90 lbs and have only lost 9 lbs since I started MFP. Has anyone, with PCOS been on antidepressant? If so, which one?
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sunday Share: I am Tracy. I live in Bismarck, ND with my husband of 18 years, son - Jacob - 12 and daughter - Emma - 7. I work from home (which I'm finding isn't all that it's cracked up to be) as a Quality Improvement Specialist for a life insurance company. I've been there 16 years so its great pay, benefits and vacation so those things make it easier to stay even though I struggle working solo from home. I love to scrapbook (although in my current tiny apartment, I don't get to do it as often as I'd like), travel (working on visiting each of the 50 states) and goingto kids' events. Life is busy, but I ultimately enjoy it. My housekeeping skills leave a lot to be desired but... I've lost 30 pounds so far but basically the same last 10 over and over. I started with a trainer this past week to hopefully get me motivated again. My ultimate goal would be another 100 from here, but my current "goal" is to lose another 10 to get to where I was when I got pregnant with my son.

    @Mel...I had just started re-learning the piano before my move. Right now the piano is in storage, but hopefully when we get a house, I will start up again. I will never be Mozart, but I used to be able to ping out some stuff. Emma will start lessons at the same time, so it'll kind of be fun to learn together. Mom will say the same thing. Dad would yell and ground us and then go work in the fields and Mom was stuck with us. I can't even blame Michael on this one...I set the grounding.
    @Tanya...congrats on the teens!
    @Karen and Nettie...floors. We are looking at building (gotta get to the bank this week and see our approval range). The floors are the one thing that we struggle with. I had hard wood when I was growing up and like Robin said -- took a beating. And we will probably have a big dog once we get a house. We had laminate in our old house (both old and new) and I hated how the water spots would show up. We literally used one hand to wash with vinegar and water and the other to dry. We tried all sorts of things. We are now looking into the tile that looks like wood. My steam cleaner works so well on tile, so it might be just the ticket...not sure on the cost though. :ohwell:
    @Naomi...teenage sons...what can you say???!!!!!:love::noway:
    @Nettie...I'm sure after you've done The Firm a couple of times, you won't have to look at the TV and then you'll be able to get a bit more umph out of it. There's always a learning curve for new workouts.
    @Tom, Susan and Laurie...great picture. I'm jealous that you all got to meet. How fun!

    AFM...Went to Emma's last basketball game and she scored her first basket of the season -- that gave her some encouragement and I wish I could have captured her smile. My sister - Kristen, and I did the trainer's workout yesterday. Neither of us said it before, but we were both a bit nervous that we wouldn't push ourselves as hard as when she was with us. That wasn't the case. The 30 minute workout took us exactly 30 minutes yesterday as well. We were both sweating and breathing hard when we were done! :smokin:

    Yesterday wasn't as productive as I was hoping. I just couldn't NOT be outside when it was such a glorious day. They said we reached 64 degrees. But I did stay within calories and got my workout in. Laundry is two loads away from being completed. My husband is home tonight, so it's going to be a movie night for us -- Star Wars III and IV are on the agenda. Luckily the kids finished off the popcorn they got yesterday at the Muppet Movie so I won't be tempted to eat really bad for you popcorn tonight. :love:

    Today I will:
    *Drink my water
    *Stay on target for calories
    *Finish laundry (I promise!!!!) :bigsmile:
    *Close my bedroom window -- we are preparing for about a foot of snow starting tonight.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday and here's to a great coming week!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tom - thanks for sharing the great pic of you, Laurie and Susan. I can't tell what Laurie's thinking. I think we should have a caption contest. Wouldn't that be fun?

    Skinnie - why wait until the other 4 fish die? That kind of presupposes your gonna accidently kill them, doesn't it? Why not find a home for them - this is a good time of the year, what with Easter coming and all to give them away, are they small?

    Nettie - I mentioned it before, beware of stilletto heels on your wooden floors too! They leave dimple marks with every footstep. Its horrible!!!

    AFM - I am feeling in good shape after my workout yesterday, and am looking forward to a repeat session in the pool in an hour or so.
    Another thing I did yesterday with a friend (who actually did everything!) was re-arrange the furniture a bit by moving my recliner. It had faced the patio doors with its back to my front door and the dining table. Now its right next to the patio doors and looks back onto the whole room so I can see the dining area and the front door. What a change of view. I can still see my patio partially but actually much better. The whole room is opened up without this big old recliner right in the middle of everything. I'm very happy with the results!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just got back from a great weekend with my daughter. It was busy, but lots of fun.

    As is typical for me, I like to spend time contemplating my life when I drive on the highway. Something about driving fast (sometimes too fast) with the radio blasting clears my mind. I realized that what I'm most afraid of right now vis a vis weight loss is complacency. Complacency let me ignore my health and get to 295 lbs. And complacency kept me there for a long time. I've come so far and my life has improved so much because of it, I'm fearful I will fall into the trap of "good enough". I have 50 lbs to go and I'm afraid I'll be tempted to settle for where I am now or even worse fall back into my old bad habits. Scary.

    So, now that I've named my fear, I can make a plan to fight it:

    I will NOT settle for anything less than total victory.
    I will NOT plan and strive for anything less than what I know is right for me.
    I will NOT become complacent and allow myself to do this with less than 100% effort.
    I will NOT ever give up or quit.

    I WILL fight complacency and for me because I'm worth it.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll catch up and do personals tomorrow. Right now I'm going to unpack and regroup for the week ahead!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I am currently half way through my cooking for the week. Quinoa and brown rice are cooked, just waiting for the lentils to finish and I hope I get them before then turn mushy. Then the cauliflower. Salads and veggies chopped and divided. I did a load of dishe (by hand-no dishwasher) and even pulled out the utensil tray from the drawer and cleaned it and the entire drawer... now only 15 or so drawers and cupboards to go. :grumble: Maybe one a day, or week LOL. A few have mentioned lists, and i am the same way. I make lists for everything, and they seem to get longer and longer before half of the first items get done. I have an iphone attached my hip, but have not been able to find a good task/list/todo app that I like. So it has been back to paper. And all this talk of lists and renovating and warmer weather (finally!) has been getting me thinking about spring cleaning. I have a 2 story house all to myself and all the junk is piled in the basement and the 2 upper rooms. I am thinking of finally getting someone to come over and just take it all away. Then I can get the upstairs floors cleaned and washed, maybe move my bed back up there (i have my room on the main floor) and use the laundry room (where my room is now LOL) to keep the cat at night so she can go in and out at night without waking me up. Currently my bed is beside the window, and she scratches at night so I have to wake up, let her out, then in again... several times a night. In the warmer months I just leave the window open, but that just invites bugs and critters in (a few frogs, and a few birds!)

    I am debating whether to do an exercise DVD tonight, my legs are still a tiny bit sore and my abs still hurt when I cough or sneeze. Upon taking a peek upstairs earlier I realized my rowing machine could be brought down so I could use that, but there's really no room in my living room. When I get the rooms cleared out, I could turn one entire room into an exercise room, or even the laundry room, it's actually a bedroom size, I had the washer/dryer put on the main level when I moved in. I even have an extra TV and DVD player... oooh, that's a fantastic idea, I'm so excited now!

    @Tom: Love the picture of you 3! It was so exciting to see you all together.. I am jealous LOL. Even I've only been here a few weeks, I feel like I know you all.

    @Nettie: I love upgrades, a new look is always refreshing. I updated my kitchen, living room (walls and ceiling), shower/tub, windows, doors, roof and siding all in the last 10 years I've been here.(My house was built in the 40's) I'd love to replace the wood flooring I have now, the rest of the bathroom, paint the rest of the house and build decks in the front and back, but the money for that has run out for the time being. I have numerous other smaller projects that need to be done too (like rerouting a few furnace vents, rerouting/changing water pipes and adding electrical outlets) but that will wait too. Still it feels so good to have upgrades done, changes are always nice.

    @Robin: glad the water exercises worked out for you, hope that they continue to help. I just spoke about upgrades to a house, and I also think that rearranging the furniture gives a fresh look and feeling too. I have summer tires in my living room right now, so once those go on my car and the snows go into the basement where they belong, I will be able to move a recliner back to its previous position and make the room look nice again and more open. It will also give me a view of the entire room, instead of being practically in the middle of the room and useless (except as a scratching post for the cat). Actually that is the only reason this recliner is staying, so the cat wont scratch the new couch. It's working, sort of. I've bought numerous scratching posts but she won't use them. :huh:

    @tlh: you workout without your trainer? Does she give you a workout to do on your own or are you just doing the same exercises that you did when you last worked with her? Personally I love having a trainer... I tend not to quit because they don't let me! I always say it's easier with a trainer because you just have to show up and do what they tell you to do. It's not easier, I think they work me harder than I would do on my own, but with them I am sure to get it done. I've thought of getting a trainer in my area (my physio is near work, but an hour away from home) to do an extra session a week but maybe could not afford it. I might look into that in the future, though.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Apparently I missed a quinoa recipe someone posted here recently, could someone please tell me what page it's on? I'm always up for a new quinoa recipe.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We woke up to snow this morning and were very glad that we had come over the mountain yesterday. We waited until almost 9:30 to leave our hotel. We were less than 30 min. Down the road when the snow had changed to rain. It soon quit. Our trip home only took 4 hours. Its good to be home. DD is fixing dinner for us. Then she is going for a walk with me. Its a beautiful spring day here. My bleeding heart even started to bloom while we were gone.
    Funny NSV: I realized that I can cross my legs at the knees.
    L2T: You are echoing my feelings exactly. The other day you talked about rededicating yourself to this journey, and what you said today about not settling for good enough was just what I needed to hear. I only need to lose about 20 more pounds. I just need to buckle down and get it done. I've really indulged myself this week. Now I need to practice some discipline.
    Love the picture of Susan, Tom, and Laurie. What fun. Is anyone into Fiddle music? We have the National Old Time Fiddler's contest in Weiser every June. You could come and see me. They usually have a 5k that week, too.:wink:
    Here's to a good week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I feel tired today, maybe because my vacation is officially ending – back to work and to reality tomorrow.

    @Nettie~I know what you mean, anytime I go running or on hikes with my trainer it’s hard to keep up. I’m actually an inch taller than him, but his stride is longer. Don’t be afraid to take your time with running, repeat weeks as often as you want until you feel comfortable – your pace and form will come with time. I’m glad DH has been supportive and receptive to running with you.

    @Susan~I feel like I made mostly healthy choices on the ship. Our eating schedules seemed to be way off on this cruise, eating at odd hours, so actually found ourselves in Horizon Court a lot of the time. My way of tackling the buffet was to walk the perimeter and look at everything before putting anything on my plate – after that I always chose three things in small portions that seemed like healthier choices along with veggie and fruit. I never went back for seconds; also tried to control my bread and alcohol consumption. I am glad that their desserts are small – it was too hard for me to resist the ice cream at dinner in the MDR. If they offer the Nutella ice cream on your cruise – try it! I only had pasta once, pizza twice, and a burger once. Make sure to drink plenty of water and walk the promenade – I walked 1-2 miles every day after breakfast on sea days to stay active. They also offered Zumba on my cruise on sea days; if your cruise director is holding those classes you might try it – who knows Cyrus might like it too! If nothing else, its good for people watching!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Vacation Talk:

    My vacation was great, albeit a little more humid in some places than I would like. I packed with the best of intentions, but curly hair and humidity do NOT get along – found my hair in a ponytail most of the time. :wink:

    Our first excursion was in Aruba - trikes tour. I drove, putting on about 100 miles in a 4-hour tour around Aruba, beautiful (and humid) weather – they were a ton of fun to drive though. :happy: It was a little frustrating, since it was Flag Day in Aruba a lot of sites and stores were closed so we didn't get to see some of the stuff on our list. We also wanted some beach time but after so much sun on the trikes we decided to do some shopping at stores near the port that were open.

    Our second port was Columbia - while in Cartagena we did a private tour seeing a lot of the old city along with a visit to the La Popa Monastery which gives great views of the city and Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas fortress – we also visited the gold museum and saw a lot of the wall that still surrounds the old city. The city itself is crazy, just bustling and traffic is nuts (think NYC traffic on steroids), so it just doesn't make sense to own a car. I was very glad we had something lined up as I can’t imagine trying to hail a cab there - you would have to be very good friends with the people in your cab though (or you would be by the end of your cab ride) as they are very small (think Chevy Aveo). Also, if you want to take your life into your own hands you can hail one of the motorcycle cabbies – these guys drive around in traffic as if traffic laws don’t apply to them (driving in between cars and on sidewalks) while carrying an extra helmet (talk about unsanitary :sick: ) for the riders that are crazy enough to get on them. Oh, and the peddlers were relentless!

    The day after Columbia we passed thru the Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal – what an engineering marvel this is, so cool to experience. What amazes me is that the canal is 33.5 meters wide and the ship is 32.5 meters wide (build specifically to travel thru the canal). It takes about 90-minutes to get through the 3 locks, with each section raising the ship about 28 meters before ending up in Gatun Lake – where we sat for about an hour before going back thru. About 1400 passengers got off the ship in Gatun Lake and took a ferry over to the Miraflores Locks (Pacific Side) – the ship picked them up in Colon. There were bad reviews for the ferry tour (and its expensive) so we just stayed on the ship perched forward on the sun deck while going through. Something that surprised me is that while sitting at the 3rd gate, waiting to get through, there is a road allowing traffic to cross the canal – the road is on hydraulics and just folds in when the gate opens for ships to get thru. :noway: Once we docked in Colon, we did get off the ship to shop a little – but it’s a terrible area, so we quickly returned to the ship.

    The day after Panama our stop was Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. I loved it here! It was another humid day but did a private tour where we visited the Jaguar Rescue Center, the banana plantation, and Tortuguero Canal. Costa Rica is beautiful, where howler monkeys and sloths are your neighbors – it is also an area where a large variety of heron’s call home (especially along the canal). The jaguar rescue center was started by a couple many years ago as a jaguar rescue but has grown into a sanctuary for injured or abandoned animals where they are nursed back to health and returned to their habitat (if possible) – saw a variety of animals. We really enjoyed this tour, I was even able to pick up a pound of Costa Rican coffee – can’t wait to try it!

    After Costa Rica we were tired (slept thru dinner that night), so were glad for a sea day before dropping anchor in Grand Cayman. During this sea day we also did the cruise ship tour – saw a lot of area on the ship that are usually off limits to passengers including the bridge, mooring area, engineering, galley, and others. Met the captain and other crew along with tasty snacks along the way, the tour ended with champagne and then a goodie bag delivered to our cabin later in the day that included a nice robe, apron, and pictures from the tour. Good times! Grand Cayman was, by far, my favorite port – a group of about 10 of us from the ship did a chartered tour to the turtle farm, sting ray city, and then snorkeling. The weather was beautiful with zero humidity (finally!). The turtles were adorable (wanted to take one home :love: ) and the sting rays are just interesting creatures – I held one and kissed one (supposedly good luck). They are used to humans so swim right up to you and if they are very big will literally knock you off your feet – very rubbery, but neat, creatures. Just need to watch their tails so you don’t step on the barb – but the water is so clear like a swimming pool that you always know where they are. While snorkeling I saw some gorgeous electric blue fish, zebra fish, and lots of beautiful coral, and a sting ray that was missing his tail (they've named him Frisbee). I took a TON of pics here, so hope the underwater pics turn out well. We also went to Hell, pretty cool dead coral area. I flirted a lot with our tour guide (originally from Jamaica), which made for a fun day - I'm sure the tasting of vanilla and pineapple rum added to that! :laugh:

    In all we had 4 full days at sea, of which 3 were really rocky – high winds and high swells made for a lot rocking back and forth, nearly rocking me out of bed twice! :laugh: Luckily it didn't affect us. We went to a couple of the shows on the ship – the comedian was hysterical. All in all, it was a great cruise – I would love to go back to Panama when they finish the new locks. I can say though if I never see another iguana it will be too soon! :laugh: Next up is a Canada and New England cruise in October, while on the ship we also booked a second Alaskan cruise for 2015 (longer and different ship).

    I know this was lengthy, I apologize, but it was hard to narrow it down. I'm still going through pics, but will share them soon.
  • happy4real
    happy4real Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone, I back active with MFP. Would love to joins this group.
    Thank you.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Bump for later
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi Everyone I am back from Las Vegas. It was a great trip and I had a wonderful time with Tom, Amy and Susan. It was great getting to meet you in person. I loved running into Susan at the airport, it was nice to see a friendly face after a very long day. My flight was delayed two hours leaving Baltimore, so that managed to get me into las Vegas about the same time as Susan was returning from Dallas.

    Tom-Thank you for posting the picture.

    Susan- I loved the trip to Red Rock Canyon and the hike.

    Kaye-The fiddlers thing sounds interesting, when in June?

    Right now I feel like I am still flying so I hope my head will settle down and I can sleep tonight. Plus I need to readjust to the time change.

    The good news for the week is that I am only working three days at school this week.
    I took off on Monday to recover. Tuesday, I have a meeting that I really need to attend since new information is being presented, Wednesday- Friday- I will be back at work dealing with the rug rats. Sorry, the 7th graders really bugged me on Wednesday and really left me wondering why I am teaching. Yes, it was that bad. I was thrilled to leave the state for several days. Now I get another day away from them- YEAH.

    Sunday- No exercise- flying
    Monday- Trainer and bike ride maybe
    Wednesday- Gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- water aerobics
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Laurie, It is always the third full week of June. It starts on Father's Day. Kaye
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Kaye- I hope your DH's TIA symptoms improve and that he doesn't have another episode for a long, long time! How scary for both of you. :flowerforyou:

    @Tom, Laurie and Susan- Sounds like it was great meet-up in Vegas! What a nice pic of you guys!

    @Kah- Sunburn? What's a sunburn? What's this sun you speak of? :laugh: Sorry. It's been a long winter! It was great to read about your cruise and live vicariously through your humidity. Ahhh....

    We actually did get some relatively wonderful weather here today. My daughter decided it was warm enough to play outside in just her long-sleeve tshirt, but my son came back inside for his winter coat! It was kind of warmer, but a cool wind was blowing. They still played outside for a long time, coloring our sidewalk with chalk and racing each other. I also saw the tips of my hyacinths and crocuses poking out of the ground. I declare it to be spring! :happy:

    I return to work tomorrow after being off for a week and a half. I spent the first part of my 'vacation' at my sister's helping during her surgery, and the last week at home, spring cleaning. I got a lot done. Speaking of lists...we used the kids' dry erase board to create the mother of all lists...a spring break schedule! I included the things I wanted to get cleaned/projects I wanted to get done, and we also wrote in some time for Mario Kart, a science experiment, and playing outside. Then, we erased things as we finished them each day. The dry erase board is huge...maybe 20 x 30 inches? Definitely the opposite of a smart phone/app to do list! :laugh:

    We went to our final weigh in at the shoe store on Saturday...and I am down just over 20 lbs since the first of the year. The woman running the program is going to send us an email with all our stats next week. They measured body fat percentage and BMI at the first and final weigh ins as well. I couldn't remember my starting numbers, so I'm excited to see what the change was.

    I also went shopping on Friday and bought new jeans. It was time to stop walking around yanking them up, and periodically exposing people to my Hanes elastic band! :embarassed: Obviously, I needed smaller jeans...and I was able to fit into a pair that are two sizes smaller than the ones I was wearing! :happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I would love to visit your area of the country--I've never been out that way. Most of my US travels have been east. I'm booked for Dominican Republic the last week of June this year, but maybe for 2015... Glad you and DH made it home safely. :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--glad you had a great trip to LV. I know what you mean about the students--we all have moments where we question why we do what we do, but you know one day soon a student will do or say something that will remind you of why you are a teacher. Those moments make it all worthwhile. :flowerforyou:

    @cjen & happy--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--loved hearing the highlights of your trip! Costa Rica is definitely on my bucket list--I've heard such great things about it. Your comment about the humidity made me laugh b/c I had that experience in Curacao. My hair isn't even curly, just a bit wavy, but while in Curacao it was in ringlets. I had brought my straightener which turned out to be a complete waste of space in my luggage--all I could do was wear my hair in a headband whenever I wasn't in the water. :laugh:

    @tanya--I know what you mean about wanting to clear out rooms. I've been talking about cleaning out our spare bedroom for 2 years no. I really need to buckle down and get it done this summer. Of course, we all know I can't even get my dining room table cleared off so...:laugh:

    Oh, and here's the recipe I posted:

    Speaking of quinoa (above with robin), I cooked a new recipe today. It's not vegetarian, but it did include veggies, so I'll post it. I bought some chicken italian sausage at target last week. The brand was Golden Plump and it is really good! I browned it in a pan and then added sliced red/orange/yellow peppers and onions along with some minced garlic. I didn't need to add any oil--just used a non-stick skillet. I let it all simmer together until the veggies were soft and the sausage was cooked through.

    I then made some quinoa to go with it. I mixed the 2 cups of water and 1 cup of quinoa and let it come to a boil, then I added a 10 oz log of goat cheese right into the water. Stirred it in and let the quinoa finish cooking. I often crumble goat cheese over my quinoa, but have never tried cooking it into the mixture. It turned out really good--almost like a "risotto" version of quinoa.

    @L2T--Loved your post, and I agree with kaye--I need to follow the same advice. I've also got somewhere between 20-50 lbs to go and just need to rededicate myself. I say the 3 of us make a pact to really buckle down and see what kind of progress we can make over the next month. Maybe if we just focus on April, we will be more successful at keeping to plan.

    @robin--even though they are only fish, I could never intentionally let them die, and I don't know of anyone who would want them. They are fairly large Green Severums (a type of South American Cichlid)--we have them in a 90 gal tank, so they would need to move into something at least half that size to survive. I just don't know anyone who would want them. :ohwell: We recently lost 2 and they were all born at the same time (to our last generation), so they must be nearing the end of their cycle. We will just wait it out.

    @tracy--good job working out hard without the trainer!! :drinker:

    AFM--I got most of my list done. Finished 2 classes of essays, so less than 30 left for this week. Grades are due a week from Tuesday, so I will get them done by then for sure. It would be nice to get them done before the weekend--we will see...

    As I mentioned above to kaye and L2T, I'm going to rededicate myself and try to really focus on staying strictly under calories for the month of April. My hope is that this will restart my weight loss and get me motivated to finally lose the last of this extra weight. As a part of this plan, I will be reviewing my calorie allowance to see what I had it set at when I was still losing weight.

    March Challenge:
    1. 3/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 27/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 30/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 43/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--run outside w/ gunner WALKED GUNNER INSTEAD
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--run outside w/ gunner
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sunday share: I'm Laura, 20 year old college student living in the LA area, originally from New Mexico, via Wales and then the east coast (it's been a complicated few years). I'm on my way to lose 122 pounds, and have about 85 to go! I enjoy movies, reading, tea, borrowing other people's dogs and travel.

    Quick check in from the library (definitely the most desperate place on campus this Sunday night!)
    Not quite caught up, but thank you for the support. In the past this time of the year has always been a problem for me. I am a perfectionist with my schoolwork, and tend to think of myself as a "brain in a jar", disconnecting who I am from my body. Last finals period I gained about 10 pounds from not exercising and subsisting on calorific coffee drinks all in the name of being a good student. I'm avoiding the worst of that this week, and have exercised every day despite the workload. However, I'm having a really hard time getting enough sleep and managing my stress, which leads to sugar cravings. No horrible days so far, so I'm going to take it easy on myself and be okay with eating a few hundred into my exercise calories.

    Did an unofficial weigh in a few days ago and I was up 1.5 pounds. I'm going to take of weighing this week, as I've been noticing I often gain or plateau and then lose about 4 pounds. I just need to remind myself that it's physically impossible for that to be 1.5 pounds fat... right?
    Race is on the 5th! I'm planning on running Tuesday and Thursday, with Friday off before my race on Saturday. my only goal is to finish.

    Sorry for the lack of personals. I've got a big paper tomorrow and an exam on Thursday, and after that I should be able to be a more positive contributing member to the group!