My 2011 52 7/7 challenge!!



  • Missouwechanged
    Missouwechanged Posts: 963 Member
    YEAHH!!! I just completed a 6K walk in about 75 minutes. It is so good to be back!!

    Missou : 4/7

    I will tell my story to the new participants so that they understand why I started this goal a year ago. I don't want any sympathy or Wows. I did what I needed to do to keep me going as everyone does. 23 years ago I was hit by a car while crossing a street to meet my boyfriend who was picking me up. 8 years later, I broke the tip of my right femur bone that is in the knee and ended up with a valgus in the leg. Both of these events and the fact that I was taking a medicine that was causing muscle pain where very hard on my body and in March 2009, I had difficulty just getting up and walking in my house, my back was in so much pain. I knew I had to do something so I stopped the medicine and that is when I discovered MFP. My husband had taken massage therapy classes to help me with the pain, he even went to take some calsses in the United States with three different teachers to perfect his skills. He now has magic hands :wink:

    Before the accident, I was an artistic gymnastic coach and I had some knowledge of how to start my rehabilitation. Hubby had to give me a little treatment on my back every evening so that I could keep on going in the first few months. Because of the accident, I have a partial paralysis on the right side of my body that makes it absolutely impossible for me to run, even jogging is difficult so I walk and use the inclines when using my treadmill. In 2005, I got myself one of Tony Little's Gazelle's Cross Trainer because I felt it was going to be easier on my back. It is true but I couldn't use it enough back then.

    Between March and December 2009, I did a lot of progress but I sometimes would spend weeks without doing anykind of exercises just because I was lazy. I wanted to have somekind of challenge that would keep me moving and I knew MFP was a good place to start it. I began the 2010 52 7/7 Challenge with no great expectations. I didn't beleive I would keep it up for even 1 month. You can imagine my surprise when I completed 6 months with only 1 day off.

    Last July, I had a surgery in my jaw. I had a plate and 5 screws that were installed on my chin but 1 of the screws was rejected and I had a bone infection because of it. The screw was remove last December and now, I feel really good and up to starting a new 52 7/7 challenge for 2011. I doubt that I will get a perfect score by the end of the year since I need to have my uterus removed and hopefully will get some type of work done on my knee but this year, I intend to keep on giving smileys to those of us who deserve it. I also don't intend to have another major infection like I did last year, that way, I will keep on moving even if it is just going up and down the stairs or going on the treadmill for a while.

    This challenge is one that hopefully will help us keep on moving, even on our rest days. A walk, going up and down the stairs, playing tennis or bowling on the Wii counts. The more we move, the more agile we are and the more we are able to do. Sometimes, when I read what Brenda, Victoria, Verda or Choco do, I get discouraged because I am now unable to do it but then I think about how much I have accomplished since the accident and I don't feel so bad. I hope to do Shaun T's Hip Hop Abs DVD's someday but for that, I need to have my knee checked.

    Here is my little story and now, I will go do some reps on the AKP. I want a flat belly after the removal of my uterus :happy: :happy:
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Okay, now that I had time to read the rest of the string and your INCREDIBLE story Missou here ya go:
    1/7 3.0 miles @ 5.8 mph on treadmill with no incline.
    2/7 3.3 @ 5.8
    3/7 3.6 @ 5.9
    4/7 4.0 @5.9

    Keep plugging Missou and everybody else as well! This is an excellent challenge. Congrats to Choco!!

    Tomorrow and once a week after that I'll do the distance and speed on 1.0 incline and increase the incline every other week .5. I'll be up to 3.0 incline by the middle of March and running 7 miles/day. I'm starting calastenics/ weight training this week and kind of easing into it. I'll start reporting that next week.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco, what can I substitute from Insanity for the HIIT workout today? Only 15 minutes? I know it is tuff but that seems short! Tomorrow is the same as yesterday right? I can NOT wait till Thursday when my Turbo Fire arrives!!!! I will hit the elliptical AND what ever you suggest from Insanity to get my 500 calorie burn in for the day!!!

    I sure miss Debra (makeitallsue):sad: ! Her computer must still be on the fritz!!! But she is still workin it cuz she received the treadmill for Christmas!!!

    You could probably substitute Pure Cardio because it's about 20-25 minutes of madness if I recall correctly. 15 minutes may be too short for you b/c you go hard w/your workouts but it was just right for me. Now I'll admit I could have continued exercising but not sure I'm quite ready for a full 30 minute HIIT. Tomorrow is Fire 30 and abs so I'm sure you can find an Insanity workout that will substitute in nicely.

    Good luck and keep us posted with what you decide to do.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Missou: No need to feel discouraged b/c the point of this challenge is to move more than we have in the past and you've definitely done that. Despite all the setbacks last year you are still here and haven't given up and that's truly what matters.

    I look forward to receiving my first smiley face in 2011 and seeing the final 2010 chart.

    Running: Thanks for the support and great job w/your running. It seems you have a plan in mind to get you to your goal and that's the most important step. Great job.
  • Count me in! I just found this today. But I started my workouts yesterday!

    3/7 2.8 @ 3.5 mph on the road
    4/7 3.0 @ 4.0 mph on the road

    So looking forward to this challenge
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    4/7 with a 1 mile warm up on the elliptical AND Insanity's Max Interval Plyo workout (oh how I forgot how tuff he is)! I burned 577 cals in 60 minutes!!!! The weight is coming off! I want 10 pounds gone by Feb 19th. (that is when we go on our cruise!)
    Today is my 375th consecutive day of physical activity!! It has become a habit like brushing my teeth!!!!!!:wink:

    A BIG welcome to all of the new joinies!! It is fabulous to have you join our daily trek! Super job to Choco for hitting her perfect attendance and to Debra (makeitallsue) who I think only missed one/maybe two days in the whole year! She'll be back with us when her computer is up and running (like her) again!!! Debra is also a huge motivator for our group! Best wishes in the new year and may you put your best foot forward everyday!!!

  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Wow well done vhuber! amazing stuff....... I have managed an hours exercise today but got nowhere near a 577 cal burn :grumble: be lucky to reach 200 lol
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    3/7 was a 15 minute brisk walk.
    4/7 is a 50 minute aerobics DVD that I have completed 30 minutes of and I'm trying to convince myself to get up and finish it... LOL
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    4/ 7- 1/2 mile warm up treadmill, Shred L1.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Congrats Choco!! Job well done!!

    Verda: My Turbo Fire should arrive on Thurs as well!!

    Missou: Thanks for sharing your story!!!!

    2/7: 56 minutes of Michelle Dozois Peak 10 Cardio Interval Burn & 20 minutes of Yee Yoga for Your Week: Standing Poses
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Way to go Choco!!

    I completed Turbo Jam Cardio Party Mix 2 tonight so that puts me at 3/7 for this week.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    4/7 with 24 minutes on treadmill. I'm counting lugging the baby in carseat as strength training. Especially since it's not my baby lol.
  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    bump for later
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Congrats, Choco! What an inspiration! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Welcome all ye newcomers! This thread is very inspiring!

    I have news: I am Teacher of the Year at my school! :noway: Needless to say, I'm very shocked! :blushing:

    4/7: 15 minute walk
  • Congrats bluenote!

    4/7 - 47 minutes of Wii Fit..burned 325 cal

    This thread has really motivated me...I was so tired after I put kids to bed but I still got a workout in.
  • Choco, what can I substitute from Insanity for the HIIT workout today? Only 15 minutes? I know it is tuff but that seems short! Tomorrow is the same as yesterday right? I can NOT wait till Thursday when my Turbo Fire arrives!!!! I will hit the elliptical AND what ever you suggest from Insanity to get my 500 calorie burn in for the day!!!

    I sure miss Debra (makeitallsue):sad: ! Her computer must still be on the fritz!!! But she is still workin it cuz she received the treadmill for Christmas!!!

    True HIIT workouts are a max of 20 minutes. The HIIT that athletes do, such as sprinting and things like that. The point of HIIT is you should not be able to go for any longer once you're done, you should be entirely wiped by the time you're done a HIIT workout and that's why you should only do it only a couple of times a week.
  • Oh I guess I should put in yesterday and today's activities.

    01/03/11: 3/7
    Short walk
    01/04/11: 4/7
    Restish day
    8 min Abs
    A couple of minutes of stairs and a little bit of light walking.

    I really wish my foot would get better. I have such an incredible desire to give my body a good *kitten* kicking but it won't let me at the moment.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    I am 5/7 with Week 5 Day 2 of C25K, 30 minutes on the treadmill.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Congrats bluenote!!

    wanna_be_fit - I was right there with you this morning. Completed Week 5 Day 2 of C25K. That puts me at 4/7 for the week and I still have Turbo Jam Sculpt to do tonight.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Congrats to all for another successful day!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 5/7 for me: 4.0 miles @ 5..9 mph with 1.0 incline. Boy, I have read that motivational music played loud is best during exercise so it drowns out the pain, and I'm here to tell you that they're right!! I usually only do the incline as hill training like HIIT. This is an addition I wanted to try to build strength through resistance. I had no trouble through the first 2.5 miles and then I noticed my breathing getting a little labored. Then 6060-842 started and I knew my stride was off. I adjusted and my breathing got back to 2 steps in and 2 steps out like it should be. I got to 3.3 and Whammy Kiss and Work That Skirt got me through to the end. I felt awesome!! At the end I could feel it in my calves and my thighs a little. Thanks to the B-52s and to God goes the Glory.:bigsmile:
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