Slim in Six starting November 1st



  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    starting day one of 6 weeks today!!!! :smile: couldnt be more excited!!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    starting day one of 6 weeks today!!!! :smile: couldnt be more excited!!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    Day one of slim in 6 complete! pushups n crunches kicked my butt!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    quick question... how are yall logging this into ur exercise part of MFP?
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    I usually list it under general aerobics for the minutes minus stretching time (about 7 minutes worth in Ramp it Up). So for Start it Up it was ...24(?) minutes of general aerobics! Way to go RLAL...I am definitely feeling my abs today as I started over on Ramp it Up after my long Christmas exercise siesta! Those crunches are no joke. Believe it or not it does get easier....I NEVER thought I'd be able to do those squats and lunges without falling on my face...but those are my fav parts now!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    Quick quick quick!

    1. I'm alive and well after a fantastic xmas, hope it was awesome for all of you as well and everyone has power and isn't covered in too much snow

    2. I'm in LOVE with my HRM and have discovered that I burn WAY more calories than MFP or any machine has ever told me so I'm adjusting my eating accordingly

    3. I'm eating OK (staying at my boyfriend's house with him mom who loves to cook makes this a challenge) but to make up for it I've run every day so far this week and plan to keep that up until I get back to the city and start ChaLEAN. Even in the snow. And dragging my boyfriend along.

    4. One great story - Went to Chicos to exchange some xmas presents that were too big (yeay!). I don't know if you all know about Chicos or have one nearby but it's usually frequented by women an average of 15 years older than me and it's not quite my style. But I had about 150$ to spend in exchanges so I figured I should at least be able to get some new jeans. Well I learned that the store has its own sizing system - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. A 0 is apparently a 4-6 which would be me but they were all BIG. So I'm trying to find something I A. like and B. can fit into and I'm getting sass from every sales person there as I ask for smaller sizes and they roll their eyes and say that there isn't anything smaller than a 0. I was a little annoyed at the service until I stopped and said, "Hey. I'm TOO SKINNY for this store!" Then I wasn't so upset :-) (Ended up with a jacket, new sun glasses, and a cute purse for special occasions)

    Awesome job for everyone who has managed to start workout programs this close to the holidays, I'll be joining your ranks shortly! Hooray for a happy and healthy 2011!!!!
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    Well I was GOING to post my stats today...but since I flubbed up back when we first started and subtracted an inch to my "missing an inch" tape measure rather than adding an inch....I was so VERY excited because I felt my measurements had come down just a smidge...but the current measurements posted are actual so instead of me trying to figure out if I'm adding up or down...I'll leave it where it is and keep my true measurements current from this point on!

    Did I confuse you yet?!

    MTDORK- What kind of HRM are you using? I'm going to spend my Christmas cash on one but I'm not sure what to start looking at. I think I definitely want one with a chest strap!

    Hope everyone else is able to pull through the holidays!!! Holla back!:flowerforyou:
  • aprilfit
    aprilfit Posts: 90 Member
    No Stats
    No Workouts.
    Rockin' a nasty head cold.
    Still logging my food.
    Hoping to feel better for New Years and then back to RIU and BIU

    RLAL - Welcome, glad you are joining us.

    Best to all of you during the holidays.
  • Truhvn
    Truhvn Posts: 107 Member
    FORCED myself to work out last night even though I was DEAD tired after laying Conner down to read him a book...I kept falling asleep while I was reading. I wanted to sleep SO badly even though it was only 8:45! But feeling my muscles while I walk around at work all day has been lovely so I decided I would push for as long as I could. I really want to meet my 2nd mini goal as planned by the 1st...well actually by the 31 since I"m not planning on weighing in January AT ALL!!!! So I went for it and who knew...I was wide awake when I was done with all 40 minutes of Ramp it UP (I skip the stretching for my own version). Now I'm back to struggling to meet my calorie intake when I exercise, but I'd rather that be my problem than trying not to eat so I DON"T go over my calorie intake allowance. This girl likes to eat, but when I start eating healthy I just cant manage getting all those calories in!!! It's a vicious cycle!!!

    I love the squats and lunges, hate the floor STILL (my arms start going numb the longer I stay in that good, huh?!!) and my abs are cursing me up and down the street because they are so sore!!!! inner thighs too!

    I've begun to notice that apparently I will lose all the weight from my legs first. They are looking better and legs here I come...hopefully someday it'll move up north!!!

    Keep on moving girls!!!!
  • RLAL09
    RLAL09 Posts: 28
    does anyone else have problem with popping joints and bones while doing the workout? my hips are the worst...its like a grinding sound... then a pop... no pain just odd to me...

    me and the crunches are becoming new best friends =) however my lungs felt like fire today... drank some water n it started doing better...

    thinking bout doubling up today for my missed session yesterday... or just making that my day off and working through the 7th day instead of taking it off...

    welp thats all from me for rt now... hope you all are doing well!
  • MTDork87
    MTDork87 Posts: 205
    I'm back! I'm back! Thank FITNESS I'm BACK!!!!

    Oh man, awful time this week eating with my boyfriend's family, they LIVE by food and I was with them for 10 whole days! YIKES! But I'm back, the scale has been hidden, and ChaLEAN starts tomorrow!

    Also, here's the new thread!

    I have a proposition for you all as well - Should we re-start the chart using our current stats as our starting stats? Start new for the new year? Post in the new forum and let me know what you think!

    I'm SOOO Happy to be back, can't wait to hear from everyone!