

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kim, one of the basics of creating a long term eating plan is to find out where you are on the continuum between moderator and abstainer. I am an abstainer and cannot imagine myself having a small piece of cheesecake or a single piece of candy. I have almost entirely given up bread, cheese, pasta, chips, most processed foods, and desserts. I occasionally have tortillas or cheese at a Mexican restaurant or a biscuit at Red Lobster, but I don't allow the dangerous foods in my house. it works for me and I don't feel deprived. I am happy with the foods I choose to eat and happy with the way I feel. People who find that they are moderators enjoy their small treats and feel happy with the choices they make.

    :bigsmile: Gloria, congrats on your smaller measurements.

    :bigsmile: Meg and Jill, how great that you got to meet up with each other.

    :flowerforyou: Lila, I think dancing on sand would be very tiring and not as much fun as dancing on a good dance floor. I think if you get right back on track, any overages for a few days will go away quickly.....we have some wonderful sunshine here, too.

    :flowerforyou: Carol in NC, the main reason I can keep my step count high is that I plan my day to get up extra early to do a lot of walking before 7:30 AM........however, I don't have any family members depending on me for any care or direction in the morning (except the dogs, and they walk with me):laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: This has been a great day.......long morning walk, an hour pulling weeds, some much needed housework, roasted a whole chicken for lunch so we'll have leftovers for a few days, more dog walking while Jake cleaned the kitchen, and now I'm enjoying my time with all of you while Bernie, the cat, sits in my lap, and Brandy and Sasha rest near my feet hoping that I'll want to take them for another walk. Later I'll try to finish the day with yoga before an early bedtime.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Joyce, what a story! I feel for you and for him; but you made the choices you had to – to support Michelle.:smile: What trauma for Dan to have his mom run over his dad!:grumble: I can’t imagine what a toll that would take on anyone’s mental well being; and affect choices, trust and all sorts of relationship issues.

    Kathrine in Kansas – I would sign up for that class too – but Kansas is a bit of a commute! I would love it if you would share info either here or friend me and share that way…:smile:

    Cynthia – So sad to hear you lost DH, bunny and kitty all so close together –:cry: it must have been/be hard! But also So excited to hear you lost more and broke that barrier! Here’s to a healthier you! :flowerforyou:

    Lila – what an interesting family tree – genealogy in your family would have lots of side notes! So glad you ended up in a good situation. :smile:

    Heather – sending good thoughts for you DSIL…

    Barbie - I am a moderator mostly, but an abstainer sometimes!! So I could not have a pint of ice cream in the house, I’d eat it all – but I can have a box of ice cream bars, and fit in one here one there, and make it work:smile:

    Lindastanley8, lapierrecycli – welcome !

    Everyone – with busy weekends – hope you get all of it done, and have time to breath!:drinker:

    So a bit about my Mom; I vented about her; but am feeling a bit bad about it as she was great when I was a kid:happy: …..- I grew up with 2 fabulous parents and just a few months shy of their 25th wedding anniversary my Dad died; I was 19 years old, I have a sister that was 11 and a brother who was 9. What I quickly learned is that my Mom’s rudder for being the person she was, was my Dad. :ohwell: And so for the last 36 years I have had to deal with a mom who is at times wonderful and at times a nut case. My sister and brother are far more broken by this than I was as I had my folks for longer and I got counseling then and later. My childhood memories are all good – we had great times and there are great stories:happy: :happy: . My mom’s personal value and she values she sees for all women is their value to their husbands… she lost her husband and therefore has no value, I never had a husband so no value.:brokenheart: Additionally she was a model - a very beautiful New York model – and she has kept her size; perfect size 2, 5 foot 1 inch shape. I am and always have been shaped more like my dad build a bit like a box. She doesn't understand the weight issues at all - in her mind I have gained weight just to embarrass her. :huh: I know she does the best she can with the issues she has; she loves me as completely as she can; most of the time I cope; sometimes it is just not enough. :noway:

    My plan is to do some serious meal planning for this upcoming week and see how it goes... I'll report back - I think I will just plan lunch and dinner- I have 2 or 3 go to breakfasts and that works well for me... :bigsmile:

    Kim in Sunny N. CAL
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    I will bump here and also say I am feeling wierd again, like Tuesday night before I started getting sick to my stomach. Since I can't take Ambien anymore I've been taking Benadryl to sleep, I am wondering if this is causing me to feel so dizzy and nauses.
    I guess I'll have to make an appointment with my doctor and see what alternatives are out there. I am allergic to asprin, ibupropin and codine, my family has a history of being allergic to drugs so I am fearful of trying things but I don't know what else to do.
    Sorry to sound like a downer here, I actually am not down or depressed, I just have to find a way to turn off my mind at night and be able to sleep.
    Sunshine and rainbows to all
    Patty Cincinnati, OH

    I also have a problem with sleep - I have been taking melatonin and it really helps - take it an hour before you want to sleep. Also I feel sick when I take Benadryl - its not good for your BP - you don't really get a good night sleep and wake up groggy - try the melatonin.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 404 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Just popping in to wish everyone a good night.

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. It was hot and humid here today and it’s supposed to start raining any minute. I spent the entire day shopping with DD#2 for parent-daughter day. It was fun but boy am I exhausted. DD#1 has not answered emails from hubby or me about if she is pregnant…we asked her straight out….so I imagine that is what is going on. We’ll see tomorrow.:brokenheart:

    Joyce: nice that the waiter was so accomodating!

    1girlriot: welcome aboard!!!

    Michele: I still can’t get over how busy your days are!

    Gail: love the kitchen table visual

    Barbie: what a touching story, but so sad about the dance teacher! I hope she is on the mend

    Eileen: any baseball game is a win-win for me!:drinker:

    Sylvia: love the Rib Crib in Joplin!!! Ok so as far as the joke goes….I’m not sure if the last man should get to leave or be locked very far away!!!:bigsmile:

    Rori: it will be great to meet you and the others. I keep trying to pin hubby down on exact dates, but will keep on it and let you know as soon as I can!

    Kim: I plan menus on Sunday for an entire week. We eat red meat usually once a week, and the others are divided among chicken, fish, and vegetarian. I try to start by thinking vegetables, and fill in after that. It helps me stay organized, keeps my grocery shopping in check, and gives me plenty of time to make the list, check the coupons (I’m up to $16.75 so far this month), and do the price matching for walmart.

    Cynthia: welcome to normal obese land! I was so proud when I got there LOL:laugh:

    Heather: your visit sounds grand!

    Simbikat: thanks for sharing the poem. Maya Angelou is one of my favorites

    Katla: a dinner sail sounds so delightful! What time should I be there???

    Jill: :blushing: Do post some pics from the awards!

    Lila: so nice to see you and learn more about you!

    Lindastanley: welcome to the group!

    Carol: what a yummy sounding recipe! And so easy. I’ll have to try it

    Lapierrecyl: welcome to you too! I think I spelled your name wrong!

    Jane: yay for the scale movement!

    Well I think I’m off for the night. Oh, I think I forgot to tell you I only came home with 5 pairs of shoes….my all time high was 11. So that time this very distinguished older guy was helping me and I maxed my store card and so had to split the purchase on to 2 cards. He was being overly professional, obviously trying not to embarrass me and DD#2 and I were about to keel over laughing because DH and the other daughter were also going shoe shopping later that day and probably to the same store. DD#2 looked at me and said “We should tell them!” to which I replied “Not a chance! Let them find out on their own”. At that point the salesman finally broke down as did a couple of other customers who had been waiting forever since it was taking me so long to check out! It was so funny. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Ok I’m off. Take care. Meg from Omaha where it is getting ready to storm.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just wanted to boast a bit about my dinner. It's nothing like Heather cooks, but I'm pretty doggone proud for the small amount of time and effort that went into it, combined with the absolute deliciousness! I thought I had picked up some packaged pierogi, but it turned out to be gnocchi. I'd never had either but figured they were fairly interchangeable. I measured out 2 servings of the gnocchi and added 6 ounces of chopped, cooked chicken breast and divided that mixture between two ramekins. Then I made a sauce out of sauteed chopped garlic, Neufchatel cheese, and chicken broth and poured that over the chicken and gnocchi. Then I sprinkled some extra sharp cheddar on top and baked it for 20 minutes. While that was baking, I trimmed up some fresh asparagus, tossed it with a teaspoon of olive oil, laid it in a shallow pan, sprinkled with salt and pepper, then roasted it on a top oven shelf while the casseroles cooked. Added some yellow grape tomatoes to my plate and I had a 500 calorie meal that was amazing! And, when I make it again, I will make the casseroles into 3 servings because they were just that big. For dessert, I had the apple "cobbler" that I mentioned earlier with ice cream! My mouth was in food heaven and I still have calories left over from exercise! I can't manage that many calories for a meal every day, but I was careful today so that I could indulge. *sigh* Now I will dream of eating it all again tomorrow! :bigsmile:

    Good night!

    Carol in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good evening,

    Hope everyone had a great Saturday. We had wonderful warm weather and it really helped me to get motivated to get out work some today. It was my Anniversary so I splurged a little more on food choices today but was pretty active.

    I have really enjoyed reading everyone's post.

    Sue in TN
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    We are having our toddler grandson over this weekend. What a great enjoyment. I also got my hands on some of Ann Rule's newer books. Love her true crime writing. And Monday is a day off for me. I am a lucky woman.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    barbie - how cool those people wanted to get married and then dance afterward. Was the wedding right after your class? If not, when is it scheduled for? That's so nice

    For the last 2 mornings Lance has let me pick him up and put him on the bed so I can give him his insulin. Up until now I've been keeping them in the bedroom and one bathroom. But today I opened the door so they could go out in the house. I know that Lance is going to go behind the couch, but that's OK. It looks like he'll probably come at night to eat the moist food and then I'll just close the bedroom door for the night. We're making progress.....

    I did 50 minutes of Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some hula hoop on the Wii, haven't done that in a while. Maybe I should make a cake for Vince to have during the week. I'm planning to make this honey soy salmon for during the week for us (which reminds me that I need to put the sauce in the bag so that it marinates.)

    Just made a cake for Vince, I'll probably put it in the freezer for later in the week.

    heather - have a question about baking, maybe you have an idea. Actually, if anyone else has an idea, please don't be shy. Anyway, I have this recipe for a chocolate moussse cake that I thought I'd make for Easter. It's actually a cake with mousse in the middle. Anyway, the original recipe calls for you to put this thin chocolate layer all around. For the life of me, I can't figure out how you'd cut the cake without shattering the chocolate. So I was thinking of putting Twix bars around the sides. The thing I haven't quite figured out is how to attach them. I'm really not thinking that I'd use icing, I want to use something else, but what? Something so that they twix bars will stick to the cake. Any ideas of what will stick to the cake and to the candy bars so that the bars will stick to the sides? Sorry to hear about SIL's father

    Sylvia - love your rules for buying shirts'

    Kim - so many times last sumer when we were putting down all that riverrock before I even knew it, it was almost 7. I usually plan my meals (at least the dinner main part) for one week in advance. Then I see what I have leftover and have that the next week. More than a week in advance, I find that I lose track of what I have. Of course, depending on circulstances and the weather sometimes I change. Like if I plan to have soup but its a warm day, I may change to a tuna sandwich. I can never understand someone who gives up certain foods entirely (even sweets). I just find that for me that's a recipe for disaster. I have found that I want smaller and smaller portions of things like sweets

    Cynthia - congrats on hitting those milestones!

    Reading about all the stories, good and bad, about relationships with your moms makes me a bit sad that I was never able to have any relationship with my mom. I barely remember her.

    Cindy in OK - what are you going to see?

    Many times if I have cereal (like Kashi), I put frozen blueberries or strawberries on it the night before. As the fruit thaws out, because it was frozen, there is a bit of fruit juice.

    Katherine in KS - I would suspect "regular" obese versus "morbidly" obese. That's how I took it, anyway. I really like to go grocery shopping, only because I like to get bargains, so I'll buy things that we need that are on sale (especially if I have a coupon)

    Lila - I'm so sorry you lost your mother when you were so young. Makes me feel like I was old when I lost my mother (I was 9)

    lindastanley - welcome! You've come to a great place for support. Log in every day or so and you'll get lots

    lapierecycli - welcome! Do you go cycling outdoors?

    I know that I'm slow...but I just noticed that at the top of my homepage here it tells me "xxx day streak". Wonder if that continues regardless if for one reason or another you do not log in one day (like at holiday time). Guess we'll find out........

    Meg - it just never dawned on me, but I would say that we probably eat red meat only once/week, too. the other days we usually have chicken, pork, some kind of fish, something pasta oriented (ravioli, spaghetti, etc). No, I take that back, maybe we wind up having it twice/week. Not twice every week, but no more than twice/week. We might have lasagna (I'll have spinach for me). Oh, the poor checkout girls at WalMart. I go in with all my ads and price match as much as I can. One of the good things is that sometimes they carry a larger selection of things than the store that the item is advertised carries. So I get the items that I like.

    Carol in NC - when should I be there? Your dinner sounds so yummy

    Sue in TN - happy anniversary!!!

    Michele in NC
  • WifeofPastor
    WifeofPastor Posts: 26 Member
    Michelle in NC if you miss a day you start back at day one again... I hate that fact but just the way it is.

    DH pulled down the bathroom ceiling today so now we have two ceilings down and the knob and tube is going to be an issue.

    Have managed to walk two days in a row on the treadmill and today managed just over 4 Km which is the furthest in quite a few weeks. I also checked my health diary back to this time last year and noticed that I gained weight back then too. I think it has something to do with the length of winter here and needing to get outside and work on my garden... but today we got up to a fresh layer of snow again. But glad that I managed to do the walk.

    sorry I couldn't read all the posts since I last left a note but this group is soo busy. I have to get myself to bed and still have to prepare for my Sunday School class lesson.

    Good night all.
    Ronnie in PA, Saskatchewan.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have here in front of me a magazine that I get from our local Women's Hospital. One of the articles is about emotional first aid. It gives 5 rules for emotional fitness. I find this really helpful in my weight control since so much of it is emotional.
    #1 Succeed by allowing yourself to fail. You learn through your failures
    #2 Declare your self worth and live your purpose
    #3 Learn to transform loss into gain. Good health does not dwell on the bad
    #4 Remember that fear does not keep you safe. We fear humiliation , pain and failure. Good health is all about being courageous
    #5 Cultivate hope every day. Hope keeps us thinking positive even in the face of negativity

    Ponder on these thoughts tonight

    Well I called my ex SIL this evening while my husband was out doing his Karaoke thing. I knew I would be more comfortable being all by myself. They will get in town tomorrow but still have Guard all day and then he has a 6 hour drive home. So I don't think I am going to be seeing him. He will just drop off the plaque at the house. We are going to be out all afternoon, ughh food will be served at this thing we are doing, then Michelle will come over about 5:15 and we will have supper. She does not want to be here at all when he is here. I can understand that. I hope it doesn't affect our relationship that I have the plaque myself. If that is the case I will throw it away. I really wanted to see him, see that he is OK. It seems like his new marriage suits him well. He was never the brightest guy around, spelling, math, sentence structure was terrible but he wanted to do something with his life. Because of him being in the foster system during all his teen years and his younger siblings even longer of course, he has always wanted to give back. So he wanted a degree in psychology and social work. So he told me that he will graduate this May with these degrees! Now I also realize that he was very capable of telling a big lie to impress some one. So I hope he wasn't lying to me.

    Charlies Karaoke circle of friends is having a get together tomorrow. Several of the guys have their own karaoke studios in their homes. So that's where we are going tomorrow. This guy can really guzzle down the beer and hard liquor and so can some of the other guys. Also they are a strong German heritage and love to eat. They don't eat real healthy either!!!!! LOL:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: So I don't know whether to take along a little sack lunch of my healthy meal so I won't be tempted. But knowing me, if it's in front of me I'm going to be tempted whether I have just eaten my healthy meal or not. So eating my meal first would just be adding about 300 more calories to the diary. This group is called the Over the hill gang. There are the three guys, all the almost exact some age, Charlie worked with one of them for 30 years and the other was his best friend since kindergarten. They all were in the military of course and love to sing some patriotic songs and introduce which branch they were in before they sing. And then there are some other people coming that have become their karaoke core group. I know most of them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place and hope to see you tomorrow.:flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cynthia – So sad to hear you lost DH, bunny and kitty all so close together –:cry: it must have been/be hard! But also So excited to hear you lost more and broke that barrier! Here’s to a healthier you! :flowerforyou:
    Hey Kim; thanks. I realized after I posted this that I also had to have my horse put down about a year after that. Not a great time, no. :cry:

    Thanks for everybody's congratulations! The first 11 kg seemed to go without many problems, but now it looks like it's getting harder.

    All the mom stories make me think I'll call mine again this afternoon. We've had our issues, but now that she's older and I live so far away, I miss her and miss just popping over to do something with or for her.

    Have a great day, everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC:smile: Your dinner sounds delicious:love: !!!!

    Michele:smile: Sounds like you`re having good luck with the kitties:love: !!! My first thought about getting the Twix to stick to the side of the cake...glue:tongue::laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , it would be a no calorie cake that way:laugh: ! You can so tell I am not a cook, or a baker:blushing: !

    I`ve read all the posts and wishing everyone well:heart: !!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunshiny and wonderful NC:glasses:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member

    I'm not lurking today.

    I just finished the Leslie Sansone "Walk Strong" DVD. (And took 2 Aleve because when I start out with this dvd I am oh so sore the next day. The first time I did it I could hardly sit down on the potty I was that sore. She does a lot of squats!) My nurse daughter is very concerned that I work on my muscle mass as I lose weight.

    Well shower and then off to Church.

    Have a wonderful and blessed day!

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member

    Deb A in CNY
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning Ladies, thinkh spring has finally found us, light rain here today and birds are coming back daily
    Makes everything seem okay again.

    All the mom stories make me wonder how I would have made out with mine but she died when I was 4 yr old, father who was fabulous but gone now too and my older sister stepped in to take her place. DH 's mom died when he was 12 so we have never had a mom influence in our marriage.

    Have to thank Michele and others for talking about the Leslie Sansone walk dvds I have tried them and have finally found an exersice I look forward to doing and enjoy thank you again, you really can learn from all the ideas everyone has here.

    New Ladies welcome and enjoy your time with us the ladies here are smart, witty, helpful, and most of all compassonite (sp)

    Have a great day

    Juanita in sudbury
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 404 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone,

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day. I am still on a plateau, that 1/2 pound gained back is still with me. I will keep up the good work, though I did enjoy bread and dipping oil at dinner last night after the show.

    Michele, we saw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Ace Young and Diana DiGarmo (spelling?) from American Idol were the stars. My Hubby really liked it. Ace looked wonderful, love men with long hair. I love musical theatre and am lucky that Hubby does too. Actually I love the Arts in general. I love drawing with graphite and colored pencil. Still learning with colored pencil.

    I have to start my workout, have been dawdling this morning. Hubby already left on his run!

    Have a beautiful day everyone! Hugs!

    Cindy in OK
  • H2Odaughter
    H2Odaughter Posts: 44 Member
    Just found this thread ,,, Have finished a 100 Day Challenge, met my goal, 15 pounds less of me! However, my ultimate goal is to get rid of another 20. I seem to be at a motivational standstill. All of this being said ... here I am!

    My name is Denise. I am 60, a 4th grade teacher in Colorado. (My husband and I spend our summers in Hawaii, thus the profile pic!) I'm not sure how to keep track of where I am in this thread (?), but my goal is to become part of this ongoing conversation!

    Happy Sunday!