Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • Matrix_Dragon
    Matrix_Dragon Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all,

    My name is Tim and I just joined here ( at the urging of friends and such )

    I turned 28 in March and need to lose about 20-30 for a surgery in September. I Just finished recovering from a damaged ankle; so I'm taking great joy in being able to walk again.

    Feel free to add me if you want a partner in crime or to just talk/ motivate each other.

    I promise I don't bite

  • 1swolpanda
    1swolpanda Posts: 120 Member
    hey guys im mark

    im always looking for new friends

    add me if u want and ask questions ill try to help u as much as i can from my experience
  • AubrieJo328
    AubrieJo328 Posts: 35 Member
    25 years old. 47 pounds down. 38 more to go. Always happy to have new friends:smile:
  • Hello,I'm Margeritte a 40 yr old mom of 3 daughters ages 16-12&9 yrs..........; I am very overweight, have always been all my life;but am ready for changing........ But I'm doing things at my own pace ..........I have began cutting down my eating, junk foods are my weakness;& have to try & keep these foods away from me ....Or learn myself to tell myself i don't need them..........I want to be a healthier me, & I ant to be able to buy nice clothes..............My current weight is 360 lbs & my goal is to be 160 lbs.....I am giving myself a till May 28 2016........I have no friends & would love to have a few help motivatinally each other.........:drinker: :smile:
  • hello david ,I am margeritte I am new and am looking for friends,for motivational purpose..........u can add me if u want to ......please & thank you.....:smile:
  • Ripfit138
    Ripfit138 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Who doesn't have room for more friends...??
  • kamibug
    kamibug Posts: 2 Member
    Would love some friends! :) adding everyone here.
  • pakelly17
    pakelly17 Posts: 12
    I could use some friends, I did well in the beginning of the year but have plateaued and even regressed a little feel free to add me!
  • Mindo14
    Mindo14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am new here. Just started yesterday. I have done weight Watcher's in the past with some success, but I always put it back on. Could use some friends to keep me on track. I am 35 mom to 2. I work part time data entry from home.
  • Just started today! Please add me :)!
  • shanahz
    shanahz Posts: 261 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm quite active.
  • hellokimmy13
    hellokimmy13 Posts: 16 Member
    Yessss! Pals feel free to add me. Thanks!:wink:
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    I would love some new irreverent friends with open diaries.
    My friends rock, but a few new ones would be nice too.
    Please check my profile first though, I'm not everyone's cup of tea.
    Good luck to you all
  • jesseme
    jesseme Posts: 51 Member
    I joined MFP way back but just recently started using it the past couple of months. I'm open to new friends so feel free to add me!
  • keithm138
    keithm138 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm new too , and always happy to add some new friends , so add me if you like.
  • BeccaJoanne1991
    BeccaJoanne1991 Posts: 6 Member
    Really in need of some friends! :)
  • Erilynn93
    Erilynn93 Posts: 256 Member
    Hello! :)

    I'm only new to the community aspect of mfp but it's always good to get more support :) Anyone can feel free to add me.

    Good luck, all!
  • Whtmask
    Whtmask Posts: 219 Member
    Feel free to add me. ;) I'm on here almost everyday.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Greetings, aedreana here! I don't send individual friend requests; however, I accept friend requests sent my way. I have been on MFP for a little over a month. I have been on a weight loss diet since July 5 to get to 112 lbs. from a start weight of 121. I have not updated my ticker because I am not going to weigh myself till August. My profile and diary are set on public view. I refuse to exercise, because I hate exercise and have avoided it my whole life. I am vanity-driven to lose weight and I don't pay attention to nutrition. I eat processed food and don't care about recipes because I don't cook. I am a strict vegan so I vehemently oppose fishing, hunting, etc.; I am vegan for ethical. not health, reasons. I am an extremely negative person. I complain about everything, and I enjoy the company of other whiners and complainers!
  • Anyone can add me, I really do need friends to keep motivated!