Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Welcome to the new people and keep logging and drop by the thread for some comfort and sound advice.

    Got to walk yesterday after the rain let up. I did my walk today as well, both for just over 30 min. I usually do 2 15 mim walks but the rain would not let me out yesterday. Today I just decided to get it all done at once and be free for the rest of the day. It was a great day to walk as the rain had 'cleaned' everthing up and it smelled great. The sky was covered with white fluffy clouds and a deep blue color behind them. It kind of reminded me the start of the Simpsons show, not that I watch that but I know how it starts.
    Yesterday I met all my goals, under cal, walked, and drank 8 cups of water. That is 2 days in a row. Today should be in the bag too. The middle of the week is always so good for me and then the weekend comes along and I ruin it and then have to weigh on monday, that really sucks. I should weigh on Friday, but then I really might be bad on the weekend. lol

    It is amazing how many miles this group is doing
    May Mileage Goal: 40 miles

    5/1 = 1.98
    5/2 = 0.86
    5/5 = 0.86
    5/6 = 1.67
    5/7 = 1.56

    May total : 6.92 miles
    Fun FACT on our challenge

    Total miles for our challenge: 1,253 miles :laugh:
    Accomplished Miles: 250.13 to date :love:

    So is Total miles for our challenge the total of goals?
    Accomplished miles is what we have logged so far?

    Just want to make it clear in my head.:explode:

    Extra (most of you can skip by this) LOL (THIS IS EDIT)

    Funny thing #1 two entries to my Exercise one place by MapMyWalk give me 411 cal burned if I add 34 min at same pace MFP gives me 285 cal burned (126 difference).

    Funny thing #2 it added to the entry on my home page making me look like i did 696 cal burned and 68 min of walking, people have already commented or like this entry and now it changes. So if i remove my walk from the Exercise tab it does not subtract or edit the post on my Home page. it sitll says 411 and 68 min. If I add more walking or other exercise it wil edit or add but again it does not seem to subtract or make a new comment if anything is removed. Maybe that is three funny things. Can you tell I am in IT?

    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog



    Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog


  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    No ime this morning, meant to catch up last night but went to bed early instead.

    Thanks for the zombie run update. Tried to watch TWD but gave me nightmares, but 14 year ol son loves it tho. We both thougt the zombie run sounds like a blast!

    Thursday truth: had 2 choc chip biscuits the other day and didn't track them. I plan to add them to today's total.

    Friday fitness: bough myself a fitbit yesterday! I had Christmas money unspent, and it was time to use it up, LOL. I've been hearing you all talk about them so much and can now know how far I walk each day. Not planning on adding to my normal routine, but at least I'll know where I'm at, and can build on that.

    Have a great Friday everyone, Nxx
  • hjblackburn26
    I see a lot of you logging mileage. What do you use to track? I'm looking for a good device that will keep track of that and calories burned but I can't spend a fortune.

    My confession for this week is I'm still not sure if I measure my food and log it correctly. A lot of the times I just guess and probably underestimate what I did it. I bought a digital scale that has come in handy but I'm talking about something like a casserole. I log each ingredient separately but not sure if the portion size I put for what I eat is correct. Any suggestions?
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Sorry, just time for an update. I'm too far behind in posts...

    I got hit with another round of 15 min no-stop circuits with JJ's every minute. I got through it with more power today, no puking feeling :tongue: The box jumps were only on the lowest setting of The Step LOL, but I got my footing right this time (was taking an extra step on the ground in between). And Tuesday it took me a few tries before I could muster up the courage to jump on to it. Today I just hopped on up. And tomorrow is cardio day... :sick:

    I'm having trouble sleeping still, I should be sleeping like a baby after all the exercise I've been doing lately, but I don't feel rested until Saturday when I can get a few extra hours in the morning. I wish there were more Saturday mornings in a week.

    Fitbit goals: (12,000/8 km): 8/31

    Goal mileage: (155 km) (96 miles)
    5/1: 11.2 km (6.7 miles)
    5/2: 7.8 km (4.8 miles)
    5/3: 6.2 km (3.9 miles)
    5/4 8.1 km (5 miles)
    5/5 3.5km (2.2 miles)
    5/6 8.4 km (5.2 miles)
    5/7 5 km (3.1 miles)
    5/8 10.8 km (6.7 miles)

    Total: 61 km (37.6 miles) I am just past the 1/3 mark, with just over 2/3 of the month to go!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @Heather: I track my stationary bike (use the distance on the machine) and hiking/walking (I use an app called mapmyfitness). I just press start and it records my distance as I go. I have a fitbit too, but that tracks all distance (I only track my exercise). It also tracks calories burned.

    Great job getting a digital scale, now the idea is to use it to weigh EVERYTHING. That is going to get you the most accurate results. As for a casserole, I log every ingredient (after I weigh it-before cooking) and record it. I just put in an arbitrary number of servings until after it is done, then portion the casserole out into even servings and change the number to that. It works this way for me because I live alone, so I am the only one eating it, so if I eat a slightly bigger piece one day, it doesn't matter, I will have eaten the entire recipe myself and all the calories will even out for me. If you are eating with family, the only other thing I can think of is to get each serving to weigh the same amount, then put number of servings. I have also started to use the import recipe function which saves a lot of time. Copy and paste the recipe URL, then you can edit the ingredients if you omitted/added something or used a low-fat option etc. and alter your number of servings.
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I'm new on this thread. The truth is that I just had a gastric sleeve last week out of desperation. I think it was the right choice for me. My starting weight was 263, my current weight is 211 and my goal weight is 125. I'm going to be lifting weights and doing the 30 day shred.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    I am lacking on exercise this week, just can't get motivated to hit the gym. I have been very tired this week after work. I am guessing it is in response to last weekend's exercise marathon. I plan to climb tomorrow night, swim on Saturday and go biking on Sunday so I will make up for it then.

    Mileage update.

    Total miles of our challenge: 1253
    Total miles completed as of 5/7: 330

    We are 26.3% completed :drinker: :heart: :flowerforyou:
    Happy Teacher's Appreciation week.
  • hjblackburn26
    Another TRUTH that happened this evening:

    So big mistake and hopefully a lessoned learned this evening. I was craving ice cream so when I went to pick up my husband from class we stopped at DQ. say the least I got a medium double fudge cookie dough Blizzard and, OMG, I could not believe the calories. Luckily I had calories left over today plus my son helped me eat it so I didn't eat the whole thing. Man....I will hopefully not do that again!!

    How do you all handle cravings? I have tried to eat something healthy, keep my mind occupied on something else, exercise, etc. and nothing works. I have been told by others that diet that if you crave it you might as well eat it when the craving hits because if you don't you will end up eating it eventually in the near future but it will probably be a bigger serving. Is this something you all have heard and is it true for you?
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    hjwhite26- I have the worst time with cravings as well. It is so challenging to find the balance. So I try to stick with small portions of those things- I don't use tasty not so healthy treats as a reward nor do I punish myself after. The cool thing about the blizzard is that there is a "mini" size. I don't think it is on the menu. I eat half a mini and give my son the rest. I am not saying that I am going to allow myself a mini blizzard everyday... I'm just saying that when I do have a craving, I *try* to take care of it in small portions.

    Of course, I did fall off the health wagon for several months and gained a bunch of weight back...:blushing: but I'm in a better place now and back on track :bigsmile:

    Hey everyone- I hope it's okay that I just jump in here and there. I don't have time to read or respond to everyone; but I have found this thread to be so helpful to me :flowerforyou: I miss you guys and gals. I love that this thread always stands strong. :flowerforyou:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Oh Thursday Truth! For those of y'all that don't know me... I used to hang out in these here parts. I logged every day and walked a lot and lost a bunch of weight. I used to barely be able to walk half a block without a raging asthma attack and some hefty hip pain, then it was a block, then 5. Even though I fell of the wagon; I am proud to say I can still walk a few miles without wanting to fall over dead. I truly believe that you have to fall 7 times and get up 8 in order to succeed. I will try and I will fail... until I no longer fail.

    The truth is that I got this awesome job and everything fell into place for me. Life was terrific and I sort of let it overwhelm me and stopped taking care of myself. I started smoking again (a lot) and eating SO much unhealthy food. I have consistently been going to my trainer sessions but eating SO much junk that I gained some weight. I pretended that everything was okay and that I would just do better the next day, and then the next day, and then... you likely know a story like this.

    My sweet puppy was sick for a long time. We spent many nights trying to get him to a place of comfort and we finally had to let him go last week. Watching my son lose another someone he loved reminded me why I started this journey.

    So now it is about balance. I am taking it slow but pushing myself to be a better version of myself at each new day. I remind myself each morning that I am strong and capable. I know what I want and I will get it through hard work and determination.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Naceto, nice have you back. Jump in any time. I also try to satisfy cravings with small portions. I have successfully substituted a small serving of frozen yogurt at Kiwi Loco for a Blizzard. The calories are much less.
    Today was a terrible food day, but I have logged it all and will move on. We went to Nampa to Costco and Winco for groceries, then ate at Texas Roadhouse. We then went to Caldwell for Sam's 5th birthday with cake and ice cream. Not only did I go way over on calories, I didn't have time for a walk.
    I've logged and will move on. Tomorrow is another day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @hjwhite--I do the same thing as nicole (naceto)--when a craving hits, I try to just have a smaller portion and I exercise to make up for the calories. Also, I do the same as tanya for casseroles, soups, etc. I enter the entire recipe into the database and then just divide it into equal servings.

    @nicole--good to see you back here! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--I have also been lacking exercise this week. I'm also exhausted, but I know it is due to a lack of sleep. I plan to sleep in as late as I like on Saturday. I definitely need the rest. :yawn:

    @kamakazee--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--I second the wish for extra Saturdays!! :drinker:

    @naomi--if just watching zombies on TV scares you, you would probably be terrified at a zombie run! I love TWD and all zombie movies, but I was so scared to run through the zombie hoards during the race. My logical portion of my brain knows they are just normal people in costume, but there's some other part of my brain that just thinks it's food for said zombies.:laugh:

    @ushkii--great job on all 3 goals! :drinker: I see your dilemma about whether or not to weigh on Friday. :ohwell:

    @kris--the stories about the guys at work are hilarious! :laugh:

    @kelley--hope work eases up soon! :flowerforyou:

    @mel--enjoy your trip up north.

    @tom--love the Ali quote--he's one of my favorite athletes. My older sister is a big fan of boxing, so I remember watching his matches as a kid.

    @aimee--I also only track intentional exercise miles. I am toying with the idea of getting a fitbit just to see how much walking I do at work without even realizing it.

    @tracy--so sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou: Hope the house hunting pays off for you guys soon--I know you're anxious for more space.

    Thursday Truth:
    Teacher Appreciation Week has tempted me to eat some not so great treats. Yesterday, we got cake and ice cream, and today it was Jamba Juice. It's also Frap Happy Hour this week at Starbucks. :noway: The good news is, I'm tracking it all and am not terribly over for the month. I would like to be out of the red by monday which is totally doable. Would also like to be under by at least a couple of hundred before Susan's visit a week from Sunday.

    Today, a colleague and I did curriculum writing all day. It was an ideal day to do it b/c most of our seniors were taking the AP English exam. The weather was so gorgeous that we decided to walk up to a little hot dog place in town for lunch. Had a brat and fries, so lots of calories, but the walk helped make up for it. Also took gunner for 2 walks--it was just too nice outside. :happy:

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles
    5/1= 3.5 miles
    5/2= 0 miles
    5/3= 5 miles
    5/4= 1.5 miles
    5/5= 1.5 miles
    5/6= 1.5 miles
    5/7 = 3.5 miles
    5/8 = 6 miles

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 AP analysis activities
    2. 24/52 Hemingway short story annotations/questions

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    hj_white - heather - welcome to a great group of people who will be your friends and suppot you - I'll be here for you mostly on this thread - I don't do the "home" thread very much. Try to visit this thread every day and voice your frustrations as well as your success. Look at the weight you have lost so far as a great success and count it! Now, to use MFP the best was possible we have all found is to LOG OUR FOOD, every lick, bite and taste, so you know exactly how much you are eating. And also to record on those days you have binges. Somehow or another this helps cut down the number of binge days that you have in a row. Its very successful at that. Also, drink you water and don't count pop or caffeinated drinks as your water. Ask us for advice as you go along. Read other columns - look for advice there. Try to get some exercise even if you start like a snail, its possible.
    Again, Glad your here. Glad your trying, so soon after the loss of your father. My condolences on that. :heart:

    HAPPY TEACHERS WEEK. YOU ARE ALL WONDERFUL!!! I have so many wonderful memories of teachers from my past! From Miss Happy (yes !) my kindergarten teacher, to the nuns and lay people who taught me all 12 years of grade and high school, and to the difficut challenges in college and LPN school. 99% were women and I needed them to raise me a little bit, and I loved them for it. Lots of substitute moms - THANK YOU ALL! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Skinny - wish I could help you. Switching from essays to assignments sounds like a good plan!

    t i h - that is a sad story about your fathers friend - esp when I heard his age - and how he died by surgical error. Thats quite awful for the whole family to absorb. Now they need to go through an investigation and decide whether there is cause to sue or not - that becomes another painful issue. My heart goes out to you and your friends. \
    Well I hope you didn't get rain tonight and were able to workout outside tonight!

    aimee marie - impressive on the miles - congratulations!

    hansea - I have the exact same late nite snacking problem - I JUST hate going to bed, but love it once I get there.

    Tom - you're so close to 3 miles a day - wow!

    Mel - you just got over a big illness so don't feel bad you felt ill at the gym - in fact it could also have been nerves or lack of water. Did you do OK the second time? Maybe dial it back a bit. Hope travelling goes well for you and the weather is bright and cheerful. Sounds like you REALLY need it! :flowerforyou:

    Kah - the conversion must be worse than the Obamacare Website Opening - it sounds like its a HUGE project! And I can't imagine getting any work done without a computer - I'd be lost!!! It would be like working - carving - on a stone tablet!

    Ushkii - boy you managed to confuse me with your math there - i am totally lost :laugh: :laugh: I hope YOU figure it out!
    How are your peas doing?

    Naomi - congrats on your
    Fit Bit - I hear they are wonderful - and kudos on managing to hold onto Christmas money this long - thats an accomplishment in itself! :flowerforyou:

    hjwhite - heather - I'm no good at answering your casserole question - sorry - but thats great you have a scale and are weighing stuff. You are ahead of many people. Someone will surely answer your question soon.

    Tanya - great work out - I'd be very afraid of jumpiing up on anything, so I'm very impressed with your progress!

    kam a kazee kim - welcome - we accept everybody! Great new effort with your sleeve. Stick with us if you want support on your journey. stop in every day for best results the thread moves very fast !

    Laurie - your body is a lot stronger than your list of things to do! It says "rest" and you really do have to follow it. Glad you are! Happy Teachers Appreciation Week. You're one of the best!

    Naceto - you have reminded us all of a wonderful lesson, a powerful lesson. Life cannot function properly without BALANCE. Oh how often I forget that.
    i am so sorry for you and your son's loss of your puppy. That must have been agonizing. My heart goes out to the both of you.
    We start life with this innocent, tender heart and soon we start accumulating scars on it. Luckily for us, the heart is amazing for each scar expands the heart and opens it up to accept more love. :heart:

    Kaye- thats the right attitude - -and its served you well for a long time!

    Skinny - glad you're have a good Teacher's Appreciation Week - and glad Starbucks has joined in the fun! I'll bet they don't often offer a happy hour.
    Seriously its nice to honor one of our best teachers! Congrats! :flowerforyou:


    Slept through my alarm and therefore missed my appointment with the neurologist. But I don't regret it. I found out when I called in that he was a general neurologist with no specialty to treat my tongue problems and they were going to set me up with another dude in 30 days who also was the same. I did set that appt. but will be calling around in the meantime to try and locate a neurologist who is more capable in the area of my problem with my tongue and speech problems.

    I did see my surgeons assistant for my first follow up and got my path reports - happily everything biopsied is BENIGN - I am cancer free - WOOT !!!!!! Having had 2 first cousins who died of oral cancer in their early 60's (I'm 62) it really had me worried. PHEW! I will have to follow up once a month for a while then I'm done with the ENT docs.

    My hip is still bothering me and I didn't get any extra exercise in today. I did well on eating until the late evening and then - well, lets just say the refrigerator kidnapped me!
  • bigunme
    bigunme Posts: 7 Member

    Trying to Re-commit

    Its difficult, when although not stated directly, most seem to only look at what the scale says.

    The scale doesn't show all efforts made.

    I.e. Maintain 3 to 5 days of working out
    Setting goals of burning at least 500 calories when exercising
    Riding bike for at least 500 calories with 10 miles efforts and levels of 7 to 16 intensity maintaining mostly level 10
    Incorporating at least 2 to 3 days of weightlifting efforts
    Drinking mostly water and at a minimum at least 80 to 100 ounces of water
    limiting caffeine to 2 cups of coffee

    I have a ways to go, but I'm not one of those 600lbs that you see on tv that need a crane just to get my day started
    hope I don't offend anyone with that ..we all have our mountains to climb just trying to lighten up a bit

    Lost up to 30lbs and gained about 15 of it back over a year period ( made great strides, but the latter part of 2013 with holidays and vacations played a small part in the fluctuation ) but have had some slips of bad habits like that dang
    Dollar Menu (trying to boost energy for workouts sometimes) and Taco Hell (Taco Bell, due to sometime wanting some FLAVOR) ... trying this Eat Right thing (weight lost program) and they want me to log all on pad with pen and pencil, I already use MFP and will continue to do so, but I will do as they ask so that I can get as much accuracy as possible ....

    I've been trying with extra efforts to cook and consume more green leafy such as cabbage and greens and even attempted to
    cook cabbage rolls (veggie style no meat stuffing), so I believe that I'm at least trying and am not having a pity party but people just need to know it's not EASY ...

    Just wanted to get a bit off my chest .. I know I am rambling, but just wanted to get a few things off my chest with people that know the hell we that need to lose 100+ are going through ...still fighting ..bigunme
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    I'm not even going to attempt personals this morning, I'm way too far behind! Things at home continue to be stressful but I'm proud of myself for getting back on the proverbial wagon, and losing 4 lbs in the last week. Had a discouraging appointment re. my ankle yesterday... there is no surgical fix (not that surgery would be a walk in the park, but I've been dealing with this for 3 years now and am anxious for it to be healed) and there is the risk that no matter how long I take off from training, as soon as I start up again, it will flare up. So I guess I am looking at a close, personal, lifetime relationship with my physiotherapist. She taped me up well, once again, so I can manage the half marathon racewalk on Sunday with as little discomfort as possible. It's not the end of the world, but I was hoping for a solution other than "don't racewalk if you don't want it to hurt". :tongue:

    On a lighter note, today I am accompanying the two preschool classes (twenty 4 year olds!) to the mall via city bus, for grad photos and lunch at McDonalds - happy to be escaping the kitchen for the day, should be a grand adventure.

    I'm reading everyone's posts, just haven't had time to reply. Still waiting on the specialist appointment for DH; 12 year old's meds have been adjusted but he is really struggling with some compulsive behaviour/tics and doing lots of scripting and fixating these days... he's having a rough go of it, and I am getting tired of hearing the same scene from Pulp Fiction being run through over and over again (no, he hasn't seen the movie - he saw one little video on youtube! :laugh: ).

    Welcome to all the newbies, this is a great place to be!

    May 2 - 1.5 miles
    May 3 - 8 miles
    May 6 - 3 miles
    May Total: 12.5 miles
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Teacher Appreciation week to some of my favorite teachers! :flowerforyou:

    I am so far behind in personals, but I’m determined to catch up with everyone (all 8 pages) over the weekend. The good news is that I won’t have to work tomorrow, they are going to take my computer away soon and then I’ll be a fish out of water until my new one is installed and the new software loaded on Monday. The good news is they are giving me a new widescreen monitor so working on spreadsheets will be much easier. Luckily I have some paperwork to catch up on, maybe I’ll get my desk cleared up some today. :wink:

    Welcome to the newlings that have stopped by and I missed, just time for a couple of personals this morning…

    @Karen~I know you must be completely overwhelmed with grading right now, hang in there—the end is near!

    @Nicole~Its nice to see you, miss you around here—sorry to hear about your puppy, losing a pet is so hard. :cry:

    @Robin~LOL. No, it’s just a huge upgrade to our A/P software—we haven’t upgraded it for 10+ years so there has been a lot of training and testing in the new software for the last two weeks. When it comes to accounting you have to test EVERYTHING! We have get comfortable with the changes too, reports are different, and we aren’t exactly receptive to change! :laugh: On top of the software upgrade we've also had to upgrade from WIndows XP to Windows 7--so its been one heck of project!

    My cardio has been abysmal the last couple of weeks due to late hours at work, I have seen my trainer a couple of times though—I hope to get back into my routine this weekend. I also joined a new gym, which is huge—same size as my previous gym only no pool or racquetball court, but it has everything I need and is only $10/mo. :bigsmile:

    Mileage for Thursday, 5/8/14—3.05mi

    Have a wonderful Friday and even better weekend. :heart:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Friday and to all you Moms, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Being a Mom is not only the toughest, but the best job on Earth. Just thinking about my daughters makes me smile. I am so blessed to have 2 smart, kind, responsible and wacky kids. And some day, I hope they'll give me a grandchild or two, but no pressure (yeah, right).

    Sunday is also my 56th birthday. They say "another year older and wiser". Well, this year I feel younger and MUCH wiser. When I look back to a year ago, I am thrilled with what I've accomplished and how much more I'm enjoying life. And oh so thankful for all my blessings, including all of you who have supported me and made me laugh all along the way.

    May Mileage Goal: 100 miles

    5/1 - 2 miles (class)
    5/2 - 5 miles (walk)
    5/3 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/4 - 3 miles (walk)
    5/5 - 4.25 miles (class plus 2.25 mile walk)
    5/6 - 3.75 miles (walk)
    5/7 - 2.00 miles (walk)
    5/8 - 3.5 miles (class plus 1.5 mile walk)
    5/9 - 2.00 miles (class)

    Total Miles - 28.5
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.


    “The significant problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them.” ~Albert Einstein

  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @melwillbeheal - way to go on getting back to the gym! :)
    @kamakazeekim- Welcome :) You lost 50 pounds before you had the sleeve done, right?
    @hjwhite-"How do you all handle cravings? I have tried to eat something healthy, keep my mind occupied on something else, exercise, etc. and nothing works. I have been told by others that diet that if you crave it you might as well eat it when the craving hits because if you don't you will end up eating it eventually in the near future but it will probably be a bigger serving. Is this something you all have heard and is it true for you?" --- It depends on the craving for me. If it's just a passing craving like a donut or for Rally's fries...mmmm....Rally's fries....I tell myself if I still want it in two more days I'll have it. If it's a craving for something like Subway, then I make sure it fits in my calories, and I'll eat it. The cravings come and go, I have a new weakness for m&ms and chocolate that I didn't have before, but I don't eat ANY fast food (besides Subway and Chipotle). I take the good with the bad. I don't believe that if you don't satisfy your craving then you will eat a bigger serving later. That's just a person giving in and allowing themselves to have a larger serving.
    @naceto- I'm glad you're back! :)
    @skinnyjeans- I have a fitbit flex that I hardly ever wear now because it's very sensitive to normal movements, but it didn't track ANYTHING while I was exercising. It'd really be about the same to purchase a $10 pedometer. :( Fitbit fail.
    @robin - I'm so glad to hear you're cancer free! :)
    @bigunme- you can do this :) Remember that MFP thinks you're burning more calories than you are most of the time on the trackers. You sound like you're doing awesome with working out, just be sure to listen to your body and don't push too hard. I remember when I was heavier how hard I pushed wanting results and I ended up hurting myself because my body couldn't take it. (But, then again, that's just me! :))
    @littleshadow--woah 8 miles? :)
    @Morgori - way to go on your walking! :)

    AFM: Went to my parents' house yesterday and my mom told me I have huge thighs, but I'm starting to have ankles again instead of cankles. Needless to say, I felt devastated. My mom means well, and I know that...but it really hurts me to hear all of these things she's been thinking about me for the past 4 years. /sigh I ended up eating a ton of pasta, which I know was partially emotional eating. I made up a full meal plan for this weekend so I have to stay on track.

    (These are only counting exercise miles, not everyday walking miles)
    Here are my miles so far:

    5/7: 2.32 (running on crushed limestone sand stuff...ermagerd)
    5/8: rest day
    5/9: 2.4

    5/7: ran at the park instead
    5/8: rest day
    5/9: 9

    On foot: 10.77
    On bike: 30.5
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome NEWBIES - you'll fit in quite well, just relax about the whole thing. Its a long and bumpy road. Give yourself a long time to get used to the idea that this is a new life and new lifestyle! Stop in every day and this thread moves quickly. So just post "BUMP" to save your place if you have nothing to say just to keep up!

    Kah - its every horrible thing I imagined - but so glad your getting a wide screen for your spreadsheets!

    LivesToTravel - HAVE a Great BIRTHDAY on SUNDAY! Hope its wonderful!!!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    AFM - no weight loss this week - a little disappointed but after last night I have no one to blame but myself. Going to be a gorgeous day and plan on goiing for a little walk.