not-that-heavy girls trying to lose weight



  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    hello I think this group will be perfect for me. I am 5'5 and weighing 122 and would like to be back to 110-115. i want to mainly tone up my tummy.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    :sad: I would KILL to be 122!
  • Oh, thank God!!! I was beginning to think I was the only one! I started this 3 days ago. I'm 5'3" and 130 lbs. My goal weight right now is 115. It might go lower as I reach it, but we'll see when I get there. I have friends who tell me things like "Oh, shut up.....I hate you. You're so skinny." and "PLEASE, you're overweight when you're half my size." It hurts my feelings. Why is my need to lose weight any less important than anyone else's?

    I'm really not skinny or in good shape at doctor said I'm clinically obese. I might be a size 8, but there's nothing under my clothes but fat and cellulite. I sit at a desk all day long and have for years. I never had to count calories, so I never worried about it. I used to run 6-8 miles a day, but that was because I was in the Air Force and got in the habit of running every day with my friends. I want to wear that bikini to Destin on our girls' trip in June and look amazing in it, instead of covering it up with something so people don't see my stomach and thighs!
  • ariesldsgal
    ariesldsgal Posts: 73 Member
    I have another 20 pounds to lose. I am 5'4" and currently 143, gw 125, size 6. I've been doing well, lost 20 pounds before joining this site, another 2 since joining a couple weeks back. Hoping to keep the scale moving in the correct direction. :-)
  • moe5474
    moe5474 Posts: 162
    Oh, thank God!!! I was beginning to think I was the only one! I started this 3 days ago. I'm 5'3" and 130 lbs. My goal weight right now is 115. It might go lower as I reach it, but we'll see when I get there. I have friends who tell me things like "Oh, shut up.....I hate you. You're so skinny." and "PLEASE, you're overweight when you're half my size." It hurts my feelings. Why is my need to lose weight any less important than anyone else's?

    I'm really not skinny or in good shape at doctor said I'm clinically obese. I might be a size 8, but there's nothing under my clothes but fat and cellulite. I sit at a desk all day long and have for years. I never had to count calories, so I never worried about it. I used to run 6-8 miles a day, but that was because I was in the Air Force and got in the habit of running every day with my friends. I want to wear that bikini to Destin on our girls' trip in June and look amazing in it, instead of covering it up with something so people don't see my stomach and thighs!

    I feel you. I'm not overweight but I sit at a desk all day and have lost a lot of muscle tone. Even at 143 being 5'8 I have high cholesterol and high blood sugar. I've got to change my diet and exercise habits to feel better about myself and to get healthy. I need to get rid of the sugar and cellulite.

    Still, when I tell my friends they do just what you're saying....they're unsupportive and think I'm crazy. It can definitely be hurtful. Just stick with it though! I've found this is a great website for support....people here are always so encouraging :)
  • Great thread! Can I join? I'm 5'2.5, yes for real, don't laugh, and 143. In my early twenties I never weighed above 125 and by the time I was 27 I was 128. I didn't get into the 40's until I was 31. I'm now 32. I've always been curvy and have worn it well. People tell me I don't need to lose weight but they have never seen me naked except my bf and he likes a little extra cushion. My weight didn't bother me until it started showing up in my arms :( I would like to get down to 125 but slowly, lose 1/2 a pound a week. I don't want to stress myself out too much. I want to get half tattoo sleeves and I don't want to do it with flabby arms!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    I'm glad I found this group! I'm 28 (29 in less than a month!), 137 pounds and trying to get to 125, which is my "happy weight." A few years ago I got to 116, but that was because I was running a ton and very stressed from a breakup. I was really too skinny for my height at that point (I'm 5'6") but I really like being between 122 and 125, so that is what I am striving for! My husband is like your bf Icandothis2011, liking a little extra, but I really want to get toned again! A little extra doesn't look good in skinny jeans or bathing suits!!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't think it is hurtful to have people say you don't need to lose weight. Just don't talk about it. Or if it they ask you if you want something you don't want to waste the calories on, just say you don't like it, or you just ate. If it comes up I just say I am trying to eat better or I am training for a race or something. Or if they say "you don't need to lose weight" you can say you have to try really hard to keep your weight down and you can't afford new clothes.
    I try to see it from their point of view and maybe it is annoying to have "not that heavy girls" talk about diet/exercise. If these are people you care about, just respond in a way that makes it easiest to maintain the relationship without sabotaging your hard work:tongue:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Great thread! Can I join? I'm 5'2.5, yes for real, don't laugh, and 143. In my early twenties I never weighed above 125 and by the time I was 27 I was 128. I didn't get into the 40's until I was 31. I'm now 32. I've always been curvy and have worn it well. People tell me I don't need to lose weight but they have never seen me naked except my bf and he likes a little extra cushion. My weight didn't bother me until it started showing up in my arms :( I would like to get down to 125 but slowly, lose 1/2 a pound a week. I don't want to stress myself out too much. I want to get half tattoo sleeves and I don't want to do it with flabby arms!

    Hey girl, you claim that half inch! :happy: Damn straight!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Hey girls! I'm 5'2" hovering right around 113, but I'd like to lose maybe another 5 or so pounds? I started at 140 and my initial goal was 120... then 115, now 110... has anyone ever experienced this issue of constantly re-setting your goals lower? I need a cut off! My frame is medium and I've always been pretty muscular, although I'd like to get more toned... I just have no motivation to go to the gym when it's FREEZING outside!! I don't know.... suggestions are welcome!

    Oh and I'm so glad I found this thread, you all are wonderful... and we survived the holidays (mostly), so let's do this!!

    Yes, I know the feeling of wanting to be smaller and smaller. You know what they say about rich and skinny!

    I'm going to say with a medium frame you should definitely stop at 112(or now), maintain and tone for a month and see if you really want lower.

    It would interest me to see how many calories everyone is eating. Anyone measuring body fat?
  • BuckeyeLuvvvva
    BuckeyeLuvvvva Posts: 48 Member
    cutmd, thanks for the input, I think I will definitely consider it! For a long time I've been thinking "I would really like to try yoga and/or pilates but..." and then I come up with an excuse about how i'm inexperienced or self-conscious, etc. What with the new year being upon us and all, I thought what better time to try something new than now? So my question is, do any of you guys do either one? What do you think? Any tips/tricks/suggestions?

    Have a happy and safe New Year's! Cheeeers!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    cutmd, thanks for the input, I think I will definitely consider it! For a long time I've been thinking "I would really like to try yoga and/or pilates but..." and then I come up with an excuse about how i'm inexperienced or self-conscious, etc. What with the new year being upon us and all, I thought what better time to try something new than now? So my question is, do any of you guys do either one? What do you think? Any tips/tricks/suggestions?

    Have a happy and safe New Year's! Cheeeers!

    I did Pilates for about a year, then became addicted to the intense stuff. I loved it though, really slimmed my hips and flattened my tummy. The classes with the reformer were also great and a new level of strength. In fact, i have been eyeing a pilots studio that recently opened near me. Yoga I have only done a video or two. It was too inscribe and uncomfortable for me
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    hello I think this group will be perfect for me. I am 5'5 and weighing 122 and would like to be back to 110-115. i want to mainly tone up my tummy.

    What she said! (Except I'm not 122.) But the tummy toning, please! :)
  • BuckeyeLuvvvva
    BuckeyeLuvvvva Posts: 48 Member
    Well... I don't know about you guys but... I rang in the New Year like any ol' 23 year old would.... and I think it felt good to get a night of celebrating out of my system. I feel refreshed and motivated and so ready to make 2011 an even better year than 2010. I have many resolutions but for the first time in as long as I can remember, one of them is NOT "lose that extra 15-20lbs" now it's "maybe lose a couple, just maintain and tone," exciting is that?! What are some of your guys' resolutions? Post 'em, health and fitness related or not!

    And cutmd.... I plan on attending a pilates class or 2 this week!! Do I need a mat or anything?
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    I love finding new little workouts and tips and tricks. My facebook gives me updates from FitnessTV, Self Magazine, Fitness Magazine, Jillian Michaels, and probably a few more. I get emails from various different newsletters. I don't always like what I find, but sometimes I find some neat tips.

    Here's my newest discovery:

    Which led to finding:

    I'm lazy. I hate working out and I find excuses not to. But some of these things I can do! Clenching my butt or ab muscles while sitting around? Check. Walking while on the phone? easily done. The little things add up!
  • aanner
    aanner Posts: 26
    Im soo excited, I lost 4 pounds so far in the past 3 weeks or so!!! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I look and feel so much better. can't wait to get to my goal!! just thought i'd share this here LOL.

    Height: 5'5
    SW: 130
    CW: 126
    Mini GW: 122
    GW: 115-118

    Oh, and happy new years everyone!!! Hope everyone got through the holidays alright :P
  • Of all the posts I have read, I believe this one makes most sense to me. I lost over 34 lbs and 34 inches but am up 13 lbs. I need a little motivation to get a handle on things again. I am 155 and 5'6 and would like to be 135-140. But my body fat goal would be 20-25%. I started working out and am feeling a lot more confident, now to stick with the good eating. I hate that my legs get bigger when I exercise and get discouraged, does any one know how long that lasts?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Im soo excited, I lost 4 pounds so far in the past 3 weeks or so!!! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I look and feel so much better. can't wait to get to my goal!! just thought i'd share this here LOL.

    Height: 5'5
    SW: 130
    CW: 126
    Mini GW: 122
    GW: 115-118

    Oh, and happy new years everyone!!! Hope everyone got through the holidays alright :P

    That's a lot for your size! Go you!
  • WeatherGurl1129
    WeatherGurl1129 Posts: 36 Member
    I managed to lose 1 lb. this week. I'm just not sure if it's true weight loss or just fluctuation, because I can go up and down from 157 to 160 very easily these days. But this week is the first week I've really started working out as well as watching what I eat.

    I turned on the Wii Fit for the first time in forever (!) on Saturday and just did 30 minutes of low intensity/beginner stuff. According to MFP, I only burned 92 calories but it felt like so much more! My leg muscles are still quite sore. So I'm trying to mark every time I am walking more than 20 minutes (even grocery shopping) to hopefully count the amount of exercise that I need to for the week. I went shopping yesterday for 4 hours, so I burned a lot from that. I'm taking today off since I worked out twice in a row, plus I have Bible study this week.

    This week I'm planning to go walking with my dogs and do some moderate cleaning for some visitors this weekend. As an already petite woman trying to lose weight, I'm struggling to find enough exercise to really make a difference.
  • Glad to find this posting. I am 5'3 and currently at 135 and my goal weight is 125. I sort of lost focus between Christmas and New Years and I am back on track today. I was up early to go to my 5:30 am bootcamp and it felt good to exercise after a weekend of less than healthy eating. I usually weigh-in daily as it keeps me accountable but I have decided to wait a couple of days after the holiday extra food. I wish everyone success in 2011. I do find that logging my food and keeping current on MFP has worked for me!
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