90 Day Challenge



  • ninja88
    ninja88 Posts: 32

    01/05/11- Ran for 30 minutes then did some stretching, almost 45 minutes!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Viv No 7

    Did 45 mins of aerobics on Wed 5th Jan.

    Means I need to do another 45 mins today to complete challenge 1.

    I suppose it's easy for me as my main form of exercising is dog walking. I won't add my running club into the mix on Friday's as I started this before joining the challenge.

    Alison thanks for starting this, I'm sure you are going to have your hands full tracking over 100 members.
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    :smile: Viv No 7

    Did 45 mins of aerobics on Wed 5th Jan.

    Means I need to do another 45 mins today to complete challenge 1.

    I suppose it's easy for me as my main form of exercising is dog walking. I won't add my running club into the mix on Friday's as I started this before joining the challenge.


    Yes i do, but i enjoy it. As long as everyone can use their reference number when logging, its not that bad, infact i just go straight to the number and log you for the day you say you worked out, plus i have 3 columns, so i know who has completed and who has not.

    Alison thanks for starting this, I'm sure you are going to have your hands full tracking over 100 members.
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    #67 Viki

    I'm splitting up my two remaining workouts between yesterday, today and tomorrow. I did 30 extra minutes on the treadmill yesterday. Joined a few days late and just getting back to exercise after a VERY long time. Need to creep into it a bit! But, Im going to do my best to keep up.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    I am soo bummed I haven't been able to do any workouts or exercise this week due to a damn chest cold/possibly pneumonia/bronchitis, but even though I feel like crude I've been eating good!
  • erlagis
    erlagis Posts: 20

    did extra 45 min walking this morning
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member
    #92 Bluemagic33 ( Laurie)

    Sunday 3.7 mile tm running
    Tuesday TM 3.45 mile running
    Thursday tm/walking 5.25
    Monday boot camp 45 min

    finished week one challenge whoop.. TIme to get it done..
  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    #34 Winnie

    Just returned from one hour of kayaking!

    That makes 2 of 3 days for the extra 45 minute challenge for me! Last night I was wondering how I could squeeze in 2 more extra workouts this week. Now, I'm deciding between riding my bike or paddling again tomorrow. I may do both! I haven't been perfect on my diet, but under calories all but yesterday so far.

    I'm really glad to have found this challenge.

    I hope everyone else is doing well too.
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    #67 Viki

    Just put in 30 extra minutes of treadmill. After an extra 30 minutes tomorrow I'll have completed the challenge. Yay!
  • frenchfri87
    frenchfri87 Posts: 196 Member
    #20 Stephanie

    Another beautiful day today here in New York. I did an extra 45 minute cardio workout walking my puppy dog. That completes 2/3 of my challenge goal for this week. Off to the gym now for my regular workout!

    I hope everyone else is doing well :flowerforyou:
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    WTG all of you!! I have you logged in!!!
  • #91 Checking in

    Challenge complete Tues, Wed, and Thurs 45 min extra each day on the treadmill

    I do Tae bo in the mornings and walk,/jog treadmill at night for 1 hr regular
  • Way to go everyone!

    #79 Sarah

    Did my regular Thursday upper body workout today for 30 minutes. And then I swam for 20 minutes (to put towards the weekly challenge). I went back to the gym tonight to swim for another 20 minutes ( because I need 20 minutes of cardio to complete the challenge for this week) but the pool was closed! I hope to get in the extra 20 minutes tomorrow morning.

    So far 115 minutes. So close! This week's challenge has kicked my butt cause I normally workout for 1-1.5 hours Monday-Friday. But I am glad that I have stuck with it! This has been fun!
  • tiger87lilly
    tiger87lilly Posts: 139 Member
    Good luck everyone!
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    Yes thank you allison for taking on the challenge of starting this:) Joining this site has made me more aware of my calorie intake and keeping my body healthy. The exercise is getting easier to complete the 15 min each day. When possible i have been taking the stairs. I also have been parking further away so i can walk. I hope that i can lose weight by doing this. Slowly i will add more time each day for exercise:) Thanks again!!!!
    Debbie #41
  • 95: Spinning 60 minutes, Elliptical 20 minutes, and Upper Body 20 minutes
  • Hi,i hope you feel better ,good luck and take care.
  • thebigwindmill
    thebigwindmill Posts: 98 Member
    # 102

    Got my first day in! I did my first ever (cardio) aerobics class at my gym and 30 mins on an elliptical. Wow, was the elliptical hard to do though. :D

    Class - 45 mins extra cardio
    Class-15 mins + elliptical-30 mins
  • nonchalantaka
    nonchalantaka Posts: 25 Member

    Completed 2/3 for this weeks challenge.

    20 mins 30 Day Shred Level 1
    57 mins Slim in 6 - Burn in it

    I typically do 30 mins, 3 times a week.
  • #103

    I've done 2/3! Tomorrow is the last day right?

    I try to do 20 minutes of cardio a day, and I did 60 yesterday and 60 today. Added aerobics and weights as well!
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